Tenerife Sea ~ H.Potter

By wonderswoman

133K 4.7K 995

She didn't quite know what love was. She didn't quite understand it either. But what Harry Potter knew was th... More

P A R T | O N E
P A R T | T W O


5.1K 197 81
By wonderswoman

Tenerife sea

Karen Ambermathy very well knew what went on in the Wizarding worlds of witch craft and wizardry. Being a Squib herself, helped her get her hands into some details of the wand wielding humans that crowded the world in heavy secret. Her mother being the the Potions teacher at Illvermorny School, back in the United States of America. She had a rather pointed nose, her face was slender in shape with freckles that appeared on the two sides of her nose. But many had seemed to fade over the many years of stress and aging. For she was the women that Edith had gained her ginger hair from, and the many freckles that covered her light skin. The old women was quite beautiful what so ever, being a veela and all. A veela with the same power of a witch. Which was quite extraordinary in the United States.
It wasn't  that hard for Karen Ambermathy to be noticed by the local wizards that would see her walking down the streets.  Or by the muffled as well, she was very well known in the neighborhood as the "mother of that girl who put Meredith Opal in a coma." Which was not a proud title that she held on her shoulders.
She would gossip with Ms.Figg about the local Wizarding news for she was a Squib as well, born from Magical blood but not gaining any herself. For that she would read the Daily Prophet ever night, when the moon was the highest in the sky and so was her husbands snores that would make her want to shove a pillow over his face. Her eyes danced across the thin paper filled with moving pictures of printed black ink enchanted by the magic of the witches and wizards. 

Harry Potter The boy who lived at it yet again.
Claims that He Who Must Not Be Named has returned from The Dead.

The Ambermathy couple was well aware about the Boy who lived next door, the the only wizard to defeat lord Voldemort. At just the age of 1 years old. The mother of the ginger girl had given it some thought that having her daughter hang with the Famous wizard, was not the smartest idea she had ever let slide through. The boy would have Death eaters after him and the Darkest wizard of all time at his heels, and it was not the place for a helpless muggle girl to be around. For she was nervous for her daughter, who had finally found someone to be consistent with unlike her past relationships. Alas It was not safe for Edith Ambermathy to be around Harry Potter.

"Edith, can I talk to you." The dark haired mother said her cheek touching the cold white painted wood of the door as she leaned up against it waiting for her daughters reply.

"Yeah come in," she shouted back at her mother, as the ginger pinned back her long hair into two braids in each side of her head. One on the right and one on the left. Music from the small radio that sat on her dresser filled the air through out her room as Edith hummed the words that she barely knew to the song. Loose hairs that could not be trapped by the water she had lathered on top of her head and the pins, touched her forehead, as Edith moved the shorter cut pieces of hair behind her ears. She smiled at the image in the mirror before her, Today she was going to see Harry. Again. She was rather proud of herself for that, the feeling of giving up didn't fill her mind at the time just yet. Unlike the rest of the people she had tried to get to know.

"Why hello my pretty girl," Karen Ambermathy spoke awing at her beautiful daughter. Her breath stopping as she watched her daughter apply some mascara on to her long brown lashes,

"Why are you getting ready?" She asked hoping that her daughter was not going to see the Potter boy once again. Karen did not particularly like Edith's tatics of meeting new "friends" or just people. But she was just okay with it if it meant that she moved on from the potter boy. 

"I'm going to see Harry again!" She said giggling a smile stretched across her freckled face as she set the tube of mascara down blinking her eyes ever second. Edith's Excitement was through the rough, this was the first time she had been with someone more than 3 times, well other than that other time. Many did not think the Ambermathy girl could get over what had happened with Meredith Opal, but they were very well surprised when Edith walked into school with a Very tall curly haired blonde boy walking with her the very next. Who was glad to take the place of the coma induced girl. Edith had so called gotten over Meredith Opal in a matter of hours since she was chatting up a storm the day after with Ryan Malcrats the schools head football player.

"Well, isn't it this the 4th time your seeing Harry?" Her mother said nervously not ready to lay down the news onto her overly excited daughter.

"Yep isn't it great!" She said getting up pulling the denim jacket off of her bed pulling it over the light gray dress she decided to wear that day. That just reached her knees.

"I'm seeing him again, and I actually want too. I just like being around him I don't know why but I just do and he gets all nervous around me and barely anyone gets nervous around me because they all try to act cool and confident and unreal. And I've never had this since well since, umm." Edith paused at the end of her ramble. Her mind going to a place she had attempted so hard to avoid, to hide herself from all this time. Meredith Opal was a rare thought in the mind of Edith Ambermathy, she had avoided thinking about her all these times but her brain couldn't help but wander off into her memories.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go see him again," Her mother replied slowly, as Edith's eyes widened.

"Wh-what I don't understand, I don't get it!" She yelled her hands balling into fist, gripping onto the cloth of her dress.
"After all these years! I've brung home so many people and now that I've actually found someone I want to talk to you wont let me!" She screamed at her mother.

"I've never been this happy since then," Edith said softly, her eyes beginning to tear. A pit of guilt filled the bottom of her stomach, she felt as if she was over reacting. That she was being so child like, that she could have done better.
Maybe her mother was right, that getting to close with Harry was the wrong choice to make. For she had never said that getting close to him was a bad decision she had only said to not hang around with him any longer. Maybe she was just scared that Edith would get hurt once again.
Alas the Ginger haired girl ignored her feelings of guilt as she grabbed her small purse as she walked down the creaky old carpeted stairs of her home, rather dramatically, she had only lived in for about a year. Edith wiped the tears from her eyes with her index finger as her black flats padded against the same sidewalk she had walked down the day before.

Edith knocked on the door, of Number 4 Privet drive. Edith slid her hands down to the golden door knob as she tugged and turned it causing the door to pop open revealing a very embarrassed Harry Potter.

"Were you waiting for me Mr.Potter?" She tutted her right hand propped on her hip as she held a pointing finger at him. Harry brung a hand to the back of his neck as he rubbed it in embarrassment,
"I just saw you walk out of your house."

"Why'd you think I was coming for you, I was simply coming to see Dudley." Edith joked, a small giggle came from her lips as she covered her mouth with her hands. Harry's face was filled with disappointment as he looked down at the old floor,

"Well um okay?" He said softly, opening the door wider for Edith to come into the Dursley home.
Edith erupted in laughter her face had gone red, as she bended over to touch her knees in complete laughter.
She stood traitor up again a smile wide on her face,

"Wow, you love me that much potter?!" She asked loudly her hands grabbing his as she pulled him out the door, as it slammed behind him.

"Maybe I do," he mumbled the ginger haired girl not hearing a thing. Harry could not have possibly been in love with the Ambermathy girl he had only met her last week. Well he had spoken to her more than he had ever spoken to cho and Ginny in the 3 years he had known them. Which was quite the accomplishment. Harry Potter had never thought he would have a pretty girl knock on the front door waiting for him, he never thought he would like her this much even. He had never thought she would like him this much. The girls at hogwarts paid no attention to the boy wizard. Who was supposedly famous, just in his last year many would not dare go to the Yule Ball with him. But now he had Edith the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on and she was all that mattered to him. Well and Hermione, but this was different.

"What do you want to do today, kind sir?" Edith asked her hands unwrapping themselves from his arms she wrapper her arm around his as the two teens walked down the sidewalks of privet drive.there elbows tougher like those string of monkeys that you would play with in primary school, as you scurried to unhook their arms at the end of the day. Edith would not be scurrying to unhook Harry's arm from hers any time soon, she knew that for sure.

"Why I have a not a clue m'lady," The boy who lived said back a terrible posh accent coming with his words.

"Harry you can't try to be posh, you're already british." Edith exclaimed rolling her eyes tugging him closer to her as they continued to walk down the same sidewalk they walked down the day before. Edith took in a breath as she racked her bran for something for the pair to do that day, she would say have sex since she hadn't gotten some in a while, but Harry probably wouldn't be up for that.

"Are you a virgin, Harry?" Edith asked innocently she turned to look at the side of the teenaged boys face as she finished her very unusual question.

Harry blushed, he could feel the warmth crawl up his neck and up to his cheeks marking it with the red tint he was oh so familiar with. Edith giggled as she watched the clearly flustered boy, her smile so wide her small fronts of her back teeth could be seen.

"Pffft yeah, um no." Harry stuttered trying to collect his words round the beautiful girl.

"Okay so you are a virgin," Edith giggled once again as the two continued to walk down the straight sidewalk path.

"Ooo I have an Idea!" The ginger haired girl shouted as she jumped up and down, which reminded Harry of Ron when it was the christmas feast at Hogwarts. Oh how Harry had missed Hogwarts, but he wouldn't want to go back now he was with Edith.

"We should go thrift shopping, because one I'm pretty broke and two you are too!" Edith shouted as she laughed her idea clearly taking over her mind. Edith always went thrift shopping for weird antics or cheaper clothe that she loved oh so dearly. Harry scrunched his eye brows in confusion, he had never thought of Edith Ambermathy as one who shopped at Thrift stores. Don't get me wrong they're absolutely splendid. But Edith seemed as one of the upper clansman of the neighborhood.

"I know the perfect place but its across town so we'll have to take the trains," Edith said walking faster towards the end of the neighborhood revealing itself to the real outside world filled with even more people, Muggles and Wiards alike. For then Edith thought back to the argument she had with her mother earlier that day, the way her mother looked so nervous. Her eyes sad, for what she had said to her daughter. Who had now just started to be happy once again. Who had hopefully found someone permanent to love. But Edith seemed to have given up on love, yes she did talk to people and she did kiss people and yes she did lay with people. But Edith had never loved, she had never felt as if she knew what this odd thing called love was or what it felt like or meant. For Edith was convinced that she didn't love Harry Potter for she didn't know why love was, and Harry potter would never seem to love her.

"Harry what's wrong with you?" the girl asked, her mothers word repeating into distant calls in her mind.

"Its just that my mom, she doesn't really like you for some reason." Edith spoke quietly looking at the wizard boy with her doe eyes, underneath her long thin lashes. Lots of people don't like me, Harry thought in his mind. It was the truth however, many people did not particularly like the Potter boy. For he was the one to claim that the Dark lord had returned above the soil, and the one to bring back Cedric Diggory's dead body. Which haunted his mind every night his eyes would shut tight. Harry had never put a thought to it that Edith's mother would know about the world he loved so dearly, the world in which magic was real, when you could make anything happen with a flick of your wrist and a couple simple words. In a World where almost every witch or wizard hated him or loved him. For it would make no sense if she did know about the wizarding world, but It would make sense of how she didn't want Edith around him. The boy practically attracted danger, like a magnet did with metal. Alas Harry wasn't so sure if it was a wise idea to let the secret of magic out to Edith just yet, just in case.

"The Dursley's don't really like me they probably told her something," Harry said which wasn't a lie at all, the Dursleys didn't like him one bit. They made nasty comments about him every time someone asked about the skinny boy.

"Well I don't really care," Edith responded pulling the boy faster towards the trains.

It has been quite a while since Edith been on a train, she used to ride on them all the time. It calmed her mind. Meredith would hold her hand as she guided her to a seat, it was as if she had someone to hold on too. Someone to lead her way, to go first when ever she didn't want to walk ahead. Edith never liked being a leader, she never liked to be the first for anything. But right now she was the one guiding Harry, Harry Potter had always been shy around the ginger. She didn't quite know if she liked it, which she probable did. Or if she found it amusing, which she probably did as well.

Edith sat on the seat next to harry her fingers running through her thick ginger hair as she hummed the quiet song that was playing above her through the tiny old run down speakers. Edith swing her legs out and in as they hit the front of the old grey booth like chair.

"This is boringer than I thought it would be," Edith said too the boy who sat next to her. The young girls main plain was to do something that would make her mother angry, because that is just what teenagers do. But this defiantly wouldn't make Karen Ambermathy angry just ticked off.

"Boringer isn't a word, Edith." Harry added as he smirked at the ginger haired girl as she slapped his arm playfully.

"Potter this is totally your color," Edith spoke in a sing song like voice holding up a emerald green t shirt. Walking over to Harry with the green shirt in her hands, she gripped her hands around Harry's arm pulling him away from the charms he was looking at, Edith turned his body towards her as she held up the plain green shirt in front of the wizard boys body.

"Matches your eyes," she smiled, Edith giggled placing the shirt into the royal blue basket that hung from her arm.

"What are you looking at?" The ginger girl asked as she turned to the tiny charms that Harry was running his hands through. "Oh charms," Edith shouted excitingly she reached down the clear box to pick up a small silver owl, just the size of the top of her thumb. "Its so cute," she said lovingly as she turned it onto its back side running her thumb over it.

"Ill get this too,"

Harry looked down at his right hands, opening it it held a small golden owl, just the size of the top of his thumb.

"I got so many dresses," Edith gushed twirling in in her space as she yet again walked down the tan slightly cracked sidewalks of privet drive. She paced slightly in front of the potter boy as she smiled looking back at him, "Walk faster Potter," she yelled as he began to walk a little faster towards the smiling girl. Once Harry got the least bit close to the freckled face girl she had began to run faster down the sidewalks or privet drive. As Harry shook his head watching her run away from him, but still very well laughing at the pretty girl. Alas Edith had stopped once she reached the Dursley home waiting for the slower boy to catch up to her, she tapped her right foot against the floor as she cross her arms over her chest. The plastic bag filled with clothes still in hand.

"You're late Mr," she said rolling her eyes as she glared at the boy. It didn't take long for Edith to erupt in laughter as she grabbed onto the hand that was not currently holding the golden painted owl.

"Lets go to your room, I'm tired of mine." Edith said pulling him closer to the front door of the Dursley home. Edith let go of Harry as she brung her fist up to knock on the brown painted door, with perfectly freshly painted strokes. Before Edith was able to knock a second time Dudley Dursley answered the door. Leaving Edith face to face with the oh so mean cousin of Harry Potter.

"Hi," she chirped waving at the pudgy boy "Well we'll be going upstairs now." Edith said quickly Attempting to grab onto the pale boys hands without looking back behind her.

Harry stood awkwardly not sure what to do, as Edith searched for the boys right hand, The girl let out and exasperated sigh before the boy grabbed onto her searching hand, as she smiled contently pulling him through the door along with her to his upstairs bedroom.

"You left me hanging there Potter, I was trying to look cool." Edith said dramtically as she flung herself onto the small twin bed that was pushed up against the back wall of his small bedroom. Edith buried her head into the fresh sheets of Harrys bed as he sat down on the edge farthest away from her. Edith pulled her knees closer to her body as snuggling into the blankets,

"Comfortable," Harry said looking a Edith,

"Mmmhhhh" she replied propping her head up with her arm, "I have something for you," she said sitting up from her spot on the small bed tugging the plastic bag towards her as she picked up the same owl charm, she had seen in the thrift store.

"Wait!" Edith shouted her eyes widening, she leaned over to the boys desk which wasn't far at all, Edith pulled out a black sharpie marker. She uncapped it with her teeth holding the cap in-between her lips as she Drew two circles around the eyes of the silver owl and a line to connect them. Glasses.

"Look now its you," Edith said handing the owl to Harry. Harry opened his palm to reveal an golden owl, he got up walking over to his small wooden desk as he pulled out a second sharpie marker which this time was bright orange. Harry set the owl in between his two fingers as he drew on messily orange swirls around the top of the owls head.

"Look now its you," Harry said handing the girl the small charm. Edith blushed a smile growing wide on her face. As she took his hands holding the two owls together, as they laid next to each other palms touching in front of the two teens.

"Look now its us." Edith whispered.

Authors Note

Ayyyyyeee hi guys, so were back with Harry and Edith i missed them. This chapter is so freaking long I've never written anything longer than this to be honest. Not a lot of important things happen but its just pure fluff. Ive gotten to the point where i can't watch the harry and cho kiss scene cuz i love Harry and Edith so much, oops. I hope you liked this chapter!



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