I See You (Larry Stylinson Au)

By louislovesharryyy28

911K 29.6K 53.3K

Going into a new school Harry is determined to hide the fact that he was born blind as long as he can in fear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Final chapter

Chapter 17

27K 941 1.3K
By louislovesharryyy28

The room is spinning. Well - he thinks the room is spinning but it's actually the alcohol. He's got a beer in his hand and he's stumbling through Niall's house, trying to find his boy. Niall was having a party for New Years and there were more people here than Louis thought would be but he wasn't complaining. He loved parties, especially when he was here with Harry. He had no idea where he was though. Zayn took him away while Louis was chatting with Niall to get him a drink. That was an hour ago and Louis is beginning to panic.

"Harry!" Louis sing songed, the alcohol preventing him from being too distraught. "Harold!" Louis side stepped through two people having a drunken heated debate over who was the better band; The 1975 or 5 Seconds of Summer. "5 Seconds of Summer." Louis mutters to himself as he's walking away. He decides to check outside on Niall's back deck. He just wants to be with his boy again.

When he pulled on the slider door he saw a very giggly Harry sitting on the railing of the deck, talking with Liam and Zayn. "There you are!" Louis exclaimed as he waved his beer about. "Here I am!" Harry said back when he heard Louis' voice. He didn't need to see to know Louis was talking to him. Who else would Louis be looking for? Louis goes up to the younger lad and has to stand as high up on his tip toes as he can get to kiss Harry since he was sat high up on the railing. Their lips barely touch but it's enough. Any kind of contact for them is enough.

Harry giggles into his hand when they pull away and Louis just notices the smell of alcohol on his breath. "Are you-Are you drunk?" Harry smiled like a little kid before saying, "Nooooo." Louis snorts. "You're fucking drunk." "Sorry Lou," Zayn said next to them, "I was just going to get him one to loosen him up while you were with Ni but one turned into six."

Louis waved him off, "The kid needs to have some fun." "What did you tell Anne about tonight?" Liam asked. "Just that he was staying at my house. Not a complete lie. My house is right next door." "Be careful with him yeah?" Liam warned as Harry began swaying.

Zayn took his arm to prevent him from falling off the rail. "I'm always careful with him. But I think we're staying here tonight. It's too cold to walk even a hundred feet. And Harry can barely stand on his own." Louis reassured since he knows Liam is just as protective of Harry as he is. Well maybe not as much. Liam just smiles at him, he and Zayn are too drunk to argue the consequences of lying to Anne, especially about her son. "Louis." Harry breathed out, and reached out his hand, trying to find the boy he's hopelessly in love with.

Louis chuckles and grabs his hand. "Here you are. Come here." Harry jumped down and pulled Louis close to him, hugging him tightly. Louis snorted. He was trying so hard not to laugh at Harry since this is his first time being drunk but Louis is too intoxicated to hold in his giggled

"I love having you here with me." Harry breathed into Louis' neck, "You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me Louis." Louis pulled away from him and cupped his cheek, running a thumb over the crimson colour since it was nippy out, "I think you've had enough love. You're very touchy feely right now." "I know but it's how I really feel." "Drunk words are sober thoughts." Zayn chimed in before sipping his beer. He and Liam were trying their best not to laugh too. Harry was a funny drunk. They probably shouldn't have let him get drunk considering he can't see and it'll be harder on him but they'll look after him carefully.

"I was so nervous moving to a new school again." Harry continues as he grips onto Louis' arm, looking past him rather than at him, "I thought I was going to be made fun of yet again and I thought I wouldn't have any friends. Who wants to be friends with a blind freak?" "Harry, you're not-" Louis, Liam, and Zayn all begin at the same time but Harry cuts them off, "No, no, I know. I know I'm not a blind freak. I know that now. Because of you Louis." Louis smiles lovingly even though Harry can't see him.

"And you, Liam, wherever you are." Liam snorts. "And Zayn and of course the Niall!" "'The Niall'." Louis repeated with a snort to himself. "You lads are my best friends. And I know I'm drunk but I mean it. And I mean it when I say I'm so happy I met all of you. Especially you Lou. Hey that rhymed." Louis shook his head and stepped in to kiss Harry deeply. "I'm happy I met you too Hazz. You mean a lot to me." "You mean the whole damn world to me!" Harry exclaimed, making a few people out on the deck smile fondly at him. They thought he was adorable. Everyone at school loved Harry. Nick was a sour exception.

"Really Louis. Really." Harry swayed a little too much and Louis had to catch him before he fell. "Alright, I think it's time we took this away." Liam said as he slipped Harry's beer out of his hands. Harry didn't protest. "Louis." "Yes Harold." Louis said as he was still holding onto Harry tightly. "I love you, Louis." No one made any surprised noises or facial expressions since the three knew this already. Louis' heart was thumping in his chest; however. He still wasn't used to hearing it, having only heard it once before. "I love you so much. I'm-I'm so in love with you I feel like my chest is on fire sometimes."

He leaned into Louis more. "In a good way, mind you. Just, whenever I hear your voice, or you touch me I feel like everything is okay. And it is, when I'm with you. Everything is perfect when I'm with you because I love you." Louis smiled softly. His heart was still thumping loudly, but this time it wasn't because he was scared to hear all of this. He was so happy.

Louis realized he actually loves hearing Harry say these things even if he doesn't feel it back just yet. He's never had someone care for him like Harry does. His mum loves him to pieces. Louis is her whole world but that's a different kind of relationship. Louis really loves having Harry in his life.

"You'e really drunk." Louis says with that same mocking giggle. "I know!" Harry said happily, as if he hadn't just poured his heart out to Louis. "But I mean it." Louis kissed him again. "Lads!" They heard that familiar Irish accent yell. Niall was running out to the deck, "Ten, nine, eight!" The others caught on and the five stood in a miss-formed circle as they finished the countdown, the other people on the deck joining in, "Three, two, one, happy New Year!"

They all hugged each other but Harry and Louis kissed before passing around a few hugs as well. "Can we sleep now?" Harry grunts with his arm slung over Louis' shoulders. Niall scoffs at him, "What you're done already? It's five seconds into the new year and you're going to sleep?" "Hey." Harry says, trying to act hurt but the wide grin on his face is ruining it. "It's alright Ni." Louis said, "He's never drank before. Maybe it's a good idea to get him to bed." "Alright you baby." Niall sasses but they know he's kidding. "Come on Hazz," Liam said, "Louis and I will help you." "That's okay." Louis interjects, "I got him."

Liam wants to protest but going up a flight of stairs right now sounds like the worst thing in the world. He knows Louis will watch after him. He agrees and Louis smiles measuredly before helping Harry inside. He walks him up the stairs and into the spare bedroom Louis often stayed in whenever he and Niall were spending the night together as kids. Not just as kids; they did last weekend. Louis lowers the younger lad onto the bed and Harry sighs happily at the softness of the sheets.

He takes off Harry's shoes, then his coat so he's a little more comfy in a t-shirt and jeans. Louis thinks maybe he should take off the jeans too but how would that look tomorrow when Harry wakes? He'd surely panic that he was just in pants. Although Harry had no problem letting Louis watch him get changed. He's sure Harry wouldn't mind. He unbuttons Harry's jeans and slides them off before pulling the covers back. He tucks Harry in and kisses his forehead.

Harry's eyes come open as Louis is pulling away. Harry wished he could see who this was. The lips feel like Louis' but he's too drunk to tell. "Louis? Is that you?" "Yeah. It's me love. I'm here." Harry smiled, hoping it's at Louis and moves his hands out from under the covers. He presses his fingertips to Louis' forehead and Louis smiles. He lets Harry do this so often he didn't even need to question it anymore. Harry just wanted to be able to feel what he looked like.

"You're beautiful Louis." He whispers as Louis sits next to him on the bed. "I wish I could see you." Louis pushes some curls out of his face, "You don't need to. I know you want to but you don't have to see me. All that matters is how I feel about you. And you're so special to me Harry. You're everything to me." Harry nuzzled his cheek against Louis' touch. "I love you." Louis smiles, "I know you do love." Harry finds he back of Louis' neck and pulls him down. Louis helps him and does most of the work in navigating their lips together.

When they pull away their faces are inches from each other when Harry breaths, "Make love to me." Louis immediately pulls back. "What? What happened?" Harry says sand goes to sit up but Louis gently pushes him back down, "No, no, don't get up love. Everything is fine." "Okay. Good. So, will you?" "Harry. You're drunk." "I know but I love you." "And I know that but it's not right. It would be taking advantage." "No it wouldn't I want to."

Louis shakes his head, "You say that now but you won't even remember it tomorrow. Listen Harry, I want to. I really, really want to. Probably since the first time I saw you when I hit you with that football. But if we do-" "When we do." Louis sighs, "When we do, I want it to be special. Not drunk in Niall's house. Yeah?" Harry thinks for a moment and even drunk he decided that this is the better idea. "Okay." Louis sighs in relief. "But you do want to?" "Shit, Harry of course I do. I know you can't see yourself but you are absolutely gorgeous. Sexy definitely."

Harry blushes, "Really?" "Really love. Even right now there are so many things I would do to you-" "So do them. Please." Louis loves hearing Harry beg. "No, love. I'm sorry but you're drunk and I like you and respect you far too much to do that." Harry sighs, "You're too amazing you know that?" "Yeah I know." Louis sasses making the two chuckle. "Get some sleep love. Okay?" "Okay." Harry replies tiredly and smacks his face back into the pillow. He's out cold by the time Louis re-tucks him in.

Louis chuckles at the boy and kisses his temple. "Goodnight Harry. I'll be back up later to spend the night with you." He gives another kiss before making his way out of the room. He shuts the door quietly but a voice makes him jump. "Is he okay?" Louis gasps at Liam's voice. "Sorry." He laughs. "It's fine. And yeah he's okay." "Alright, just making sure. Anne will have my arse if she finds out I let Harry run around with some miscreant." Louis snorts since he knows Liam is just kidding. "Asshole." Liam puts an arm around his shoulders and they make their way back downstairs.

Louis thought about saying yes to Harry's request since of course he wanted to but that wouldn't be right. Harry is better than that. Louis is better than that too. Another reason why they're perfect for each other. Louis knows Harry is too drunk to remember their conversations tomorrow so he surely won't remember expressing his love to Louis. It'll be like their back to square one but Louis doesn't care. He loves hearing it now. Louis is just going to mingle long enough to satisfy Niall. He just can't wait to get back to his boy.

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