AOMG/ Khiphop Imagines, Smut...

By alexxiss__

140K 1.5K 245

Kinda long, kinda short Just weird thoughts that come into my head and created tiny stories out of them. Mos... More

Jay Park ~ Hot Cocoa & Lyrics
Loco ~ Nearly Really Fucked
Gray ~ Pleasure
One (SMTM's Jaewon) ~ Sweet
Zion T ~ Baby
Jay Park ~ We're On The Balcony
1K Reads!
Beenzino ~ Last Fuck Before You Leave
Hello pt,2
Dean ~ I Want You

Simon Dominic ~ Night Night

14.6K 139 23
By alexxiss__

(This will be a bit different to everything so far, not really dirty, more of just a situation on a night out)
'Right well, I gotta go' I slur my words to Tiffany mostly drunk, it was probably three or four in the morning and we were clubbing in Soho, London.
I stagger over to one of the corners in the club hearing Tiffany half shouting half giggling from being drunk too 'Don't leave me! You bitch' I giggle at this, she was funny when she was drunk. I was stupid, I wandered into the wrong corner of the room, I thought I was headed for the exit but instead I trip over a curtain, falling and hitting my arm on a table, actually nearly tipping it over. If it wasn't for the man I looked up to see the table would've probably fallen and killed me, I will forever curse drunk me.

When I did look up, I was met by a concerned expression, I try and focus on him and that's when I really took in who he was. Simon Dominic from AOMG, what was he doing here? Oh yeah, right it's a club, he was probably paying for some kind of sex act. 'Are you okay, did you hurt yourself bad?' His voice is deep, deeper than what I had remembered it to be from all the interviews I'd seen him in. It was definitely hotter up close with guy. I am a fan of his, not crazy obsessed but I love his crew.

He helps me to a cushioned seat as I rub my arm where it had it the table, 'Not that badly really' I half whisper, still somewhat unable to control my speech being drunk.
'I know who you are' I find myself saying, damn why did I say that? I should just leave, no, nope, my mouth disagrees, 'You're the hot one from AONG'
'AOMG' He corrects me, smiling at my statement, unable to disagree.
I stand after a moments silence, he was really hot in real life and I couldn't trust me, in my current state, to not make out with him right there and then.
'It was great to meet you SssSsssimon but I have to go now' I giggle at him.
'Are you being serious? It's so late and you're very drunk, you can't go by yourself, it's dangerous' He stands and puts my arm around his shoulder, as if I was too weak to stand by myself.
'Oh yes yes yes you're right!' My smile drops when I take in what he had said,
'Oh sssshhhit how will I get home then?' I look at him sleepily, inhaling his scent, alcohol? No that was me, he smelt somewhat fresh, it was nice.
'I'll take you' He smiles again.
After much protesting about how I couldn't let him stop his night for me, I find myself in the back of a car, 'I could've walked you know' I say annoyed slightly at how I had allowed myself to get this drunk.
'Yes, you could've, but you're not, so where do you live?' He asks. Haha, I'm too dazed to remember.
'Oh sHIT, I left my bag with Tiffany, my keys?!! Fuck' I say banging my head hard against the car window, Simon reaches back to me and slaps my arm a few times,
'Hey, hEY HEY stop doing that, you'll hurt your head, fuck and my car', I kept banging my head until I found myself drifting to sleep.
I opened my eyes slightly, they were sore, slowly I widened them more and everything came into focus.

My ceiling isn't light blue? It's white? I point to the ceiling? Am I hallucinating? Am I dreaming? Still drunk? No, I was somewhere else, I shot up looking across this unfamiliar room, quite untidy, aftershaves and perfumes scattered across a desk with a big mirror, I look at myself in horror only just realising that that was how I looked yesterday, jheez that eyeshadow doesn't even go with my skin tone. Then I realise I was not in my own clothes, panicking I get out of the strange bed, only to hear a loud groan from beneath me, it was.. Simon? What? Why was he on the floor?
'Shit shit shit I'm so sorry oh my God' I say covering my mouth, I had stepped on his stomach.
'Argh fuck that hurt, way to wake me' He chuckles in pain.
'Hey, urm, what am I actually doing here? Where am I?' I ask as he gets up.
'You fell asleep before you could tell me where you lived, so here you are, in my hotel room, comfortable in my bed, while I lay on the floor in case you woke up and needed something' He smiles. His smile lingers and what a sight, I could see the wrinkles around his eyes, he looked tired, but still he was very cute.
'Ah, okay thanks' There was silence for a few moments.
'You didn't try anything on me did you' I laugh, but stop suddenly to look at him with a serious tone. He laughs loudy, 'You wish' I find myself punching his shoulder, 'Prick' I cover my mouth at what I had just called him, he laughs again.
'So uh, can I go home or do you plan to keep me hostage or something because really my friends and family are broke and have nothing to give you to release me'
'Nah I'll take you home, unless..'
'Well, I don't know, maybe you'd like to spend the day with me or you know- okay I'll take you home haha' He changes his mind mid sentence, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. Was he nervous? Cute.
'We don't even know each other though' I say, but I really would love that.
'Ahaha, then' He steps closer to me, 'We could get to know each other' He plants a kiss on my cheek, wow.


I blush, he kissed me on the cheek? Why? Why? Why? Why am I so stupid, I agreed to the day out - Fuck, I have a boyfriend though.

This was so stupid LOL
But my plan is for this book is that I update every day, so here it is, my crappy story 😂
Tbh I enjoyed writing it okay?
More to come though! xx

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