My Brothers : Begin Again

By SecretRose13

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Sequel to my my brothers. Something happened. Everything changed. Now Quinn finds herself in the small town o... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Four- Old Friends-1
Chapter Five - OLD FRIENDS- 2
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve - Haunted
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen- my worst enemies?
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Three

2.8K 74 32
By SecretRose13

here you go! chapter three. i hope you enjoy it!

Love Rose

Chapter Three

i was ready. i was so ready. it was the first day of school and i had a plan. new school new me. last night i found myself in the bathroom of our over sized house. i did something that i will like, but i'm not sure if anyone else will. i died my hair. i am officially blonde. i know stupid thing to do, but i needed to be different. the old me is gone. this is the new me. and i know one thing for sure, i'm so dead when i leave my bedroom.

"quinn?! are you almost ready?" fraser shouted outside my bedroom door. i looked at myself in the mirror one last time. my new blonde hair had been brushed, but i was going for the messy look. i had a plain white t-shirt on and a black leather jacket on. i had black ripped jeans and plain black boots on. i was ready.

i left my bedroom and greeted fraser. he took one look at me and his jaw dropped. "careful brother, a fly might fly in there." i told him and walked towards the stairs.
"what? your hair? your clothes? what the hell quinn?! what the fuck did you do?!" he snapped at me.
"language, it's not intelligant to swear, it means that you can not think of anything more intelligent to say and as my brother, i'd like to think you do." i told him. this was priceless. his face made me want to burst out laughing, but i stopped my self. "i'm hungry and i can smell bacon. "what...? we never cook for breakfeast?" fraser said confused.

the two of us headed downstairs and he was following close behind me. he'd obviously forgotton about me and his mind was preoccupied with the smell of delicious food, but that's understandable. i mean food ALWAYS comes first and if you don't agree with that, then i am sorry, but there is something terribly wrong with you.

"are you cooking?" fraser asked as we saw mason stood in the kitchen, by the cooker.
"yes i am couz would you like some bacon?" mason asked fraser. i liked mason, i got to know them last night after we had dinner. our cousins seemed alright. jacob not so sure about, but he gets on really well with david, which is good. "yes." i said answering for fraser. fraser looked at me and i shrugged. "coming sweets." he said to me. okay i hate being called things like that, especially by my cousin. it sounds like he's some creepy pervot or something, but i do know he's not.

My father and Noah walked in together and I could tell the smell of bacon had brought them to the kitchen. They caught Frasers eye and he said "dad how are we getting to school?" Luckily at first their attention was completely devoted to Fraser, but then their eyes locked onto me.
"Quinn Clark!" My father said furious.
"What the hell happened to your hair?!" David said when he entered the kitchen with Harry, stefan and Jacob came last, all of them were curious to see what was going on.
"It's the new me!" I said like it was no big deal, but I knew they wouldn't see it that way.
"How dare you die your hair young lady! I did not give you permission and you will die it back." My father told me.
"I will not." I told him. Fraser and David looked at each other, everyone was shocked. This was the first time I disobeyed my father.
"You will because I'm telling you to!" He shouted.
"You've told me what to do a lot lately and honestly I'm sick of it!" I paused. "So no! It is my hair and I can die it Amy colour I want to!" Everyone's eyes widened when I had finished. They couldn't believe I just went there and neither could I.

"Noah you will be responsible for your younger siblings and cousins while you are in school. Seeing as though you are my oldest son in school. Especially keep an eye on your sister.i would ask you mason but you are new to the family and I can't ask you to try and controls children. However do keep an eye on your brothers." He stopped and turned to look at me.
"I deal with you later Quinn Clark." My father said and then left for work.

Noah's eyes locked on me. "You little bitch!" He shouted. He came towards me and pushed me against the wall.
"Why are you always causing problems?!" He shouted at me.
"Noah get the fuck. Off. Of. Me!" I demanded.
"Do not swear at me quinn! You can't always get what you want!"
"Noah get off!" I shouted.
"Noah let go of her!" David told him.
"She deserves this!" Noah shouted.
"No do not hurt her, now get off!" Harry said coming over and pulling him off of me. "Thanks bro." I said and walked towards the front door.

Did I go too far? Honestly I don't know. I feel a bit guilty, but I'm also kind of loving it!!!!!! I mean before they would treat me like the were stepping on shattered glass, scared I was going to Beak. Now they are actually a bit scared of me and what I might do next, well that's exactly what I want. I want to be the unpredictable girl who no one can second guess.

"Who's taking us to school?" Fraser asked completely ignoring or not Caring about what just happened.
"Aren't you Noah?" Stefan said. Shit, Okay every one was silent, our cousins couldn't understand why we were being like this. Noah hasn't driven a car since the accident and he got his licence back but dad took It away forbidding him to drive.
"No I am." Harry said trying not to go onto a touchy subject. "But there's not enough room in my car to take everyone, it's only got five seats." He explained.
"I can drive." Jacob told everyone. "But I don't have a car anymore." He continued.
"We'll that's a lot of help." I said sarcastically.
"Shut up Quinn. Mate you can borrow my car." Noah told him.
"Thanks." Jacob responded.
"Let's go. I'm sick of being here with all of you morons." I stated as I was already by the front door.

Harry came over to me and said "come on you, your coming in my car. I'm not leaving you alone for even two minutes, you can't be trusted." He told me placing his hand in the centre of my back, guiding me out the front door.

Eventually I found myself in the back of Harry's car. Him and stefan were in the front and I got forced to go I the back.

"So do you know what the schools like?" Stefan asked, trying to fill the awkward silence. I didn't answer, leaving it all to Harry. "No mate, I got here just before you did." He said.

"What about you Quinn?" My cousin questioned.
"What abou me?" I answered now clearly confused.
"Do you know anything about the school."
"As much as you."
"You guys are really prepared aren't you?" He said smirking.
"You bet." I replied.

Eventually after that annoying small talk in the car, which I hate, we arrived at the school .
"Average." I commented, this being my third high school I have now been to I'm getting used to it.

We all stepped out of the car, everyone who was driven by Jacob also got out. Everyone was looking at us. Are they thinking who are these new kids? Why are there so many? Or something like that? I don't know but they could stop staring. What are they staring at?! It's really starting to piss me off! But then I realised. All the girls eyes were drawn to the boys. The boys eyes however were drawn to me. Why are they looking at me?! This is just weird.

The seven of us headed towards the building. We eventually found the office and told them we were new and needed schedules and god knows what other shit.

"Should we go and have a look around?" Mason suggested. His bright blue eyes were looking at all of us.
"It's a bit weird all of us going round together brother, don't you think?" Jacob said, which made me laugh. Everyone turned to me. "What?" I snapped and they all looked away.
"You're right Jacob. Lets go." Noah said and him and Jacob disappeared.
"That just leaves the five of us then." Harry said with a sigh.
"No it leaves the three of you." I said and pulled away the person I was stop next to thinking it was Fraser, but it was actually stefan.

He looked at me funny. "I'm sorry I thought you were Fraser." I told him.
"Don't worry, we all make mistakes."
"You know you don't have to stay with me if you don't want to right?" I asked.
"Don't worry, i'd rather be with you than being watched like a hawk by my brother. He's more controlling than he seems you know." He told me.

Me and stefan spent the first ten minutes together until we had to separate to go to different classes. I really liked stefan. We got on quite well and he was different from how I expected. I'm not so sure on his brothers yet, I need to get to know them.

I walked into my English, which was still and forever will be my favourite subject! However when I walked in there I was furious. At the back of the room sat my brother Noah and cousin Jacob. They were sat in a group of guys talking. Well they make friends fast, don't they? Luckily they hadn't seen me.

I walked over to the teacher and told her I was new and she directed me to a seat next to a blond haired girl.

"Hey I'm karli! " she said happily.
"I'm Quinn." I told her. We covered the basics like why I move here, which I had agreed with my brothers to tell people why we moved here was because of my dads job. Which was kinda true , but not completely.

"Okay class, so today we have three new pupils." The teacher started. God can she shut up?! I didn't want people to know straight away I was related to those idiots and they had only now just realised I was in the same class as them. I turned to look at Noah and Jacob, Noah was glaring at me and Jacob only glance at me. "Would you like to stand up and introduce yourself s?" The teacher said.
"Hi I'm Quinn Clark." I said but didn't stand up.
"Boys?" The teacher said.
"How about no." Noah said making the class laugh. I had never seem him like this. "Very well. Class the rude boys name is Noah Clark and his friend is Jacob Clark. Are all three of you related?" The teacher questioned. I rolled my eyes.
"The rude boys my brother and Jacobs my cousin." I explained. She nodded and Got on with her lesson.

"You're cousins not that bad looking." Karli said.
"Never really thought about it." I replied.
"What's he like?" She asked me.
"Honestly? I have no idea. I mean I just met him." She nodded understanding.

Me and karli didn't really listen we just talked the whole lesson. I guess you could say we've become pretty good friends.

By the end of the day I had become friends with karli and I think we were pretty close now even though its just been a day. I have two close friends at my new school and honestly that all I need. The second friend was a girl called lexi. She was very outgoing and could be scary but that's why I liked her. They both didn't know each other before I introduced them and I guess now its the three of us because we a with each other at lunch and in lessons we became inseparable.

However I could tell Noah had settled in pretty well. Him and Jacob had become really close and now had also created they're own little group. I didn't like it, they're friends seemed a certain type to me. The players, the bad boys and the jerks. I'm not sureI'm going to want to be home alone with their friends.

When I got home I found myself spending a lot of time with Stefan. We were upstairs in the attic together and we were just playing cards. I guess we were just bored with nothing to do.

Just then someone opened the attic door and walked in. It was Jacob. "Here you two are!" Jacob said.
"What do you want?" I asked. He rolled his eyes at me. "Will you drop your attitude?! It's getting really old." He snapped and sat down next to stefan.
"Leave her alone Jacob." Stefan defended.
"No I won't. She's being a little bitch." He said.
"Excuse me, you do not even know me." I stated.
"I know you well enough to not like you. Noah's told me enough." He informed me. Did Noah really go that far to try and turn my family against me?
"Whatever's Noah told you don't believe him, he's grieving." I muttered the last bit.
"Grieving? What do you mean grieving?" Stefan asked.
"Over your mother, no that's you and you've been a right bitch Because of it!" Jacob spat.
"You don't know anything! How dare you! You don't know what he did!" I stopped Noah might have told things to them that he shouldn't of, but I can't tell him what happened. I'm not that much of a bitch. "I'm gonna kill him!" I shouted and stormed out.

Stefan's P.O.V

I stood there shocked. What did she mean Jacob doesn't know what Noah did? Or I didn't? I instantly felt bad, she was mad, but i think she may have been upset.

"Did you have to go and do that?" I snapped.
"Shut up Stefan."
"No I won't! You were awful to her! Whatever's going on between her and her brothers is nothing to do with us." I tried to reason with him.
"I'm not just going to look the other way when it's obvious she's a complete bratt!"

Just then we heard shouting downstairs, it sounded like Noah and Quinn "ready for another round of this shit?" Jacob said playfully to me. I could tell it was just because he didn't want to fall out with me over something that was nothing to so with us.

The two of us left the attic and headed it downstairs to find where the shouting was coming from. It was from Noah's room. Of course.

Noah's P.O.V

"How dare you! How could you Noah?!" I recognised the persons voice and of course it was my sisters.
"Get out Quinn!" I spat.

"You told him, you told Jacob! You told him bullshit about why me and you are fighting. You know it's because you are an absolute dick and you haven't even bothered to appologise properly! Yet your blaming our mother! Or if you want me to be a complete bitch then I will. Your blaming my mother because she wasn't really your mother, was
She? If YOU hadn't invited your friends over that night then we'd still be living in our old house! It's all your fault and you know it!"

"Shut the fuck up before I make you! Then you'll run crying to daddy, just like you always do!" I shouted.

I don't feel bad, she's being selfish and I feel nothing but hatred towards her. I don't know why, but I do.

"I hate you, you jerk!" She shouted and stormed out. I felt nothing, I didn't even feel guilty. How can I not feel guilty or at least feel a bit sorry for my baby sister?


What do you think? Please comment I hope you liked it. What do you think to the new Noah? He's changed a lot compared to the last book when he was really sweet and innocent.

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