The Prince's Visions

By Havecouragebkind

171K 6.3K 1.8K

People say that death is not the end. For Evelyn, it's not. After battling cancer for almost four years, deat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty one
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter forty three
Chapter Forty five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty seven
Author's Note
Becoming Aredhel

Chapter Forty four

1.6K 71 37
By Havecouragebkind


And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. -Romans 8:38


A knock at the door startles me from my thoughts. I turn to see Arwen opening it, and I am surprised to see a very weary looking Elladan stepping inside. His eyes are heavy, faint lines of dark circles tainting the skin beneath them. His dark hair is disheveled, and his skin looks sickly pale. He looks as if he might pass out at any moment.

"Are you alright? No one is hurt?" he asks, and even his voice sounds like it might go at any moment.

"Everyone is fine," Arwen replies confusedly, "What are you doing out of bed, Elladan? You look like you might fall over dead." She takes his arm, leading him to sit in the chair beside me.

His silver eyes land on me, drowning me in their depths of worry. "Eilonwy, how are you feeling?" he breathes.

I laugh lightly. "I am perfectly fine. You are the one we need to be worrying about. How are you?" I ask him.

He sighs, his gaze shifting over to his nieces as they sleep curled up on the rug. "I do not feel well enough to be walking around, but Ada told me to come and get you all."

"Wait, did you fight?" I ask him with wide eyes.

He chuckles lowly. "Oh, no. I actually slept through it all. Luckily none of those elves found their way to the healing rooms, or I would have been killed. Ada had given me a sleeping draught, so I was knocked out cold," he responds as if the situation was highly amusing, "But there is no need to worry. Those elves are destroyed."

"Do you know how terrifying that is? If something were to happen to you I would never forgive myself," I tell him, but he just smiles, "And what do you mean? How are they all destroyed?"

"My grandmother... tapped into her powers. That is the best way I can put it," he says, grinning wearily, "The shadow elves did not stand a chance against her magic."

I wear a matching grin, wondering what it would have been like to see Galadriel in action. 'Tis also relieving to know that the dark elves are dead.

Arwen looks between us for a moment before speaking up. "Well, shall we get going?"

We both nod, watching as Arwen goes to wake her children. Elladan turns to me. "Thank you for saving my life," he says seriously, gazing into my eyes, "I would not have survived without your help."

"There is no need to thank me. I will always help when I can," I reply, giving him a small smile in which he returns.

I stare at him for a moment, wondering whether I should ask my next question or not. "Is... is Legolas safe?" I ask him quietly, dreading the answer.

He nods. "He is perfectly fine."

I sigh, a giant wave of relief washing over me. "I am so glad," I breathe, "I was so worried."

Elladan embraces me, seeing the distress written clearly across my face. "Everyone is safe, Eilonwy," he whispers, rubbing my arms comfortingly, and I allow myself to sink into his arms. Embracing him is so new, yet so sweet. He smells like tea, strangely, and I conclude that it must be from all the herbal teas shoved down his throat since our attack. Yet, he smells like old parchment, too, the kind of lovely smell that hits you when you step into a library. 'Tis reassuring and calming.

"Lady Eilonwy, are we going to be safe now?"

I pull away from 'Dan, looking down at Estrith's innocent face. She rubs her eyes sleepily, blinking up at me with her long, pretty eyelashes. I crouch in front of her and tuck an unruly curl behind her ear. "I will keep you safe no matter what happens," I promise her, searching her bright blue eyes.

She nods once, a small smile pulling at her lips. "I believe you," is all she says, and the words tug at my heartstrings.

"Alright, let us go," Elladan says, and I stand. We all follow him out of the cottage, and I frown. He only brought one other horse with him.

Arwen takes one horse, helping Roshi and Sylmae on, and she swings up in front of them, clutching Feyrith tightly. Elladan mounts his horse, reaching for me. I hesitate for a moment before taking his hand, and he pulls me up behind him and pulls Estrith in front of him. He kicks the horse, and I cling to him as we take off, racing through the trees with Arwen following us closely.

When we reach Rivendell, I stare at the scene darkly. Bodies of innocent elves litter the ground all around us, blood staining the normally bright green grass. The living cling to the lifeless bodies of their loved ones, sobbing and screaming in pain. Elves are not used to death; it is something that is not supposed to happen to them. We as Elves are supposed to live on forever, eventually passing over the sea to Valinor.

The sight is heart wrenching.

Elladan stops our horse by the house, and he dismounts, helping Estrith down. He reaches for my waist, assisting me in dismounting. He stares at me for a moment, his eyes pained, and I know he wishes I did not have to see all this death and horror. "'Twill be okay," he whispers to me, and I nod silently.


I turn to see Legolas pushing past his brother and sister, striding toward me. My heart lurches in my chest, tears springing to my eyes when I see him. The relief I feel is inexplicable, rising up inside of me like the tide, and I find myself moving toward him, meeting him halfway. He pulls me into his arms, crushing me against his chest, but the pain is good. It means he is really here. He is truly alive and well.

"Eilonwy," he breathes, one hand traveling to my upper back as he buries his face in my neck.

"Legolas, I am so happy to see you," I whisper, clinging to his neck. I desperately want to kiss him and feel his hands on my skin. I want him to make all of this evil surrounding us go away and it just be us together. I wish for him to tell me everything will be perfectly fine, even if it is just a lie.

"You are not hurt, are you?" he questions, pulling back and placing his hands on either side of my face, and he searches my eyes. "I saw that elf come at you. I was so worried."

"I am fine. Not even a scratch," I reply, gazing into his eyes as if they are my lifeline. I did not even realize the full extent of my fear until now. I did not feel as if I could show my true emotions, but now that I am in his arms, I am shaking. I have never seen anything like this in my life. There is just so much death, and I feel as if it is choking me. These elves that were slain, they are not coming back. They are not going to wake up. They are dead and gone from Middle Earth, and now their families must carry on without them, maybe even fade with grief. How could anyone be so cruel and so evil as to take the life of an innocent person?

He sighs deeply. "Good," is all he is able to say, and from the glossiness in his eyes, I know that this is not easy for him either. He may have been in so many battles during his lifetime, but it seems the reality of death is not something you ever become desensitized to.


I turn to see Aragorn walking toward us. Legolas releases me, and Aragorn embraces me warmly. "Thank you for protecting my family. Arwen told me what happened," he says lowly.

"I was scared. My actions were simply driven by adrenaline," I respond, "Arwen is the one who led us to safety."

He pulls back, looking me in the eye seriously. "Do you think my wife would have been able to defend our children whilst protecting Feyrith?"

I pause for a moment before shaking my head.

"Again, I thank you, whether you see your actions as noble or not. Now, both of you, come," he says, glancing at Legolas.

We follow him over to where the others are crowded together.

"We have weakened her by destroying those elves," Lord Elrond states, and he looks burdened with grief and pain, "So, she should be easier to kill the next time she shows up."

"What do we do about all these deaths?" Glosseth asks quietly, her eyes traveling around the whole of Rivendell, and I notice the bloody daggers strapped to her waist. She obviously fought, and I cannot help but feel in awe. She always seems so innocent and fragile, but now there is a hardness in her eyes that I have never seen before.

"We will have a ceremony in their memory," Lord Elrond replies, his eyes becoming misty, "All of you, I suggest you go to your rooms. Galadriel, Gandalf, and I will handle this."

Legolas leads me away from the others. "You need proper rest."

I do not argue, knowing that as soon as my head hits the pillow I will probably be asleep. I need sleep, afterall. I must escape this horrible reality for at least a little while.

"Wait, Legolas. I need to speak with you," Aragorn calls, and Legolas and I stop.

Legolas kisses my forehead sweetly. "I will be there soon," he whispers for just me to hear, "Get some rest."

I nod, watching him walk away, and I feel disappointed. After all that has happened, I long to be alone with him. I want to feel his warmth beside me as I fall asleep because his presence comforts me in a way that no one else's can.

"Lady Eilonwy, can you stay with me in my room?" Estrith asks, tugging on the bottom of my dress and pulling me from my thoughts, "I am scared."

I look down at her and smile, knowing that I could never refuse her wishes. "How about you come to my room? We both are in desperate need of rest," I offer, and she nods, rubbing her eyes.

I take her hand, leading her to mine and Legolas's room. When we reach the door, I open it for her, and she walks inside, looking around curiously. I quickly walk to the washroom and change into my nightgown, and when I return to my room, she turns to me with furrowed eyebrows. I immediately know a question is on its way.

"Why do you only have one bed?"

I stare at her for a moment, not knowing how to reply. "Ah, well-," I stutter, "Your father and mother only have one bed, yes?"

"Yes, but they will not tell me why," she replies stubbornly.

"Married couples share the same bed," I tell her hesitantly, "'Tis what is done."

"Why?" she questions, "I would want a big bed all to myself."

"You ask many questions, Estrith," I tell her with a laugh, walking over to the bed and pulling back the covers, "Come, you can sleep here with me. I am sure there is enough room to suit your liking."

Estrith pads over to me, her head barely reaching the top of the large mattress when she stands beside it. I lift her onto the bed, placing her on the side that Legolas prefers, and I round the bed, sliding under the blankets beside her. She is quiet for a moment, staring up at the ceiling in full concentration.

"Does Legolas look funny when he sleeps?"

I snort with laughter at the second random question of the day, and I turn to look at her. "Not usually. I find that he looks very handsome," I reply, smiling amusedly as she wrinkles her nose, "But, sometimes when he is very tired, he sleeps with his mouth gaping open, and he closely resembles a fish."

She bursts into giggles, covering her mouth with her tiny hands. "Oh, Legolas is so very funny," she exclaims, "I am going to start calling him 'fish!'"

An idea pops into my head, and a slow smirk forms on my lips. "Oh, no. Legolas prefers the nickname I gave him," I tell her lowly, and curiosity sparkles in her eyes.

"What did you name him?" she asks, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"I call him my cute little turtle because he is very slow when he chases me around," I tell her.

She bursts into giggles once again. "I will call him that! Legolas is a cute little turtle," she says in a sing-song voice.

I grin, laughing along with her. "Alright, alright, now we must sleep. If our cute turtle finds us like this, he will become very angry," I tease, and she grins.

"Then he will not be very cute anymore."

I laugh loudly, leaning over and kissing her forehead tenderly. "Go to sleep, Estrith."


I wake up to the sound of the door opening. I look down, surprised to feel the weight of Estrith cuddled up to my side, and I smile, my heart melting in my chest. By now the room is dark with night, but I can just make out the familiar stature of my husband as he lights a candle. He makes his way to his usual side of the bed, placing the candle on the nightstand, and I see him pause as he pulls back the covers.

"Estrith?" he questions in surprise, and I barely smother a laugh at his adorable tone of voice, "What are you doing here?"

She erupts into giggles, signalling that she must have been awake for quite sometime, and she turns to look at him. "Hello, cute little turtle!" she shrieks, and I howl with laughter at her outburst.

"Eilonwy," Legolas groans, but I hear the amusement swimming in his voice.

"Join us, Legolas," I tell him, watching with satisfaction as he crawls onto the bed.

"When did you sneak into my bed, you little fox? 'Tis not nice to steal my side of the bed from me," he says, brushing a strand of her hair out of her face as he props his head up on his hand, his elbow buried in his pillow.

"Lady Eilonwy invited me," she says proudly, "Your bed is very comfy."

"Estrith had many questions about our bed, Legolas," I tell him, fully prepared to watch him squirm, "She asked why we only have one."

"Yes," she confirms with a nod, "Boys are not allowed in girls' rooms!"

"Technically-," Legolas says mischievously, "-this is my room. Eilonwy moved in here after our wedding."

I roll my eyes. "But you invited me," I reply.

"Hmm," he hums, smirking at me, "How could I refuse?"

His eyes staring into mine send my stomach fluttering, and I feel my cheeks burn. His stare is cut short, though, when Estrith hits him on the chest, and he looks down, startled. "What? What did I do?"

She squints her eyes at him. "I am not exactly sure what you are talking about, but I know it is your fault," she says, pointing up at him.

"What is my fault?" he asks with a laugh, looking down at her with shining eyes.

"That you only have one bed!" she exclaims, shaking her head, "You are mean to not give Eilonwy a bed!"

Legolas laughs, looking up at me in bewilderment. "How is this my fault?" he questions, glancing back down at the child, "Eilonwy has never complained about this bed."

Estrith crosses her arms over her chest, giving him a sassy glare. "Shush, turtle."

I bite my lip to keep from laughing, and Legolas narrows his eyes at me.

Estrith rolls over, cuddling up to me again, and I wrap my arm around her small frame. I watch as Legolas blows out the candle, settling on his side, and I smile when his feet touch mine.

"Goodnight," Estrith says quietly, gripping the fabric of my nightgown at my back.

"Goodnight," Legolas and I reply at the same time, and I feel his hand rest over my waist as he wraps his arm around us both, a silent promise to keep us both safe as we drift off into the land of dreams.


A/N: Filler chapter alert lol. I wanted to add some cuteness in because all the evil and death is so sad to write about! I hope y'all enjoy. Please leave a comment if you did :) Love y'all to the moon and back! God bless! <3



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