Over Again

By VasZappeniin

461 17 6

PART 3 OF PROJECT CHANGE; The story still goes on! After Louis and Melanie spent a few days together in Donca... More

Eins // One
Zwei // Two
Drei // Three
Fünf // Five
Sechs // Six
Sieben // Seven
Acht // Eight
Neun // Nine
Zehn // Ten
Elf // Eleven
Zwölf // Twelve

Vier // Four

26 1 0
By VasZappeniin

“Have you seen Mel?” Louis asked Perrie over the loud music. Coloured lights were dancing wildly at the side of his vision, just as much as the people in the club, sweaty, grinding.

“She and Zayn went outside!” She replied loudly before Jade handed her a pink fizzy drink. Her attention towards Louis was gone already by then so she didn’t see the confusion written all over his features.

Either way he looked for the door and soon found it, but his girlfriend and one of his best mates were nowhere to be found. He turned his head, still hearing the thun-thun-thun from inside the club as he heard a female laughter he would recognise everywhere. Frowning he walked around the corner to find Melanie and Zayn leaning against the walls, their faces towards the sky, their shoulders touching lightly and a burning fag between Zayn’s index and middle finger.

“I know you do,” Zayn smiled and took a deep breath after he’d put the cigarette between his lips. For a few seconds they were still and then a big cloud emitted from his lips, forming a cloud above both their heads. “I think it’s kinda cool you were able to stop. I don’t know how to, even though it kind of annoys Perrie. She’s learnt to live with it though.”

“I guess Louis wouldn’t like it either,” Melanie sighed and shrugged, which caused Louis’s brows to furrow in confusion. What were they talking about?

“Does he know you used to smoke?”

Louis choked on nothing but air as he heard Zayn’s question and both their heads snapped in his direction. Melanie smiled sadly and shrugged again, “Well, he didn’t know.”

“Oops,” Zayn said with an apologetic look but Melanie didn’t seem to mind really. “I… I should get back inside. Thanks for joining me.”

Melanie smiled and watched Zayn step onto the half smoked cigarette before he brushed past Louis, not without offering him a smile, and walked back inside. “Are you mad at me?” Melanie asked, biting on her lip as Louis didn’t say anything for a while.

Then the male smiled and shook his head before he walked over to his girlfriend. “No, why would I? Zayn’s my best friend and I love you both – in different ways, but still. Even though Zayn started smoking before I knew him, I wouldn’t be mad at you for smoking because I let him smoke as well.”

“You don’t kiss him though,” she laughed before Louis tilted his head to the side and nodded with a chuckle.

“That’s true, yeah,” he whispered before he leant forward and captured the girls’ lips in a kiss.

Melanie reacted immediately, throwing her arms around the male’s shoulder to press their bodies closer together and she had to stand on her tiptoes to get better access to his lips. His hands held her waist tightly, his finger tips pressing into her skin with just her dress separating their skin. “It tastes horrible, you should know.” Louis looked at her confused, so she spoke on, “Kissing someone who smokes.”

“Wha-?” Louis asked confused, pulling back even a little more. “Did you kiss Zayn?”

“Oh my god!” Melanie laughed and shook her head vigorously. “Of course not, idiot! I would never as long as I’m with you. Well, I probably would never because Zayn’s not my type.”

Louis raised a brow. “I thought Zayn was everyone’s type because he is so beautiful?”

“There’s no point in denying his beauty,” Melanie smiled with a nod of her head, “but he still isn’t my type. I like cute and bubbly and smiley with bright hair and bright eyes and a smile that can light up an entire room. Do you think Niall would forget about Lena if I asked him to?”

Louis gasped as he realised she was actually teasing him. “I’m wounded,” he muttered under his breath with a smirk. “I’m all of these things, well, except for cute, maybe.”

“You are cute,” Melanie objected and before the male could protest to show off what a male man he was, her lips were attached to his again and he’d forgotten about it all already. All he could think of right now was the taste of her lips against his, mixed with a little bit of alcohol and the coldness of the night out here. Her hands moved down his sides from his shoulders until she was holding onto his hips and her eyes were wide and dark as she looked into his again, her head looking down but her eyes looking up to meet his, shadowed by her long lashes. She grinned evilly as she pushed Louis against the wall, catching him by surprise but he didn’t object as she kissed him again, harder and even a little needy this time.

Out of reflex he bucked his hips, meeting hers and a moan fell from his lips as her grip on his hips. Suddenly she pulled back but before Louis could ask her for another kiss, she dropped to her knees and Louis gasped. “Fucking hell, Melanie,” he breathed out, looking right and left.

The music from the club was quieter now, almost not there and the air was quiet but filled with sexual tension and Melanie in front of him, on her knees, ready to do whatever he wanted her to, caused him to moan in pleasure even though she hadn’t even started touching him.

“May I?” She asked.

Louis groaned because how on earth could he deny her when she was in front of him, basically begging him? He nodded quickly and she put her hands on his thighs before she moved them up to where his belt was holding his trousers together. She unclasped it and looked up at him, not leaving his eyes as she did so and also Louis couldn’t help but stare back into her eyes. “Please,” he said, even though he hated begging.

She smirked and hurried to pull his pants down and also his boxers-

“Louis, fucking hell, wake up already!”

Louis jerked up, his head feeling dizzy and he had troubles to keep his eyes open. “Vas happenin’?” He asked sleepily and rubbed his eyes. His neck and back hurt a little and he realised he’d fallen asleep in a chair. “Where am I?”

“Still in the hospital,” Harry explained as he sat down next to him with a sympathetic smile. “So… Tamara’s gone to sleep, so I wanted to ask you how Melanie was.”

Louis had to collect his thoughts because he didn’t understand Harry’s question until it realisation hit him and he fell back in his chair, rubbing a hand over his face. “Fuck, yeah… I… Well, I don’t know. Cara and Andrew, um, Melanie’s sister and father, have been in there all the time, I think. I was only once in there and I didn’t want to upset them, y’know?”

Harry pursed his lips and nodded his head slightly before he wrapped his arms around Louis to hold him tightly. “I’m really fucking sorry for all of this. I know it’s not my fault but I can’t even imagine how horrible this must be for you.” He pulled back to look at his best mate and ran a hand through his hair to push it out of his sight. “If it had happened to Tamara… I honestly wouldn’t know how to handle it, to be perfectly frank. I really love her fucking much and it’s not easy to gain her trust and love… if I had to do it all over again, I’d probably die of frustration. I’m not saying being with her is exhausting in any level and I’m so fucking happy to be with her where I am right now but… it was a long way. And it made me appreciate what we have a fucking lot, and even more now.” He rubbed a hand over Louis’s back to soothe him. “You should maybe talk to her father or the doctors to find out what you could do to help her regain her memory. I mean, obviously she would remember… the breakup but after all those memories you two had are really important as well.”

“How the fuck,” Louis started, “are you only nineteen years old? Seriously, Harry, you’re smarter than anyone I know. I love you, thanks so much for being there for me.”

Before Harry could say anything else, the door to Melanie’s room opened and a man in his late thirties, followed by a young teenager girl, walked out; Harry assumed this was the family of Melanie Louis had talked about earlier.

Immediately the older male stood up and straightened his trousers and pushed his hair aside. The man clenched his jaw as he glared at Louis and Cara didn’t seem very happy with the male either. And even though Louis couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt at their hateful expressions, he still needed to ask, “How is she?”

“Asleep,” Cara answered quickly and maybe even snapped. “Why the fuck are you even here?”

“Cara!” The man exclaimed, obviously not happy with her language.

“Excuse my French,” the girl muttered under her breath and rolled her eyes. “But seriously, he’s an idiot.”

“I know,” Louis sighed and scratched the back of his neck. “I just… what did the doctors say? Anything new on her?”

Just as the man was about to answer, a doctor stepped in and talked about something. Louis groaned desperately and bit his lip because of fucking course the doctor would speak in German. Of fucking course. All he wanted was to know how he could help Melanie.

Louis looked over at Cara, who now listened to the doctor carefully. It was sort of funny how she now acted as the protective sister when sometimes she was the reason Melanie was sad or hurt. He wondered whether she putting up an act or if she actually cared a lot deep down for her sister, more than she would admit to in real life. Knowing his own little sisters, he was pretty sure that even though those two girls couldn’t be any more different, Cara must care for her older sister in some way.

After a while Cara groaned annoyed and Louis furrowed his brows; soon she also replied something and Louis could hear his name. “Um, sorry, but what are you saying?”

Cara bit her lip and looked at him. “He said Melanie needs the people around her who spent the past three years with her. And unfortunately you were like the centre of her life for the past three years.” Louis’s heart fluttered at her words and his breath hitched;

He pretty much hated himself for what he did to her not even a week ago.


“That means,” she kept explaining, “that you’ll have to spend some time with her. To be honest, pretty much time actually. But, he also said that Melanie mustn’t get too much information at a point. If she gets too much, it would overstrain her brain and she could get an aneurism.” Louis’s eyes widened at the thought. “So, if you seriously want to help, you better shut your mouth about being her ex boyfriend or a worldwide superstar.”

“Cara,” her father muttered again because she shouldn’t talk like this.

“I would do everything to help,” Louis said straight away. “I swear, I would do everything.”

“So,” Melanie muttered and looked at him. “How did we meet?”

“I was an exchange student in your class,” Louis told her. “And we kind of became friends. I’m not even sure how it happened but suddenly… we were friends. Your English was really great and some of the people in your class seemed to be scared of talking to me.”

Melanie nodded, still watching him. Her scratches were healing already since they hadn’t been to deep but she insisted on wearing a beanie now because they had to shave off a bit of her hair to do the surgery. It still was kind of shocking to her that she was sixteen already and would soon finish school – last time she’d checked she had lived with her mother, her sister, her baby brother and her step dad in a house pretty southern.

Now they sat in a car, on their way to Salzburg where she apparently lived now. Huh.

Melanie was sitting next to Louis, who was driving, and she was surprised he knew the way. Her father and her sister had driven back home last night but hadn’t told her why – Louis knew. They wanted to remove all the evidence of ‘One Direction’ from her room and that was surely a lot of work. She shouldn’t know yet that he was in one of the biggest bands to be at the moment. The doctor had told them that she should try to remember as much as possible on her own, without anyone’s help.

Louis was desperate to tell her everything, but he knew he couldn’t. He would never risk her getting an aneurism.

“I see,” she nodded with a smile. “It also confused me when I realised my English was so good. Do you know any other languages?”

“Why don’t you try?” Louis asked with a smile before he turned his attention back to the street. It was so strange to be with someone who had actually no idea who he was when he loved her so much. Again he felt like he could understand the fans a bit more.

“Um… Hablo español. Je parle française. But I guess that’s it? English, Spanish, French. That’s, like, really cool!” She clapped her hands and Louis smiled at her childishness. Lately she had always been so serious. “Okay, oh my god, I have so many questions.”

“Let’s see how many I can answer.”

“You’re no fun. Why does everybody say they can’t tell me everything.”

Louis licked his lips and sighed, “You see, Mel… We need to listen to what the doctors say. And they said there are some things we can’t tell you. I’m sure you’ll understand as soon as you behave your age again.” He smiled at her softly before turning his gaze back onto the street.

“Oh,” she spoke and then it was quiet for a while. “Can I turn on the radio?”

Louis nodded and turned up the volume of the radio to realise it was Best Song Ever. That was typical – they would never play One Direction in Austria but exactly when he was trying to hide it from her, they would play it. Maybe they had really gotten more popular here now that Melanie and Louis… well, because they were dating.

He quickly changed the station to find out it was a song by Selena Gomez playing. Relieved he let himself sink back into the seat a little, still focused on the streets. Every now and then he would glance at Melanie and the three words they had exchanged so much in the past few months always were on the tip of his tongue but they never slipped through his lips.

“Where is my phone, by the way? Do I have one already?”

“You didn’t have one?” Louis asked frowning.

“Yeah, it got stolen last mon-; err, I mean in August 2010.” She face-palmed herself and shook her head. “Considering it’s 2014 already, I guess I have one?”

“You did,” Louis nodded his head. “But I think it got lost at the scene of accident, I guess.”

“So I have no phone again?” She sighed and Louis smiled at her because he had sent her an iPhone a while ago – if she had stuck to using her old Android, the iPhone was probably still at home,

“I think you still do,” Louis explained to her. “You had two phones.”

“Oh my,” she chuckled. “Did we suddenly become rich or something?”

Louis shook his head, “No, it was a present.”

“By who?”

“You ask too many questions.”

“Well, yes. I don’t know anything. Who gave me a phone? What kind of phone is it?”

“An iPhone.”

“Isn’t an iPhone like eight hundred euro?”

“See, you know something.”

“Who gave it to me?” Melanie kept asking.

“Fine,” Louis groaned. “I gave it to you.”

Melanie looked at him with a frown. “Are you rich?”

The male sighed again and shook his head. He was scared of giving away too much but on the other hand he didn’t want to lie, afraid it would slow down the process of her regaining her memory. And he hated to lie to her in general as well. “I’m not going to answer questions anymore.”

“Please,” she begged. “Are you rich? I mean, you must be. You were an exchange student and that’s like really expensive. Also, who gives away an iPhone to a friend? So tell me, where do you have all that money from?”


A/N: Obvs Louis can't keep being a global pop star forever so I have a feeling this fanfiction won't be as long as the first two parts. I'm sorry for that!

Love you though,

Marlene xx 

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