When A Nightmare Becomes Real...

By Tastch

1.6K 84 12

Taylor suddenly wakes up to his worst nightmare. A whole city has fallen by his feet. Taylor is suddenly put... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

158 7 0
By Tastch

*Captian Hugh on top*

It has now been five years since the blast and the one behind it got away. That boy, Taylor Jackson, was intriguing. I could see everyday how he struggled with my questions and how his expression gradually more furious. Well not that you could blame the boy - I would have lost it long ago. By this time I could see that he really did not remember the days up to the blast, but then why was he alive? The soul survivor. The city got called 'Ground Zero' and nobody was allowed to trespass on the area to insure that the evidence did not get destroyed. After we moved in as a complete unite some things was destroyed, but at that time all that mattered was finding and capturing the threat. When I first put my gun to his back, I could visional see how he flinched at the contact. This boy had not been in contact with weapons before, but then how did the blast even occur?

He had not been into contact with weapons; then that also means some kind of mass destruction item like bombs or a chemical experiment. But if my cancelations were right, then how did the blast happen?

As the month went by I observed the boy and all I saw was fright. He was scared. Every time I entered the room with my gun, he would flinch; so either he was not the culprit or he was a damn good actor. He even got scared, when being in deep thought and did not sense me entering the room. Some nights he woke up screaming and covered in sweat.

After some time I knew that this was wrong and unprofessional, but I was in love with him. My heart jumped every time I entered the room and saw the lust in his eyes. But it also fell when I saw the heartbroken look on his face when he looked in my eyes. I had always worn an expression that indicated hate and disgust, because then it was easier to hide ones feelings. But the day it all went to hell - I lost him.

Five years ago the alarm suddenly went off and platoons began running in the hallway. I thought that it was a threat or a terror attack, so I did the most stupid thing - I ran to Taylor's room. I wanted to check on him, but I was stopped by my superior officer. If that did not happen I would have made it in time - I always think like that. When I arrived the door was open and Taylor was gone. I quickly ran outside to look for him, but there was no trail what so ever. How can a boy his age just disappear?

After the incidence it was officially mentioned who was behind it. His name was William James Carson and he was one of the men that brought food to Taylor. In his statement, he felt pity for the boy and wanted to set him free, if that was his wish. William was afterwards relieved of duty and the search began. We asked the media to talk about who had lost their lives and put Taylor's name on the list. Now he had nowhere to run.

Or so I thought; after two years of searching and coming close a couple of times - it was like the men gave up. I personally did not want to capture Taylor so that he could get locked up, but for my own personal gain.

He was mine. And I will find him.


After four years of searching with no luck, the search was called off on the large scale. There had not been an occurrence like the blast in all these years, but the government was still not happy about the situation. A small team was put on the task of finding Taylor and I was the leading officer. When I had gotten the job, I was glad; I'm the one that is going to find him and nobody else.

It has now been almost five years since the blast and there have been no trace of Taylor for the last on and a half year. He is smart; he does not use a credit card, does not have a cell phone and does not buy or sell something of value. I have been restless these past years; what if he was dead? This was the only time in over ten years that I have felt restlessness. And I do not like the idea of it.

A couple of days ago I got an idea. Through the years I had been checking up on his family and such in case he would contact them. Through this, I found out that his mother had been transmitted to the hospital and therefore I sent an anonymous letter to the BBC news about their situation in hope that they would make a story in the newspaper or TV.

To my luck that was exactly what happened. Taylor probably knew that it was a trap, but if he was not a cold blooded killer, then he would contact his family and explain his situation. Well probably not in bigger details and when that happened.

He would be mine.

Just you wait, Taylor Jackson, I will find you. 

****895 words****

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