My Horse Love

By IvyandAstrid

24 5 4

Crystal Jones loves to ride horses, but her parents won't let her get one of her own. Finally, her parents le... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

4 1 0
By IvyandAstrid

I climbed out of bed and walked to the kitchin, still in my pjs. I got some cereal and milk. I sat down at the table and started to eat. My dad came in.

"Morning sweetheart." He said.

"Morning daddy." I smiled.

"Happy birthday!" He said. Right, I almost forgot that it is my birthday.

"Thanks!" I smiled. He set a small gift on the table.

"Open if before everyone gets here." He smiled. I undid the rapping and saw what was inside. A small, silver saddle and horse charm necklace.

"Thanks." I smiled and hugged him.

"Welcome." He smiled. Mom came in.

"Oh, no. Your not just eating cerial are you." She said

"I guess you will make me waffles?" I perked.

"No, well go to the Waffle House." She smiled.

"Yes!" I smiled and ran to get dressed. I had a cute horse shirt and skinny jeans. I put Blue convers on to finish it. I went back to the living room where my parents were waiting. Lacey came seconds after me.

We pile into the truck and headed to the Waffle House. We walked in. The delious smell if waffle batter and syrup hit me. This place is amazing. We sat down and ordered. They brought out my waffle with a little candle in the butter. I loved that. We ate and then went back home. I changed into my riding outfit and mom drove me to Mrs. Janes house. I got out if the truck and walked into the barn.

"Happy birthday, Crystal." Lexi hugged me.

"Thanks." I smiled. I went to Smokin's stall. It has been covered with ribbon. It had a new halter. It was a nice Blue halter.

"Thats so cute. Thanks." I smiled.

"Welcome. My mom and I thought you should get your own halter. Its a really nice halter." I used the halter to tale her out of her stall and tied her. I tacked her up and led her to the arena. I mounted her and started to warm her up.

"Happy Birthday, Crystal." Mrs. Jane smiled when she entered the arena.

"Thanks." I smiled. I cantered toward a 2 foot jump. I have never tries this before on her. I jumped over it, bit Smokin's hooves tapped the pole off. I got off her and reset the jump. I mounted her again and tries the jump. Her hooves hit the pole and it went flying intl the sand. I dismounted and replaced the red and while pole to its place.

I squeased her into a canter. Her front hooves flew over the pole, but her hind hooves knocked the colorful pole to the soft sand. I huffed. This is hard. I have jumped over 2 foot poles with ease on Honey.

"You will get ot Crystal. It just tales time. Remember that." She smiled. We jumped over a 1 foot pole easily. I rode her around for a few more hours and got off. I brushed her and washe her. She really likes that. I went to the tack room and found a carriot in the fridge. I found out that she loves carriots. I stuck out the carriot and she munched on it happly. I smiled and led her back to her stall and refilled her water bucket.

I saw my mom full up in in the beat up pick up truck and honk at me. I said good bye to Lexi and walkes towards the car.

"Hey, Crystal. I'm going to bring Smokin' over to Webb Stables tomorrow morning at 10. Can you help me. Or maybe spend thw night with Lexi?" She asked.

"That would be great. I would love to. Let me ask my mom." I said. I opened the door of the truck.

"Hey, can I spend the night here tonight. They are going to tale my horse to Webb Stables in the morning and want me to help." I smiled.

"Yeah. I will bring you over here when you get back from work." She said. She calles me going over to Webb Stables work.

"She said okay, I'll be back in a few hours." I yelled and climbed into the pick up truck and we drove off.

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