The New Girl Has A Secret

By Chatlog

458K 17.6K 1.3K

I run. I run as fast as I can, no longer worried about the constant pain of branches snapping below my naked... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Eight

17.9K 676 40
By Chatlog

Chapter Eight

I wake up extra early this morning so that I have time to go catch something to eat. With a big stretch and a slight yawn, I force myself out of bed and walk to my closet. I reach for a blue tank top, which to my surprise had already been hung in the closet with matching shorts; my grey and blue running shoes, and then I tie my hair in a ponytail. The one that thing my mom taught me is that if I decide to go for a hunt in the morning, I need to put on a running outfit so it looks as if I just went for a nice morning jog.  

Placing my hands on the golden doorknobs to my balcony doors, I flinging them both open. Feeling extra confident today, I grab the rail; pushing my feet up straight into the air, feeling the wind blowing through my clothes and my hair sliding down my shoulders and arms. I smile confidentially as I flip off of the balcony, landing perfectly on my feet. I smile, satisfied that I still know how to do such things. 

Maybe I should try to get on the Cheer team again.

Using my speed, I'm almost deafened by the wind howling in my ears as I scan the trees looking for something to eat. As I begin to hear movement, I stop in my tracks, listening harder around myself to pinpoint the noise. There were small movements coming from the right of me, sounding as if a small animal were walking around. It pops it's head out, revealing a snow-white rabbit. I tilt my head to the side a bit, wondering why it's just out in the open with no other creature in sight. As it begins to run away from me, I snap back into reality and use my speed to cut it off and grab it. 

No remorse, just eat.  

I do just as my mom told me, extending my fangs and pushing them into the little rabbit's neck, staining its white fur with its own blood as its high-pitched squeals filled my ears. It was a beautiful sight, the blood staining deep red into the pure white. Something about it made me smile, but a bigger part of me felt sorry for the animal. 

Once I'm finished draining the bunny, I dig up a small hole for the corpse. 

Am I supposed to feel bad for these creatures? Do wolves feel bad when they rip humans apart? Is it just our nature to be monsters? 

Shaking my head, I make my way back home and run up the stairs. Deciding that because it was only seven, and that school didn't start until eight- I had enough time left over to take my time getting ready.

Was it bad that I wanted to look good today?  

I take a quick shower, the warm water reminding me of Nate's skin on mine. Every part of me craved to feel his touch again, to feel his lips against mine and his arms wrapped around me. I wanted nothing more than to be in his presence. But I didn't understand why my feelings for him were so strong... I may have gotten to know him, but I still don't know him. Pushing the thoughts from my mind, I turn off the water and wrap myself in a towel. Heading towards my closet, I envision my outfit before picking out a good match.

I decide on a burgundy heart shaped crop top, black skinny jeans and matching burgundy vans.  When taking a look in the mirror, I realized that I have not once seen these clothes in particular in my room before. Did mom go shopping? Or was it from the previous owners? 

Grabbing my bag, I head down the stairs, convincing myself that I'd be better off not knowing the answer to that question.

"Dang girl! You look hot!" I hear my mom's voice from the kitchen as I reach the last step. 

She's wearing a long, skintight black dress and matching black pumps. Her hair was wrapped in a not so messy bun that sat on the top of her head with pieces of her dark brown locks tucked behind her ear, and two curls hanging in front of her face. 

"Not only me, mom. Why are you so dressed up?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I have another job interview today." She winks at me.

"Already?!" I ask and she nods her head, soothing down her dress with her hands.

"How do I look?" She asks, but before I have time to respond she snaps her fingers, her eyes filling with energy and joy. "Oh! That reminds me!" She says then motions for me to follow her. We go into the garage to see two cars, both Lamborghini's. One is green, and one is red. My eyes widen. 

"Is that mine?!" I ask, motioning to the red car as I gasp at what I see. She nods and hands me a set of keys. I squeal and jump up and down, then pull her into an excited hug.

The thing about mom is that she knows she can use her ability for just about anything, so why not use it to get the things she wants? She compelled the home owners into giving us this house, and probably compelled the car dealership into giving us these cars too. Mom was nowhere near rich; she just knew how to keep everyone in the palm of her hand. And if anyone disobeyed her wishes, all hell would break loose

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I rock her side to side as I hug her enthusiastically.

Once I let go, I get into the car immediately. With a deep breath, I inhale the new car scent, looking over the white leather interior and smile to myself. I haven't ever had my own car, nor have I drove a car in a couple years but I'm sure I'll do just fine. It's like riding a bike. Once you learn once, you can't just forget. 


Mom opens the garage door for me, smiling as she waves her hand. I wave back, beginning to back out of the driveway. 

"Drive safe!" She yells and I grin to myself. 

Let's see how fast this baby can go. 


When I reach school, all eyes are on me- once again. A smile spreads across my lips as I sling my bag over my shoulder after removing myself from the vehicle. I press the 'Lock' button on my keys, earning a honking sound. As people continue their stares and whispers I smirk, making my way into the school with my head held high. I see Jack sitting on a bench when I enter the building, talking to a girl with short black hair; but his lips stop moving when he looks up and sees me. He's on his feet in seconds, making his way towards me as he scans my body.

"My eyes are up here." I chuckle as I point to my eyes. His tongue traces over his bottom lip as he stares at me. 

"Hey to you too."He smirks.

"Hi," I let out energetically, my happiness from last night and this morning still fresh in my mind. He smiles.

"You look very nice today," he looks down to my outfit once again, then back into my eyes. 

"Thanks..." I laugh awkwardly. 

Though I'd only spoken to him on two other occasions, he seemed different today. Maybe it was that he was more comfortable being himself around me? I wasn't too sure.

"You want to sit with me at lunch today?" He asks and I shrug.

"I was going to sit with Callie again." I tell him, moving my bag to sit on my shoulders more comfortably. "You could sit with us if you want."

"Wait, Callie? Sterling?" His nose crinkles as if he were disgusted by the thought. "Are you serious? You're way too hot to be hanging around with her." 

Did he really just say that? 

"Don't talk about her like that!" I defend. "You don't even know her, so leave her alone." I demand sternly. 

He chuckles, holding his arms out as if he were going to embrace me, then does just that- putting his hands on my hips as he rests his forehead on mine.

Woah. What's up with these guys and the unwarranted touching? The only hands I want on my hips are Nates. 

Woah. Did I really just think that?

"I didn't mean to make you mad, angel." He smiles at me, snapping me from my thoughts. Maybe this would've had an effect on me if I wouldn't have met Nate. But now? His touch made me angry. 

"My name is Snow. Get off of me." I practically growl, turning my head away from him. He doesn't move a bit, instead he cups my cheek, using his thumb to slowly slide down and caress my neck. I watch his movements, preparing myself for him to try and strangle me like Callie did.

"And what's the fun of that?" He asks softly, smirking at me. His fingers slowly begin to slide down to my collarbone- which instinctively made me react before he could continue with this harassment. I grabbed his fingers, pushing his hand backward in hopes to break it; then I force his arm around his back.

"Don't ever touch me again." I growl at him as I slam him to the wall. He lets out a small huff as the sound of his body making contact with the concrete echoed through the halls, making all of his friends stare our way.

Shit. Way to draw attention to yourself, Snow. 

 I let go of him and start to walk away, hearing him sneer, "You will regret that. I promise." quietly. 

"Doubt it." I smirk, continuing my journey to my locker. 

No more slip ups. Drama and rumors spread fast, next thing you know people are going to hear about the little incident with Callie yesterday. I need to control myself.

When approaching my locker I decide that today I'm going to stay as far away from drama as possible. Drama does nothing but spread, and if the wrong people hear about the new girl with a secret, I'm going to have to move. 

A soft breath escapes my lips as I twist the lock, feeling satisfied when it clicks open without hesitation. Placing my bag into my locker, I pull out the textbooks that I'd be needing for the next two periods then begin to close the door to my locker. Just as I hear the click of the door notifying me that it was locked again, I feel a body being pushed up against mine; the smell of him already alerting me that it's Nate. He wraps his arms around my waist, placing his chin on the top of my head.

"Hey, baby." Nate says softly, then gently presses his lips to my cheek. I could feel the heat rising through out my body, which immediately made me scan the hall to make sure no one was watching. When I confirm that everyone was minding their business, I gently shrug him off of me.

"You act like we're dating," I playfully roll my eyes, turning around to fully face him as I lean against the lockers. Nate glides his fingers down my arm then interlocks my hand with his.

"We should be," He grins at me. I chuckle at him, attempting to pull my hand from his. He shakes his head at me, as if to tell me to stop. His eyes then trail up and down my outfit, "you look hot, babe."

"You, my friend, are not the first person who has said that." I chuckle half heartedly, becoming slightly irritated as I recalled the memory of my interaction with Jack from not too long ago. 

"Don't call me your friend," He narrows his eyes at me. "And who was the first?" He raises an eyebrow, his playful mood slowly diminishing. 

"My mom." I laugh, and his face softens again, the comment making a smile tug at his lips.

"Mom goals." 

Whatever that means.

 "Yeah," I smile, shaking my head. "But here, the first person was Jack." I practically roll my eyes as his name felt like venom when leaving my lips.

"Jack?" He raised an eyebrow again, this time visibly annoyed. "Jack Reed?" 

"I think so? The one with dark brown curls and pale skin?" I described as I looked back and forth between Nate's now darkening brown eyes. His jaw clenched as he let go of my hand, causing my lips to part in confusion.

"Why were you even with him?" He asks, jealousy clear in his voice. 

"I met him on the plane when I moved here and he said hi this morning? Why is it such a big deal?" I ask him, beginning to grow annoyed with his anger.

"You need to stay away from him, Snow. Trust me he's bad news." His eyes trail from my own down the hall, as if he were searching for him.

"Um, I didn't realize that I needed your permission to have friends?" I respond, now matching his energy. Though I wouldn't necessarily consider Jack a friend, I don't like how Nate is trying to make it out to be like he owns me. "And besides, what could he do to me? He's human." I say in a hushed tone, leaning closer towards him. Nate shakes his head, staring at me as if I've just said something in another language.

"And that's where you're wrong," He scoffs. How many times am I going to hear that sentence?  "He's not human, nor vampire. He's what we call a Dark Fiend. Which is another word for an evil spirit or demon." 

"Oh." Is all I could say, his words replaying in my head.

You'll regret that. I promise. 

"What did you do?" He asks.

I just trampled on his manhood in front of most of the school, no big deal... right?

"Let's just say oops?" I try to lighten the mood, giving him a half smile.

"Great!" He throws his hands in the air. "Did he threaten you or anything?"

If I say yes, will he get more angry?

"Yes..?" I let out. 

"Fuck!" He yells, loud enough for everyone to hear. A group of people passing by stare our way. "What the fuck are you looking at?" He glares at them, making them immediately go back to their own conversations.

"Why are you so upset? This is my problem not yours anyways!" I shout back at him. He huffs then walks passed me. I grab his arm, stopping him. "What's up with you? One minute you're sweet, and now you're acting like an asshole!"

"Whatever." He huffs jerking his arm out of my grasp, leaving me standing there feeling like an idiot.

Shout out to @chelsearamirez1996 for guessing Wrecking ball my Miley Cyrus first! Okay here's the next one.

And I've been waiting for this time to come around. But baby running after you, is like chasing the clouds.

Remember, first one who guesses the song right gets a shoutout!!!

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