Larry Stylinson Oneshots

By TheStolenHeart

15.7K 191 42

The titel says it all. Lots of Larry, lots of fluff, romance and cheesiness. Also: smut More

Two birds trapped in their cages
More than friendship (smut)
A day to remember
The Phonecall
I will always win (smut)
A new beginning
Just a normal night (smut)
You're not what other people think of you (Marcel/Punk!Louis)
Lips and tongues (smut)
A Merry Larry Christmas
Think about it and come home
I'm your rope and you're my anchor
The way I know your body I don't really need much (part 1)
I only see me and you; That's why I'm all over you (part 2)

Nothing more than happiness

607 11 2
By TheStolenHeart

A new Oneshot is up!!! Hell yeah! Uhm I made myself cry because I'm always overly emotional and yeah. I hope you'll like it!

Thanks for reading and enjoy it :)


Nothing more than happiness

Louis wakes up by hearing some whimpers and little cries. The complete darkness and silence coming from outside reminds him that it is in the middle of the night. There is another small shout from a different room and the heavy tiredness is almost gone.

He gently wriggles himself out of the bed sheets, not wanting to wake Harry who was still sleeping peacefully, momentarily living in the world of dreams.

When he feels Louis moving and shifting he tightens his strong but gentle grip around Louis' tummy. Louis will never know why Harry loves his tummy so much, but Harry always falls asleep with one arm around Louis so he can spread out his whole hand over his soft stomach.

Louis always hated his stomach, he always thought it was too fat, too soft and too obvious that he didn't have a flat stomach with a perfect sixpack. So he dieted a lot, ate just healthy food and made a professional workout only for his tummy. He became literally obsessed with working out until he almost collapsed and that was when Harry begged him to stop and pointed out every single thing he loved on Louis and that he didn't have to change a thing.

But Louis didn't believe him, he couldn't because he wasn't really fond of himself. So Harry wrote him a letter with all the reasons he loved him. And whenever Louis felt bad again, Harry took the letter out of the drawer and read it out loud, so that Louis got a reminder why he was the perfect human being in Harry's eyes. Sadly but true, Harry had to read this letter a lot more than he wanted to, but it cheered Louis up, so he would have done it a million times more.

He read it so often, until he realised that Louis spoke along the exact words, which were written in this letter. He knew exactly what was written down but he just needed someone telling him these words over and over again.

And even in times Louis got bad thoughts again and Harry wasn't around, he either read the letter by himself or repeated the words over and over again in his head.

"Dear Louis,

Whenever you feel down please remember that there are people out there who love you for who you are and accept you in every single way.

You don't have any reasons to doubt yourself because you are absolutely perfect without any flaws.

It's the way you shine brighter than anybody else. You step into a room full of people and you immediately get everyone's attention because of the fact that you are absolutely stunning und unbelievably gorgeous from head to toe.

Starting with your light brown coloured hair on the top of your head and the way it sometimes falls in your eyes when you wear it in a fringe, but also styled up in a quiff that it looks like there is another mix of different colours in it.

The colour of your hair matches perfectly with your soft and clear skin, just slightly tanned that you don't look too pale but it's not in an unrealistic tan for someone with his roots in the UK. It always looks like the sun just barely kissed your skin, but it really is enough for you to shine like the sun itself.

Then there are your eyes, sometimes so clear and blue like the ocean and sometimes with a hint of green around your pupils that they look like the wide world. But all the time everyone drowns in them, not able to look away from this beauty, whenever you catch their gazes.

Your mouth and lips are the most amazing things to kiss. So soft but yet so rough at the same time. I can't even describe this feeling but I know for sure that your lips on mine is an unforgettable feeling that makes me craving for more. They taste so sweet, always like a bit of your tea you drink every morning and a bit of honey you eat on your toast. It's the sweetest taste and I just can't get enough.

Your features, like your cheekbones, your jawline and your chin are quite angular but also gentle, so sharp but yet so delicate, that you look so manly, especially with your scratchy stubble, but still so young and it suits you absolutely perfect.

When you laugh you get these cute crinkles by your eyes, telling the world how kind and gentle you are. But whenever you laugh and it doesn't reach your eyes, I know there's something wrong. This is something the world may not see, but if you opened up to someone and this person really cares for you, this person could read you like an open book.

You always say you are so tiny that it makes you seem vulnerable, but you really have nothing to worry about. Because of your body shape that matches perfectly to your height, so that everything fits together that it really doesn't look like you are being too small. And even if you hate being smaller than me, I can't help it but enjoy the fact, because that's something I love you the most for.

The way your curves fits to my shape, the way we can be cuddled up on the sofa with you on my lap so that your heart lays directly over mine, heartbeat over heartbeat, matching together and having their own rhythm. The way we can hold ourselves in a tight embrace, so that you can literally hide your head in the crook of my neck, so that I can wrap my arms all around your body, trying to hide it and never wanting to let you go.

I love your arms having wrapped around me when you are asleep, holding tight on my arms or just having them loosely around my upper body. Or when we are spooning and you hold me tight with your hands over mine and our feet tangled together, that I'm not able to move. But especially then you don't mind me having me hands on your soft tummy, caressing him all the time. I just love how your tummy is the softest spot of your body and you shouldn't be ashamed of it because everyone has his tiny imperfections that makes them just more perfect. And when you were one of your tighter t-shirts so that I can see the small form of your belly I mostly can't keep my eyes away because I love it just so much.

The same counts for your muscular thighs and the way your jeans are like a second skin around them and I can see every single flex of your muscles when you walk up the stairs in front of me or you just sit down. Seriously Lou, even the tiny little things you do are driving me crazy.

The total opposite of your brawny thighs are your skinny ankles and tiny feet. Not that I don't like them, I love them as equally as the rest because they're as special as everything on you. Pure perfection and so unique.

Even your voice! I've never heard such an angelic voice before and whenever you fill a room with your melodic laughter, my heart skips a beat and I can forget everything around me or what has bothering me before. Your voice is so light and clear but a bit raspy at the same time and you can fill your stories or jokes with so much life just by using your voice in the perfect manner that I could listen to you for years without getting the feeling of being bored.

You have one of the kindest hearts. The way you talk to strangers on the street or children in a hospital, the way you care about your sisters and your mum, the way you are there for everyone who has your heart, it's so full of love, respect, bravery and strength that I always wonder how your big heart fits in your smaller body.

Louis, you are my rock, my lightest sunbeam, my anchor and my steadiness I can hold on to whenever I have the feeling to float away in the wild sea

I fell in love with you because you always find a way to make me laugh, even if I'm in one of my really shitty moods in the early mornings or when the tiredness overcomes me after a stressful day. But you are there and you are the only one who can manage to make me happy again, just with one of your jokes, or just with being there and holding me close.

With you I feel safe because you always take care of me, even if you don't have to. I know that if something will happen, you will always be at my site. You know exactly what to do when I'm nervous or when something is bothering me. You'll be there when I'm perfectly fine or when I have one of the worst days of my life.

You don't know how much I love you, how head over heels I am for you.

I've never experienced this kind of love before and I'm so thankful that I have you near whenever I need you, whenever I feel down. You are the reason why I smile, why I wake up every single morning thinking that this is going to be a good day because I can be with you.

I never thought that I will be the lucky one who can call himself yours. I never imagined that, not even in my dreams that someone so beyond perfect like you would choose someone like me because everyone in this world falls in love whenever they met you.

You could probably get anyone you want, but yet you are here, every single day, dealing with me and my flaws, my moods, my imperfections. You are always there and I don't want anything else. Just you and me together, that's enough for me to live and to survive. Every day I love you more and more for what you are, for what you do, for you loving me.

You are and will always be the love of my life, So if you ever feel down, just remember that I'll never leave you and I'll always be there for you like you are always be there for me.

I love you, with all my heart.

And I will always be yours.


The first time Louis heard this words read out by Harry, he almost couldn't stop crying. He never had someone like Harry who put so much effort in their relationship, who always knew to find the exactly right words to make him feel better, who always kept up with his shit, even if it was like an endless circle of feeling good but mostly bad about himself. But Harry never said anything, he never seemed annoyed by him, he always found different ways of affection to show him that Louis was worth the love Harry gave him and this letter was one of them.

But this letter meant so much more. Of course it was about Louis to show him how wonderful and perfect he for Harry and other people his, but it was also a confession of his love, a promise that he'll always be at Louis site, no matter what happened.

And that was what Louis realised a few weeks later, when he read this letter for the first time all by himself, cuddled up in a blanket in Harry's and his bed, his tiny body tucked in one of Harry's widest jumpers, so that he had to roll up the sleeves like five times.

He realised that Harry wrote his heart out, that he gave him his love in this letter because written words can sometimes say a lot more than spoken ones. That's why Louis still kept this letter, even after another two years of being together and he still loved these words since he heard them for the first time and he knew that Harry still felt the same. So he decided something that would change both of their lifes, but in a very good way.

It was on one of their monthly special dates. Once a month they always made something that was unforgettable, like having a small weekend trip to the sea, or to Disney Land in France. And every month either Harry or Louis didn't know what the other one had planned for them, so it was always a surprise.

This time when Louis had to think about something very special, he instantly knew what to do. He went to the groceries to buy some food for a huge picknick. He bought some expensive wine and fruits like apples, cherries and strawberries, but also the exotic ones, like mangos, pineapples or a dragon fruit. He even bought ingredients for a self-made chocolate pudding, so they could dip the fruits in it.

Back at home he first made the pudding and put him in the fridge, then he packed a few blankets and two of Harry's and his warmest sweaters in the car. Even if it was a warm summer day, it always could be cold at night. Then he went into the woods behind their small house, where he searched for some fire wood and put it also in the trunk of his car.

When Harry came home from work, Louis didn't really give him much time to calm down and to take a shower because he wanted to start their date before sunset. But Harry didn't mind to be so hurried. As soon as he saw the happy glance and excitement in Louis eyes, he was calm and absolutely in the mood for a proper date.

"Soooo handsome, where are we going?" Harry asked Louis when they both sat in the car and Louis started the engine. Louis just gave him a mysterious smile but didn't say a word, knowing Harry's curiosity too well. After a while Harry chatted about his day at work and some gossip he caught up at the work's cafeteria and it was like he didn't take the time to look out of the window to see where Louis was driving to.

When Louis pulled up in the parking lot and stopped the engine to turn his body towards Harry, he realised first that they were close to a beach. "The beach?"

"Yup" Louis said casually, while getting out of the car and opening the trunk.

"But it's evening. No one else is here."

"Baby, that's the plan." He chuckled and threw some bags over his shoulder. "Stop standing there like that and help me. Please?" He added and Harry stepped closer and took the fire wood out of the trunk.

"Louis, what?"

"Jesus, Harry, be patient" Louis laughed at his curiosity, but also the fact that it seemed like Harry really can't count one and one together.

They walked along the beach for a few minutes until Louis found the perfect place to stay, where the water wasn't that far away and where some old trees were lying on the ground, so they could use it as their seats. He let the bags fall down on the sand when Harry did the same and started to build up a campfire.

Then he grabbed the biggest blanket and placed it on the soft sand. The small bowls filled with the fruits and the bigger one with the chocolate pudding were placed in the middle of the blanket so Harry and Louis could sit around it and had no problems to reach them.

When Louis managed everything he looked up to Harry who watched him in awe the whole time.

"I knew you had a romantic side, but you never told me that you are almost as cheesy as me." He grinned at Louis with shiny eyes and stepped closer so that they were chest to chest at each other.

"I'm just full of surprises, love." Louis said huskily, shortly before he closed the small distance between their lips and captured Harry's in a loving kiss.

"It's beautiful, Lou." Harry breathed when they pulled away from each other and sat down on the soft blanket.

"I'm glad you like it. Want some wine? I bought some expensive stuff, I just hope it's tasty at least" Louis chuckled, remembering the time they drank a really expensive champagne for their two years anniversary, but the evening ended with the bottle of champagne spilled out in the sink and the content of a few bottles of their favourite beer in their stomachs.

Harry gladly took a glass of wine and they sat a few minutes in silent, eating some fruits and pudding - or more like feeding each other and stealing small kisses then and there - while adoring the view of the sun, mirroring its beams in the steady sea.

When the sun slowly sank down and the campfire drew some shadows over the boys' faces, so that Louis thought that Harry's skin was glowing in the almost complete darkness.

This was the perfect moment Louis thought, so he stood up, knowing that Harry watched every single move of him. He pulled something out of one of the bags and walked back to Harry, just to sit down right in front of him. He nervously bit down on his bottom lip, but one look in Harry's warm eyes and his nervousness was gone.

"Okay, uhm, I have a small speech for you and please just hear me out and don't interrupt because I think I wouldn't be as confident again as I'm now to tell you that."

With an approving nod by Harry he continued. "Baby, we are together now for almost four years and I have never felt so good around anyone, or have never been so happy like in the past four years. And this is all just because of you. You are my happiness, you are the reason why I smile and I don't even want to imagine where I would stand now, if I haven't met you four years ago.

I still remember this day like yesterday, where I sat in this small café and you had your first week there with a new job. You almost couldn't see anything through your big mop of curls and you were so shy but you yet so proud of yourself when you made something right. And it was just so cute watching you and your innocence. You instantly turned bright red when you caught my eye on you, but I just couldn't look away. That's why I came almost every week, then every day and even if we didn't talk much with each other, I fell in love with you, with your bright smile, your gentle eyes, your politeness, your clumsiness, with everything. And when we had our first real date, I felt like on top of the world because I finally got to know you and could look under your surface, but what I found there was more than I've ever imagined.

You were and still are so beautiful on the inside and outside and I love you so much for everything. I could list up a million things I love on you but then I will never finish my little rant, but if you want, I'll point them out. Every single morning when I'm able to wake up next to you, I'll tell you a thing what I love on you.

Harry I love you with all my heart and I've never been so sure with someone before with whom I want to spend the rest of my life with, so I wanted to ask you: Will you marry me?"

The whole time Louis couldn't look him in the eyes, too afraid to upset him and doing something wrong. But when he asked him he looked him straight in the eyes, just to be greeted by the most beautiful teary eyes he has ever seen.

Without hesitation Harry scooped closer to Louis and kissed him hardly and passionate but with so much love that Louis was about to cry, too. He cupped Harry's tear tracked cheeks, wiping some of them with his thumb away but not breaking the kiss.

When they pulled away, both breathless but with the brightest smiles on their faces, Louis spoke up again. "Baby, I still need an answer."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes!" Harry grinned and watched his love of his life how he pushed a simple but yet stunning ring over Harry's finger, then he raised Harry's hand on his lips and gently kissed the cold metal of the ring.

"I love you so much, Harry."

"I love you, too, Lou. More than everything"

The rest of the night they were cuddled up on the blanket, never letting go of each other, just sharing kisses and tender touches. But it was one of their best nights they had together.

Now, two years later Louis wakes up from the small whimpers, he still has get used to. He silently taps with bare feet through the room and heads out of the door. While he's rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he steps closer to the other room, right next to Harry's and his bedroom. He opens the door and the whimpers are getting louder and more desperate.

"Shhh sweetheart, everything is fine." Louis coos as he gently picks up their little daughter.

And as soon as she's in his arms, she's silent, just watching her father with big curious green eyes. He gentle kisses her tiny hands when she's about to grab his hair and to pull at it. These small actions makes her giggle and Louis eyes are about to tear up because he never imagined to call such a wonderful little angel his own child.

Harry and he instantly fell in love with her at the adoptions centre, when she was just a few months old. They wanted a little baby, to raise it up from the whole beginning, so this was their biggest wish, to have their own little child and give it the chance to have a better life.

And now they finally have her little baby at home. Everything is new for them, but it's so wonderful and Louis wants nothing more than to show every single person, the small family meets on the street, their tiny baby.

"Lou?" He hears Harry's raspy sleeping voice from the corridor.

"I'm here love" Louis answers a bit hushed, not to afraid their little daughter in his arms, who's smiling up at him now and kicks his small feet out of happiness.

"Harry steps in the room and a smile lights up his face. "You look so beautiful with her in your arms. You really are the perfect father." He whispers between soft kisses, he peppers over Louis' and the baby's face.

"You're not that bad yourself, hun." Louis whispers and adores the loving mimic his husband has on his face. After a few minutes of standing there in their small family bubble, living in a different world, Louis lays their little daughter into the crib again and with two last kisses on her forehead the two boys go out of the room, back into their own, where they immediately fall asleep in each other's arms again. With two big proud smiles on their faces and their hearts beating in unison, with nothing more than love and happiness.

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