The Irish Twin's Run Away...

By Nenerh1

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Isabel Mendez was about to turn 21 yrs old. Instead of celebrating her milestone with a party or going out wi... More

Chapter 1: The Past...
Chapter 2: Add it to my list...
Chapter 3: Aiden and Brayden O'Brien...
Chapter 4: Seeing them again...
Chapter 5: ...Next Move?
Chapter 6: A plan to convince her...
Chapter 7: Waking up in a strange bed...
Chapter 8: Realizing she's gone...
Chapter 10: Figuring her out...
Chapter 11: The 1
Chapter 12: Where did you think you where going?
Chapter 13: Treasure box...
Chapter 14:...something for nothing
Chapter 15: When can I go home?
Chapter 16: Sneaking out...
Chapter 17: Gone...
Chapter 18: Egoistic Ways...
Chapter 19: Being right...

Chapter 9: Awake...

17.4K 763 79
By Nenerh1

I heard hushed voices in the distance. The strange dream that I was having was making me uncomfortable. Even though I was asleep, my brain was aware that I needed to wake up because something wasn't right. Just like all of those nights I was molested by Joaquin and Julio.

Feeling myself turn on my back I groan. My body felt sore and achy all over. I also felt hot and sweaty.

"Why is it so hot in here?" I shout out still with my eyes closed.

"Isabel? What's the matter?" hearing a man's voice ask next to me.

Realizing that, I sat up. Blinking my eyes I am met with a pair of beautiful worried blue ones.

"Are you hurting?" he asked as he sat on the right side of the bed.

"Are you still sweating?" looking on my other side to see who was speaking. Another set of beautiful worried blue eyes stared at me.

I looked in between them surprised and mostly confused. Why were the twins in my room and in my bed? Wait! This isn't my place.

"What am I doing here?" I asked bringing the cover closer to my body as I scooted backwards so my back was against the headboard.

"You don't remember?" the one in front of me asked.

I shook my head no. He looked kind of relieved as he looked over to his twin.

"You had a high fever of 103 yesterday. The doctor said it was just a cold since you were exposed to the cold weather. We were worried it was the flu but thank God it wasn't. He said to let you sweat it out over night and see how you felt today. So, how are you feeling?" the other twin asked bringing his hand up towards me but I moved away.

He looked disappointed but didn't try again which I was thankful for. I didn't like anyone touching me, especially men I didn't know.

"My body feels sore and my head hurts." I tell them.

"Understandable, here take these and drink some water." handing me two tablets and a glass of water that he got off the night table.

Staring at the items in his hand I couldn't help but hesitate which he noticed. "It's only Tylenol and water. The doctor said to take them if you were still feeling achy. It should make you feel a bit better." he said with a warm smile.

Glancing over at his brother who nodded in agreement I looked back and took the tablets and the glass of water from his hand. Popping them in my mouth I placed the glass on my lips and took a very long and greedy gulp of the cold water which I downed quickly. I was so thirsty.

"Someone's thirsty." hearing the one in front of me chuckle. "Would you like more?"

"Yes please."

"Alright, I will be right back." he says standing up taking the glass with him.

I watched him leave the room in silence. I felt a bit awkward since I was in their home and they had taken care of me while I was sick.

"You really don't remember anything?"

The question had me turn to look at him still not knowing which twin was which. They are so freaking identical.

"Vaguely. Before I woke up I was having a bad dream...a man was on top of me trying to..." shaking my head to erase the memory.

"It's alright. You are safe now Isabel. We won't let anything happen to you from now on." he says sounding sincere.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I didn't understand what he meant. "I thought it was Joaquin or Julio in my dream when they used to..." stopping myself I look away from him.

"When they what Isabel? Who is Joaquin and Julio?" he asked.

"They're no one." I whispered without looking at him. I've never told anyone about them and I wasn't going to start by telling him, a stranger.

"Isabel." he says but was interrupted by his brother who walked in.

"Here we go beautiful, a pitcher of water and some crackers. You must be hungry and this should settle your stomach before I make you a real meal."

Placing the tray down on the night stand, he grabs the glass and fills it up then hands it to me. "Thank you." I tell him then take the plate with the crackers.

"Anything for you." smiling at me as he sits back down on the bed.

"Is there anything else you need?" the other one asked.

"Yes." nodding my head.

"What do you need?"

Looking in between them I say. "I need answers."

"Alright. What would you like to know?"

"Why am I here?" I ask the one to my right. I should ask which is which.

"Well, were." he began to say but stuttered.

"I, what?" I ask raising my brows up but he looked perplexed.

"You were assaulted by some ahole that you were serving that night. He must of followed you outside and tried to make a move on you and when you pushed him away, he hit you and tried to rape you." the other one tells me with no emotion.

Shock filled my face and my stomach started to turn. I felt the bile rising through my esophagus all the way up my throat. Dropping the plate of crackers on the side I jumped out of the bed and ran towards the bathroom, thanking God I remembered it was in the room. Making it in time to the toilet I began to throw up.

"Isabel." hearing my name as I heard their footsteps on the tile from behind me.

Spewing the little contents that were in my stomach, I started to dry heave. "Oh Isabel." feeling one hand lifting my hair and another hand rubbing circles on my back which was actually making me feel a bit better but strange at the physical contact.

A few minutes passed and the feeling of sickness passed. "Here you go." getting up I closed the lid of the toilet and flushed. Sitting on top of it one of them handed me a wet towel to clean my mouth and face.

"Thank you." telling him lowly. My throat feeling raw from the strain.

"I told you, anything for you." smiling in front of me as he kneeled down so we were face to face while the other twin stood on the other side of us just staring down at me.

"I'm sorry." apologizing to them not knowing why.

"Sorry for what?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"For, you know." making it obvious.

"You don't have to apologize. You are sick and hearing what Aiden 'oh so nicely' told you would make me feel sick also. No worries. Alright?" taking my hand in his as he cups the side of my face with his other hand showing me that warm smile he has.

Feeling awkward again I moved my face out of his hold and stood up. "Can I use the bathroom?"

They both stared at me. The one who I know now is Brayden nodded as he stood up from his kneeling position. "Sure. Let me get you a tooth brush also." walking over to the side closet that was next to Aiden.

Watching him get it I notice Aiden staring at me with no emotion. I wondered why he was quiet and why he just stared at me.

"Here you go. We'll be outside. There's a few things we need to discuss." telling me as he handed me the toothbrush.

"Thank you...and ok." taking it from his hand.

Brayden nodded and turned to leave leaving me standing there. Aiden made no attempt to move. "Aid, let's go."

Aiden continued to stare at me sternly which was making me feel uncomfortable. Taking a step forward he stood in front of me then leaned down. "We'll be right outside." then left the bathroom closing the door behind me.

Shaking my head I walk over to the sink and open the package with the toothbrush in it. Turning on the faucet I wet it then unscrew the cap of the toothpaste that was on top of the sink. Squeezing the tube, I put a good amount of toothpaste on it since I know my breath must be kicking. Brushing for a good while I take a cup filling it with water and rinse my mouth. Finishing, I put the cup down and grab the towel to dry my face and hands.

Before leaving I decide to pee since at that moment I had to go. After I was done with my business I wash my hands then dry them again. Opening the door I see the twins in a deep discussion but stop once they heard me.

"You're all done? How are you feeling?" Brayden asks walking around his brother who just looked at me.

"I am and I'm feeling a bit better, thank you."

"You're welcome beautiful. Now how about you lay down for a while longer so you can get more rest." suggesting as he pulled the cover to the side so I could lay down.

"How about you just tell me what else happened after that guy..." I didn't even want to finish the sentence.

Brayden looked at me with a frown then glanced over to Aiden who was now in front of the bed. "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course I do. I want to know why I'm here and not at my place."

"You mean that dump you call home?" hearing Aiden finally speak.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me Isabel. You live in a rat hole and you want to go back there where it isn't safe? Are you serious?" he snapped.

Glaring at him I felt my anger surfacing. Who the hell was he to say that to me? "Who the hell are you to say that? That rat hole has been my home for over five years and in those five years, nothing has happened to me. Just because I can't afford living on the uppity side of Boston doesn't mean that you have the right to talk crap about where I live you freaking SNOB!" I say raising my voice at him.

"Snob? Did you just call me a snob?"

"You heard me Aiden. Now, where are my things because I want to go back to my rat hole where I don't have to be judged by rich pretty boy snobs that I'm pretty sure were handed everything to them on a silver platter." glancing around the room I started looking for my things.

"Isabel hold on. You aren't going anywhere." Brayden blocked my way to stop me.

"The hell I am. I want to go home. Either you take me or I can find my way back."

Brayden looked at me then sighed. "You are still sick and being out there in this cold weather will not be good for you. Plus, there is a bad nor'easter heading this way in the next hour. The roads and public transportation are all shut down. Even if you wanted to, you will be stuck out in the snow. So please Isabel, stay here and get better. We can talk everything over calmly over breakfast. How does that sound?"

I stared at him then at his brother who was still glaring my way. "Fine." giving in. I was feeling a bit light headed anyways.

"Good. Now, how about you go take a nice bubble bath and relax while I make us a nice breakfast then talk." he says cupping the side of my face which at contact I moved away.

"Fine. Where are my clothes?"

"There are new outfits for you in the walk in closet including undergarments, shoes and anything else you may need."

Scrunching my face I was surprised. "Okay, thank you." I say. Why were they being nice to me? Let me take that back. Why was Brayden being nice to me?

"No problem beautiful. Now, Aiden and I will give you privacy while you take a bath. Everything you'll need is in the bathroom or in the linen closet. If you need anything else just call one of us."

I made a sour face which he noticed making him chuckle. "...or just me and I will get it for you okay?"

"Ok." I reply nodding my head.

Nodding back he begins to make his way to the door. Aiden stared at me for a few seconds before turning around and following his brother out of the room closing the door behind him.

Taking a deep breath I walk towards the door and lock it making sure they won't come in. Just because he said they will give me privacy, doesn't mean they will. Turning around, I walk towards the bathroom and close the door behind me locking it like the other one. I had to make sure. I didn't want them walking in and doing bad things to me like Joaquin and Julio used to do while I took showers.

A/N: 07/20/2016

Hello my readers. Hope everyone is having a great week and Summer. I had a chance to update and also because a few requested the update. Hope you guys liked it.

What do you think about Isabel and the twin's interaction? Why did Aiden act the way he did with her? Will she leave again?

Check out my other stories if you haven't. I decided to Publish my story "I'm Only His (Book 1)" so I may be busy doing that and because I will be going away for the next few weeks.

Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting. Have a great week and weekend! Bye.

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