Cowgirl Up ✔️

Autorstwa PalominoDreamtime

119K 3K 210

- will develop into mature reading - Bailey is seventeen years old and determined she's not going back to sc... Więcej

A liftle bit of Blayze...
Chapter One
Chaper Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Cowgirl Up 2 Is Up!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Faithful Reader's!
Food For Thought...

Chapter Fifty-Six

1K 35 7
Autorstwa PalominoDreamtime

- cover by Mikayala7700 😍

"They're at the pub."
Noah informed us, lifting her gaze from her illuminated phone screen.
I already knew this, from my earlier phone conversation with Blayze.
I eased the Ranger down a couple of gears as we came to the familiar buildings that signified the Hotel was coming up soon.
The Main Street had car's lining the sides and every window of the hotel had a glowing light shining through to say there was proud activity going on inside.
I steered the Ranger into the pub's driveway, not being able to see any available parking spaces along the roadside.
We crept at an aggravatingly slow pace, because a few drunken idiots had decided the driveway was a good place to hang out.
I resisted the urge to lean on the horn and warn them they'd meet the Bullbar if they didn't move.
But running people over probably wasn't the brightest of ideas.
I doubt Blayze wants their blood on his Bullbar.
And I definitely don't want the lawsuit.

Eventually I found a park I could safely get the Ranger into and the girls and I were free to climb out of the 4x4 and head toward the pub doors.
It felt good to finally be out of the car and have a chance to stretch my legs again!
Leering, drunken men called things out to us that weren't even worth mentioning, as we passed through the beer garden where drunken men and women milled about, slurring their words and spilling their drinks.
Even Noah, ever the opinionated, self courageous, feminist, managed to just clench her jaw and keep walking toward the doors of the pub.
I saw Hayley's grimace of disgust.
No doubt my facial expression looked a lot like hers.
But we have a job to do.
Find the boys.
Not that they're likely to be ready to come home yet...
These men would quickly learn to shut their mouths once we were with Blayze, Keegan and Codie.
The heavy wooden door that led into the front bar was swung open for us, saving our muscles catching the brunt of it.
A group of four men blocked our path, a few girls hanging behind them.
A quick glance told me they were likely to be in their early twenties.
One of the front standing guys eyed us over, his gaze lingering a little too long on the curves of our bodies, making me cringe.
None of us had exactly put any major effort into our appearance, being we were thinking we were headed home.
I wore a simple pair of jeans with some sparkly diamonties on the back pockets.
It was bizarrely warm for a late April night, so I was just wearing a form fitting dark blue Wrangler t-shirt.
And only left overs from the small amount of make-up I'd applied that morning, was on my face.
"Bailey Harley."
The young man drawled.
I felt an uncomfortable shiver run down my spine.
Who even is this bloke?
Though his murky eyes were looking a little familiar...
Noah rolled her eyes.
"Step aside Morrison."
Hold on!
Isn't that...?
But this doesn't look like...
"You're not getting yourself into trouble are ya little brother?"
Now I just about felt a shiver run down my spine.
Austin had arrived.
A couple of his goons trailed him, looking as idiotic as ever.
The girls snickered and giggled, a few snide remarks leaving their lips but I paid them little attention.
What would be the point?
I clenched my jaw and did my best to remain calm.
But it wasn't working so well.
These people were quick fast getting on my last nerve.
My patience with idiots doesn't stretch too far these days.
I just want to go home to my bed!
Where the hell is Blayze when you need him?
Noah sighed.
"Move Austin."
Clearly she too didn't have the fight in her.
Austin raised a questioning eyebrow.
Oh just great...
Now he's going to pull some-
Austin smiled and stepped to the side, sweeping his arm in a gesture to let us through.
Had hell just frozen over?
Were pigs flying?
Were Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny suddenly real?
Unwilling to take any chances, I hurriedly walked forward, the girls hot on my heels.
"Good to see you Bailey!"
Austin called.
Yeah right!
You're just a creep who wants to start trouble!
I put an extra push into my steps and headed for the crowd of the front bar.
Hayley scowled.
"What a creep."
I couldn't agree more...

I slowed my steps and looked around the front bar, which thrummed with the music playing off in the corner and the lively discussions from pub goers.
A few somewhat familiar faces popped into my view, being that nearly everybody who attends here is a local.
But none were Blayze, Keegan or Codie.
Hell even Heath or the hired hands would be good to find right about now!
I squealed, the masculine voice having sounded right at my ear.
I spun around to find myself facing Kyle Western wearing his trademark black polo shirt with the pub logo on the chest and carrying an arm load of used glasses.
He also wore an amused gleam in his eyes and a cheeky grin.
He'd enjoyed scaring me!
I scowled and reached out a hand to smack his shoulder.
The twat just laughed.
Kyle nodded in the direction of the open double doors to the pool room.
"If you're looking for Blayze he's where he always is."
I couldn't help but smile.
Kyle looked between Noah, Hayley and I.
"Do any of you want a drink?"
Simultaneously we shook our heads.
He turned on his heel and aimed for the back of the bar and the outlying kitchen.
Noah urged, taking charge and heading for the pool room.
I guess she can't wait to see Codie.
I nodded Hayley ahead and trailed behind the girls.
"Miss, Harley."
"Hey girls."
Were thrown about as we wove our way through the patrons of the front bar, toward the room beyond.

Walking into the pool room, it wasn't hard to spot the familiar people.
Heath was battling it out with the Jacksons' youngest farmhand, James, with Troy and Shayne acting as his support crew.
And even his pit crew apparently, because I saw Shayne jump to add chalk to the tip of Heath's chosen cue and Troy hand him a drink between shots.
By the shot that James took, where the white ball pushed the small purple ball across the table, it became apparent Heath was on big's.
Therefore, he was so far kicking James' arse.
Heath had one striped ball left on the table, whereas James had six of the solid balls spread out among the green felt.
Is skill in playing pool hereditary?
Blayze is normally the one who beats everyone.
Though he did tell me Troy beat him last night.
Speaking of...
I scanned the semi crowded pool room to see that Noah had hurried over to where Codie was playing a game against Tyron on the second pool table.
Keegan was stood off to the side, pint of beer in hand and looking relaxed with his right elbow propped on the surface of a tall round table that had a few half empty drinks scattered around it.
A familiar set of broad shoulders came into my view, encased in the fabric of a crisp dark blue t-shirt with the trademark Longhorns stamped across the shoulder blades.
Perfectly fitting dark wash jeans encased his sculpted lower half, leading to where his boots were planted steadily on the worn but looked after dark blue carpet of the hotel.
A few guys hung around nearby and irritatingly, a gaggle of girls weren't far enough away for my liking.
Each was dressed to impress, with make-up enhancing her face and either a short dress or shirt and skirt combination or even a second skin of pants and a top in place.
Most weren't leaving too much to the imagination.
Out the corner of my eye, I saw Hayley lift a hand in a wave.
What the?
Keegan's blue eyes flashed our way and he nodded.
It was pretty obvious Blayze went to turn around, as if to see what Keegan's interest was.
Apparently Keegan didn't want him to notice us though, because he placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him turning and said something which I couldn't hear over the music playing and the cheerful chatter of pub patrons.
Blayze turned to the table and lifted a half empty glass to take a sip.
Keegan took this opportunity to meet my eye and wink.
What the?
"I think he wants you to do something exciting."
Hayley's whispered words sounded as confused as I felt.
What the hell am I even supposed to do?
Keegan looked back my way and I nodded, even though I had no plan.
Keegan gestured for Blayze to take a step away from the table.
I'd bet Blayze's face showed confusion.
But a moment later he followed his best friend's lead and took a step to the side.
Why is Keegan...?
"Keegan sent me a message."
I looked quickly to Hayley.
When the hell did Keegan even get out his phone?
Maybe when you were checking Blayze out like a creepy stalker.
The little voice in my head pointed out.
"He reckon's you'll catch him off guard if you jump on him."
My best friend explained as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.
Jump on Blayze?
But what if I hurt him?
What if he thinks it's somebody attacking and goes all Kung Fu badass on me?
I chewed nervously on my lower lip.
Seemingly like fate, Keegan looked my way again.
He gave a subtle nod.
Uh oh...
"You guys are dead if this backfires on me."
I hissed to Hayley.
Totally being supportive, she giggled, full of amusement.
I rolled my eyes and got ready to run.
I kind of do want to surprise Blayze.
He doesn't even know we were heading back tonight unless Codie told him.
Keegan said something to Blayze, holding his attention and I took this moment to unleash my plan.
Or rather, Keegan and Hayley's plan.
I took off the short distance I had to cover and gauged my timing for where I needed to pounce.
I launched myself off the ground, my aim to give myself an uninvited piggyback from Blayze.
The second my body slammed into his back, I felt his body stiffen.
He took a step to regain balance and I threw my arms around his broad shoulders, gripping my thigh's the best I could around his hips to try to hold myself up.
Laughter rose among the room, from people who'd managed to catch what happened.
"Jesus Chris Bailey!"
Amusement mixed with shock laced Blayze's voice.
He set his almost spilled drink onto the round table and used his now free hands to grab the back's of my thighs, just above my knees to what I'm supposing is to help steady me.
Though I can tell you right now I feel very steady.
His toned, muscled body felt damn near unbreakable beneath me.
But I couldn't exactly hang off his back forever.
I couldn't help but grin.
Keegan looked like he was about to fall over from laughing so hard.
"How'd ya know it was me?"
This caused even more laughter to fill the room, from those who managed to hear.
Blayze turned his head so he could catch a glance at me, a smile twitching at his lips and amusement sparkling in his beautiful deep eyes.
"Who else would jump on me?!"
"Plenty of girls probably wish they can."
I whispered into his ear.
His grip on my legs tightened and I swear I heard a sight groan.
A second too late I realised my words could have seemed somewhat flirty.
I almost blushed.
"Go on get down, you're gonna cause talk."
Slowly Blayze released his hold on my thighs.
Feeling the pressure of holding myself up being solely back to me, I let out a surprised squeak and gripped tighter with my arms.
Then his words registered.
People could start talking about us.
Feeling a little dejected, I dropped back down to the floor, almost immediately missing the height I'd gained for a few minutes.
Keegan chuckled, his eyes still brimming with amusement.
"You two so work."
Not bothering with an answer, Blayze just picked up his drink and took a sip.
I moved around to stand beside Blayze, because he sure doesn't make a very good window.
"What're you two doin here anyway?"
Keegan looked between me and-oh!
Hayley joined!
"Last I heard ya were stayin in Angle again."
I shrugged.
"We decided it was time to come home."
"You decided or Noah decided?"
Blayze asked and nodded across the room.
I followed and my gaze landed on a finished game of pool and Noah pressed as closely to Codie as she could get with their clothes still on, their bodies flush, her hands gripped into his now messy hair and his hands making her waist look tiny from where they were wrapped around it.
Their lips were locked and it certainly didn't look like they'd be coming up for air any time soon.
"It was a unanimous decision."
Hayley declared.
The looks on both Blayze and Keegan's faces said that neither one believed us.
"What're you doin back here?"
An evidently male arm was slung over my shoulders, but the voice that accompanied the gesture alerted me to the fact that I didn't have to worry, because said person was Heath.
Though I'm pretty sure I wouldn't need to worry anyway.
Blayze is currently standing at most a half a foot away from me, so I'm fairly confident that if some creepo was throwing himself all over me, I could rely on Blayze to smack him the hell out.
"Watch out Heafh."
Amused laughter laced Keegan's voice.
I rolled my eyes at the troublemaker.
"Hardy ha ha."
Then I turned my head Heath's way.
Looking at his face was like flipping a switch on reality.
Do either he or Blayze know that they're actually related a lot more closely than just cousin's?
I saw Blayze's Mum tonight!
"Missed me did ya Bails?"
Wearing a six foot grin, Heath tightened his arm around my shoulders.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah that was it!"
The sarcasm was dripping off my tongue so thick that it was almost tangible.
The group around me laughed.
Heath reeled back from me as if I'd managed to electrocute him or something.
He clutched dramatically at his heart.
Laughter was now all that I could manage.
After the tense evening and my preoccupied drive here, it felt good to be able to laugh!

Sitting at one of the tall tables, on a stool where my boot covered feet were hanging about a foot off the floor because I'm a short ass, I tried hard to hold my eyes open.
My elbows were propped on the shiny table top, my chin cupped in my hands and my poor eyes just wanted to close and relax.
An almost empty hot chocolate, thanks to Joel taking pity on me while everybody else clowned around drinking their alcohol, sat in front of me.
I dragged my head to the right to see that Blayze had come back to the table.
My voice, having not been used much recently, decided not to work properly.
I cleared my throat and tried again.
"Where are we going?"
Oh hallelujah!
My average hot chocolate forgotten, I practically jumped off the stool.
Smiling, Blayze shook his head.
"Is anybody else coming?"
I just hoped we didn't have to try to drag anybody who's drunk as a skunk out the door...
Blayze shook his head.
"Just you 'n me. Noah's goin with Codie and Keegan said he'll take Hayley back."
Two hours driving alone with Blayze?
Or I guess less if he decides he's taking back the keys...
I touched my pocket where the keys were still sat, because I hadn't yet given them back to Blayze.
"Just let me say bye to the girls."
I turned on my heel to find Hayley and Noah.
It would be rude if I took off without letting them know and saying bye.

Relief washed over me when our entrance to the farm finally made its appearance.
Thanks to Blayze's driving, I only had to keep my eyeballs forced open for just under an hour and a half.
Blayze drove the Ranger straight to the cottage, which I'm assuming means he wants me to get Zuke.
Yes, after a whole day with him he's probably over him!
A glance at the dash clock told me it was almost midnight.
No wonder I'm tired!
I can barely stay awake until 10PM lately!
"Is Zuke inside?"
Once again my voice came out croaky due to a lack of use.
Blayze glanced my way as he took the keys from the ignition.
I unbuckled my seat belt.
"I'll come get him then."
Really I didn't even want to move.
Curling up right here and going to sleep sounded like a wonderful idea.
We both pushed the doors open and climbed out of the car.

Following Blayze up onto the slate porch, I felt troubled.
Visions of his broken mother had been flashing in my mind all night.
Was the situation not as clear cut as I'd thought it was from Blayze's explanations over the years?
Clearly it wasn't if Blayze doesn't even know Heath is actually his brother.
And how the hell am I supposed to tell him that?
It's not your place to.
The reasonable voice in my head informed me.
That part is up to his parents.
That would surely make my life easier.
But how could I act normally around him when I know the truth?
And I know that his Mum is only a few hours away!
She's living in Tahlee!
I've never been there, but Bindi said it's not that far from Angle Vale.
It was frustrating and troubling the hell out of me, that I couldn't get Loralai Riley out of my mind.
I've met her once!
But you know she's a huge piece to the puzzle that is Blayze's life.
That reasonable little voice in my head piped up again.
Blayze pushed the cottage door open and we were greeted with three over excitable dogs!
Well two over excitable dogs and one mental puppy!
"Hello, hello, hello!"
I couldn't help but laugh as I bent to be able to pat them all.
Zuke practically ricocheted off my legs in his excitement and also battling with Azlan and Zeus to be able to get greetings in.
"I'll take em out so they can go to the toilet."
Blayze suddenly said.
"Help yourself to a drink or whatever."
So maybe he doesn't want rid of us so soon...
I nodded to say I'd heard.
Blayze headed outside and all three dogs followed.
But Zuke paused in the doorway, looking over his shoulder at me.
"Go on."
I urged.
He wagged his tail.
Blayze leaned back into the house to bend and pick the puppy up.
"C'mon Zuke."
Once the door was shut, I stood there stupidly a moment.
What do I even do?
Really I just want to go to bed.
But Blayze has offered for me to have a drink...
I guess it would be a bit rude to just say 'yeah nah bugger off'.
Actually I'd better check if Zuke has left behind any accidents...

I found one shiny wee in the small hallway that led to the bathroom and laundry, cleaned it up with ease and headed to the kitchen to put the kettle on.
Scampering paws on floorboards told me the dogs were back inside.
I looked down just in time to see Zuke make a flying leap at my legs.
"Hello matey."
I bent to give him a pat, trying to encourage him to stand with all four feet on the ground in the meantime.
The kettle made the 'click' noise to announce it had finished boiling.
"I gotta make cuppas."
I told my puppy.
I straightened and turned back to the kitchen counter.
"I didn't find any accidents."
I glanced over at Blayze's arrival in the kitchen, my heart beating a little faster.
Zuke turned to him, wagging his tail so hard that his whole body wobbled.
"I found a pee in the hallway."
I explained.
Blayze frowned.
"Really? I checked there."
He moved like he was about to go back there.
I couldn't help but smile.
"I cleaned it up when I found it."
"Oh. Cheers."
Now he shifted to that he relaxed backward against the bench.
"Do you want a Milo?"
I guess it would be rude to make myself one and not even see if he wants one.
Even if it is his house.
"Uh...yeah okay. Thanks."

My body felt absolutely knackered, but my mind was far too wired for sleep.
I sat on the couch in Blayze's lounge room, not even being able to enjoy it's cloud like comfort, because the weight of my knowledge was pulling me further and further toward a dark place.
I can't be this close to Blayze without being honest with him.
In any other case it would be amazing right now.
It's midnight, it's a Saturday night and we're the only ones here.
We should be free to relax and do what we want.
But I can't make my brain shut up.
I turned my head left at the sound of scuffing jeans.
Blayze was back.
I think he'd told me he was going to the bathroom, but I was a bit too preoccupied.
Blayze's eyes swung toward the door of his bedroom before he turned my way, pausing at the end of the couch.
"Wanna go to bed?"
His words seemed to ricochet in my head, slamming against my skull and at the same time sucker punch my heart.
An invitation like that was all I wanted pretty much every day.
Why did it have to come about today?
I'm not going to be able to go, lay beside him and not think about everything that I know!
I wanted badly to say yes.
Really I didn't even have to say yes.
I could just get up from the couch and walk that way.
But I knew my 'answer' was going to have to be 'no'.
And who knows what kind of damage that is going to do.
But it's after midnight so it's hardly the time to talk with him about the fact that I met his Mother.
I felt my own heart breaking as I forced my mouth to move.
"I- I can't."
I croaked.
Blayze is world class at schooling his emotions.
But I saw the torrent of emotions swirl through the depths of his beautiful deep eyes as he worked his jaw.
He clenched his fists at his aides and I knew without a doubt that he was mad.
Why wouldn't he be?
We spend so much time tiptoeing around one another these days.
Yet we finally get an open opportunity and I decline.
I looked down to notice my own hands clenched into fists on top of my knees.
My hands even had a slight shake to them.
When oh when would things just go right?
"Then suit yourself coz I'm goin to bed."
I looked up quickly to see that Blayze now had his back to me and was heading for his bedroom.
Do something!
My inner voice shouted at me.
Yet I sat there on the edge of the couch, rigid.
My mind flashed through all the scenarios, the good and the bad.
A wet dog nose on my hand made me look down.
Azlan had propped his nose under my hands and rested his chin on my knees.
Blayze's bedroom door slammed.
I flinched, one of my clenched fists almost knocking Azlan in the face.
Azlan scampered backward, his attentive eyes wearily watching Blayze's now closed door.
Zeus woofed toward the door from where he was sprawled out on one of the armchair's.
Zuke was now on his feet, standing on the rug alongside the coffee table.
My throat felt thick and I felt the hot prickle of tear's in my eyes.
"I've stuffed it haven't I Az."
I whispered.
Azlan whined, trotted forward and slipped his nose under my arm.
"I have to go Az."
I can't stay here with Blayze grumpy at me.
I need to grab Zuke and go home.
I'll talk to Blayze when he's calmed down and explain what's happened.
I gave Azlan a pat then pushed to my feet.
"C'mon Zuke."
I muttered as I scooped him into my arm's.
"We'll leave these guys to it."
I headed for the cottage door.
Even Zeus scrambled down from the armchair to walk to the door with us.
"You guys need to go to bed."
I whispered to Blayze's dog's, one hand on the doorknob.
They both took a step back.
I eased myself and Zuke out of the house and onto the slate porch, pulling the door shut behind us.
"Why can't things just be easy Zuke?"
I croakily whispered to the puppy as I carefully stepped down the couple of steps from the slate porch.
"Nothing ever goes right."

The smell of rain was still rich in the air as Zuke and I trudged across the yard in the direction of my family's home.
Zuke attempted to get down a couple of times, but I was refusing to let him down to get wet and muddy, because I wasn't about to have a wet and muddy puppy in my room.
I have carpet for my floor and I don't want my bedding wet and dirty,
Occasionally my boot's struck a low lying puddle and a spray of water arose, dotting my jeans with some muddy water no doubt.
But I couldn't get my mind off Blayze.
He hates me now.
My heart ached with the realisation.
Why can't I just ever get anything right?
I held tighter to Zuke.
"I will make this better."
I whispered, tear's stinging at my eyes, promising not only Zuke and my unborn baby, but myself too.

Author's Note - Sorry for the wait!

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