I See You (Larry Stylinson Au)

By louislovesharryyy28

911K 29.6K 53.3K

Going into a new school Harry is determined to hide the fact that he was born blind as long as he can in fear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Final chapter

Chapter 13

34.4K 1K 2.5K
By louislovesharryyy28

Louis is just getting in his car with his phone pressed to his ear with his shoulder, waiting for Harry to hopefully pick up. He has his hands full with his backpack and a muffin while trying to shut the door at the same time. He tosses the pack aside and holds the muffin with his teeth so he can pull the door closed. "Hello?" He hears Harry's raspy voice on the other line which makes him smile. It sounds like he's just woken up. Louis begins to talk while the muffin is still in his mouth making it fall to the dirty car floor. "Damn it."

"Louis?" Harry says after hearing his voice. "Good morning Harry Styles." He hears Harry chuckle as he starts the car. "Morning. Why're you waking me up?" Shit. He forgot it's seven in the morning. Of course Harry would be asleep since he's not going to school. "Shit. Sorry Hazz, I didn't mean to wake you." "It's alright. I love hearing form you." Louis smiled brightly before saying, "I was just calling to make sure you'll be okay today?" He pulls away from his house, making his way to school. "You'll be home alone for a few hours."

Harry chuckles again at how worried Louis is about him. "I'll be fine Lou. I know my house and I have my cane. I'll probably just listen to the t.v. or something." "Uhg. I should just skip school. A little telly sounds better than a whole day without you." "Don't skip school Louis. And don't leave early again! I'm not that special." Louis scoffs, "You are to me but okay, for you I won't leave early." He pulls up to the school. "Thank you, you twat."

Louis laughs. He's still the same old Harry. "Alright. I gotta go Hazz. I just got to school." "Okay. Have a good day." "See you soon." With a few goodbyes they hesitantly hang up. Neither of them want to hang up but Louis has school and Harry wants to go back to sleep, much to Louis' amusement.

Walking into literature Louis is still upset that Harry isn't there. Even though he just spoke to him on the phone he still thinks he'll see the green eyed boy sat in the desk right next to him. Liam is snickering at his obvious disappointment. "Would you get over it? It's just for a few days." "Shut up." Louis laughs. He knows he's acting a little over the top but Harry just has that affect on him.


Halfway through the day Louis is at lunch with Niall, talking about how much they'll miss the school's football team now that they're in their last year of school. A fact that they hadn't really noticed until now. "I'm just glad we won the championship." Louis agrees as he's munching on one of Anne's cookies from last night. "Definitely a good way to end our last year." Louis agrees again before holding out the container, "Want one?" Niall agrees with a large kid-like smile. "Holy shit these are great. Did you make these?"

Louis snorts, "No. Anne made them." "When did she give them to you?" "Last night after I dropped Harry off from the hospital. Why?" "So if I were to go visit Harry, there would still be more of these?" Louis snorts again. "Yes Niall. I'm seeing him after school. Why don't you come and you can have all the cookies you want." "Well I would go to see Harry, not for cookies." "Liar." Louis laughs.

"What's so funny?" He hears a voice sneer from behind him. He turns to see Nick, a smug smile on his face that Louis just wants to smack off. "Nothing Nick just piss off." He's never been this rude to Nick before. They've normally just ignored each other but ever since he started saying shit about Harry, Louis couldn't help himself. He had to protect his Harry. Nick came over and sat next to Niall and across from Louis. "The fuck you doing?" Niall asked since he wasn't a fan of Nick either.

Nick ignored him, "Where's your boyfriend Lou?" "Don't call me that." Louis snapped, "And he's not my boyfriend. So what if he was? What's it to you?" "Just the fact that you're using him." He cackles as he crosses his arms. "Are you still on this? I'm not using Harry for shit." "Wait what?" Niall asked confused. "Louis is only hanging out with the blind freak to make himself look even better than he already is." "Bullshit." Niall says quickly and Louis is thankful he has his friend to help him. "And don't call Harry that. He's the nicest person I've ever met."

"Why don't you fucking mind your own business." Nick snaps at Niall. "Don't talk to him like that. This is between me and you Nick. I care about Harry for him, not for how he makes me look. I don't give a damn what other people think. I would be with Harry no matter what." "Of course you would because you're such a great fucking person."

"What is your problem with me?!" Louis shouts a little too loud making a few people in the lunchroom look at them. "I haven't done anything to you and you hate me for no fucking reason!" Nick stands up, Louis follows suit trying to look intimidating even though Nick has a few inches on him. "I hate you because everyone loves football captain Louis Tomlinson and now they love him even more because he's so caring about the blind freak!"

"Football season is over. Get over it and don't call him that!" "Louis." Niall tries to calm him as he stands up too. He hates Nick too but he doesn't want Louis to get in trouble. Louis doesn't care. Especially when it comes to Harry. "I'll call the weirdo anything I want!" "Fucking piss off!" Louis sees a bright white light when Nick's fist is collided with his eye. He doesn't fall. He refuses to fall and give Nick that satisfaction. He uses the lunch table behind them to support himself. He sees through blurred vision that Niall has pushed Nick away from him.

Nick raises is fist to hit Niall as well but Louis comes back to earth and stepped between the two, taking another blow to the same eye. It would surely be black and blue in a few hours, maybe even swell shut. Niall catches him before he falls. "Louis!" Louis ignores his spinning head and pushes himself away from Niall. With a rush of adrenaline he gets a clean shot at Nick right in the jaw. Nick isn't as strong as Louis and falls to the lunchroom floor, gripping onto his jaw that isn't dislocated, but sure feels like it is. He groans as he remains sitting on the floor.

"Don't touch my friend and especially don't talk about Harry like that! I told you that already now I mean it!" Nick just glares up at Louis. Louis is now suddenly aware that the lunchroom has gone silent, looking at the three of them. Louis isn't worried. He's actually relieved they're looking so they can tell the teachers that are running over that Nick started everything. Louis is taken away first, being led strait to the nurse's office by a few teachers. Nick is tended to on the floor still, unable to get up and Niall follows Louis out of the lunchroom filled with students who are snickering at the fact that Louis just won a fight against Nick.


"Thank you." Louis says a little while later when the school nurse hands him his second icepack, the first one melting far too quickly at the heat radiating off Louis' already black and blue and swollen eye. The ice is helping. His eye will probably still swell though. Two punches back to back can only be helped so much by an icepack. Niall is with him, sitting in a chair next to the bed in the infirmary. He's trying so hard not to laugh at Louis winning with just one punch. Louis is doing the same. They're worried the nurse will think they're psychopaths by laughing.

Louis is off the hook for the fight. They did have dozens of witnesses to tell the headmaster that Nick started the fight and Louis was just defending himself and his friend. "Nick has like three inches and twenty pounds on you. I can't believe you took two punches from him yet he went down with one." Niall snickers quietly. "Yeah well." Louis shrugs, "I guess that's what adrenaline does to you. Make you do superhuman things. Don't think I'd ever be able to do that again." He hisses slightly at the pain in his eye.

"Please take the painkiller the nurse offered you." Niall pleads but Louis shakes his head again, "It'll only hurt for a little. I'll get over it." He waves his friend off. "You know you're a twat right?" Louis snorts. "Excuse me?" "You took a punch for me. Why'd you do that?" "'Cause you're my friend and I didn't want you to get hit." "You're my friend too. You think I wanted you to get hit for me?"

"Look I was just thinking about the nurse's sake. If you got punched then she would've had to tend to two people instead of one." "Oh you did it for the nurse?" "Yup." Niall knows he's lying. Louis is purposefully making it so he knows that. He's just trying to lighten up the conversation with some humor. "Thanks Lou." Niall said more softly, "You're a good friend." "Yeah. I'm great aren't I?" They chuckle again.

Two people come through the doorframe and Louis sin't surprised to see Liam and Zayn. "What did you do?" Liam asked when he sees the growing black and blue from under the icepack. "Nick was indirectly bullying Harry." Niall explained. Just that sentence explained everything for the two. "Mate you can't go punching people when they say shit you don't like." Zayn says as they come into the room more. "When it come to Harry of course I can. Nick had it coming. Don't tell me none of wouldn't do the same thing if they were saying shit about Harry."

They're silent which gives Louis his answer. They would've been more patient with Nick and do a better job at ignoring him but eventually they would've taken action. Louis isn't waiting though when it comes to Harry. He'll defend him at the slightest hint of negativity. "Took a punch for me too." Niall says with a small snicker. He still thinks it's funny Louis did it for him. Louis would've thought the same if it was reversed. That's just how their friendship is, they're assholes to each other. Niall is grateful though. He loves Louis.

"I guess we made a good decision when we decided to be friends with you." Zayn jokes making Liam nudge him with an elbow to his ribs. Louis finds it funny though. "I'd take a punch for you Zayn, not you Liam." "Asshole." The four laugh slightly. "Listen, no one says anything to Harry." Louis said in a warning tone, "I don't think he'll be mad I got in a fight but he'll be upset if he knew why. He'd be pissed if he knew it was because of him."

The three agree. "We won't say anything," Niall said, "But won't he question the black eye?" The three of them simultaneously look over at Niall as if he's an idiot. "What?" It takes Niall a moment to realize what he said. "Oh. Right, the blindness." The three laugh at him.


Louis can't go home just yet because his mum wouldn't have let him leave after seeing the eye. She would bedrid him even though he felt fine, just in a little pain. He and Niall stay in the infirmary with Liam and Zayn for the remainder of the school day which was only a few hours. Louis is given the okay to leave once the final class is up. Niall drives his car to Harry's house regardless of not having a license to drive. Louis doesn't care. He wants to see his Harry. Liam and Zayn follow as well. They know Niall will need help in assisting Louis considering his left eye had swollen shut.

Once they're in Harry's home Louis nearly bumps into a side table since his peripheral vision is off. "Smooth." Niall jokes, earning a playful smack from Liam. "Shut up and eat your cookies." Louis laughs, "They're in the bear shaped jar. I'm going to go up to see Harry." The three of them offer him noises of confirmation as they open the jar. Louis shakes his head fondly. He has weird friends.

Louis pushes open Harry's door but doesn't see him. He hears the shower running though. He sets his warm icepack on Harry's dresser before going over to a mirror. His eye is completely closed and it's turned a horrid purple colour. At this moment he was thankful Harry was blind so he wouldn't see the quite ugly black eye. Louis sighs as he goes over the bed and sits down. He's not discouraged by the black eye. The first day is always the worst and it was all for Harry.

Louis leans back against the wall the bed was up against and waits with his eyes closed. The throbbing on his face is making him sick. All for Harry. He reminds himself. He'd do it all over again for him. Harry's bathroom door opens and he steps out in just a towel, a second towel is being used to dry his curls. Louis smiles brightly when he sees him, thankful to be around him once again. Harry has no clue Louis is in the room.

Harry throws his towel near his hamper, obviously missing since he has no idea where exactly it is. It makes Louis chuckle. Harry is about to remove the towel covering his private area and for a spilt second Louis contemplates not saying anything, thinking how much he would enjoy a little show from Harry but that would be sleazy and horrible of him. "Before you take that off you should know I'm in the room." Louis snickers.

"Louis!" Harry says excitedly and hurries over to the direction he heard Louis' voice. Before Louis can warn him he stubs his toe on his nightstand after walking into it. "You alright love?" Louis chuckles as he goes to Harry's side, supporting him as he holds his toe. "I'm great. You're here, of course I'm great." Louis smiled up at him and cupped his cheeks to kiss him deeply. They pull away and Louis can only see him out of one eye. He finds it funny how at the moment there's only one functioning eye between the two of them.

"I missed you." Harry speaks first. "Missed you to Hazz. Get changed. Niall, Li, and Zayn are here. I was thinking we could order a pizza." "Okay." Harry agrees with a smile. "Just come get me once you're done." Louis goes to leave but Harry grips his hand more, pulling him back. "You don't have to leave." Louis' eye go wide. "You're surprised aren't you?" "Well, yeah. I mean-" "I don't care Lou. I'm more comfortable around you than mum. We've snogged, I definitely don't mind." Louis gulps. He would very much like this to happen.

"Unless you want to leave then-" "No I'll stay." He says too quickly making Harry chuckle. Louis backs up and sits on the bed, taking care to not blink as Harry drops his towel. Louis takes in a quiet breath when he sees Harry. He's even more beautiful than he would've thought. And a certain something is a lot bigger than he thought. Louis leans forward and puts his elbows on his knees, linking his fingers together. His position is quite similar to when he was waiting for Harry in the hospital but this time he couldn't be happier with his situation.

He's sure Harry is taking a longer time than he normally would while getting changed and he has it right. Harry can hear Louis' breathing quicken once the towel is dropped. He moves with caution over to where he's laid out his clothes on the dresser, careful not to bump into anything. He had found just a random shrift and tourers so Louis would have to tell him if they matched. He put on his under ware first, sliding them up slowly and smirking when he hears Louis exhale a, "Shit." It's as if it's a reverse striptease.

He puts on his jeans next, bending over exaggeratedly to give Louis a good view of his bum in the boxer briefs. Harry smiles triumphantly to himself when he hears Louis shifting on the bed. "Lou does this shirt match?" Harry holds up a plain dark grey t-shit. "Huh?" Louis asks, still in a trance over the younger lad. "Does this match?" Harry asks with a chuckle. "Oh-Oh yeah it does." Harry puts the shirt on, then moves over to Louis.

Louis holds his hands out and grabs Harry once he's close enough so he knows where he's sitting. He pulls him onto his lap, immediately kissing him hard. "Holy shit Harry." Harry chuckles again, trying to ignore the situation going on below Louis' belt that he can feel on his thigh. "I guess you did miss me." He kisses Harry's neck. "I did." Harry pushes him away when it begins to tickle. "Come on, I'm starving." He stands up and Louis groans. "You're a fucking tease Harry." "I know. Now come on." Harry laughs as he pulls Louis up.

Louis guides him out of the room and downstairs, struggling to make it look like he hadn't just been turned on by Harry. That was quite an inevitability though considering Louis was crazy about this boy. He's got the black eye to prove it. What Louis doesn't know though is just how crazy Harry is about him.

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