The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU...

By BriannaLynnC98

183K 7.4K 4.3K

(Sequel to The Fighter) You can take the fighter out of the fight, but you can't take fight out of the fighte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 10

3.7K 157 81
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

After a little over a month of training Harry by having him chase Ethan around the gym, boxing him myself and having him increase his strength everyday, we all finally found ourselves in the locker room with Harry; getting him ready for his big fight. Louis was making sure he had all his medical supplies ready, while Mark and I both warmed Harry up by doing some light punches. Harry looked like he was ready for this. All his old habits were completely broken and everything I had trained him to do seemed to stick. Mark had helped him to get an edge to him so he had a purpose to get in that ring and fight. To this day, I'll never know what Mark and him discussed, but whatever it was changed Harry over night. He was fighting like he had a reason and fighting like there was something greater than money if he won.

"Let's get your gloves on, Harry." I said quietly. The whole locker room was giving Harry his time to just relax and let his mind start connecting with his body in an almost spiritual way. He came over to me and sat on the table that was there. I made sure the tape covered him enough and he still felt really loose in them but still protected. I got one glove on then proceeded to tape it on him. He was taking some deep breaths as his green eyes just watched me.

"I never really got to thank you for all you've done for me. I know I wasn't the easiest to train, but I feel like you did an amazing job. Especially for your first time out." Harry told me with a bit of a cheeky smirk at the end. I looked up and rolled my eyes because he's always been a sentimental one. I mean, he literally gets a beer with the person he fought in the ring. That's how we became friends. Well, after I got over being afraid that he was going to beat me up outside of the ring.

"Don't thank me yet, Styles. You need to win then you can thank me. I hope you also know that if you loose then I have to go three months without sex. That's on top of four months without it." I told him as I got his other glove on. He coughed, making me look up at him.

"Louis and I decided to stop having sex until our wedding night. That was a year ago. I think I deserve sex more than you. Plus, anytime you and Niall do it, I end up with another nephew. I think, for Niall's sake, I'll loose." Harry told me. I shoved him and walked away as he laughed and had a good time. To be honest, the only way I've gotten through training Harry and not taking it easy on him is the fact that I'm sexually frustrated. Niall has littereally denied even the smallest things and tells me it's because he's tired or because he's mad at me that I came home with another black eye. By now, I'm just going to assume he thinks I'm a fat, old dad that he doesn't ever want to sleep with ever again.

"Ten minutes until we take you out." A security guard came and told us. Harry jumped up and down and I noticed he was definitely getting in the zone. I looked at Louis as saw the nerves written on his face, but I didn't say anything. I just went over and wrapped an arm around his curvy waist.

"Just want it to be over already." He whispered to me. I couldn't say anything to him to make him feel better because I knew how Harry was feeling and right now wanting it to be over was the last thing a fighter wanted. I just did my best to comfort Louis by holding him to me as Harry walked over to the door.

Soon, all of us were being escorted down the hallway that would lead us to the full arena. Louis gave Harry a kiss on the lips right before the cameras started to film Harry for the rest of the world to see. We all had more than enough bodyguards with us. I think I had a little more because Mark demanded it because of my family that needed me. They were all at home watching this, but it was so late that I only expected Niall and Ezra to still be awake. For Niall it was only to make sure no one gets too hurt, but for Ezra it was to watch the fight.

As much as I've been coaching Harry, I've been working with Ezra as well. He's really surprised me with how well he catches on to things. He fights a punching bag like it's his biggest enemy. When I pick the boys up from school, I see in his eyes that he can't wait to put those leather gloves on. When I'm kissing the boys goodnight, Ezra tells me how he wants to get back in the gym. His Saturdays are spent with me at the gym with me while I worked with Harry and his Sundays are spent in the workout room at home doing different strength exercises. He's hooked on boxing, but something tells me that he's never going to let it go until he has the belt I have hanging around his hips. That's something that would make any father proud. Or for Niall, it scares the hell out of him.

"Zayn, talk to me." Harry mumbled to me sounding nervous after they called his name, making the crowed go absolutely crazy. I pushed forward and stood next to him while the gates opened for us all to walk out.

"There's no reason why you can't win. You're strong, you're fast and you have a heart of gold. You're the best brother in this whole world. Go out there and knock this lad on his flat arse. You also have a nice ass if that makes you feel better." I told him. He elbowed me but I saw through his focused face that my words were all he needed to relax just a bit.

The four of us, plus our security, made our way out to the ring. I fell back so I was behind Harry and watched as he climbed in the ring. Louis set his stuff down so it could get looked over by the officials that ran this event. Harry bounced around the ring, making me realize that he definitely looked a lot lighter on his feet. The other lad was announced out and got an even more excited crowd. Harry's opponent got in the ring, but I noticed he looked less muscular than Harry. Maybe it was lean muscle, but I just remembered years ago when these two fought, Harry looked like the scrawny one in the ring. Now he looked like the one that was going to take control of this whole fight.

"This is going to be a clean fight. Watch the kidney punches and low hits. Shake with your opponent if you would like." The referee said as both of them there in the center of the ring. Harry nodded and stuck his hands out. Johnson just walked back to his corner without even touching gloves with Harry. Harry came back and let Louis put in his mouth piece. I gave him a few sips of water then climbed out of the ring. Louis climbed up one more time to give Harry one of the biggest hugs I've ever seen the two share in public. Harry kissed Louis' cheek and Louis came to stand next to me.

The thing about Harry and Louis' relationship is that it is very private. Both of them are unsure about how to share their relationship with the world in a way that would make it just seem normal. The way Niall and I did it was just talking about everything like it was the standards most of society consider normal. I say fuck normal and do what you want because life is too short to live it for everyone but yourself. Harry and Louis were just afraid it would hurt Harry's climb to the top more than it would help it. For me, it made my public character look like a loving family man that would take punches for his pregnant husband. Then everyone met Niall and they saw he was a complete opposite of me in so many ways that to the media it made us look cute. With Harry, he still doesn't have a face in the media that isn't just in the ring. If anything, it's just that he's my best friend and that he's going to get married soon.

The bell rang for the match to start and Louis came to get closer to me. I watched as Harry stayed back from his opponent and dodged a few attacking hits. Harry was pretty much controlling the fight by bouncing around and shuffling to move the other guy too. Harry, however, didn't look the least bit tired where the other guy looked frustrated that he had to move so much. This is one way Ethan is pretty much helping Harry win this fight.

Harry found an opening after a minute of the most boring fight ever and took it the way I would take an open opportunity. He made a quick jab with his left then landed a nasty punch with his right, leaving a bloody cut under Johnson's eye. That stunned him enough for Harry to hit his body enough times to get him in a corner before going at his head. At one point, Harry must have hit Johnson's right rib and hurt it because that side of his defense dropped and Harry gave him a nice hit to the eye before that round was over.

"Stay on the defense as long as you can then flip the switch to offense. Just like you did, Harry. You're doing great." I told Harry as Louis gave him water and padded off some of the sweat from Harry, considering he hadn't been hit yet so he wasn't bloody. I saw the love he had in his blue eyes and that made me want to call the fight off and watch them get married right now.

"What if he starts playing defense too?" Harry asked me. I looked over at the other guy and looked him in the eyes. There was something there that told me he wasn't one to know when to submit in a fight to better his chances.

"He won't. If he does, run him in circles then go in once he looks too comfortable. You've got this." I told Harry as the bell rang for the next round. He got up and I climbed out of the ring to stand next to Mark.  We watched as Harry went to begin his defense but was instead attacked by extremely strong punches. I yelled for him to put his hands up and stand his ground, which he did. Louis screamed when blood splattered to the floor from Harry's face. That still didn't make Harry move though and I was proud.

"Now! Go for it!" I screamed because I saw the other guy was in pain in his right side and he was solely depending on his left hard to get him through this. Harry let his right hand fly with so much power the whole arena gasped when it came on contact with Johnson's temple. The other lad stumbled back, but Harry landed a beautiful left handed hit to his hurt side then swung right handed to the guys temple before knocking him flat on his back with a straight forward left handed hit. Harry ran away while the referee begin to count from one. Harry was bouncing like he was ready for more than what he got, but once the referee got to ten and the other guy didn't get up in time, Harry looked glad for the fight to be over.

Cameras and news reporters flooded to the boxing ring. Louis, Mark and I ran to Harry as fast as we could. Louis started cleaning up his cut so he was presentable enough to speak on television, while I took his mouth piece and gave him some water. He was smiling so much that it looked like it would hurt his broken lip even more than it was. He pulled Louis closer to him and kissed him on the lips, causing the whole crowed to explode for him once again with support of the love the world just witnessed as well as the rise of a new product fighter.

"Harry, that was an amazing knock out for you considering the last time you fought him Johnson had knocked you out. What did it take, other than time, for you to get to where you are right now?" An interviewer asked him. He pulled me in with his arm that wasn't holding Louis and gave me a soft squeeze.

"The Fighter here has taught me so much more than I thought I already knew. Him and his sons helped me get ready for this fight. Ethan and Ezra, I know you both should be asleep by now, but you both helped me win tonight." Harry said straight to the camera. I smiled and gave his side a squeeze. He answered a few more questions about more fights and if he would ever fit me again before he was taken out of the ring to get checked out by a doctor.

"Zayn Malik, are you ever getting in the ring again yourself?" An interviewer asked me just as I was walking to follow Harry. It was pretty loud and the question was pretty drowned so I pretended not to hear it and continued walking. I didn't want to stop fighting yet, I was still young, only thirty-one. In this sport you have until thirty-eight to keep fighting if it hasn't killed you by then. I felt I had another two fights up my sleeve, I just needed to see who they were going to be before I retired.

All of us made it back to the locker room celebrating as Harry got checked out by a doctor. He said there wasn't any damage other than the cuts and bruises on his face so that made the win even more of a win.

"I'm going to go call my mum and see if she saw you." Louis said, running out of the room happily with his phone. Harry gave Mark a look that we all understood because it's a look Harry and I both share about the loves in our lives. Mark went out to go make sure Louis had someone protecting him while I got to work on cutting off Harry's gloves.

"Thank you for everything, Zayn. You believe in me like no one else has. Even my own coach just stopped training me because he didn't believe I could go any further. Thank you." Harry said softly. I got both his gloves off and wrapped my arms around him tightly. He kissed my cheek as we just hugged each other.

"Thank you for not making me die from blue balls." I mumbled into his neck. We both broke apart laughing. He stretched his arms out and I begin to massage his tense muscles. He kicked me to be a little shit so I rubbed his arm harder.

"Ezra is probably still freaking out right now that you said that about him. Ethan was probably hugging the telly telling you how much he loves you." I told Harry. We both knew it was true about my kids. Harry smiled and looked like he wanted to ask me something, but everything he had on his mind left once Louis walked back into the room. I'm just still hoping to this day that Niall and I were never that disgustingly obvious with our love.

A/N: I'm going to try for a double update tonight, but if I don't do it then you'll get an update tomorrow. Are yall going to watch the Olympics!?!??!?! If yes, what is your favorite sport?!?!?!?!??!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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