It all started at Cross Acade...

By Black_Rabbit94

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: Infinity is a young human girl, with the knowledge of vampires. In fact she goes to a school full of them... More

It all started at Cross Academy
Together again
Who is Infinity?
Lost Memories
First day. . . errr night of school
Scary librarian
Now I know
I think she can handle it
Pain killers are a blessing
I'm a top hunter for a reason
Hey check this out!
That looks like fun!!!
And The Answer Is!?
Untitled Part 16

Is Izzy jealous???

96 2 1
By Black_Rabbit94

^^^Infinity’s POV^^^

After I had woken up in my room and told everyone what had happened, they told me that I had gotten those memories erased and the only way to get them back was if someone told me about them even a small bit will bring them all back but we don’t know why they got taken away. I looked around and I seen Raven and Jace but the others I had no idea about. Jace must have seen my face and introduced everyone, The guy with long ink black hair and ice cold blue eyes was Alexander “Alec” Lightwood, The girl who had the same hair only way longer and had steel grey eyes was his younger sister Isabelle “Izzy” Lightwood and they are not twins Alec told me that right away and the last girl had fiery red hair that was about shoulder length and emerald green eyes, and freckles covered her pale skin, she was short but taller then me and I am 5’1 so I think that would put her at around 5’5, she is slender and you can tell that she is a hunter , her name is Clary Fray. After all the getting to know each other and me sticking close to Raven I don’t know what it is but I have this feeling that I have to protect her from danger.

^^^Clary’s POV^^^

Once we all met Infinity I was in shock, how is she a human? I thought to myself but I had no answer only clues pointing out that she isn’t and they are, her eyes for starters I mean what humans eyes change colors at will?, her long silver hair which may I say is not common among humans and her unusually fast reflexes it’s like she was born to be a . . . vampire.

^^^Izzy’s POV^^^

“I don’t know why everyone thinks so highly of her, I mean I’m way prettier than her” I told Alec as we were leaving Moon dorm “Izzy did you not see her?” he said “Yeah I saw her so what’s so special?” I asked “Well here are some things, she has silver hair, her eyes change colors and she has unusually fast reflexes” Alec pretty much yelled at me “Well I still don’t see it” I retorted back “Is someone talking about me?” Infinity said sneaking up on us “AHHHH” Alec and I yelled at the same time “How did you get here so fast?” I asked her “Oh Raven wanted me to run something to the Headmaster for her” she said with a shrug of her shoulders, “Oh by the way thank you for the help today” Infinity smiled while she said that. I hate her I thought to myself but “Why do you always act like that” is what came out in a not so nice tone “What do you mean?” she questioned “I mean you always act so happy and that nothing is going to happen to you, even when you live with a bunch of vampires, and why does everyone think you are the best thing that has ever happened to this place since it opened and let vampires in” I pretty much yelled at her “Izzy you need to calm down” Jace told me “It’s ok Jace, she is just jealous of me” she said with a ghost of a smirk gracing her lips “Why you little” I seethed pulling out my whip when she had her back turned to walk away to finish her trip to the Headmaster. When I went to hit her she easily dodged it and when I went again she turned around but she had two swords in her hands and she was looking at me with an emotionless face until she smirked and her eyes turned hard and she got ready for a fight and so did I but Jace got in the middle and told us to stop but Infinity ordered him to move away and he did? Oh well. I went to attack again but she blocked it with her sword “How do you keep doing that?” I yelled at her and what does she do she just smirks that bitch she is gonna pay so I went again but this time I dropped my whip and pulled out a seraph blade and called its name and the blade appeared and started to glow “so I see you fight with angelic blades” she said to no one in particular I just got even more mad and went to attack and she blocked it with her bright sword *wow that sword is bright* “you see I use some anti-vampire weapons and a set of twin sleek black swords that can harm anything” she said “Why are you telling me this” I asked her “so you know what you are up against, you see they have names the bright one her name is Moon and she can cast a bright light that can blind anything but the user which is me and the other one, if you get cut by it any powers you can use are blocked and yes that means your runes too and if your seraph blade gets hit by it, it will just turn back into the handle that it was before you said its name and his name is Nightmare and they both can kill anything” she said while she was fighting then it happened my blade hit Nightmare and it did just as she said “NO” I yelled out and charged her but what she did next was amazing she threw up a sword and pulled out a gun and shot me and as I was waiting for the pain I opened my eyes and saw a barrier around me “don’t try to break it cause it won’t break until I lock her, oh and meet Blue Rose she is a anti-vampire gun and her twin is Black Rose also a anti-vampire weapon that can kill vamps but not humans” she said to me then she put bother Blue Rose and Moon away in time to catch Nightmare and sheath it before she locked her gun letting me go and walking away “Bye everyone” she said with a wave over her shoulder  “by the way Izzy it was nice dancing with you” she said with a smile “what does she mean?” I asked the others “Izzy when you and Rose were fighting it was like she was dancing she was so elegant and smooth and you were so sloppy and hard, it was like something inside her just takes over when she fights” Jace said “I was not” I snapped back at him “whatever do you believe us now?” Alec said I just grunted and walked away.

^^^Cross’s POV^^^

No doubt in my mind that she is the one. The one chosen to protect the Queen of Vampires and she is just a human. . . well for now anyways.

^^^Raven’s POV^^^

I think she is the one. The only one who will be able to protect me from well everything. I can’t wait for her to wake up I thought to myself with a smirk on my face. “What are you smirking at?” Zero asked me “nothing I was just thinking about something” I told him my whole self becoming happier now that he is by me “if you say so” he said

Hey guys I’m sorry if I sound like I’m repeating the same thing over and over I just want all the key players to see what Infinity can really do. I promise it will get better and not repeat as much  

Tell me what you guys think I would love to hear from you

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