Vanishing Sun (A Twilight Fan...

Per TeamCullen0401

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~Warning- This story has abuse in it. If you can not handle reading about someone being abused then do not re... Més

Vanishing Sun (A Twilight Fan Fiction)
Chapter 2: Moving to Forks
Chapter 3: Day out with Jacob
Author's Note
Chapter 4: The Truck
Chapter 5: Emergency Room
Chapter 6: Loss Of Hope
Chapter 7: A New Feeling
Chapter 8: After The Kiss
Chapter 9: Jake's Garage

Chapter 1: The Accident

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Per TeamCullen0401

~*~Hey everyone! Here is chapter one of my new story. I hope ya'll like this as much as my other stories. I'm sorry if this chapter is going too fast or doesn't sound right. lol I stayed up til 3am to complete this for you all. So vote, comment and like!

Also, a big thanks to CassandraLowery for writing such a great story that gave me idea of writing this!

And as always, I own no rights to any characters or anything I use from the Twilight Saga books. All rights go to Stephanie Meyers

Love you all


                                                                 Chapter 1

My life has never been perfect and I was never exactly normal. I have always felt out of place in the world, like I never really fit in. I was just a typical teenager, who is extremely clumsy but in all I’m just plain. My mom says she can read whatever is wrong with me by just looking at my face, she calls me her open book. I’m also a horrible liar, I can never get away with anything that’s not the truth.

My parents and I lived in Forks, Washington until they split up. My mom and I moved to Jacksonville, Florida and my dad was deployed across seas. My dad was a sergeant in the military, he had been in the service since him and my mom met years ago. I would only see my dad maybe once a year, when he would return back to Forks for a few days. He would write me letters and once in awhile, he would call me. He had asked me once if I wanted to live with him while he was stationed in Germany, but I declined politely telling him that I wanted to stay in the States. It wasn’t a complete lie, if I didn’t fit in already here then how in the world would I fit in a foreign country? I also didn’t want to leave my mom alone. I would feel horrible if I knew she was lonely and had no one with her.

I loved living in Florida, it was sunny every day and it didn’t rain as much as it did in Forks. My mom and I always had fun, when I wasn’t in school, she would always think of some crazy idea for us to do. It was never a dull moment with her. But then we started having money issues, and she decided it was time for her to find a job. After a few short paid jobs, she had finally found one that paid out decent money. The only problem was she had to travel the first year. My mom told me she was going to respectfully decline the job, but I made her take it. I told her it would be good for her to travel and get away for awhile, she just didn’t want to leave me behind. My dad had told her to send me over to him for the year, but thankfully I talked her out of it. Instead she decided to send me to live with my aunt and uncle in Tennessee. I was thrilled to go there, to finally see my aunt and uncle again. But little did I know they weren’t too happy about seeing me.

My Aunt Kate and Uncle Justin weren’t really my aunt and uncle. They were my mom and dad’s long time friends, and pretty much acted as my parent’s siblings. Kate and my mom have been friends since they were in grade school, and my father and Justin met each other in the service. Uncle Justin was released from the army when he got injured during a training session a few years back. The last time I saw them was when I was 7 years old, one of the times my dad had came back for a visit. I had heard them talking to my dad about me, and heard them talk about the dislike for me they had. My father had been furious, but I guess I understand in a way. They think it’s my fault my parents split up, and that my parents were happy until I was born. After hearing them say that, I had called my mom crying. But she had reassured me that I was not the reason they got a divorce. I told my mom that I believed her, but deep down inside I really didn’t.

“Honey, Are you sure your ok with living in Tennessee?” My mom’s voice was full of concern. “Your father is more than happy to have you go stay with him.”

“Mom, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. Just go and try to fit some fun time in between working.” I reassured her. I had been telling her the same thing for weeks now, so it was easy to get her to believe me. I was hoping after 8 years that Uncle Justin and Aunt Kate had gotten over their hatred towards me.

“Ok Bella. But if you change your mind, here is the number to call me or your father.” She told me ask she handed me a piece of paper with numbers written on it. “And here is your new cell phone. I want you to call me every night ok?” I nodded and took the cell phone and the piece of paper, folded it up and stuck it in my back pocket.

My mom took me in her arms and hugged me tightly. We were standing outside the gate at the airport. The flight attendant called for us to board the plane. My mom hugged me for a few more seconds before releasing me. I gave her the best smile I could manage and she kissed my forehead.

“I love you sweetheart. Don’t forget to call me every night before you go to sleep.” She said to me as I turned to board my plane.

“Bye mom.” I waved as I walked through the gate, heading towards the plane. That was the last time I had seen my mother since coming to live with Uncle Justin and Aunt Kate.

I sat in my room, staring at a picture of my parents and me when I was a baby. I missed them both so much. I felt a tear forming in my eye and it quickly ran down my cheek. I reached up and wiped it away, then I placed the picture of my parents and I back in the shoe box beside me. I looked around my tiny room as I got lost in my thoughts. I didn’t have much in my room but a few items. I had a kid size bed that was too short for me and my feet hung off the edge of it. I had a tiny dresser with three drawers on it, which could only hold very little clothing. My closet is where I kept most of my clothes, well of what clothes I had. I only brought with me a suitcase full of clothes, it had about 10 different outfits then a few various shirts and pants. I had planned on buying some new clothes when I got here. But those plans fell through almost immediately. There were two little windows that let in some light, which I was grateful to have. But besides that, all I had was a few books that kept me occupied while stuck in this house.

Aunt Kate had promised to take me clothes shopping later today, but I knew what that meant. She was just going to take me the hand me down store, where they clothes were used clothing. I never got to buy new clothes anymore, I never had enough money to buy the new clothes. My mom sends money every month for me but Uncle Justin and Aunt Kate keep most of it and only gives me a tiny bit. So most of my clothes I have now are ratty and worn out. I have a select few nice looking clothes that I had brought with me, but I save wearing those for special occasions.

I got up off the bed to put the shoe box back underneath my bed. I kept my most private and important things in the box and hide it so they wouldn’t go snooping in my room and look through it. After putting the box back underneath the bed, I heard Uncle Justin arrive back home. I literally jumped when I heard the front door slam shut and stood up quickly.

I was most scared of Uncle Justin because of the looks he would give me and his deep voice. Aunt Kate and Uncle Justin do not treat me well at all and put me down all the time. I’m thankful that they only say rude things to me and don’t physically harm me like I think they would like to do. I can tell by the look in their eyes, especially Uncle Justin, that they would rather hurt me then to have me in their house. I know they were just as relieved as I was to know that my mom was coming tomorrow to pick me up and take me back home with her.

“BELLA!!! WHY IS THE LAUNDRY NOT DONE YET?!” Uncle Justin yelled through the house.

 I sighed quietly and started to quickly walk out into the living room. Uncle Justin made me do everything around the house. I had to do all the chores from cleaning the house, to doing the laundry. I had to cook them meals, do yard work, and anything else they could think of just to torture me and make me work morning and night unless I was at school. I would refuse to do the work but the first time I did, Uncle Justin had gotten so furious, he had raised his hand to me and almost slapped my across my face. But Aunt Kate stopped him before he could and grounded me from going anywhere but to school, forcing me to stay in my room while home for a month. Needless to say, I was scared to death to ever refuse what they told me to do anymore

“I’m s-sorry.” I softly apologized, stuttering slightly. “I was talking to mom.”

 I saw Uncle Justin clench his hands into tight fists. I begin to slightly tremble, scared that he might actually hit me this time. He slowly calmed down once I had said I was talking to mom.

“Well, it better be done before dinner or you will starve tonight.” He warned me then walked past me, and pushed me into the couch with his right shoulder. I caught myself on the arm of the couch, as tears started to swell up in my eyes. I held them in and walked to the laundry room.

I started switching out the clothes from the washer to the dryer and silently prayed for tomorrow to come so I could leave this horrible place. After starting the laundry back up, I quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I leaned back against the door and slide down to the ground, wrapping my arms around my knees. As I buried my face in my knees, I started to silently cry. I hated this place so much, I hated Tennessee and I hated my Aunt and Uncle.

I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to get here, for my mother to save me. When I had first arrived here and they started treating me like this, I couldn’t wait to tell my mom how they were acting towards me. But when the moment came to tell her on the phone, I stopped myself. I couldn’t bare telling her that her best friends, that she has known since before I was born, were treating her only child like dirt.  My mom would furious and upset but most of all she would be crushed. She would lose her best friends, and never speak to them again. And I couldn’t make her lose someone else that she loved because of me.

I sat on the floor of the bathroom for a few more minutes before getting up and walking to the sink. I splashed my face with cold water a few times, and then left the bathroom. I continued with my daily chores until it was finally time to go to bed. I changed into my pink pajamas and climbed into my bed. After a few minutes, exhaustion swept in and took me into a peaceful sleep, dreaming about tomorrow and finally going home with my mom.

The following morning, I woke up and laid in bed for a few minutes. I stared up at the ceiling when my phone started to ring. I heard my mom’s ring tone and instantly sat up in bed, grabbing my phone quickly. I pushed talk and held the phone up to my ear.

“Hello?” I said a little bit too excited.

“Hi baby! How are you? Are you excited about going home today?” She asked me, I heard in the background, her flight being called to board.

“I’m very excited mom. You better go before you miss your flight.” I smiled, thrilled that she would be here within a few hours.

“Ok honey. I will see you soon. I love you.”

“I love you too mom.” I replied and hung up the phone. I quickly got up and got dressed in my nice blue jeans and light purple tank top.

Then I started packing my things in my suitcases, making sure to grab everything I brought with me and a few things I had brought while I was here.

A few hours went by and my mom still had not arrived here yet. I started to worry but shrugged it off, thinking her flight was just delayed. I sat on the bed in my room, waiting impatiently for her to get here. I couldn’t wait to hear my mom’s bubbly voice ring through the house and see her smiling face. I sighed as I hung up the phone after trying to call her for twentieth time. Every time I called, I got no answer and I’m sure her voicemail was almost full with messages from me. I heard Aunt Kate and Uncle Justin downstairs, starting to worry about her as well. Then I started getting this horrible feeling that something happened to her.

Just then there was a few quick taps at the front door, and I snapped out of my train of thought quickly. I got up and ran downstairs as Uncle Justin opened the door. A police officer was standing outside the door, with another behind him. I stood quietly at the bottom of the staircase when I saw it wasn’t my mom.

“Hello officer. May I help you?” Uncle Justin asked him politely, I rolled my eyes at the fakeness of it.

“Are you Justin Reynolds?” The officer asked him.

“Yes sir. Is there a problem?” Uncle Justin asked again and I swear I heard a hint of fear in his voice. I smiled and thought how wonderful it would be for someone to actually scare him beyond repair.

“I’m here to inform you that a Ms. Renee Dwyer was involved in a car accident this afternoon.” The officer replied and before he could finish his sentence I came running to the door, pushing Uncle Justin out of the way a little bit.

“Wait what?! She’s ok right?!” I almost shouted at the officer. Uncle Justin pulled me back and away from the door. I stood behind him, peering around his arm to hear what the officer said.

“I’m sorry to tell you this. But she was killed instantly.” The officer’s voice had softened when he spoke this time. “I’m truly sorry for your loss.”

I couldn’t move from where I stood. It was like my body had froze in place, and my mouth had fallen open. I didn’t hear anything else that was said after that. Because right at that moment, my whole life had came tumbling down and I felt the inside of me falling with it. I saw my uncle thank the officer and shook his hand before shutting the door. I heard my aunt cry out and my uncle ran to her, holding her in his arms as she cried. I still hadn’t moved an inch from where I stood.

The words “She was killed,” ran through my mind over and over again. My mother was never coming back to get me, I would never hear her voice or see her beautiful happy smile. She was never going to tell me she loved me anymore, or hug me tightly in her arms.

I fell to the ground the next second and started sobbing into my hands.  The emptiness I felt inside was too much for me to handle and it consumed me completely. As the emptiness and sadness continued to spread through me, I started to sob harder and begin to shake. I laid on the floor and curled up on my side. I was never going to see my mother ever again, she was gone forever and I was never going to be saved from this place.

I couldn’t move from the floor and I heard Aunt Kate tell Uncle Justin to take me back to my room. He picked me up and took me back upstairs to the room, placed me on the bed kind of hard and then slammed the door when he left. I got off the bed and went to my suitcases, pulling out a picture. More tears began to fall as I stared at it, not taking my eyes off my mom. Then sleepiness started to overtake me again and I went back to the bed, climbing underneath the covers. The pain and sorrow finally overtook my body along with the tiredness and I cried myself to sleep, holding onto the picture of my mom and me.

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