Behind the scenes

By GajeelsPocketWoman

23.2K 1K 190

Life from Gajeel's POV. What was it that caused him to hate Fairy Tail, and why did he target Shadow Gear? Wh... More

The Phantom's start
A New Job
A Guiding Light
Miss Fairy Tail
Fighting Festival
Gajeel Joins the Fight?
Levy's Incredible
Fairy Law

Raven Tail

640 37 6
By GajeelsPocketWoman

It didn't take very long for the idiots of the guild to come pouring through the doors of the cathedral to find Salamander and me passed out cold. I had held onto consciousness as long as possible, but after Natsu roared, he had collapsed, telling me the fight really was done. I'd seen a blue haze hovering near me, and heard someone whisper, "It'll be okay. Just rest now." I hadn't argued, just closed my eyes and let go.

When I came to, I was wrapped in bandages across most of my torso, and could only open one eye. My right leg was in a cast from toe to knee, too. That'll get annoying real fast. I'd had injuries like these before. I heal more quickly than most people, so sometimes the casts were more of a nuisance than a help, but it was a little late to worry about that at this point. I could always cut it off later.

As soon as Flame Brain was engaged in his retelling of his fight with the lightning idiot, I slipped outside the guildhall. I was already tired of their noise, and it wasn't like they'd thank me for my part anyway. No point in sticking around. As I limped out the door, the cast already annoying me, I glimpsed a flash of white. Turning towards it, I saw one of Ivan's dolls floating near the corner of the building.

I checked to make sure no one was following me and limped after it, my one crutch tucked under my arm. There was a black carriage waiting for me, and with a groan I climbed in, leaning against the open window in hopes that the fresh air would help keep my motion sickness at bay. Tch. Like that ever works. I wondered how long I would be gone, but I wasn't worried about anyone missing me. Makarov might have, but he was still laid up in the infirmary. He was going to make it, thanks to the pink haired hag, but was on bed rest until the parade which had been postponed a day.

Ivan wouldn't take any chances of someone getting curious, so I was sure I'd be back within a day, but other than that I had no idea where I was going. After several hours of agonizing nausea, the carriage finally rumbled to a stop in front of a lone tower. I fell out of the carriage when the door opened, causing some of my injuries to throb. As the nausea subsided, my other senses returned completely. The place smelled of darkness and pain, much like my old guild.

I pushed myself awkwardly to a standing position, pulling my crutch out of the carriage. Even the air feels depressing around here. There was a single dark doorway in front of me, at the base of the tower. The building was shaped like coral, but it looked as if it was made of bone. With a sigh, I thumped into the darkened hallway.

"This way, boy." I heard a voice come down the hall. I walked past several closed doors, ignoring the whispered voices I heard behind them. If they were fooled by the cast and thought they could take me, it would just mean I got to have a little more fun today. I wasn't worried by the power level of anyone I could feel here.

I came to some stairs and ditched my crutch, throwing it down onto the floor. Luckily, I smelled Ivan on the first floor I came to and didn't have to climb any further than that. I walked down another dark hall and found him on a balcony overlooking a gruesome landscape. The trees were withered and dry, the ground cracked. There weren't any animals roaming around, just some ravens perched on limbs branching out of the tower. Definitely looks like bone up close.

"Beautiful things live short lives. Heh." I leaned on the wall as I watched Ivan grab the raven he had been talking to when I walked out. He looked at it for a moment, and it squawked as he turned it into one of his dolls. "Isn't that so, Gajeel?" He threw the doll to the ground as he glanced over his shoulder at me. I just looked back for a moment, trying to decide the best reply.

"You never told me Laxus was a dragon slayer..." That seemed a good enough place to start. I was curious, and it wasn't information that would hurt the guild at all. "Pfff. Hahaha! He's a fake! Just a fake!" He turned to face me fully then. "A fake?" I asked.

"Ever since he was young, his body has been weak." Laxus?! "Out of pity, I put a lacrima into his body." I stilled at that. "You used dragon slaying magic lacrima?!" Ivan laughed again. "It's rare, isn't it? Now that he's been expelled from Fairy Tail, he'll probably come here. That suits me just fine. You know, lacrima is worth a lot of money these days. An unbelievable amount at that." I froze completely at that, a rage settling into my stomach. Luckily most of my face was covered in bandages, so he wouldn't be able to tell.

Even so, I heard the shock in my voice, "Are...are you going to take it out of him? If you do, Laxus will..." The bastard interrupted me with his laughter again. "It was too much power for that kid to begin with! Papa will turn him back to what he used to be..." I couldn't believe this guy! His own son!

"He's just money now. All that's needed is money to spark a war against Fairy Tail." He changed another raven into a doll and casually cast it aside, as if it hadn't just been a living creature. I schooled indifference into my face before he looked at me again. "You have to continue your infiltration just a bit longer." His face was dark with malice, and I was almost out of patience. "Are you sure? If they found out I was a spy, they would force me to reveal this location."

Ivan huffed out a breath. "That makes no difference." I grinned at him and pushed myself off the wall. "Fine then. I'd best be back. They'll look for me before too long." I was dismissed with a wave as he turned to survey his gloomy territory again. I thumped back down the stairs, grabbed my crutch off the floor, and walked out of the building. The carriage was still waiting for me, and with a groan I settled in for the torturous ride back to Magnolia.


So sorry this update took forever! I've had some SERIOUS writer's block, and the chapters' depressing lack of my OTP is NOT helping! Anyway, thanks for the patience! Only a few more chapters and this story will catch up to book two, In Secret, and be finished. Then maybe I can focus on my AU!

This chapter is based on chapter 128 in the manga. :)

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