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"Listen, we can't chance you guys getting trapped by Freed's enchantments and having to fight each other, so make sure you split up as soon as you leave here!"

"Tch. Like I'd stick near that flame-brained idiot. I've got a score to settle with him too, but this lightning asshole's really been pushing my buttons lately. If that's alright with you, Master?" I looked at my shoulder, where a paper doll was sitting. The creepy thing had shown up as I climbed into a tree near the guildhall. I had pushed iron spikes out of my feet into the branch so I was balanced and could focus on the town for sounds that might tell me where Laxus is. I knew what the doll was. This wasn't the first time Ivan had sent one to talk to me. I'd only spoken to him in person once.


Makarov had just left from telling me I should join Fairy Tail, and this guy showed up. I'd initially thought the geezer was coming back, their scents were so similar.

"Whatdya want now?" I snarled as I whipped back around. Only, it wasn't the midget old man. This guy was as tall as me, and smelled off. Like the guys at Phantom had. "Now, now. No need to be testy. I just want to give you a counteroffer." I raised a studded eyebrow. "I'm listening." 

He smirked at me, convinced already that he'd get what he wanted from me. "Join Fairy Tail, like my father offered. But, report to me, anything you can learn." Father, huh? That explains the scents, at least. "What's in it for me?" I asked.

He chuckled darkly. Yeah, I definitely don't like this guy. He reminded me too much of Jose, and I'd only just gotten free from that one. "I'm prepared to pay you handsomely, boy. Just pass me information, and follow any orders I give you." I bristled at that, but money wouldn't be bad.

"Yeah, fine. Whatever." I crossed my arms over my chest, flexing my biceps in the process. Never know, maybe it'll scare him off. He chuckled again, and reached inside his cloak. When he pulled his hand out, he held a paper doll. It was white, with a few colorful circles and squares on its body. "If you see one of these anywhere, you'll know I have instructions. Take it, and go somewhere private. Once you're alone, I'll know it, and I'll give you your orders."

I barely suppressed the growl that sprung up in my throat at that word. I don't take orders from anyone, pal. Not anymore. I just looked at him, but he seemed to take that as my acceptance of his authority. "Good. I'll deliver a monthly stipend of jewel to wherever you end up living in Magnolia. I could make a few recommendations, if you'd like. I DID grow up there."

"I'll be fine." With that, I decided I was done sitting in this dump talking to the creep, so I pushed past him and walked out. By the time I collected my meager belongings and made it to the Fairies' guildhall, it'd been a day since the geezer came looking. Even so, he was sitting on a bench outside, waiting for me. "I want you to honor whatever agreement you've made with my son," he started, catching me off guard. "Don't try to deny it, I know he came to you. I saw him as I left, although he thinks he's too sneaky to be seen. Nevertheless, I want you to feed him information, but I want you to get some in return. I need to know where Ivan is. I need to be able to protect my other children, and I can't do that if I don't know what he's planning."

I studied the old man for a moment, and decided it felt better to trust him at his word than it had to even consider trusting his son, Ivan. I finally settled on just nodding, once, rather than trying to put to words my agreement. That seemed to satisfy him, because he jumped off the bench and headed towards the building. "Come inside, then. Don't expect a warm welcome. They'll leave you alone, but my children aren't going to like this."


I came back to the present to hear Ivan say, "...gain their trust as a 'comrade'. Don't draw attention to yourself. For the moment, play loyal. Delivering the Fairies' punishment will come in due time, my boy." I sneered at the doll. I'm not yer anything, fool. "Roger that." Its mission complete, the little paper doll shredded itself, the pieces blowing away in the wind.

I felt a sudden surge of power, dark and amazingly strong. I whipped my head to the direction it was coming from and saw a figure fleeing into the sky, followed by a demon. The first creature had long, bright green hair, so I assumed it was Freed. They were all the way on the other side of town, so I decided to leave it be. "Tch, I can't smell anyone from here. This is pointless." As I prepared to jump out of the tree, I heard a massive explosion of shattering glass. "Ah, there he is."

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