I See You (Larry Stylinson Au)

By louislovesharryyy28

924K 29.8K 53.9K

Going into a new school Harry is determined to hide the fact that he was born blind as long as he can in fear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Final chapter

Chapter 11

34.7K 1.1K 1.4K
By louislovesharryyy28

A/N: Before you read you should know that there is a trigger warning for this chapter. An anxiety attack is described in detail. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable so read with care [:

He's being pulled through the halls by an excited Louis, relying solely on the older lad to not run him into anything. Louis would never do that though. He would protect Harry with his life. "Louis getting there faster isn't going to give me the lead!" Harry pleaded with a laugh as Louis continued to pull him. Louis just ignored him, too excited to even think at the moment but the ground beneath his feet. The results of the spring play have been posted this morning before school and Louis is more excited then Harry to see if he's gotten Ren.

When they reached the drama department Louis stopped the younger boy, now randomly becoming nervous once he sees the results were in plain sight. "Well?" Harry questioned. "Who did I get?" Louis grasped his hand more and pulled him forward so he could actually read the results. "Hey!" They heard behind them. Harry didn't bother turning around sine he could only rely on his hearing to tell him who it was and it was Zayn. "The results are up." "They are." Louis said, "Best of luck." Zayn just snorted at him since he was jokingly being intimidating and the two read the sheet of paper.

Harry gripped Louis' had excitingly. "Who did I get Lou? Did I get Ren?" Louis sighed when he read the name next to the lead of Ren; Zayn Malik. "I'm sorry Harry." Was all Louis said. Harry sighed. He knew it was a long shot. "You got a big role though. You're Ren's best friend." Harry perked up at that. At least he was still a big role. "Who got the lead?" Zayn scratched the back of his neck. He had refrained from shouting in glee at getting the role to spare Harry's feelings.

"Nice job Zayn." Harry congratulated happily, "If it's not me I'm glad it's you." Zayn gapped at him. "How did you know it was me?" "Well your no answer gave me my answer." The two of them laughed at themselves for being so nervous. Zayn and Harry were friends. Of course he was more than happy for Zayn. "Sorry Hazz I-" "Hey don't be sorry. You're amazing Zayn. I'm glad you got it." "Thank Hazz." Zayn pulled Harry into a hug, startling him slightly since he hadn't seen it coming. Harry just hugged back with a smile.

The bell rang just then, telling them to get to their first class. Louis and Harry bid Zayn a goodbye before heading off to literature. Louis made sure to keep a tight grip of Harry's hand. He's still his overprotective self. Especially with Harry. When they got to literature they made sure to tell Liam about the results. He was just as happy as Louis. Well maybe not as happy. When it came to Harry Louis is always the happiest.


A few hours later and Harry and Louis are in their separate classes, wishing they were together now more than ever. Louis wants to be where ever Harry is. And Harry is the same way. The both of them knew that they wouldn't be able to stay away from each other now that they've gotten so close. Louis had his chin in his hand, thinking about Harry of course. He was thinking about what he was going to do the next time he sees the familiar mop of curls he's fallen for. He just wanted to kiss the breath out of that boy. He just wanted to have his lips on his.

"Louis!" Louis jumped and looked around when his name is called harshly. Nick is the source of the name shouting. Louis is thankful that he's in a study right now so talking was permitted. Nick ignored the dirty looks of the teacher for shouting, "I called your name twice, where are you?" Louis rolled his eyes. "I'm right here you twit. I'm just tired is all." Louis turned away, wanting to end his conversation with Nick now. "How's blindy?" That made Louis turn around. "Blindy? How mature. And I told you not to talk about him like that." Louis finished in a threatening manner.

"Oh come on Louis. You act all protective over him and all sweet but why?" "Because he's absolutely amazing. What more do you need?" "How about the fact that you're only giving him the time of the day because you pity him." Louis raised my eyebrows at him, "Excuse me?" "You heard me. Football superstar Louis fucking Tomlinson dates a poor defenseless blind boy. You're only doing his to better yourself." Louis was flabbergasted to say the least. "You're fucking out of your mind. I started liking Harry before I never knew he was blind." "Oh really?" "Yes really, you freak. I-" He's cut off by the fire alarm sounding. This alarm wasn't the drill sound either. This was a real fire. A fact that Harry knew. "Harry." Louis said to himself.

He's in his maths class, beginning to panic slightly because Liam has gone to the toilet. He didn't have his designated eyes. He knows the sound is a real fire and so does everyone else because they being to panic too. Harry remains sitting, calling out for people around him to help but no one will stop to escort him. "Hey!" He shouts but still everyone is just trying to get out of the room. He finally stands up, desperate to catch someone's arm to help but he can't even find anyone to reach for. He can only hear people around him.

He's guided into the hallway with the flow of traffic but no one is listening to him. The bustling of chatter and slightly panicked voices are drowning out his pleas of help. He's in the hallway, being pushed in every direction. "Someone help!" He called but again, no one does anything. No one really knows what to do and they keep moving, keep pushing, and keep shoving. Harry is in the dark, literally, and he doesn't know where he is. He doesn't have Liam or his Louis to tell him where the exit is or how to get there.

He begins to get tears in his eyes and his breath his shortened. His heart rate increases. "No." Harry gripped his hair. He's having a panic attack from not knowing where he is. Another shove and he's on the floor. He backed up until he hit a wall, brought his knees to his chest and continued to grip his hair, praying for it to be over. The loud alarm wasn't helping the situation either. Harry rocked back and forth, wishing and begging for it to stop. He hyperventilates. Harry is too panicked and too overwhelmed to realize that Louis has seen him.

"Harry!" Louis runs over, crouching in front of him and attempting to lift his head to see his face but he's frozen. "Baby, Harry you're okay! Look at me!" Louis says over the alarm. He knows he has to get Harry out of here, into the fresh air to breath. That's exactly it since Harry felt as though he had no air. Louis managed to un-ball him long enough to pick him up bridal style. Harry still had no idea what was going on, where he was, or who was holding him. He put his head in the person's neck and gripped his savior's shirt for dear life. Louis continued to coo soft words into his ear as he ran with him to the exit.

Once they're outside Louis runs over to the grass and sets Harry down, ignoring the fact that it was probably cold from the December weather. Several teachers come over to see what's wrong but Louis shouts at them, "Get away! Give him some air!" The teachers are shocked at Louis' shouting but don't reprimand it since he was right. Harry needed air. Liam has heard Louis' voice and looked over to see him crouched in front of the familiar curls he was supposed to be watching. "Harry!" He says, running over. He got caught in the crowd on his way back from the toilets. He keeps his distance after hearing Louis shout once he was close enough. They watched on as Louis continued to coo to Harry.

Harry is still hyperventilating, gripping his hair and shaking. "Harry." Louis said softly, gripping his biceps gently. "Harry love you're okay. Shh. Listen to me. Listen to my voice. You're okay." Harry hears only muffled voices, but it's enough for him to hear it's Louis' voice. He begin to calm down as he begins to finally feel Louis' hands on him. The familiar feelings of his soft skin is calming. "Harry." Harry can hear him more clearly. He releases his grip from his hair and looks up from his knees slightly, still only seeing the dark. "That's it." Louis praises Harry for looking up. "That's it. You're okay. You're outside Harry. You're on the grass in front of the school. There are four teachers here and Liam just to make sure you're okay. And I'm here."

Louis tries to be as thorough as possible. He remembered how Harry had to know where he was at the Ed Sheeran concert. He knows this attack come from not knowing where he was. Being shoved didn't help. The alarm finally shuts off. Louis learns that a student attempted to heat instant mac and cheese with no water, setting a small fire in the student's kitchen area. The idiot. It was quickly put out but not in time to prevent the alarms from sounding. Louis continued to rub Harry's arms since he's responsive to his touch. Harry loves the contact from Louis.

Harry lowered his hands completely and looks up to Louis, not actually seeing him but knowing he was only a foot away. "L-Louis?" He finally spoke making Louis smile. "Yeah love, it's me. I'm here for you. You're going to be okay. You're safe. I'll keep you safe." Harry paused for a moment, taking in Louis' voice. After a moment of feeling Louis' soft hands on his biceps he reaches up, feeling for the boy he's grown so attached to. He presses his fingertips to Louis' forehead, feeling from his hairline to his eyes and chuckling ever so slightly when his eyelashes tickle him.

Liam was watching in awe. Zayn and Niall found their way over but Liam shushed them before they could say anything. He indicated to Harry and Louis. Harry's fingers were now over his cheek bones and nose, feeling every inch of his features, similar to when they were on the ferris wheel not too long ago. Harry's heart rate was almost normal again and his shaking stopped all together. He smiled once his fingers were off Louis' chin. Louis gripped the younger boys' hands. "Better?" He asked quietly. "Much better." Harry answered in a stronger voice.

With no shame or regard for the teachers and their friends Louis pressed his lips to Harry's. This was what calmed Harry completely. Any anxiety or panic he still had was gone, replaced with Louis' lips that felt like they were made for his. They're interrupted by paramedics. They politely ask Louis to step aside so they can examine Harry but Harry won't have any of that. "No. I don't want him to leave me." He gripped onto Louis hand tightly, refusing to let him go any further than their arm lengths. "Don't worry love I'm not going anywhere." Louis reassured and knelt behind Harry, keeping his hands on his shoulders so Harry knew exactly where he was while he was examined.

The paramedics decide he's okay, but should still be brought to the hospital just as a precaution. Louis doesn't protest since Harry's health and safety was no joking matter. He helped to put Harry on a stretcher and he doesn't protest, too warn out to say much still. He's put in the ambulance and when Louis tries to step in he's stopped by one of the paramedics. "You can't ride with us son, I'm sorry." Louis immediately shook his head, "No I'm not leaving Harry. I'm coming." He tired to step in again but he's stopped by the same medic, "I'm sorry, there's just no room for another person."

Louis sighed since he knew this was a battle he wasn't winning. "Louis please don't leave me. I need you." Harry plead after hearing what was going on, reaching for Louis. Louis steps onto the semblance only for a moment. He looks down to Harry and grabs his hand, "Harry you're going to be okay. I'm going to follow you in my car and we're only going to be apart for twenty minutes okay? I promise I'll be right by your side soon and I won't leave ever again okay?" Harry reluctantly nods, listening to Louis soothing voice that he doesn't want to stop listening to. "Say okay." "Okay." He says quickly so Louis won't worry about him. "I'll be following closely." Louis kisses him before backing out of the vehicle slowly, keeping his eyes on Harry as long as he can.

When the doors are shut and the alarm sounds, Harry is hurried away. Louis was about to grab his keys and run for his car but he's stopped by Liam, looking very guilty and very worried. "Louis I'm so sorry. I went to the toilets and the alarm went off on my way back and-" "Liam, Liam." Louis said, taking a hold of Liam's shoulders and interrupting his babbling, "It's okay. You love Harry I know you would never leave him on purpose. He's okay now though. He's got me and you three." Louis indicated to Niall and Zayn too who were smiling slightly behind Liam.

"Everything's alright so lets just get in my car and we'll go see him yeah?" Louis smiled at him and Liam can't help but return it. He's surprised Louis is so understanding especially when it came to Harry but getting upset at Liam wouldn't make sense in Louis' eyes. Harry needs them right now so Louis would let this one go. Harry wouldn't want them to fight anyway. The four of them got in Louis' car and didn't waste anytime to race to the hospital. Louis needed to see his Harry.

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