Hollow » Chris Evans [1] {COM...

By cafeseoks

574K 9.2K 752

"You inspire me to be a better person every day. I love you, Liberty. I want you. I want you today, tomorrow... More

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5.7K 100 13
By cafeseoks

Sebastian and Anthony went to the bar and ordered 20 more shots for the table they were currently at. Scarlett and Elizabeth had gone to the dance floor, while they were waiting. Chris and Aaron were both sitting in the booth, convincing one another that they need to stay sober so everyone can stay alive.

And Liberty, she was wandering aimlessly around the club. Not exactly sure what she was looking for, but she continued to walk around until she found what she wanted.

Someone caught her eye, someone she thought she knew pounding down shots like there was no tomorrow. Liberty tried to find a sober thought to match the drunken image, but she thought she'd need some help.

Liberty made her way back to the table, where Anthony and Sebastian just arrived with a platter of shots in tow. Scarlett and Elizabeth arrived at the table in time for all of them to slam a shot down together in unison the four of them, while Chris and Aaron watched in silent agony.

Flipping the shots glass upside down on the table, she leaned in and gestured for everyone to follow her lead. "Okay, so I'm definitely drunk." Liberty whispered.

Chris rolled his eyes and laughed, "Yeah. I know." Everyone nodded in agreement and a course of 'same' and ''me too' followed.

"So I need you're help identifying a face." Liberty declared, she grabbed the hands of the two closest people which happened to be Chris and Scarlett. "Come on. Come on. I need you to tell me who that is."

Liberty stood in the same spot she was a few moments ago, where she saw the vaguely familiar but unidentifiable face slamming down shots of tequila.

"That bitch." Chris yelled, and he began to walk away from Liberty and Scarlett who were still trying to figure out who the face belonged to. The two little blonde drunks followed quickly behind Chris who was making his way to confront the figure.

"So this is how you celebrate your pregnancy?" Chris yelled over the pounding music, he pulled the figure to face him. The nameless face made eye contact with Liberty and everything fell into place.

"Minka!" Scarlett yelled, she gave theyoung brunette an evil glare. "You're drinking."

"No shit." Minka retorted and turned to grab another shot. As she went to down what might of been her tenth shot that night, Liberty knocked it out of her hand. "What the fuck?" Minka yelled

"You're supposed to be pregnant." Chris yelled and Minka rolled her eyes. "You're not actually pregnant are you?" Chris retorted.

"You're lying to him." Liberty whispered and Minka looked Liberty up and down, mentally picking her apart and trying to identify her weaknesses.

"I'm not lying. I am pregnant. Or atleast that's what Chris thinks." Minka laughed, an evil smirk plastered her face.

"Well he won't after tonight." Scarlett slurred and she quickly pulled up out her phone, snapping a picture of Minka with a shot in her hand and blood shot eyes.

"No matter what you do," Minka stated getting in Liberty's face, "Chris isn't going to believe you. Because he loves me. He picked me, Liberty. No matter what happens, he'll always pick me."

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