I See You (Larry Stylinson Au)

By louislovesharryyy28

923K 29.8K 53.9K

Going into a new school Harry is determined to hide the fact that he was born blind as long as he can in fear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Final chapter

Chapter 8

38.6K 1.2K 1.6K
By louislovesharryyy28

"You should've just told him Hazz." Liam said to Harry through the phone for probably the dozenth time the next night. Harry sighed from his bed as he added a groan into the air, Liam being on speaker. "Yeah you said that Li." He had been laying on his stomach so he put his chin on his hands, "I just don't know if he wanted the same thing." They were talking about the way Harry and Louis had ended the night; with just a hug.

"Well he probably thought the same thing about you." Liam explained as he poured himself some cereal, regardless of it being nearly midnight. "He was probably just as confused about wanting to kiss you as you were. But Hazz, the thing about all this is that when someone wants to kiss you, you can normally see it. They'll look at your lips or they'll just show signs that they want to. You can't see that so you have to be the one to either tell him to go for it, or go for it yourself."

Harry wanted to kick himself for not thinking of that. He had just been standing there with a goofy smile on his face, unaware of Louis' almost stolen kiss. If he could see, if he had known what Louis was about to do then he would've gone through with it. "You're right. You're absolutely right." "When am I not?" Harry scoffed through the speaker. "What do you suggest? The next time we're alone just say 'now kiss me, you fool'?"

"Why not? It gets the message across." "Uhg! Why does Louis have to make things so difficult?" Liam chuckled over the phone that was pressed in between his ear and shoulder so he could eat his frosties. "When you like someone enough they make it seem like everything is hard. It's actually quite easy Hazz. You just have to go with it. It's a lot easier than it sounds." Harry nodded even though Liam couldn't see him. "I guess I'll figure something out when the time comes."

There was a beeping on Harry's phone just then. Siri spoke into his ear, "Phone call from Louis Tomlinson." "I gotta go Liam, that's Louis calling." "Alright. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow for school." "Uhg." Liam chuckled again, "Night Hazz." "Night." Liam hung up his end but Harry slid his finger in several different spots over the phone until he managed to answer it.

"Hello?" Louis said, telling Harry he's finally answered it. "Hey Lou, sorry it took me a few tries to answer the phone." "Well, well done." Harry rolled his eyes jokingly at the odd compliment. "I was just calling to tell you that last night was a lot of fun. I know I said it probably more times than I should've last night but I can't help it. It was just-" "A lot of fun?" Harry finished his thought making the two laugh.

"Yeah, it was a good time. I told you he was amazing live." "I know you wouldn't lie to me." "Well... Maybe I would. I'd tell you that your clothes match when they really don't." Harry snorted. "Oh, so mischievous Louis." "Hey it's the best I could do for you." Harry stifled a yawn just then. "So what made you want to call so late?" "I um, yeah I'm sorry. I hadn't realized how late it was."

Harry put the phone on speaker again, setting it in front of him. "It's alright. I was up anyway." "Good well, I was calling because, I dunno, I was just kind of... thinking about you and wanted to give you a call." Harry was nothing less than shocked. Louis was obviously not one to hide his feelings but he's never said anything so sweet before. "Thinking about me?" Harry repeated making Louis snort. "Shut up Harry."

"No, no." Harry laughed, "No Louis I wasn't trying to make fun of you. I just thought it was nice. Sweet, almost." Louis beamed. He was happy Harry hasn't found it weird. "I um... So have you found out when auditions are?" Harry knew he was trying to change the subject. "Yeah actually. They're a week from tomorrow." "That soon?" "Well I spoke to Zayn today and he said they're starting them early so production can begin sooner. Since it's a play about dancing they need all the time they can get for choreography."

"Are you going to have enough time to memorize your lines for the audition?" "Yeah. Liam's going to help me." "Well, you know, if you need any extra help I'm here for you." Harry smiled brightly. "Thanks Lou. I appreciate it but I think I'm just going to stick with Liam." "Oh, I see how it is. Don't want my help." Louis said sarcastically. "No you twat. I just feel like you would distract me instead of helping me." Louis paused for a moment. "Yeah, you're right. I'd probably tell you the wrong lines and make you say something dirty."

Harry snorted into his duvet. "Thanks though Lou." "Anything for you." Harry heard Louis almost gasp through the phone at what he just said. "Um so!" Louis said quickly, trying to change the subject again, "I am going to come to your audition though." "You're not allowed to, only teachers and Liam's an exception since he's helping me. I wish though. It would calm my nerves if you were there." "Well even though I won't be there physically I'll still be there." "That doesn't make sense." "Does to me, you jerk." The two stifled a few chuckles.

That night Harry fell asleep while still on the phone with Louis. Louis had been in mid sentence when he realized the younger lad had fallen asleep but he didn't hang up right away. He took a few seconds just listening to Harry's cute snores before finally ending the call.


Harry clutched the paper nervously, waiting for his name to be called to audition for the school's spring play. Liam was backstage with him, going over the lines Harry had to memorize for the audition piece of Ren McCormack who was the lead. Ever since Niall's announcement after the football championship, everyone knew about Harry's blindness, but they assured him that it wouldn't hinder his chances at the lead.

"You think you have them all?" Liam asked once they ran the lines one last time. "Yeah. Yeah I think I have them." "Good. Don't be nervous Hazz. You've been working hard at this the past week. You're going to be great." Harry just nodded, still nervous. "So Mr. Styles." Liam said in a cheeky manner, "Why didn't you jump at the chance at having Louis help you with this instead of me?"

Harry had a feeling Liam was going to bring Louis up at some point. He just shook his with a stupid smile. "Because I don't know how much line memorizing I would be doing with him. I think I would just be spending all my time praying he would kiss me." Liam snorted, "Is that what you told him?" "Of course not. I just said he would distract me like tell me the wrong lines." "Smooth."

"Harry Styles." They heard out onstage just then. "Come on then." Liam said happily before Harry could get the chance to begin shaking. Liam took Harry's arm and lead him onstage. "Right here." He whispered once Harry was stood on the small red x. "You got this Hazz." Harry just nodded and Liam was about to walk away when he caught sight of two familiar faces hidden in the back of the auditorium.

Louis and Niall were scrunched as low as possible in two chairs, trying to hide form the teachers to not get kicked out. Liam smiled brightly. Louis snuck in just to see Harry's audition. And he dragged Niall with him. Louis held a finger up to his lips as if to tell Liam not to say anything to Harry. Liam nodded. "You really, really got this." He repeated before patting Harry on the back and walking backstage to watch from there. "You may begin Mr. Styles." Harry heard a voice say. He took another deep breath before beginning.

Louis watched his audition in complete fondness. He had a big goofy smile on his face the whole three minutes Harry was onstage. That's the only amount of time they allowed the auditions to run for. "Louis if you fond any harder your eyes are going to fall out." Niall whispered to him. "I can't help it. Coming into this school he was so worried about people judging him. Now he's auditioning for a lead role." "Who do you think was his motivation to do it?" Niall asked in a cheeky manner making Louis basically go tickled pink.

"Thank you Harry." One of the teachers said once Harry's lines were all read. Harry nodded while offering them a small 'thank you' before having Liam escort him offstage. "Come on," Louis whispered, "I told him I would be waiting outside the doors." Niall just nodded before the two stood up and sneakily made their way out of the auditorium.

They ran to the door that lead backstage just in time for Harry and Liam to come out. "Louis?" Harry said out loud. Louis and Niall looked to each other in surprisement. "Yeah, how did you know?" Louis went up to him and hugged him tightly as he said, "The gel you use in your hair, I recognized the smell." Louis' hair was all in Harry's face at the moment so he could smell in pretty well right now. "Well it'll make it hard for me to ever sneak up on you." They finally pulled away. "You did - I mean - how did you do?"

Harry didn't seem to notice Louis' almost slip up. "I think I did okay. We'll see though I suppose." Louis wanted to tell Harry that he did fantastic, that he'll surely get the lead but he obviously couldn't. Louis sneaking in to see Harry's audition will remain he and Niall's little secret. And now Liam apparently who was smirking at Louis the whole time he was pretending to not know how it went.

Liam was just watching the way Louis would laugh and smile at Harry, and the way Harry would do the same. "Want me to drive you home Hazz?" Louis asked when he noticed Liam and Niall's cheeky stares. "Sure, if Liam doesn't mind?" "Go on Hazz, I'll take Ni here home." "Thanks, I thought I was going to be forgotten by the two love birds." "Come on Ni!" Liam said quickly as he pulled Niall away leaving Louis and Harry with their mouths open.

"Sorry about him, he doesn't really have a filter." Louis said as he scratched the back of his neck. Harry waved him off, "He's just playing with us is all." "Right, come on then." Louis went to just take the younger lad's arm but Harry wiggled out of his grasp so he could latch their hands together. Louis looked up at him in surprisement. They've held hands before but never this tightly and right now it didn't feel as though Harry was holding his hand just to be guided, it felt as though he was holding it because he wanted to be closer to him.

Louis' shocked expression turned into a silly smile as he gripped back just as tight, locking their fingers together. "Come on, soon to be Ren McCormack." Harry scoffed as they began walking, "Yeah right. I heard Zayn's audition and he did so much better than I did." "I doubt that. I bet no one was better than you." "Well, we'll find out in two weeks I suppose." "And when you get the part I'll say I told you so." Harry just rolled his eyes as Louis helped him into the car.

Harry was slowly realizing that Louis had far too much confidence in him. He didn't know if it was because they're such good friends or if it was for deeper reasons, but whatever it was, Harry was loving how much Louis wanted to be around him. That and he's slowly starting to hope that Louis felt the same way about him. He didn't want to get his hopes up, but it was inevitable when he felt so strongly about Louis.

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