Again |1| Niklaus Mikaelson

By kaygarza

316K 5.9K 617

BOOK 1 : The Goddess of Wisdom Series - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It was all new for her. For him, It was... More

Zero || Niklaus Mikaelson
Un || t h e n
deux || n o w
trois || t h e n
quatre || n o w
cinq || t h e n
Six || n o w
Sept || t h e n
Huit | n o w
Neuf | t h e n
Onze | t h e n
Douze | n o w
Treize | t h e n
Quatorze | n o w
Quinze | t h e n
Seize | n o w
Dix-Sept | t h e n
Dix-Huit | n o w
Dix-Nuef | t h e n
Vingt | n o w
I Did a Thing

Dix | n o w

8.6K 190 34
By kaygarza

I have crossed Oceans of Time to find you.

- Dracula
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

August 1359

I have noticed a difference in my siblings.

Our bond strains beneath the pressure of our lives as vampires.

Each day removes them farther from the humanity we once possessed.

My old friend, Louis, who has become part of my family, struggles with the inner demon I had forced upon him. But yet he chooses to stay by my side and knows how to fight it when he must.

My sweet sister Rebekah had grown quite indifferent to brutality.

However the true problem remains my brother Niklaus.

He continues to hide his loneliness with cruelty. I can still see how his eyes burn at the mention of Marcella's name.

Still I cling to the hope that I, as their eldest brother, can lead them down the correct path.

A path charged with the power of a family united...

For if I fail, our families legacy will end in darkness.


"I can not believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know how I love to set things on fire." Rebekah answered and turned to Klaus and the Camelots. "Was I suppose to leave them in the front yard to rot? Besides they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless pregnant girl, who's carrying my child." Niklaus answered. "I am moved by you fatherly ways towards the werewolf carrying a bun in her oven." Rebekah sarcastically said, making Louis and Niklaus chuckle.

"The werewolf would like to know what the plan is." Hayley said walking in. Athena turned to her and gave her a smile. Hayley smiled softly back before turning to Niklaus and Rebekah. "Well that depends on what plan you mean, love. My plan for global domination or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world." Niklaus said. Rebekah gave a sarcastic smile, before throwing a paint brush at Niklaus, to which he caught before it could hit him. "You can throw what you like but don't ruin my brushes." Athena said and stood to take the brush out of Niklaus's hand. Niklaus looked down at her, letting a small smirk fall on his lips before returning his attention to the others.

"The plan to rescue Elijah." Louis said, turning to Hayley who gave him a nod. "The one who is in the possession of you mortal enemy because you stabbed him in the back." Hayley added. "The front actually." Niklaus interrupted. "You three said you would get him back. So is there a plan or what?" Hayley asked, looking at the Originals and the Camelots. "Ok." Niklaus said and turned to go and sit in the chair at a desk. "Firstly. Marcel is not my enemy. He's my friend. Who is unaware that I am trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend none the less. Secondly I daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place Elijah in the hand of a nasty teenage witch, I certainly would've weighed my options. And thirdly, sister." He turned to Rebekah.

"And thirdly," Rebekah started. "The plan, as you so demanded, is for Niklaus to ask for Elijah back." She added, leaving Hayley stunned. "That's not the whole plan is it?" Hayley asked. "Oh please," Rebekah cut short. "Klaus may be a miserable excuse for a sibling, but there is none more diabolical." She said. "Also to add to Marcel's trust. Louis have expected to join me and let Marcel know that they too are among friends with the other." Niklaus interjected. Hayley still stood shock.

"Well, that's only plan A, love. There's always a plan B." Klaus added. "And what's plan B?" Hayley asked. "War."


"Look I know you and Klaus are friends but ever since the Originals showed up-" Thierry was cut short when Niklaus and Louis walked into the room. "Oh come on now Thierry. You still aren't over the little toxic werewolf bite I gave you, are you? I thought we were bygones?" Niklaus interrupted. "I see you've given him free rein over you compound now too. And look he even brought by his dear old friend, who killed half of our men back in the 80s." Thierry said. "Yes, well seeing as my family, Louis and I lived here-built the place in fact-" "Alright." Marcel said cutting Niklaus off. "Come on. You both know the drill. Thierry is my guy inner circle. Klaus is my old time friend and sire. Louis is my well accounted for uncle I remember dearly. They are my guests here. Peace, all right?" Marcel stated. All right." Niklaus said, with a crooked smile.

"What do you need my brother?" Marcel asked. "I am sad to say my demanding sister has requested my brothers return. She's quite worked up about it." "I'll say." Marcel stopped Klaus. "We're not going to have 3 originals walking around town, are we? Half our guys think the sister killed the nightwalkers." Thierry interrupted. "Is that an accusation?' Niklaus asked. "Eh." Thierry retorted. "To an Original!?" Klaus said, getting angry. "What did I say about Peace?" Marcel asked, as he held Thierry back and Louis took a strong grip on Niklaus. "Come on. Walk with me." Marcel said and pulled the older men out of the room.


"Your inner circle man lacks a sense of humor." Klaus said and followed Marcel with Louis next to him. "He's a little over protective but loyal to a fault." Marcel answered. "I saved his life back in 40s. Found him dying of a war wound outside a VA Hospital. He'd kill for me, and die for me." Louis took in a deep sigh when he heard Marcel say kill. Though he knew Marcel had nothing to do with what Thierry had done. He was just following orders. "Plus that boy can play the trumpet like you would not believe. Maybe I'll see if he can play a little at the party. You two coming, right?" Marcel added, turning to Klaus and Louis. "How could I miss my chance to meet the city councilmen as he accepts you giant charitable donation?" Klaus said with a smile. "Louis is my plus three." Klaus added. "Three?" Marcel asked. "Athena will be joining. I have begged her and she accepted." Klaus said. Marcel slightly smiled at the thought of Athena. Of course, he was never fond of her in a romantic way, but the way a brother will forever be there for a sister.

"Now the councilman of course he's a shmuch, but he lets us do our thing in exchange for certain community services." Marcel said, bring back the last topic. "Like keeping out fangs out of the locals." He added. "Listen about your brother. I would love to help you out, but Thierry is right. My guys are on edge. Ever since the 80s they were afraid of Louis as it is but seeing the Original family moving in , vampires dying, it makes them nervous. If I hand Elijah back now, it might get the wrong impression about who's really in charge here. You know what I mean?" Marcel said, looking at Niklaus and waiting for a response. "You understand I had to ask." Marcel nodded his head and turned to check on some things for the party. "Oh and Louis," He said, and turned. "Forgive me." He said, his eyes soft and a frown etched on his face. Turning back to what he had originally planned Niklaus watched as Marcel walked away.

Niklaus turned and saw how Louis looked at the ground with a blank face, than turned to look back up and began to walk out the building, Niklaus now following him. "Louis?" He called out, making the man turn to his old friend. "If you and Athena have been living in here since we began to build the city, why do you and her have something against Marcel. The hatred you have is almost as big as the one I have for him. But he took something from me, what happen to you and him?" Niklaus asked and walked along side Louis. Louis sighed and looked up than back ahead of him. "It was in the 80s, as Thierry said before." Louis began. "This was back when Marcel had first started to take over the Quarter. Of course, me and him were close so he would leave me and my family alone, knowing we deserved the city just as much as he did.

My inner demon had began to surface and my bloodlust had reached it's peak. Lucinda-" Louis paused a moment at her name, making Klaus look at him. "Lucinda tried to cast a spell to keep it under control. For the time or so, we were fine a nice family living in the governors home. Lucinda and Athena were out in the quarter when it happened. Athena watched Thierry kill Lucinda in front of her, just for the fun of it. It was too late by the time Marcel had shown and notice what they had done. I thank him for he had saved Athena from getting killed as well for being her daughter and thinking she was a witch as well." Louis looked at the ground and sighed. "When I found out my bloodlust had returned. But not for the feeling, for revenge. Marcel knew what I was doing. But what he told his vampires were that they could do what they must but they were not to kill me. No matter what or who I killed Marcel knew it was me. He always knew we were family.

I do not hate Marcel. He knew what his vampires had done and he knew he was too late to stop it. I will forever love Marcel like my family, but to him he feels as though it was his fault." Louis said and Niklaus nodded to show he understood. "As for Athena, she holds something against him that I always try to get her to forget. She was there. She saw it happen and she knew it was Marcel's group. He was the leader so to her she thought he was the one to give the order to kill Lucinda. But he didn't, Thierry and the others were following orders to kill any witch who did magic. But Athena can not see past it. I just hope the anger will not come back to take over." Louis said with a sigh and looked down. Niklaus turned back to the front and continued his walk to the car with Louis.


"Athena, Darling?" Louis called out and went to Athena's art studio. "Yes?" Athena answered and put down her pencil before turning around to face her father. "Marcel has invited us to his Masquerade party today. So I came to tell you." Athena scoffed and was fixing to protest. "Athena you know Marcel had nothing to do with what happened. I know you miss him just as much as he misses you." Athena looked away knowing it was true, but she was still mad at him. "He may not show it, but seeing him for the first time in years has made me see that he feels truly sorry for what happened." Louis answered. "Please, Athena. You also know this is the only way we are going to get Elijah back as well." Louis added and walked out the door.

Athena followed after Louis and entered the living room where Niklaus, Rebekah and Sophie all sat. Athena walked in as Louis shut the door. Klaus and Rebekah stood, as Athena looked at them before going to take a seat. Niklaus smiled and clapped his hands together. "Now Sophie, we want you to do a spell for us." He said, making Sophie look at all of the vampires with wide eyes. "You want me to what!?" Sophie said, shocked. "No way." Sophie added. "It's very simple. We need you to preform a teeny tiny locator spell to help us find our brother." Rebekah said. "Witches who practice magic in this town and get caught get killed-"

"Yes we understand that part Sophie," Athena broke Sophie off. "We understand it very clearly." She added and laid back in the chair. "And about that, it seems you left out a crucial detail when we made out deal." Niklaus said and quickly picked up Athena before placing her down in his lap. Athena looked around slightly dazed and confused. "Marcel's secret weapon. The way he knows when a witch is using magic in the Quarter." Niklaus and coaxed Athena to relax in his arms. Of course she was small reaching his chest, just as he remembers Marcella to be, and he loved that she was that way. "A girl about yay high, cute as a button, anger issues." Rebekah spoke cutting of Niklaus.

"Davina?" Sophie questioned. "Where have you seen her?" She added. "I don't know. The little brat erased my memory right after she threw me out her window with her bloody mind." Rebekah answered sarcastically. Sophie looked over at Athena and than to Louis. "How can you two not know where she is? I would expect you both to, because Davina is Lucinda's niece." Athena looked up at Sophie than to her father who had his head down. "Your wife and daughter are related to a powerful witch and you neglected to tell us?" Rebekah said and stood up to Louis. "Yes, I knew Lucinda had a sister but I didn't know she had a child who is a powerful witch or that Marcel has her. Lucinda's family never gave me their blessing to be with her. They despised it from the beginning because I was a vampire so I never knew her family."

"Let me cut to the chase. Davina has Elijah. You witches I assume want to get Davina away from Marcel. We don't know where she is. Ergo, we need magic." Klaus leaned back and placed his hand on Athena's lower back, as she leaned back on Klaus. "Davina would sense it." Sophie said. "Unless of course another witch, say a traitor to the cause, Katie for example, was to preform much more powerful magic at the same time." Rebekah said, leaning out to Sophie. "That would create a smokescreen from Davina of your little spell." Rebekah added. "Katie doesn't deserve to die." Sophie said and Klaus began to stand and Athena quickly got off and sat back down in the chair. "Sophie Deveraux." Klaus said and slammed his hands on the coffee table, gently.

"You're in no position to be so principle. You can't win a war without a few strategic losses, no matter how regrettable they may be. How many time have the vampires been one step ahead, known something they shouldn't?" Klaus asked. Athena looked over at her father who just stared at the conversation with intensity. "Your sister executed in the public square for practicing magic. Who knew she'd be caught? Did she even attempt to flee?" Klaus asked. "She was caught hiding in a cargo hold of a freighter before it set sail down the Mississippi." Sophie answered. "And do prey tell, who works at the docks at night?" Klaus asked. "Katie's boyfriend Thierry." Sophie answered. Athena sighed and got up to find the thing she needed to get ready for the Masquerade later that night.


"The black or red?" Athena asked Hayley. "The black. It goes with your skin." Hayley said with a smile. Athena laughed and put the dress in the door to hang, so it wouldn't get wrinkled. Going back into her closet she easily picked up a heavy jewelry box and brought it out so her and Hayley can pick what she would need. "Oh this is cute." Hayley said and put out a ring for Athena. "And necklace?" She asked as she looked through the box. "Oh. I got that." Athena said and turned back into her closet. Bringing out a necklace she placed it on her table and smiled down at it. Hayley turned to go an look at it. The flowers were nothing but diamond and Hayley could see the aging in it. "Where did you get that?" She asked. She was fixing to touch it but retreated her hand knowing it wasn't hers. "Go ahead and look at it. Just be careful, it's actually thousands of years old." Athena said and went to sit at her vanity, slumping her shoulder's when she realized she might need Rebekah to do her hair and make up.

"Right, I forgot you dad has stuff like this since he is from the 10th century." Hayley said, making Athena smile. "The necklace was my Aunt Marcella's. Father told me that his older brother gave it to her for a birthday. After his death, dad said that Marcella never took it off. It was special to her. So I want it to be special to me." Athena answered and began to take out her stuff that would help Rebekah fix her up. "That's sweet." Just than Rebekah had entered Athena's room. "So I hear you need my help." Rebekah said with a smile and turned to Athena. Athena let out an awkward grin and held up a curling iron. "Please?" Athena asked, with a small laugh. Rebekah laughed as well and went to help her. It was rare for Rebekah to act that way, but she loved Athena as a best friend. She could act like a teenage girl and not worry. Athena is just her best friend, and she would die for her.

After hours of preparation, Rebekah had finally finished and had told Athena that she would be back at the house to get ready. Athena got up and Hayley looked at her stunned. "Are you OK? Or are you making a face for a reason?" Athena asked and looked slightly worried. "Oh no! Athena you look beautiful." Hayley answered. Athena smiled and looked down. "Thanks." She said, the blush on her face slowly fading. "Can you help put on the dress?" Athena asked. "Oh yes!" Hayley said with a smile and began to help Athena with her outfit. When Hayley had zipped up the dress, Athena sat down on her bed.

Placing the heels on her feet, Athena began to stand and slightly wobbled to the side. Hayley panicked and reached out to help her. "I got it. Just stepped on the dress." Athena said with a laugh. Smothering out the dress, Athena walked over to her full length mirror and smiled to herself. It's not the first time she had worn a dress or gone to a ball of sorts. But it was the first time she had worn her aunt's necklace, and something about it made her feel beautiful. All of the drawing she had seen that Niklaus had drawn, Athena had always compared herself to the beauty on a piece of paper, and always felt like she was no where near what Marcella held. But looking at herself no, she couldn't help but feel beautiful.

Someone cleared their throat, making Athena turn. Louis smiled in awe at how beautiful his daughter looked. When he saw the necklace on her neck, tears began to form in his eyes but he quickly blinked them away. "You look just like you aunt." Louis said, making Athena laugh. "Thank you." Athena said with a smile and began to walk out with Louis. Hayley followed behind them and to the stairs. Rebekah had came back and was waiting at the door with Klaus. Klaus was waiting outside with the door open. Once Athena and Louis made it to Rebekah, she let out a huge smile. "My work came out terrific. Don't you think, Klaus?" Rebekah smirked and nudged her brother who turned to look at what she was talking about.

In that moment his heart has stopped for a moment. Turning he quickly swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. Turning he didn't see Athena, instead he saw the Marcella's faint smile that hid behind Athena's. He saw her before he realized it was only Athena. Looking over at Louis, he gave Klaus a small nod and let go of Athena to attach arms with Rebekah. Klaus slowly walked up to Athena and stared at in awe. Athena looked up to meet his eyes and saw the love he held as he watched her. Smiling lightly, she looked down once more and placed her mask on her face. "Shall we?" Athena asked and held her arm out for Klaus. Klaus slowly smiled and latched arms with her. Walking out and to the party.


Walking into the open floor, Klaus pushed aside the curtain and walked in, with Athena at his side and Rebekah and Louis slightly to the right. Athena's hand instantly gripped onto Klaus's arm tighter because of all the people and the weird things some of them could do. Klaus looked down and her and leaned down. "Don't worry, love. I'm not going anywhere." Klaus and lightly kissed her cheek, making Athena go slightly red. "Well this certainly if a fitting backdrop for tonight's events, I must say." Klaus said, as Louis and Rebekah stopped next to him. Niklaus eyebrows frowned when he saw the bar tender, Camille. "What is she doing here?" Klaus asked. "What better way than to distract Marcel, with his new human girl in a room chock full of vampires?" Rebekah said with a smile and went to talk to Camille, Louis following.

Klaus turned back to Athena and now saw that her face became interested to the things around them. "Come, love." Klaus said and pulled her towards Rebekah and Louis. "Is he the infamous on and off again?" Camille asked looking at Niklaus up and down. Athena took notice and was slightly jealous. "The brother actually." Klaus said and gave her a smile. "And might I agree with my sister, you do look stunning." Hearing Niklaus say that to Camille, made Athena realize that he had never complemented her at all. Her shoulders slumped and she turned to looked away from Camille and Klaus, feeling hurt and having the urge to cry. Letting go of Niklaus's arm, she began to head somewhere else with her head down in shame. Klaus cut the conversation with Camille to turn and watch as Athena walked away. He felt broken and could feel how she felt heart broken. Turning back Rebekah had left and it was just him and Camille.

"Shall we?" Camille asked. "Sure." Klaus said. As they were walking away, he turned back and saw that Athena had left out of his sight. They reached a bar and turned to see Rebekah and Marcel talking. Niklaus was busy looking for Athena to notice that Camille was talking to him. Understanding what she said, Klaus answered. "You have nothing to worry about. Ancient history." He said and turned to look for Athena again. Camille continued as Klaus answered, but he was more worried on finding Athena than anything. "Excuse me." Klaus said when he notice Marcel walking their way. Rushing around, he tried to see if the big dress that she wore was to be found anywhere. Of course with people with masks on it would be hard, but Klaus knew she had on. The time he spent staring at her, he managed to memorize what she was wearing.

"Have you seen Athena?" Klaus asked Rebekah. "You lost her?" Rebekah retorted. She walked away from me and now I can't find her. Rebekah I am worried. She can't be here alone." Klaus said. Turning they watched as a vampire came up to Marcel his face turning into one of rage. He walked away from Camille and to Thierry. Looking around once more for Athena he sighed and went to speak with Camille.


Athena had taken her shoes off and was sitting outside on a bench, just thinking and slightly upset. Looking at her feet she thought on Niklaus. Of course he would never see her as what she wanted. Even if she didn't know why but she wanted Klaus to look at her. To look at her the way he saw Marcella while drawing her pictures. A powerful surge passed through her body and she suddenly looked up. Down the road Marcel and his vampires were out and standing in the street. A witch let out a swing of her hand making Athena stand and rush down the street. She saw Katie was making Marcel weak, only to have something more powerful bring him back up. Moving at vampire speed, she reached the witch and quickly snapped her neck before she drove the steak through Marcel's chest.

Breathing hard, she looked down at Marcel and he looked up at her. His eyes showing the gratitude he owed her. Klaus stood off the wall and sighed when Athena finally showed up, not having to worry where she was anymore. Turning to Thierry, Athena bared her fangs at him, making him shrink down. "You kill the ones I love. I kill yours." She looked over at Klaus who gave her a nod and she sped off to her home, leaving Klaus to pick up Marcel and help. Louis rushed out and helped as well. Marcel looked at Thierry as he cried and hugged Katie. Marcel look over at Louis and Klaus and gave a small nod, barley noticeable. Klaus turned to Louis and gave him a smirk.


Klaus entered Roussos's and noticed Camille at the bar and went to take a seat next to her. "Cami-" "Don't even try. I get the bro code you're here to smooth things over for your friend. It's very nice of you but-" Camille said before Klaus could go further. "But you've been hurt before and you aren't taking anymore chances." Klaus answered for her. "Something like that." Camille said with a sigh. "I know the feeling." Klaus said and looked down at his hands. "The girl you were with? Is she the one you're scared of? Because when I was with you, you just seemed worried and in panic mode. I had the feeling you were trying to find her." Camille said. "Something like that." Klaus said, quoting Camille from earlier. "The guy I saw tonight, wasn't who I thought her was, and if he can turn on a dime like that-"

"Sounds like more than just a broken heart." Klaus noticed and said before Camille continued. "Someone broke your trust." He said and turned to look at her. "If you say you know the feeling, does that mean someone broke your trust?" Camille asked. "No. The way I feel isn't about trust. It's just a broken heart. A heart that has been broken since as long as I can remember." Klaus answered. "Give Marcel another chance. We all have our roles to play." Klaus said and turned to compel her into thinking the night and perfect.


Athena placed Marcella's necklace back in it own box and sighed. She had changed into normal clothing, took off her make-up knowing she couldn't handle it anymore, and placed her hair into a messy bun. "I'm guessing it went bad." Hayley said from Athena's bed. "I killed someone and left the party right when we got there." Athena answered, sighing when the sad feeling returned. "Harsh." Hayley said. Athena gave her a sigh and walked down to the living room before noticing Rebekah had returned as was at the piano. Athena smiled at her and sat on the bench next to her. Klaus walked in and looked at Athena before sighing.

"Well tonight was an epic failure." Rebekah answered and got up from her slouching. Athena placed her fingers in the keys and played a soft melody. "Oh on the contrary sister, tonight was a masterpiece." Klaus said and went to take a seat. Athena looked up and stopped her playing to see her dad enter as well. "Are you mad? Katie died before Sophie could finish the spell." Rebekah said. "I'm well aware. Athena killed Katie." Klaus said and smirked at Athena who look down when everyone turned to look at her. "She what?" Rebekah said and turned to Klaus, knowing well Athena didn't willing do it on her own. "There's no way our little suicide witch wasn't going to try and take out Marcel. Athena saved his life and in doing so, I now have him exactly where I want him." Klaus said and turned from getting a drink.

Athena got up once again not wanting to hear the two siblings argue. She knew they were getting Elijah back, just as her father had told her. But Klaus just loved to do everything so dramatic. Walking up and into her art studio she noticed Hayley was in there and looking at the picture of Hope Athena had drawn the first days Hayley had been in the house. "Hayley. What are you doing?" Athena asked. Hayley looked up at her than at the painting. "You said you could see things sometimes," Hayley said making Athena nod. "This girl you drew when I had first arrived. Is it-Is it my child?" Hayley asked. Athena stood taller and she began to fiddle with her fingers.

"Yes." Athena answered making Hayley smiled. "She's beautiful." Hayley said lookin down at the picture. "I tried to make it look at though I had painted her in person but it was the best I could do." Athena said with a smile. "I'll still love her."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hey guys!
Sorry if you don't want to read this it's fine. But honestly I really want to know what you guys think of the book. Please comment and tell me what you think. Even just saying

Please update

Is enough because it let's me know people like it. Because honestly my last story was put on hold because of my depression and I really want to continue it but I don't know what to write yet. But seriously I could really use a friend to talk to. Im funny and all.

I just want a wattpad friend who will talk to me just to make me feel happy. Because right now I have no one and it's upsetting because my siblings get to go out and have fun with theirs while I've been at home all day reading. And if reading is what I do all day than why not meet someone who does the same.

But please comment on what you think of my book! It would be really appreciated. I LOVE ALL MY READERS.

And the Mikealson's.


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