I See You (Larry Stylinson Au)

By louislovesharryyy28

911K 29.6K 53.3K

Going into a new school Harry is determined to hide the fact that he was born blind as long as he can in fear... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Final chapter

Chapter 5

39.7K 1.4K 3.3K
By louislovesharryyy28

"Are you going?" Louis asked Harry after their literature class a few days later, holding up a flier with the holiday carnival advert on it. "A carnival should be a fun time Hazz." Liam slid in there from his other side so Harry would know what Louis' talking about. Harry still hadn't found a good time to tell Louis about his condition. It's not something you can necessarily spring out of the blue. 'Yeah I'm really excited for the football championship tomorrow, oh by the way, I'm blind and I haven't told you in the month we've known each other.'

"I dunno. I mean, I haven't been here that long. I wouldn't know anyone." "It's not until next month and you have plenty of friends. I'm not taking no for an answer. They do this carnival every year for Christmas and you're going and you're going with me." "Well maybe I don't want to go with you if you're going to be bossy." Harry pretended to be offended. "I'll go with you, Louis if it'll shut the two of you up." Liam finally chimed in.

Harry ignored him though, "You really want me to go?" "Very much yes." Louis nudged Harry's shoulder trying to be playful, but Liam wanted to gag since it was obviously in a flirty way. "Okay. Fine I'll go." "Fuck yeah!" Louis said a little too loud making two teachers talking to each other turn to look at him. "Sorry 'bout that." Louis said, trying to be charming making them roll their eyes with small smirks on their faces. Harry just remained quiet, unaware of what's going on.

When they got to Louis' class he bid them goodbye, thanking Harry a hundred times for agreeing to go. "So-" Liam began in cheeky tone but Harry immediately stopped him, "Don't. I'm going with him to be friendly. Nothing more." Liam wasn't buying it, and Harry could tell. "I am! Look just because I've sat in the rain to watch his football practice, let him drive me home, and agreed to go to this carnival for him doesn't mean I fancy him." Liam remained silent, telling Harry he still didn't buy it. "Okay. Maybe I fancy him a little." Harry finally admit. "'A little'?"

"Okay! I have a big fat crush on Louis. What more to do you want from me?!" "I fucking knew it." Liam laughed. "Shut up. It'll go away as quickly as it came. I still don't even know if he likes guys." "Wish I could help you there Hazz but I don't know him that well. If you really want to know you should go to Niall. He and Louis are better friends, he probably knows." "No, I don't want to go to anyone else but Louis."

They made it to their class, sitting in their seats and waited for the rest of their classmates to show up. "Well, if the feeling's mutual, which it seemed to be, I'm sure Louis will tell you soon." "I think I should tell him about the blindness before anything else though." "You think you'll do that at the game then?"

Harry thought about it. That may be the best time to do it. Right before Ed Sheeran next week. Louis will be happy since they're expected to win so it won't bum him out too much. "Yeah." Harry smiled, "Yeah I'm going to do it at the game."


After school on Friday Zayn and Liam were over Harry's house, helping him pick out something to wear for Louis' game that he would like. "It's the middle of November," Zayn said, "You're going to be wearing a jacket and jeans I don't see how that'll make Louis fall madly in love with you." "Shut up. I know it's silly but haven't you ever liked someone enough to feel stupid around them?" "I guess. Here." Zayn put two jackets in his hands, one with a hood inside a plain one.

Harry put it on, immediately heating up in it. "Is this mine?" "The plain one is." Liam said, "The one with the hood is mine but it's going to be chilly out." "Thanks mate." Harry adjusted the jackets, Liam and Zayn getting a good look at him. "You look cute." Zayn said earning snorts from Liam and Harry. "What? Can't a strait man call his friend cute?" They ignored him since it was time to go. Anne went over last minute concerns before they got the okay to go, piling into Liam's car.

"We're a little late so we're going to have to run if that's okay with you Harry?" Liam asked as they pulled into the school's car park a few minutes later. "Anything for Louis." They both of them snorted at him before the car came to a stop. They got out and Liam took Harry's hand in his before the three began running to the bleachers. The roar of the crowd was audible, telling them the team was coming out to the field.

Louis was the last one out, the students and parents cheering the loudest for the captain. He immediately looked to the crowd, searching for Harry but when he didn't see him his smile fell. Would Harry just not show up? Surely not. The three were trying to get in but the bleachers had already been blocked off since the game was staring. "Shit." Liam sighed. "Are we not getting in?" "No Hazz we'll get you in."

"Hey!" Zayn said, "This way!" He hurried over to a hold in the fence. "Zayn that leads to the field." "Do you want to see the game or not?" Liam thought about it for a moment. Only players and crew members were allowed down there. What's the worst that could happen though? "Okay come on." Harry jumped for joy and let Liam guide him over to Zayn. They peeled back the fence for Harry to go first, following closely behind.

The three ran down a hill as the first whistle of the game was being blown. "Is he on the field?" Harry asked as they ran over. "Yeah he's there." Zayn answered, out of breath. They stopped, joining a few crew members who were reffing the game. They didn't give the three of them a second look, obviously not caring if they were down there. Liam clapped a hand on Zayn's back for finding the hole in the fence.

Louis was waiting near the goal with his hands on his knees, getting ready for someone to pass him the ball when he got a strong feeling to look to the left. He did and standing there was Liam and Zayn, smiling at him and Harry was stood in between them. Louis stood up strait, his face turning into actual sunshine when he saw Harry. He waved at him and it took a moment but Harry finally raised his hand and returned the wave.

"Tomlinson!" Coach Smith yelled, "Pay attention!" Louis shook his thoughts away from Harry and back to the game, still having trouble concentrating though. He didn't know hoe Harry got onto he field but he didn't care. He was so close and Louis felt like he could play better. "Thanks for telling me he was waving." Harry said to Liam who waved him off, "No problem.

Throughout the game Louis would took any opportunity he could to look at Harry, never seeing the smile leave his face. He looked adorable honestly, bundled up in his jackets. Louis wanted to scoff at himself for thinking such an off thing was cute but Harry just brought it out in him. The first half of the game remained scoreless, quite boring but never has there been such an intense game. Probably because it was the championship.

Harry was having the time of his life, clapping along to the cheers the crowd would chant, dancing at some points, and loving it whenever Zayn or Liam would tell him Louis was looking at him, which was quite often. Louis had to struggle to contain his laughter every time he saw Harry acting almost like a cheerleader.

He was fuming though when Coach Smith told him he couldn't go see his friends during halftime. Louis guesses that was okay though because for the second half the sides were switched, meaning the opponent's goal was closer to Harry. It gave Louis the motivation to get the ball over there more often.

Louis found his opportunity, snatching the ball away from an opponent and taking down to the other end. He and Niall passed it back and forth as they maneuvered their way to the other team's goal. It was as if the two could read each other's mind when it came to football. Niall set Louis up for the goal and he didn't disappoint, shooting it in and past the keeper.

"Fuck yeah!" He screamed as he fist pumped the hair with both hands before running over to Niall and hugging him for the assist. Niall lifted him off the ground slightly since he was so happy. His other teammates gave him pats on the back or messed up his already messy hair as a congratulations. Louis just wanted the praise of one person though. He ran over to where Harry was standing on the sidelines.

"Louis is coming over." Liam said quickly to Harry. "He is? What-What is he doing?" "He's going to give you a high-five. Just raise your hand." Harry did as instructed, raising his hand and soon felt Louis slap it. "Way to go Lou!" He said happy making Louis grin widely. "Glad you're here!" Louis yelled as he began running backward. "Wouldn't miss it for anything!" Harry yelled back before Louis turned around, giving his full attention to the game again.

"Has he turned away?" Harry asked. "Yeah he's back in the game." Zayn answered. "I don't want to get your hopes up or anything Harry but I've never seen Louis so happy before." Liam said to him, making his cheeks turn a slightly darker red. He felt his face getting hot but didn't look away. It was cold enough where his cheeks were already a rosy colour. "Well you did a bad job because my hopes are up." Harry said with a chuckle.


Niall ended up scoring again for them, earning another high-five for Harry even though Louis didn't score it. Harry wasn't complaining though. He loved Louis' attention. The crowd was left biting their nails though when the other team scored twice within just a few minutes. Zayn was clutching onto Harry's jacket for dear life, too nervous to know what else to do. Harry was letting him since he was just as nervous even though he could see what was going on.

Louis pulled off the impossible though by being the one to score the last goal for a second game in a row. Liam and Zayn were too busy cheering to tell Harry what happened. He could only guess they won though, so he joined them in their jumping and yelling. "Louis scored it!" Liam shouted as he gripped onto Harry's biceps, "Louis scored the goal!"

"Lads! Louis' running over!" Zayn said quickly when he noticed Louis was only a few feet away. Harry held up his hand, ready for Louis to high-five it but gasped slightly when Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, hugging him tightly and even picking him up. He spun Harry around twice before setting him down again. He cupped Harry's cheeks and kissed his forehead. "We won! We won Hazza!" "I know!" Harry said excitingly.

Just then Louis was ripped away from Harry. His teammates were so excited they couldn't help themselves and lifted their captain in the air. Zayn and Liam made sure to tell Harry what was going on, making him cheer even louder. The team lifted Niall too who got Louis the assist on the goal like he had done for the first goal. Louis high-fived Niall while they were in the air, holding onto each other's hands, both too wrap up in their self celebration.


After a little bit of the excitement died down the team managed to find their way back to the locker rooms to have their celebratory talk with Coach Smith. Louis made sure to apologise to Harry for making him wait but he was more than happy to, something that made Zayn and Liam role their eyes at how infatuated he was with Louis. They weren't waiting for long though, and soon Louis came back out, showered and in new clothes.

"He's going to hug you again." Zayn said when Louis jogged over with his arms outstretched. Harry raised his arms too and brace himself for Louis' hug. It was just as tight, if not tighter than the first hug only Harry was disappointed when he didn't get a spin. Louis was probably exhausted though. "Congratulations." Harry said into Louis' ear with his arms still wrapped around his neck.

"I'm so glad you're here. I honestly felt like I couldn't do it without you." They pulled away. "You're amazing Louis. You would've been able to do it." Louis just beamed at him before Zayn and Liam offered him congratulations too. "Tommo!" Niall's familiar Irish accent rang through their eardrums just then. "Nialler!" Louis said happily, hugging him once he was close enough.

Niall took his time hugging the other boys as well, lingering on Harry. "I heard you're going to tell him tonight." He whispered in Harry's ear, "I'm happy you are." Harry just smiled once they pulled away. "Well come on!" Louis said excitingly, "I'm very tired but not ready to go home yet. Lets get pizza or something." The four of them agreed happily since hot pizza did sound good on a cold November night.

Louis found his way over to Harry, walking closely by him as the five made their way through the car park. Niall, Liam, and Zayn were re-living the final goal as Louis spoke to Harry in their own conversation, "You sneaky little shit, finding your way to the field." Harry snorted, "Hey, we're just too good for the bleachers." "I'm not complaining. I loved having you there." "Really? You were really that happy?" "Yeah Hazz. Anything is better with you there." Harry smiled in Louis' direction. "I'm glad you think that."

"Car." Zayn said nonchalantly just then when a car came rushing over, trying to make it to the exit before the traffic. The four stopped walking for the car going far too fast but Harry didn't. He had heard Zayn but couldn't have possibly known where the car was. He walked right in its path. "Harry!" Liam screeched and tried to run forward but wasn't quick enough.

Louis, however; was and ran to Harry, wrapping his arms around him as he tackled him to the ground and away from danger. He landed on top of him, the two hissing in pain from hitting the concrete. The car came to a halt several feet away from where it would've hit Harry. The driver stepped out, running to the left side of the car to make sure the two were okay. "Holy shit!" The man shouted, "I'm so sorry he just walked out in front of me!"

Louis looked down at Harry, "Love are you okay?" Harry winced in the pain in his head from hitting it on the ground but quickly forgot about it when he realized what just happened; Louis saved his life. "Y-Yeah. I'm okay." Louis finally got off Harry, pulling him up as he stood up. There was a crowd forming around the scene, several people having seen what happened.

"Oi!" Niall shouted at the man who almost hit Harry, "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you going so fast in a fucking car park?!" Everyone wanted to stop Niall, but honestly they were just as angry at the man as he was, so they let him continue. "I said I was sorry." The young man tried to argue. "That doesn't fix what you just did! You almost killed my friend! You're lucky Louis was here to save him or you would be going to jail!"

"Kid look, the boy is fine." "Barely! Why don't you slow the fuck down and watch where you're going and you won't almost run over blind people!" Several gasps escaped the lips of Liam, Zayn, Harry, several people in the growing crowd, and especially from Louis. Niall's face fell when a wall of realization hit him from what he just said. There was a silence amongst everyone as Niall turned to Harry.

"Harry I-I didn't mean to I..." He trailed off, obviously completely lost for what to say since there was nothing he could say to take it back or make it better. Louis stepped away from Harry and looked at him. It wasn't until just now that Louis noticed Harry never actually looked at him. He was looking into his eyes, yeah, but it was as if he was looking past him.

"What... Niall... You're... What?" Were the words that fumbled out of Louis' mouth since he didn't even know where to begin. That's not how Harry was going to tell him. That's not even remotely close to how he was going to tell him so now he was just as lost for words as everyone else. Louis raised his hand and slowly waved it in front of Harry's face once. "You-You're blind." Louis said in disbelief.

Harry still wasn't saying anything and it was just then that Liam and Zayn finally snapped themselves out of their trances and hurried over to Harry. "Come on Harry. Let's get you out of here." Liam said as the two took a hold of Harry's arms, guiding him away. They didn't need to hide anything anymore. Louis wanted to stop them, tell them that it was okay but he was just too dumbfounded.

Harry didn't want him to say anything either. He just wanted to go home. "Harry I'm sorry." Niall pleaded as he stepped forward but Zayn held up a hand to stop him, "It's okay. We'll talk about it later Ni." Niall just held his tongue and nodded. Harry wasn't mad at Niall. He was just sticking up for him but he didn't want to say anything to anyone. Not even Louis. He just wanted to go home.

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