Rise Of The Uncharted: Golden...

By indiaherring

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The Journey continues as Lara Croft and Nathan Drake work together as a dynamic duo. They are on their way to... More

Chapter 1: Intense Training
Chapter 2: Nathan Returns
Chapter 3: The Golden Fleece
Chapter 4: Flashbacks
Chapter 5: Bad Things Can Happen
Chapter 6: The Journey Begins Once More
Chapter 7: Traveling Divided
Chapter 8: Spanish Paradise
Chapter 9: Flamenco Chase
Chapter 10: Italian Drama
Chapter 11: Love Gives A Purpose
Chapter 12: Forbidden Tomb
Chapter 13: Alone Once More
Chapter 15: Escape Plan
Chapter 16: Conflict Troubles
Chapter 17: Gods Meeting
Chapter 18: Greece Showdown

Chapter 14: Finally Reunited

659 21 12
By indiaherring

(Back to Lara and Mason going into the tunnel. The tunnel became darker and darker, Lara cracked and shook the glow stick. The light was blue and she picked up her walkie talkie.)

Lara: "Nate, can you hear me?" (She listens, but there was nothing. Just static.)

Lara: "Sully, Nathan, Elena? Do you read me?" (She listens again, still static. Lara gave up.)

Lara: "Damn it." (She turned off her radio.)

Lara: "Looks like we won't be hearing from them in a while, Mason. I'm starting to feel something very upsetting. I don't like it." (Mason whimpers and Lara looks at him.)

Lara: "It's okay, Mason. There's nothing to be afraid of." (She looks on the walls and saw writings.)

Lara: "I recognize this symbol." (She saw a symbol that looks like a crown.)

Lara: "This must be the hall of Archimedes, the founder of physics himself. My father basically knew every equation." (Mason kept walking down the hall and Lara followed.)

Lara: "Hmm. I wonder if there is a new bow lying around here somewhere." (Mason and Lara felt the ground shake.)

Lara: "Whoa! Did you feel that?" (Mason whimpers and barked.)(Suddenly, the shield glowed again and it showed Lara that there was darkness approaching them. It began to fade and Lara prepared herself.)

Lara: "Something or someone draws near!" (She aimed her two pistols at the shadow.)

Deep Monstrous Voice: "Briiing meee myyyyy shieeeeeld!!!!" (Red eyes have appeared and the shadow showed itself. It was Ares, but he wasn't just a dark god. He was a god that was in a black dragon form!)

(The whole place shook and crackled and Lara grabbed Mason and held him. The place shook so hard, even Nathan felt it.)

Nathan: "Whoa. You guys felt that?"

Sully: "I sure did, kid."

Elena: "I didn't."

Nathan: "Well, we felt it. Either someone is messing with our heads, or we're about to have yet another crazy, dangerous situation on our hands?"

Sully: "I'm afraid we have both ways, kid."

Nathan: "Just as I thought, old man. Come on. We better go investigate."

Elena: "Why?" (Nathan turns around.)

Nathan: "What do you think? We're finding Lara!"

Elena: "Why are you caring about her so much?!"

Nathan: "Well, why are you hating so much?!"

Elena: "Because you were flirting with her!"

Nathan: "Oh, come on. I was not..." (Elena gave him a stern look.)

Nathan: "Okay, maybe I did. A little."

Elena: "Liar."

Nathan: "Alright, fine. I was flirting on her, but what's the point?"

Elena: "The point is you're supposed to be on my team!"

Nathan: "What team?!"

Elena: "We were supposed to be with each other!"

Nathan: "Well, we're not."

Elena: "Well, we should for crissakes!"

Nathan: "Shouldn't."

Elena: "Should!"

Nathan: "Shouldn't!"

Elena: "Should!" (Sully rolled his eyes and shakes his head.)

Nathan: "SHOULDN'T!"

Elena: "SHOULD!" (Sully just about had it with Nate and Elena.)

Sully: "Enough! What is wrong with you two?! You can't be acting like you're five years old. My grandson and granddaughter can get along just fine without making a single argument!"

Nathan: "Old man, you have grandkids?"

Sully: "Yeah. Four years old! Both of them. Not one argument came out of their mouths. Kindness, caring and obedient. You two. Arrogant, dimwitted and disobedient!"

Elena: "Hey!"

Nathan: "Yeah, old man. Why you got to be all raw and rough on me, huh?"

Sully: "Because I'm an old geezer and I'm proud of it! Deal with it!" (Nathan crosses his arms and Elena turns the other way.)

Sully: "Look, I really want you guys to get along for now. Until we get out of this, we're going to have short conversation. Now, we have to find Lara. Are you guys in or out?"

Nathan: "Oh, I'm in. It's her that bothers me." (He points at Elena and Elena scoffs.)

Sully: "Elena?" (Elena took a moment, huffed and turned back around.)

Elena: "Sure, whatever. Let's go get miss fabulous richie rich girl that Nathan loves so dearly."

Nathan: "Really? Me again?" (Sully groaned with annoyance)

Sully: "I'll be so glad to get out of here, so I can ground you two." (They kept moving through the tunnels.) (Back to Lara and Mason with Ares the dragon. Lara still held on to Mason. When the dragon walked towards Lara, the ground starts shaking again and the floor below Lara starts crumbling and cracking. Lara steps back away from the dragon, but it was no use. The floor cracked beneath her feet.)

Lara: "Oh, this is not good." (She falls into the darkness, yelling and screaming. Suddenly, she started sliding down a hard dirt slide.)

Lara: "Mason, hold on!" (Mason starts barking and whimpering with fear. There was a 50 feet drop at the end where there was water located below them so it will eventually break their fall. Lara and Mason fell in the water once again and came back up fast. Lara breathes in and out.)

Lara: "At least at this rate, I'm clean as hell." (She rubbed the fur out of Mason's face and he barked proudly. Lara smiled and got out of the water. Mason shook himself to get the water out of his fur.)

Lara: "Let's move on, Mason." (They kept moving until they saw more symbols of greek and the symbol that showed Lara was a bow.)

Lara: "It's a bow and arrow nearby. Luckily, the dragon didn't follow us down here." (Mason barked in agreement. Lara walked into a room that has pictures of a memory with a woman holding a bow and arrow in her hands.)

Lara: "It's a woman. Who's trying to learn about survival and now she's a goddess of wild hunt." (She started to examine the three pictures carefully and finally realized that the woman is Artemis the goddess of Wild Hunt.)

Lara: (Gasps) "I understand now. This woman is Artemis the goddess of Wild Hunt who is one of the most fierce archers in all of Greece. Incredible! If she is located here, then where's her legendary bow?" (Mason barked and found a casket nearby. Lara looked at it and smiled.)

Lara: "Good eye, Mason." (Mason jumped on her leg and Lara rubbed his head.)

Lara: "Okay, here goes." (She grabbed hold of the casket and pushed, but it wouldn't move at all. Lara was straining.)

Lara: (Straining) "God....damn it." (She lets it go to breathe.)

Lara: "That was hard to move. I wonder why." (She looked on the side of the casket and it has instructions in Greek.)

Lara: (Reads) "To open this lovely casket, find the silver key." (Lara sighed.)

Lara: "But where the hell will I find the key? This room is a little big for just one person." (Mason found the key too and he gave it to her.)

Lara: "Mason, I'm very lucky that you came with me and I'm glad to be your friend." (Mason barks with happiness.)

Lara: "Now, we can get it open." (She uses the silver key to unlock it and moved the chains from the top. She opened it and she was intrigued.)

Lara: "It's you. Artemis." (She looks at the bow.) "And there's the bow."

(She picked up the bow and examines it.)

Lara: (Gasps) "It's beautiful." (She pulled the string back and it was flexible enough.)

Lara: "Strong bow. Perfect." (She examines the silver arrows.)

Lara: "Hmm. The tip of the arrows are hard shaped diamondback. It's amazing. Can probably impale throughout." (Mason looked behind himself nothing was there.)

Lara: "I will honor this bow, Artemis. I swear and thank you." (The rumble continued because of Ares.)

Lara: "We better move, Mason!" (Mason barked and they ran for their dear lives.)

(Back to Nathan, Sully and Elena walking where the ground was shaking before. They saw a huge gap where Lara was.)

Nathan: "Whoa."

Sully: "Damn. What did this, kid?"

Nathan: "You're asking me?"

Elena: "Maybe Lara fell down there."

Nathan: "No way. That's crazy."

Elena: "Well, what do you think?!"

Sully: "Guys, don't start."

Nathan: "Let's just get across this gap." (3 minutes later, they got across the gap. Suddenly, they heard a roar from a distance.)

Sully: "Whoa, what the hell?!"

Nathan: "Let's go check it out!" (They kept running until around the corner, they bumped into Lara and they all fell to the ground.)

Nathan: "Lara?"

Lara: "Nate! Sully! And Elena. I'm glad you all made it. What happened?"

Nathan: "Well, we made a campfire and then we..."

Sully: "Later, kid. Lara, do you know what sound we just heard?"

Lara: "Yes. It was Ares."

Nathan: "The god of war?"

Lara: "Yes. Apparently, he's a dragon."

Elena: "What the hell? How did that happen?"

Lara: "I'll give you a hint. Circe goddess of sorcery."

Nathan: "Wow."

Lara: "Now, he wants the shield back."

Sully: "Well, kids. Are we getting out of here period or what?"

Nathan: "Yep."

Elena: "Let's go."

Lara: "Ready."

Sully: "Let's get out." (They all started to run down the halls with the darkness dragging behind them.)

(End of Chapter 14: Finally Reunited)

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