My cherry

By smol_kitten_tyler

59.2K 2K 472

Little tyler Daddy josh Tyler is not Josh's child they are a married couple ok ok More



3.3K 106 22
By smol_kitten_tyler


"Daddy, it's hot can we pwease bring out the sprinkler," Tyler asks Josh as he sits on his lap on the couch.

"Sure we can baby," Josh tells Tyler, "you go upstairs and find the swim suits while i set up the sprinkler." Tyler nods and quickly hops off of Josh's lap and runs upstairs.

Josh heads outside and sets up the sprinkler, heading back inside to his room to change. Josh walks in to see Tyler sitting on the edge of the bed swinging his legs and humming with the swimsuit laying next to him.

"Cutie," Josh says catching Tyler's attention. Tyler smiles and blushes. Josh heads over to the bed removing his clothes and pulling on his swim trunks.

"Pwease help me daddy," Tyler pouts sitting on the bed making puppy dog eyes at Josh. Josh smiles and pulls Tyler's clothes off replacing them with his swim trunks.

"It's all ready, come on kitten," Josh tells Tyler. Tyler grabs Josh's hand and skips as they leave the room and head outside. Once outside Tyler releases Josh's hand and runs straight into the sprinkler.

"Oooo it's so cold daddy," Tyler squeaks as he runs out of the sprinkler and back to Josh. Josh rubs Tyler's back as he shivers. Josh gently pulls Tyler back over under the sprinkler.

"Protect me daddy," Tyler screams as he hides behind Josh as the water sprays them. Tyler jumps and screams as the cold water hits his skin. The water then turns back to spray the other way.

"Ahhh," Tyler gasps as Josh suddenly picks him up. Josh carries Tyler to the other side and holds him right under the water. Tyler screams and tries to wiggle out of Josh's arms. Josh just laughs and holds Tyler tight.

"You're a big meanie daddy," Tyler pouts as he crosses his arms over his chest. Josh laughs and kisses the side of Tyler's face. Tyler tries not to smile as Josh continues to kiss his face.

Just when Tyler was about to forgive Josh the water came back and sprayed Tyler causing him to scream and jump out of Josh's arms. Josh watches as Tyler continues to scream and run in the house.

Josh then hears an even higher pitched scream then silence and crying. Josh runs over to the house and sees Tyler inside crying on the floor.

"Tyler, honey are you ok," Josh asks as he kneels down next to tyler on the hardwood floor.

"No daddy, I slipped and hurt my bum," Tyler sobs as Josh pulls him on his lap. Tyler sobs in Josh's shoulder as he hugs him tight and rubs his back. Tyler eventually stop crying and looks at Josh with dried tears on his face.

"Get up sweetie, lets get dressed again," Josh says lifting Tyler off his lap. Once Tyler gets up Josh gently pats Tyler's bottom and walks with him back up to their bedroom.

ic- Black_veil_beads

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