Schizophrenia ⇢ Min Yoongi

By peachysuga

17.9K 774 241

schiz·o·phre·ni·a ˌskitsəˈfrēnēə,ˌskitsəˈfrenēə/ noun A story in which mentally ill boy falls in love wit... More

Meet Yoongi.
let's breathe.


1.7K 68 33
By peachysuga

"Because. When you're with me, the voices stop."

Rhiannon's heart sunk. Could that really be possible? She had studied schizophrenia for many years and a case of meeting a certain person that could weaken symptoms had never been spoken of.

She tried shaking it off.

"Yoongi, it's probably because you finally took your meds again."

He shook his head rapidly, as if what was said was a terrible lie.

"No. As soon as you stepped into this room, they all silenced. The hallucinations shut down too, I swear."

She knew that could never actually occur, right? Strangely, something in the back of her mind told her he was telling the absolute truth.

"Yoongi you know I have to get home and get some sleep. I promise I will be right back with you tomorrow okay?" She sleepily spoke as
she rubbed her eye.

"PLEASE NO!" He shouted, tears filling his eyes. "They don't let me sleep. I just need you here with me so I'm safe." A few tears steadily streamed down his soft cheeks.

Rhiannon's heart ached terribly. She was in pain to see him so petrified of being alone. Although, the consequences were just too tough to risk. Wouldn't she get fired?

"Yoongi, I can't get fired on my first day, I love this job. I worked so hard for this. I really wish I could stay."  She glanced down at the floor to avoid giving in.

"If you get in trouble, I can tell them that your presence is helping me already. It's not even a lie. I will always eat my lunch and take my meds for now on, just for you." He meant every word he voiced.

Rhiannon felt so flustered, would he really do all of that just for her? Nobody ever showed this kind of affection towards her before. Her mind was made up.

She walked up to Yoongi and exhaled, "Okay, I'll stay for the night."

His last few tears escaped his glossy eyes, then he let out that breathtakingly gorgeous gummy smile of his. Rhiannon could stare at it forever. Before she could have a second thought, Yoongi gently wrapped his cold hands around her waist and held her tightly to his chest. This is the happiest he has been and what seemed like his entire life.

Rhiannon hugged Yoongi back, smiling to herself.

Yoongi was finally in peace.


Rhiannon sat herself on the rocking chair next to Yoongi's bed, and he politely asked for her to move it closer to him. He lended her one of his hoodies for a pillow and she fell asleep not too long after that.

Yoongi was a bit scared at first when he realized that Rhiannon fell asleep before him, but when he saw her peaceful sleeping face in the faint light of the hospital room he instantly relaxed. He debated with himself for a few minutes before he decided to grab her hand that was hanging near the side of his pillow. He ran his cold thumb over her soft skin and he could feel in ends of his lips tugging upward.

This is all he'd ever need.


The next morning the bright sun rays shined through the hospital's window, waking Rhiannon from her deep slumber. She let out a giggle when he saw that Yoongi had been holding on to her hand all night, then checked her phone for the time. She sighed in relief due to discovering that she had 30 minutes till her shift.

She raked her fingers through her hair as a result of not having a brush and popped a breath mint into her mouth.

Just as she was about to walk out of the room, she turned back to see a still sound asleep Min Yoongi. It made her smile so brightly to see him calmly lying in his bed, soft breaths as his chest would slowly rise then fall. She couldn't resist, she quickly walked back over to his bedside and whispered,

" Kamsahamnida, Min Yoongi Oppa, "

With that, she delicately kissed him on the cheek and jogged out of the room to begin her work day. Little did she know, Yoongi was awake. He just lay there, completely still, staring at the dull ceiling, smiling to himself like a complete idiot.

After a few minutes, he sat up and ran his finger over the pillow next to him, a bit disheartened to see her go. He understood that she had to go help the other patients, but he felt selfish and wanted her to stay only for him all day.


Rhiannon quietly walked down the hallway, her stomach churning. She prayed that nobody had become suspicious. Just as she turned the corner to enter the lobby, she ran into her boss.

"Mianhae- oh Rhiannon! I was just about to go look for you, we need to speak."

Although her boss spoke with a grin, she felt nauseous. She followed her into her boss's office and sat down in front of her desk, fidgeting with her fingers.

" I brought you here to talk about Mr. Yoongi," She spoke

Rhiannon felt as if she'd been punched in the stomach.

" I'm so proud of you! You are the only nurse in the entire hospital to get him to behave! He has given everyone here a really hard time for while, so I can't thank you enough."

Weight was lifted off her chest as she fully smiled towards her boss.

"He isn't the monster everyone makes him out to be, I guess I just understand him," she nodded.

"Well that is great to hear because I was wondering if you could spend the whole day with him today. He really seems to have warmed up to you, and he is immensely more relaxed with you next to him. If all goes well, you will work with him full time. For a couple months we'll give you a 1 week together to see how everything plays out. I'm willing to give you a raise if you do so."

Rhiannon couldn't believe her ears! She accepted the offer graciously and headed to Min Yoongi's room once again.


Rhiannon excitedly opened the door,

"Annyeong  Yoon- wait."

Min Yoongi was missing.

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