Hope Is all I Need

By Smile_Queen1

8.4K 167 13

This is my life no one can change that. I'm just a girl who gave up on a dream. So I could just be a mom. Som... More

dance 1
when I was 10
Another Cinderella
the first show
Dance 5
Dance 6
Dance 7
The Plan
The walk
The doctor
The house
Painting and names
One month later
5 months/ dad or Will
6 years later
Family is the most important thing.
Number 6?
Aria pov.
Go to my real home.
Walking around
Bringing the past and Josh home
Big brother love
Our home
The next day
My kids are my life.
All i can do is try
Dads pick good or bad

My 3 boys

108 2 1
By Smile_Queen1

"Hope when I say push push." I nodded. I don't get why he had to wake me up. If I would have stayed asleep I wouldn't be here yet. I have been in labor for 6 hours and let me tell you it sucks. "Push." So I did. About 2 minutes later I heard, the little cry of my baby boy.

She handed him to the nurse to get him cleaned up. "Ok do you want a minute?"  I put my head down on the pillow. I could see my little boy. Just his feet but it was enough.
"Yes please." Than she gave me my boy.

"Hi handsome." I kiss his head and rubbed his small hand with my bigger one. It was time for me to push again. So I handed him to Josh. So he could put him in the crib.

"You ready." I nodded my head. "Push... your doing so good hope." About 10 minutes later my little prince was born. We put him down right away. I wanna say 3 minutes later he was here. I held all of my boys and looked at them. My sweet little boys. They are going to bring me hell. But they are going to be my little boys. And I am going to do everything to protect them.

"Hope you all can all go home tonight if you want." Wolfs heal so fast, there is usually no problems with giving birth. So there is no use of staying a night. I looked at the doctor.
"What time is it?" She looked down at her watch.
"10:30, So by midnight if you want to go home you can it will take an hour for all of the test to come back."
"Thank you."
"No problem."
"They are so tiny." I said finally speaking to Josh.
"They are handsome." Josh didn't even try to take then from me. "Would you like me to do your hair." I sat up so he could fit behind me.
"Sure." He started to brush my hair back.
"You want to know something?" I smiled as they started to make some noise.
"I think that I am going to favorite one, you are going to favorite one, and than my mom is." I wanted to smack his arm.
"Don't say that." He was done doing my hair and got off the bed sitting in the chair.
"You will see, my mom favorites my sister." I gave him a look.
"Because it's her only daughter." He looked down at his phone. Someone was calling him. But he kept ignoring it.
"Ok what is it?" He looked up.
"I didn't call my mom." Really that's why she wasn't here.
"Give my my phone."
Mom: Hello.
Hope: Mom
Mom: Oh Hope what's wrong dear?
Hope: Your son is an idiot.
Mom: Witch one.
Hope: Josh.
Mom: What did he do?
Hope: He didn't call you when I went into labor.
Mom: Where are you?
Hope: at the hospital holding my three boys.
Mom: We are coming back home we will be there by three. We will meet you at your house.
Hope: Ok we will meet you there.

"Your mother is going to kill you." He started to walk to the door.
"She didn't say that." I mumbled
"She was thinking it." He opened the door.
"She won't, because than her grand babies won't have a dad." I smiled at them.
"They have your brother." He looked down the hallway. I could hear someone else giving birth. Poor girl.
"That's cold." The doctor came back in. Then gave us the paperwork.

When we got home Luke was asleep on the couch.

"Luke" I said softly.
"Hmm." I tickled his side.
"Do you want to be the first to meet your Nephews." He nodded his sleepyhead.
"Yes." I kissed his head.
"Than wake up." He opened his eyes, and looked at me. Then saw the three car seats. "Who is who." Josh still didn't know there names. So I guess it's time to tell him. I grabbed the oldest out of the car seat.
"Ok this one is Marcus." "Hello Marcus." He kissed his head. "I am the cool uncle. Just remember that." I smiled at him. I went and grabbed the next baby. While he put him in the crib.
"This one is Noah." He kissed his head.
"Hey buddy." He put Noah in the crib and waited for me to give him baby number three.
"And lastly this one is Alec." He smiled as he held him.
"Hi little man." He put him in the crib.

They were talking well Luke was talking to the boys.
"Yeah love them up, because wants mom gets here you might not get a chance to see them for a while." He nodded his head. I went to the crib and picked up Alec. Josh picked up Marcus and Luke was holding Noah. Than Josh linked me.
"I think he has a favorite." Than mom walked in.

"Oh my goddess, can I hold one?" Me and Luke looked away.
"Here mom you can have Marcus." Said Josh. Than he looked at me.
"What, this is my baby I am not going to give him up that easy." Than he looked at looked at Luke.
"He is my new buddy." Josh tried to grab him. And Luke bit him.
"Luke!"I said.
"My baby." Josh looked at me.
"Look I told you." Said Josh. We all looked at Luke.
"Luke the babies are not going away."
"Are you positive?"
"Yes. How about you go up stairs to bed."
"Because I Said so." I stood up with Alec and went into our bedroom were we have beds, till we think we can have them in there own room. I lad him down and covered him up and kisses his head and went to sleep. I woke up three hours later, not to my baby but to Luke.

"Hope come on, it's 8 in the morning and I'm hungry." I looked around the room.
"Are the babies up?"
"the two down stairs are Alec isn't though." I got up and looked at my baby I made sure he was breathing and he was I put on the baby thing so I can hear him when he wakes up. Then went down stairs and started making food for everyone.

"Yes Hope?"
"We're is Josh?"
"Sleeping on the floor."
"Where's mom?"
"She left to go home after you went to bed."
"Who woke up with the babies."
"I did."
"Come here so I am not yelling through the wall." He walked into the kitchen and sat down. "When did they wake up?"
"When I came and got you."
"Ok well food is ready."
Than I started to make the babies there bottles. I went into the living room and the babies were in there crib. I picked up Marcus and fed him first he fell asleep so I put him back into the crib, then I picked up Noah and did the same. I walked up stairs and saw that Alec was playing with his feet. I smiled down at him.
"Ok mister ether you don't cry or my thing is broken, because Mama thought you were still sleeping." I grabbed him and started to feed him but out of all my babies he stayed awake.

Then Josh came in.
"Ok good your up."
"There is food on the counter, and Luke was the only one up, and there are dirty bottles just making sure he didn't do it." Said Josh.
"No Luke woke me up when the babies did." We walked down stairs. Luke of course was holding Noah.
"Don't worry we are going to be best friend, you won't want to hang around your old uncle, because we can do cooler things." I smiled at him.
"Luke why didn't you tell me he woke up?" He looked over at me.
"Because I want to help to." "Ok did you eat?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Ok you. Than I made my self some food."
"So what's the plain today?" Asked Josh.
"I don't know." Than my dad came down.
"I went to bed with no babies right?"
"Yes. Josh didn't tell anyone last night apparently, I had my babies last night."
"Can I hold one?"
"Yeah.... Luke give Will Marcus."
"Ok!" He walked in and handing Will the small baby. "There you go."Than he left.
"He is so handsome, he is going to be a strong kid." Said Will. I walked over to them.
"Yea lets just keep him a small baby for awhile.

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