Just A Fling//Jovani Jara

By Espinosa-love

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No boyfriends. Just flings. Or so she thought. More



388 18 18
By Espinosa-love

*Liv's POV*
I woke up in tears with the sun shining in on me. My mind was filled with thoughts of Jovani. I wondered what he was doing, and naturally assumed he was already over me.

But, I still have the small chance of being wrong. But, very small it is.

I tossed and turned trying to fall back asleep and out of this nightmare but it was no use. Once I was awake, there is no going back.

I groaned wirh a stretch sitting up. I noticed my phone on my bedside table and clicked it on. I had a new text from...Jovani.

I slid the unlock button to read it.

J: hey can we talk?

Oh gosh. That's never good. He gave me the 'Can we talk' text. Oh well, I guess it was never meant to be. I just have to finally gave reality, that I am n ot meant to be with anyone. Just a fling, it's all it'll be ever be.

I put my hair up into a bun, brushing my teeth and doing all my normal morning stuff.

I put on a crop baseball tee and jeans shorts. I checked my outfit in the mirror, even though, it's school so I didn't really care. I figured I should wake up Skyler but it takes her like three seconds to get ready so it should be fine.

My thoughts are stuck in last nights events as I wash my face. I just cant believe I thought leaving to the woods was a good idea. And now, Jovani is gonna hate me forever.

I pat my face dry and take my hair out of my ratchet looking bun.

"Morning sweetie." My mom says kissing my cheek and giving me a nice good morning smile.

"Hey mom." I say back, not worrying that I will wake Skyler or not. She literally sleeps like a best. Nothing can wake her.

"Are you okay?" She asks. I wonder why, or if Skyle blabbed her big mouth about everything. She usually doesn't, but, who knows lately.

"Yeah I'm good mom." I fake a smile and she nods before leaving. I plugged in my straightener, dreading this week to come. I just need to get Jovani off my mind if I want to pass my classes.

You're almost done, Liv. Almost there. Summer is close. Graduation is close.

Taking a feel breath, I hear my phone ding again. My stomach churns at the noise and I can't help but freak out on the inside.

J: hey, I really need to talk to you. Please meet me after school. I can pick you up.
Me: I guess so lol.
J: alright thank you. I'll see you then.

I click it off, wondering why Jonas wants to meet with me but I'll go with it.

I straightened out my hair, slipping my favorite Vans snapback on backwards.

"Hey look who's awake." I say as Skyler sits up from her sleep. Her blankets all over the place and pillows tossed to the floor.

"You're so loud. Turn your ringer off." She groaned. Shes so pleasant in the morning. But she, is the least of my worries today.

After both of us getting ready and eat a quick breakfast of cereal, we hop into her car.

I dont know if I'm prepared for today, but we are gonna find out.

(A/n So today is the twins birthday and they're freaking 17 dkfkdkkd.

They're old affff.

But anyway I told them happy birthday on Twitter and they liked and followed so heck to the yes.

Follow me if ya want ;) @ espinoselman ❤

That's it. Vote and comment!)

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