Fuck My Disability! (Book 1)✔

By LuvMyGuiltyPleasures

60.9K 2.8K 490

21 year old Jacob was born with no eyesight, it always been his dream to see the world around him. As a kid... More

Chapter one:Just Like High School All Over Again!
Chapter Two: You Bipolar bitch!
Chapter Three: My Big Date- wait what?!
Chapter Four:No Longer The Bad Guy
Chapter Five: Dreams Can Come True
Chapter Six:Old Flames
Chapter Seven: The Feelings Have Come Back
Chapter Eight:Time for A Little Change
Chapter Nine:To Good To Be True
Chapter Ten: A whole New Me!
Chapter Eleven: This is it
Chapter Twelve: Hope and Pray
Chapter Thirteen: Marriage Planning...I think not
Chapter Fourteen: More bitches, More Problems
Chapter Fifteen: Maury Time!
Chapter Sixteen: Peace
Chapter Seventeen: Baby Shower
Chapter Eighteen:Old Flames Keep Burning, More Problems Keep Coming
Chapter Nineteen:Welcome to the world
Chapter Twenty: We Are A Family......Almost
Chapter Twenty-One:I Love You, But Your With Him!
Chapter Twenty-Two: A Little Revenge On You!
Chapter Twenty-Three: You My Sex Slave.....Sike!
Chapter Twenty-Four: My Hero!
Chapter Twenty-Six: Here In Paris!
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Good Life

Chapter Twenty-Five: Here comes the Bride!

1.7K 92 14
By LuvMyGuiltyPleasures

A MONTH LATER... June 3rd 2013! 


Today's the big day. I woke up to see pancakes and bacon with eggs with a note.

Hey baby, good morning, I left early since I can't see you before the wedding. Wouldn't wanna ruin things right? Lol. Anyway, I made you breakfast and now all you have to do is get ready for big daddy ;)


I smiled at the note and started to eat. After that, I showered and got dressed into my suit and looked in the mirror at myself. " I look good..." I said to myself. I called up She and Breanna, and Marcus and I drove to the beach. Yeah i wanted to have my wedding out on the beach. I went into my mother's beach and freshened myself up a bit.

"You ready?" Asked my father as he and my mother walked in. I sighed and nodded. Yes, I was ready for this.

"Yeah I am," I said. "I love him."

"I'm proud of you son," Said my mom. "You've come a long way. Now you have a nice job, about to have good husband, and got kids." She was write, I did come a long way, first as a kid I was struggling just to see and now, I got my eyesight again and now I got me a man!

"Well it's time to go out there," Marcus said walking in. "I'll be outside waiting." I took a deep breath and walked out. I heard the music playing and I was already in tears. I walked down the beach looking at Chres. i saw him mouth 'You look beautiful' which made me blush. I reached to the front and faced Chres. i smiled at him and blow a small kiss.

"Dearly beloved, we are gather here today to unite these two in hold matrimony and if these tow should not be lawfully married, speak not or forever whole your peace...." No one said nothing and the wedding went on.

"Chres, would you be the first to say your vows?" Asked the pastor. Chres nodded and turned to me.

"Jacob, I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support. I will celebrate your triumphs and mourn your losses as though they were my own. I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years and all that life may bring us.I love you uncontrollably without hesitation. I vow to love you, encourage you, trust you, AND respect you. As a family, we will create a home filled with learning, laughter, and compassion. I promise to work with you to foster and cherish a relationship of equality knowing that together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone. Today, I choose you to be my husband. I will laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow I will share in your dreams and support you as you strive to achieve your goals. Let us be partners, friends, and lovers. Today, and the days that follow......I love you so much Jacob Perez."

I was in TEARS my face was so wet. Chres wiped my tears as tears were falling from his eyes. 

"Oh...C-Chres.." i sobbed, i could barely breath.

"Chres, I promise to maintain your trust with my words and promise that I will always be your partner in crime, your lover and your Best friend. I promise to be your faithful husband/wife through all of life's joys and challenges. I further promise to love you unconditionally, comfort you in hard time, encourage you to achieve your goals, laugh and cry with you, and always be open and honest with on another. I will cherish the love we share for as long as we both shall live...I love you Chresanto August."

"now, nothing is to be said. by the power rested in me, I pronounce you tow Mr. and Mr. Perez-August." Everyone clapped for us as Chres dipped me by surprise and kissed me right on the spot. It was the most magical day of my whole life.

"I love you so much." He said to me. I smiled at him. "I love you too." We both walked. further down the beach hearing people cheering and clapping saying 'Congrats' and all. It was just me and Chres alone. Starring at the waves and feeling the cool breeze.

"So where are we going for the honeymoon?" I asked. Chres laughed.

"Can't tell you just yet, just wait." I whined. I wanted to know.

"What you said about me, was really sweet Chres."

"Thanks...same to you. I love you and I'm gonna treat you right, love you always and never let you go and remain faithful to my baby." 

"Awe baby!" I squealed hugging him tight. "Your so deep and down to earth."

"I know, that's what I do." I laughed. I love this guy and i always will love him.



Man! that was a good party we danced, did the electric slide all that. I took pictures with my baby and everyone else and just had a ball. i packed up my clothes for out honeymoon cause i was talking Jacob to.........Paris! one of the romantic places ever.We speak french so it's not gonna be hard to talk to people there. We took classes in school and college.

"So where are we going?" Jacob asked. i sighed and laughed he can't wait so I told him.

"OMG WERE GOING TO PARIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He ran all over the house. I laughed at his cuteness. The twins will be staying with Jacob;s parents. They have gotten so big now, their walking and their now. Their 8 months.

"I can't wait to go!" I heard Jacob yell. I smiled. I could wait either.,.....

Awe their finally married now and going to paris^___^ 

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