Chapter Six:Old Flames

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I stared at a picture of us when we were together....*sighs* I miss him...I miss us.

I'm Charmaine and I was once Roc's girlfriend.......before he turned gay and ruined my life. About 2 years ago I was pregnant...but it wasn't his baby. It was another guy named Anthony. When I told him about this pregnancy, he left me to take care of the baby alone. Now, I'm stuck with a 2 year old girl named Christina. She asks about her dad everyday and idk what to tell her.

"Mommy?" I heard her asked.

"Yes baby?"

"Some guys at the door asking for you."

Who was asking for me? I walked to the door and saw.........him

"A-Anthony?" I gasped. What was he doing here? "Wow, 2 years later you finally decided to show your face?"

"Char don't start."

"No, you left me with Christina and I had to do everything! on my fucking own!"

"I don't do kids know that. When you told me I told you to go and kill that baby but you  refused so now.....I guess your on your own with that thing."

I slapped him.

"Don't you dare say anything like that about my child!"


"What do you want anyway?"

"Remember Roc?" he asked.

"Yeah, what about him?"

Ant told me about how Roc's in this new relationship with some blind guy named Jacob.....he's cute though but I was jealous, that should be me! not that.....blind boy!

"I miss him....." I sighed. I really did  night's have gone lonely and cold without him.

"I could get him back for you." he said.


"All you gotta do is this....."



Me and Chres right now are in his dorm room chilling watching TV. I was up on his big muscular chest resting enjoying the little breeze that was coming in.

"Comfy?" he asked while laughing. I smiled as I snuggled closer to him.

"Mmmm yeah lol."

I really thought Chres was lying but now I see that he cares for me. Then we're both gonna get married and have kids. Which is another thing, I'm able to have kids on my own like a women. Chres and I will have the our dreams jobs, me working on fashion and design having my own clothing line and him working on his rapping career. He's really good too.

"I love you." I say to him looking at our fingers locked together even though I can't really see, I know I'm looking at them.

"Love you too baby." I blushed when he called me baby.

"Awe someone's blushing."

"Shut up!" I laughed playfully hitting him on the chest.

"What? it's cute, you should see yourself."

I sighed. I really wish I had my eyesight back, I wanna see the world....and how much it's changed.

"Oh....sorry I said that."

"No, it's OK, your right. I wish I could see Chressy."

"I know you do." he kissed me on the head and the two of us fell asleep in bed since we had class tomorrow.


I brought Charmaine and her......kid.....well our kid to my dorm room.

"OK you guys can just make yourself at home."

"I don't see how 3 people can live here." Charmaine said looking around.

 I sighed.

"We'll manage."


"Mommy? I'm tired."

"Ok baby, just go to sleep."

The girl hopped on the bed and rested her little self in the sheets....she looked cute and a lot like me.

"So now what?" Charmaine asked.

"Just stay around here and wait till tomorrow."

"Fine..." she cuddled with Christina and fell asleep. Maybe leaving them was a mistake.


The next morning, me and Jacob had to wake up at 5am! ugh! our classes all start at 7am and we have to be on time.

"Baby wake up," I said shaking him lightly. "We have to get up."

I heard him whimper softly and turned over on his stomach.

"Jacob baby c'mon...let's go." I pulled him up from the bed and took him to the bathroom.

"Why?" he whined.

"We have class to go to." I turned on the shower took of my clothes. Jacob couldn't see me so I took of his clothes as well.

"Wait, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Helping you into the shower." I say.

"No, I wanna do it myself. I'm tired of people thinking I need more help then I really need,."

He felt his way around the bathroom and stepped into the tub. I took a peek at his little naked booty and smirked. I felt my dick twitch a little. I climbed into the bathroom with Jacob and we both washed on another.

20 minutes later.

"We both were out of the shower and the two of us have gone, said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I was sad about leaving Jacob on his own but....class is calling.

"Chres?" I heard someone say. It sounded like a females voice. I turned around and saw her.


Fuck My Disability! (Book 1)✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن