Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Good Life

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Sorry, this is the last Chapter...



OK it's been 5 weeks and it's time for us to get going on home. I had fun here with my baby in Paris and hope to come here again soon. We packed up our things and were off to my private jet. Yes, I have a jet of my own :D

"That was a good honeymoon," Jacob sighed. "Thanks again baby for bringing us here."

"Welcome." I kissed him and pulled him closer to me. I like the warmth of his body on mines and his soft skin upon mines.

"I can't wait to just get home and go to bed." I yawned.

"Me too," Jacob said laying on my chest. He feel asleep 5 min later and it was so cute ^_^ he was out like a light. I kissed his forehead and whispered goodnight in his ear. I saw him smile. I love my baby.




Finally! were home. I forgot, Paris is far away from where we live. That was so long! I was so bored. I didn't know what to do and I thank god now that I get to leave the plane.

"Were home!" I yelled as we walked in the house.

"Hey!" everyone greeted hugging and kissing us.

"How was the trip?" Asked Shey holding Alianna.

"It was good, hey baby!" I took Alinna from Shey. "Daddy Ma missed you." I gave her a kiss and she smiled.

"Hey little man," Chres held onto Xavier kissing his fat cheek. "How was my big boy?"

"So......did you get any?" Marcus asked. I laughed. "Marcus!"

"I wanna know nigga spill."

"Lol OK OK yeah...omg it was so ugh! he was an animal."

"Ooooo," Breanna gasped. "Jacob got the nookie." I love these guys. Idon't know what would do without them. Later that night, we all talked about our trip, what we've seen and all that good stuff. Then, it was time for everyone to leave. Then it was just me, Chres and the twins.

"Mama!" My ears must be playing with me!!!!!!!1 Alianna said her first word and it was Mama! omg I'm so happy.

"Omg! baby you said mama!" Cried Chres. "No can you say dada?"

 "Dada!" She giggled. 

"Awe!" I gushed. "So cute, X? say mama."

"Mama! dada!" I was in tears the twins are talking! omg I'm so proud to be their daddy ma.^_^

"Wow I can't believe their talking and walking already." Chres said.

"Yeah I know." We both took the now sleeping twins to their room. Boy, they sleep fast...just like their daddy.


I laid on my mans chest and sighed.

"Man, what a day." Chres sighed. I nodded.

"Yeah, Chres?"


"You and I both came a loooong way from when you were bullying me...and when I could see and now we can look back and see how much we grown."

"Yeah, I've learned alot from you."

"You did? how?"

"I learn that I should respect the disable and always be the better person and I THANK YOU for that." I blushed. 

"Well your welcome...I love you Chres."

"I love you more." He said kissing me with so much passion. Then the two of us turned the lights out and and went off to bed,  in one;s arms dreaming about what the future has in stored for us....

THE END! ^____^ yup that's it for the story...what did you think of the whole thing?




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