Four Times A Charm (Sequel to...

By Kili-Loverxx

53.1K 1.3K 107

Sequel to Blood Moon. Artemis's hopes of settling down with her new family after completing the bond with Jas... More

Chapter One, Prologue
Chapter Two October 25th: Andy's Birthday
Chapter Three, Taken
Chapter Four, Realisations
Chapter Five, Rescue
Thank you 😁
Chapter Seven, Jasper's Surprise
Chapter Eight, The Wedding
Chapter Nine, The Honeymoon
Chapter Ten, The baby surprise
Chapter Eleven, Epilogue

Chapter Six, Recovery and birth

3.9K 120 9
By Kili-Loverxx

Chapter Six, Recovery and birth

It had been a long process but slowly but surely Artemis was recovering from her ordeal with no more tragedy. Little Cassie was doing just fine now that her mother was healing it seemed she was just as strong and resilient as her mother, much to the relief of their family; who had been going crazy in their worry. It's been three weeks since the incident and Artemis had been bed bound since she was brought home, but now that she was healing and gaining more and more of her strength she was starting to go crazy. "When can I leave this bed dad?" Artemis asked Sirius her head resting on his shoulder as he ran his fingers through her hair enjoying some father-daughter time. "When Andy and Severus say you can Pup. No one is going to take any chances with you and Cassie. Not with what happened and not with your heart. We almost lost the pair of you and I can't bare to think on that. I won't lose you Pup. I won't." Sirius said seriously looking intensely into her eyes letting her know he will not be moved on this. 

"I know dad I'm just going stir crazy in this..." Artemis gasped her hand going to her stomach and leaning forwards suddenly as a pain ripped through her, a very familiar pain. "Pup what's wrong?" Sirius asked suddenly concerned his hands hovering behind his daughter.
"No. No, no, no. It's too early I still have a little over a month left." Artemis whispered in fear as she felt her pyjamas and bed sheets immediately become wet as her waters broke. "Shit!" Sirius gasped his eyes widening as he worried for his daughter and granddaughter. Wiping out his wand Sirius sent a Patronus to Andy who was with Narcissa for the day with Teddy and then sending a text to the rest of their family who were either at work or school to let them know what was happening.

"Shhh it's okay Pup. Everything is going to be okay. Andy and Cissy are on their way back. Nothing is going to happen to you or Cassie and I'm sure the rest of our family will be here soon." Sirius assured his daughter as he sat back down next to her transfiguring her sheets into new ones and her pyjamas into a nightie and tying her hair up for her after receiving a Patronus back from Andy letting him know she was on her way. "I'm scared dad." Artemis cried looking up at Sirius with large fearful doe eyes.
"I know," Sirius said brushing some hair away from her face as he tried to reassure his daughter. "But everything is going to be okay. I promise."


Jasper's eyes widened as he glanced at the text message he'd just received from Sirius. Jumping out of his seat suddenly; startling those around him as he flung everything into his bag. "Just where do you think you're going Mr. Hale?" Mr. Barner asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Home. My wife is in labour." Jasper snapped as he left the classroom without a backwards glance ignoring the calls from his teacher. Rushing out of the school Jasper didn't bother to stop for anyone intent on getting home to Artemis. As soon as he had reached the woods he sped home arriving quite quickly as he raced into the home calling for Sirius.

"Jasper." Sirius greeted coming down the stairs Teddy in his arms. "Andy and Cissa are with her now. They kicked me out." Sirius complained as he glanced nervously back up the stairs to where Artemis' pain filled cries could be heard. "Shhh Teddy. It's okay. Mummy's okay." Sirius soothed bouncing the toddler who was getting more and more upset at Artemis cries. "Let's go into the living room and wait so this little man doesn't get any more upset." Sirius suggested leading the way to the living room.

Jasper sighed throwing one more glance up the stairs before following his father-in-law into the living room to help distract Teddy even though he wished nothing more than to be with his mate at that moment. He knew though that if she knew how upset Teddy was she'd want him to be with Teddy. "Dada." Teddy cried holding his arms out for Jasper when he entered the room. "Hey little man. It's okay mummy's just bringing your little sister into the world we can go see her and your sister soon." Jasper soothed kissing Teddy's head as he rested against his father tiny little hand clenched tightly in Jasper's shirt.


Three hours had passed and everyone was now congregated in the living room as they waited for news on Artemis and little Cassie. Teddy whimpering in Fred's arms as he bounced his nephew trying to get him to calm down when they heard a healthy baby's cry from upstairs. Not five minutes later Narcissa came into the room smiling happily. "Both Artemis and Cassie are healthy and happy. Andy is just finishing cleaning them up. Congratulations Siri you're a grandpa again."

"Can we go see them?" George asked anxiously.
"I would let them sleep for awhile and then you can." Andy said entering the room. "Cassie is the splitting image of Arte. Your going to have your hands full as she grows up." Andy laughed addressing the men in the room laughing with her sister and the other women as they all grumbled that no one will be allowed near Cassie. "Your a big brother now Teddy so you have to help daddy keep the boys away from your sister." Jasper told his son seriously as everyone laughed as Lucius passed around glasses of Firewhiskey. "To Artemis and Cassie."
"To Artemis and Cassie." Everyone toasted as the mother and daughter slept upstairs. Teddy finally giving in and falling asleep in his uncle Fred's arms now he could no longer hear his mother's pain filled cries as everyone celebrated the new life in their family and that Artemis had survived.
All was looking well.

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