get pride: get pucked sequel...

By hemmingslaugh

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Jude Thomas, number twenty-seven on the National Women's Hockey League team, Boston Pride. Luke Hemmings, for... More



2.1K 99 41
By hemmingslaugh

HELLO sorry i havent posted in a million years! I was in a wedding so I was busy 24/7 for the last four days. Here's a good chapter for ya :)

Jude tried not to squirm to much, but she was wearing a black crop top with a skirt. She could not be more out of her own league here. It was all because Setha insisted that what she wore was apparently the only way to go clubbing. She sat on her bed, waiting for Setha to finish up with the damned makeup she agreed to. Setha insisted on using it on Jude, claiming she put on makeup for every show and was good at it.

"Hurry up!" Rett yelled from outside of the door.

"Shut up," Setha yelled back.

"Don't tell me what to do," he said, now going down the stairs.

"Alright," Setha smiled. "Done."

Jude looked in the mirror behind her door and almost gasped. She didn't look completely different, but she did look like a girl for once. She looked at her face up close and noticed the small amount of brown eyeshadow, accented by a thin line of winged eye liner. Her eyelashes looked twice as long with the mascara brushed on to them, and her cheekbones looked more defined then ever with the bronze blush Setha used.

"I've waited for this day," Setha chuckled behind her. "I've always wanted to do your makeup for something serious. Any girl would kill to have your eyelashes."

"Thanks?" Jude chuckled.

"Alright, even though you let me doll you up, I'll let you pick your own shoes."

Jude knew exactly what she would wear. Considering that both her crop top and her flowey skirt were black, she figured her black high tops would be appropriate. She laced them up and looked at the final product. She had to give it to Setha, she looked hot. The thing she admired the most was the fact that she still looked like Jude.

"Alright, I think the boys might kill us if we take any longer," Setha giggled. She grabbed her phone and her small purse. Jude only grabbed her phone and her small wallet, needing nothing else. They took one last glance in to the mirror and then moved down stairs. Jude could hear the conversations from the bottom of the stairs. They grew louder as they got closer to the bottom. Once Setha and Jude reached the bottom step, the voices stopped.

Jude looked down at her own feet, feeling slightly weird that she looked girly for once in front of all of the boys.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Michael asked.

Jude snapped a look up at Michael, almost worried. "Does it look that bad?"

"Why the hell didn't I ask you out before?" Calum stated now.

"Uhh," Jude's face flushed now. She was a bit confused and a bit flustered being the center of attention.

"Alright, cool it," Rett warned.

"We all knew Jude was hot, but this... Setha, what did you do?" Michael gawked.

Jude looked over at Luke who watched Jude like a deer in headlights. He was completely stunned at the sight of her, making her feel that much more awkward. His face was flushed of color and his eyes were wide, showing his piercing blue eyes. She almost got lost in them for the millionth time, but Rett broke the tension Jude felt around herself.

"Are we going to go, or are we going to stare at Jude all night?" He asked.

"I'd be fine with staring," Calum cleared his throat.

"You weirdo," Setha rolled her eyes.

"Alright, let's go," Ashton spoke up now.

"I'm ready to get waisted," Jude murmured as they walked out of the house

They all piled in to the SUV, Jude and Calum in the back, Luke, Michael, and Rett in the middle row, and Ashton and Setha in the front. They drove in to the city to a club called Velvet Bullet and had no issues getting in. Apparently if Ashton Irwin, drummer of 5 Seconds of Summer, wanted to come in to the club, no questions were asked. It was a bit confusing, but Jude said nothing about it. Once they got inside, they were given a private booth in the VIP section. Jude was liking this life, it seemed so much easier.

Their booth was far from the dance floor, making things a bit easier to hear, but the bass of the songs playing still overwhelmed most of the club. They could also still see the dance floor which was good considering the fact that Jude would want to go dance once a couple drinks were in her.

"Alright, let's get this party started," Setha sang. A waiter came to their table and Rett ordered fourteen shots. In no time they arrived and Jude didn't even wait for the rest of them, she downed the liquid quickly. She forgot just how much it burned as it went down her throat. It had been quite a while since she had actually had any kind of alcohol.

"Someone's impatient," Michael laughed.

She grabbed the second shot quickly and threw her head back, downing the second one quickly.

"We should go dance!" Setha suggested.

"Wait, why do we have two extra shots?" Rett asked.

"Ashton's driving," Luke reminded them all.

"I'll take em!" Jude volunteered and swallowed a third shot. She went to grab for the last one, but Setha stopped her.

"I think that's enough for right now," she said.

"I'm fine!" Jude assured her. Before she could grab the last one off the table, Luke grabbed it away from her and swallowed the substance before she could. She stuck out her tongue and crossed her arms. Before she looked away, she saw his eyes once more. She scanned his whole face, all the way down to the lip ring his tongue played with. As her vision blurred slightly, her mind told her how attractive he looked.

"Let's go!" Setha tugged at her arm. Jude was pulled away while still looking at him. She finally turned around to squeeze through the crowd. They finally made their way to the middle of the dance floor and Jude felt amazing. Her body was loose and her mind felt free. She realized that in the moment she was doing okay.

They both danced for a bit until they decided to go back for more drinks. Jude looked through the list of drinks, trying to decide which one she wanted the most. They all seemed appealing to her. As she looked through the crazy titles of each drink, she came across one that made her shoot her head back in laughter.

"1-900-FUK-MEUP," Jude read aloud. "I want that one!"

Once she got the drink, she drank it quickly, trying to get back on to the dance floor with Setha. This time, Michael and Ashton joined in. She danced to the beat of the music, feeling it's rhythm pulse through her body. When she looked back at the table, she noticed Luke watching her intently. She smiled a fierce smile at him and continued to move her hips to the beat that hummed in her chest.


Luke wished he was more drunk than he was, but truthfully, he didn't want to get out of control. He felt the three shots wearing off quickly and he sighed. He decided to order a beer and make it last. He sat next to Rett and Calum who kept up a conversation while Luke only watched over at the dance floor.

Jude was quite drunk by this point. She moved around with such a carefree persona. Luke knew that was usually how Jude was, but this was clearly in a different way considering she had already had a lot of drinks. He was sure she had lost count by now. He watched her dance and move to the beat of the electronic music that rang through the room. As Luke watched her, she looked over at him. She gave him a smile that could have meant many different things. It made Luke have to hold his breath for a few seconds or he would loose his mind. She already looked absolutely stunning, he wanted to rip that shirt off of her. But he couldn't and they both knew that.

She kept her movements steady until she started to slow. She soon said something to Setha and then moved back to the table. Once she got back, she slid in to the booth right next to Luke.

"God, this is so much fun!" She giggled. "I needed this."

"I'm happy for you," Luke chuckled at her drunken state.

"Why don't you come dance?" Jude asked.

"Because I'd have to be really wasted for you to see me on a dance floor," he explained.

"I can make that happen," Jude smirked.

"I'm okay," Luke looked away, trying to ignore the devilish smile Jude had on her face. Some of the alcohol still ran in his system, making him think of dirty things as she gave him that look.

"Suit yourself," Jude shrugged. "I'm going to the restroom."

"By yourself?" Luke asked. He knew that usually wasn't the safest.

"Unless someone wants to come with me," she said as she kept moving.

"I'll be right back guys," Luke said to the two boys who had ignored the two of them for the last five minutes.

Luke grabbed on to Jude's wrist as she pushed through all of the people surrounding them. She tripped over her own foot a few times, but finally made it.

"Such a gentleman," Jude chuckled. "I'll be right back."

Luke waited a few minutes for Jude, and once she was out of the restroom, she had a few giggled in her.

"What?" Luke asked.

"There were about fifteen couples in their making out," Jude laughed as she looked in to his eyes. Once she noticed his eyes, her smile faded into a more intense stare. "You should kiss me," she finally said.

"What?" Even though she was drunk, he was still shocked at her words.

"Kiss me," she told him.

"Jude, I know that's not what you want," Luke told her. It was so incredibly hard to say no.

"Yes it is what I want!" she explained.

"Jude, you're very drunk and you-" before Luke could finish, Jude pushed on to her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her lips against his. For an instant he grabbed her waist, wanting so badly to deepen whatever this was, but he couldn't. With all of his will power he pushed her away and looked down at her. He had to bite his own lip in order to control himself from kissing her back.

"Luke, you and that damned lip bite make me want to do a lot of things to you," she said to him.

Luke pushed her away and nearly screamed. He couldn't, he really couldn't. He would not take advantage of this. Not when she was drunk. If she were sober, this would not be happening.

"Fuck," he mumbled.

"Yes, please," Jude smirked.

"Jude, stop. You don't want this," he reminded her again. "You were just dumped." He felt bad for saying it, but he hoped that would make her wake up just a bit.

It seemed to sink in just a bit as she looked around. "I just wanted to have some fun," she pouted.

"You go have fun with Setha. Go dance."

"And the we can have fun after?" She asked.

"Sure, we can play a card game when we get home. Those are fun, right?" Luke asked as he pulled her back to the table.

As soon as she sat down, she found another tray of shots. She took two more and reached for a third. "I think that's enough, Jude," he said.

She didn't listened to a word he said and took a third one. She stuck out her tongue once more.

"Go dance," Luke pointed at Setha and Ashton.

"Only if you come with me," she proposed.

"I will in a bit," he told her.

"Promise?" She asked.

"I promise," he lied.

She got up and as soon as she was farther away, Luke leaned his head back in the booth. He tried to get her words out of his head but she was just as intoxicating as the alcohol that surrounded them.

"Holy shit," he finally said, trying to keep his calm. "What the fuck."

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