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After dinner, everyone made their way through Jude and Ayce's apartment. Jude went in to shower and change after her game. Once she was finished, she walked out to the living room to see the boys already playing NHL. Ayce sat on the end of the couch drinking a beer.

Luke sat on the floor in front of the chair that Arzaylea sat at. He watched the screen intently while Arzaylea sat on her phone. Jude watched the screen now as Calum and Ashton played each other. Ashton proceeded to yell as he played, making Jude laugh. She jumped down on the couch next to Michael who watched the screen along with everyone else.

"That was complete shit!" Calum cursed.

"Awe," Ashton teased. "Poor you!"

"Hey, he got that goal in fare and square!" Jude argued.

"I'm next," Michael reminded everyone. "As long as I don't play Jude."

"I'll play you," Luke spoke up.

"It's on," Michael chuckled.

They began playing and soon, Luke was in the lead. He was completely destroying Michael which was entertaining to watch. Jude admired his ability to play so well. She suddenly got the urge to play him, hoping she would beat him. Once Michael lost, she stepped up and grabbed the controller out of his hands.

"I'll play next," she stated. Jude didn't say a word to him as they pushed through the game. She watched the screen as the players in the game moved the puck back and fourth, not making it far enough to the goalie to score.

"This is gonna go on forever, i'm going to sleep," Ashton stood up.

Ayce got up as well, showing Ashton where the spare bedroom was. The bedroom held a queen sized bed along with a couch that could be pulled into a bed and a blow up mattress in the closet.

Calum soon got up as well, moving in to the bedroom. Jude paid no mind to them as she kept her determination to beat Luke. Soon she scored and almost threw her controller. She got in to these sorts of games.

"I knew it, Jude's going to win. Goodnight," Michael grunted as he stood up.

"Hey, screw you Mikey," Luke said and stood up to sit on the same couch as Jude.

They began playing again. They were both devoured in to the game, trying to score on one another. It started getting so intense that Luke began cursing. Jude would laugh every time she got the puck back and Luke would curse playfully. It was the most light hearted thing they had done in a long time. Jude almost forgot that Arzaylea was in the room until she yawned and stood up.

"I don't know how the hell you guys are still playing this game, but I'm going to bed. Lukey did you want to come?" She asked.

"I will in a bit," Luke said distractedly.

"Fine," She huffed and moved to the bedroom.

As soon as she left the room, Luke took a deep breath, almost sounded relieved. Jude couldn't help but laugh. She got just the slightest bit distracted and Luke scored on her.

"Good job, Lukey," Jude teased. He only glared at her and rolled his eyes.

They played until two in the morning and Jude knew that she would regret ever second she stayed up in the morning. She was already exhausted from her game, but she didn't care. She was actually enjoying herself for once around Luke. She knew what she said in the past, but playing a game of NHL was hardly being civil. They never said anything to each other, only played the game.

Jude thought about what Luke said at her house when he was over. It didn't happen quickly, but she realized that slowly that her mind started to cool down. She didn't have to be angry at him anymore. She had Ayce while he had Arzaylea and there was no reason for her to be angry that he broke her heart. A calm feeling came over her as she realized all of this. She still said nothing to him as he sat across from her on the couch, but her mind started to slow down and realize she should have forgotten about it a long time ago.

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