The King and His Men.

By Zipster666

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Rose is just a girl who was chosen along with many for the King's pleasure. There is a chance she will be cho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

2.7K 53 5
By Zipster666

Chapter 6:

Jayson lead me through a short maze and into a clearing that contained the King and some of the women. Half of the women were gone; where could they have gone? Once I joined the group the King stood to attention.

“Now that you all are here, we may begin the next round. The women who did not pass the test were dismissed and only you ten remain.”

What! But I purposely failed the test, I’m sure of it but apparently I passed. He’s cheating. He’s keeping me in the competition because he knows I don’t want to be here. That bastard. I searched through the group and found Amy standing off to the side. I shuffled close to her.

“Did you fail the test?” I whispered.

“I did...but why am I here?” she stuttered back. She hated this place more than I did. She was only a kid, she’s not meant to be here, he can’t marry such a young girl its wrong.

“I don’t know, I failed the test too. I think...I think he’s knows we did it on purpose so he’s keeping us here.”

“But that isn’t fair. You said that if I fail I’ll go home.”

“I know I was wrong. But I think that if we fail all of the tests he’ll have to send us home because that isn’t fair to the other participants.”

“Do you really think so?” she said hopefully.

“We have no other’s wrong to keep us here against our will. People should be here because they want us to be not because they are selfish kidnappers.” I took a deep breath. “If this doesn’t work...if us failing doesn’t work...I’ll find a way to get you out, I promise.” I looked down at the little girl, holding her hand like a mother would. “I will get you back to your family.”

Amy let out a small breath and smiled. She trusted me....but I didn’t know if that was a bad thing or not.

“My lovely ladies, you are the few contestants still in the running. Just think, by the end of this week you will be my future bride.” Some of the women let of smitten sighs. Sick girls. They have no idea what they are getting themselves into. I was the only person who knew the King for who he was. A terrible, torturous killer. “There are three areas at which you will complete the trials. You will be split into groups and you will have ten minutes at each station to complete it. Once it is done then some people will be eliminated.”

“What if you are injured?” I called out receiving some unwanted glares from some women. It seemed most of the slutty women got through.

The King smiled. “Then you will try your best and if you fail all of the trials you will be eliminated.” Great idea, all we had to do was fain an injury or illness to go home. “But if we find out you’re faking, and I will know if you are lying, you will be punished. And ladies, you do not wish to be punished by me.” I knew exactly what he was talking about. When he did that little tour for me down at the torture chamber...worst moments of my life. “Okay, I want teams of three.”

We all split up and I dragged Amy with me. “Try to seem like you are doing your best but lose. Try to make it seem as real as possible. Good luck.”

“The first area,” he said pointing to a rope that tight to a tree branch very high off the ground. “You are to climb to the very top and ring the bell, if you cannot do that, do not panic, you still have two areas to go.” HE gestured for the first group to go there, there were four in each team. “The second area,” he said pointing to a 200 meter track, “You are to race your three opponents. My guards will be running behind you and I promise if you fall behind too far on purpose they will tackle you. Hint: don’t fall behind because I hear when they tackle, they break bones.”

“What kind of a course is this?” I hissed to Amy who nodded her head in agreement.

“The last area,” he said pointing to a square patch of grass, “This is the last course that results in making a human pyramid. You are to use teamwork to get your whole group to form the pyramid and to hold for 30 seconds. If you fail, you will fall and definitely hurt yourself.” The guards formed a circle around the rope. “This is the easiest to the hardest. Once you reach the top you are to drop and the guards will catch you, if you fall prematurely they will still catch you. GO!”

The first team rushed to their base where one person began to climb at a time. Two out of four people reached the top but only one rung the bell. Once they had finished they were allowed to wait while the other groups completed it. I was thinking I can fail this one and just pass the other ones. I did want to get broken on the run and I didn’t want to get crushed on the pyramid. Stay strong on those ones and I’ll let others win.

It was our groups turn and I Amy began her climb up the rope. She was a strong kid I have to admit. She had almost reached half way when the King pulled me off to the side. “You think you’re clever, Claire. You are. You’re smarter than I want you to be but I can’t help that. That little stunt you did on the test. It was hilarious to read. Luckily my guard didn’t die from the torture I gave him to tell me. Turns out you threatened him and he took your advice. Fail this and I will hurt you.” His face was full of intimidation and anger. His grip on my upper arm brought tears to my eyes and will surely leave a mark. I opened my mouth to give a retort but he cut me off. “And if you are will to take that chance, I’ll kill Amy, or maybe I’ll marry her. Which one’s worse?” he gave a sly smile and dragged me back to the group.

I rubbed my arm when he let go. Which one was worse? Getting tortured by the King or watching others get tortured. I promised Amy I would get her home...and I was going to keep that promise. When it was my turn I climbed up the ladder easily and rang the bell. Amy had done the same thing before me and I think she saw that the King had threatened me to either win of die.

I dropped squealing briefly until I landed into the arms of one of the guards. I awkwardly shuffled out of the man’s grasp my face blazing. I went back to stand in the group and watched the rest of the women fail and succeed. Most of the time I clutched onto Amy's small hand and glared at the King oblivious body. I hated that jerk with a passion. He didn't deserve to have wealth; he didn't deserve the beauty and attraction he has acquired. The King didn't deserve the title he was given or even the right to live. Being here made me sick and being around him made me want to vomit all over his expensive attire.

When the King's head whipped around I looked away, focusing on the flowers I could see through the gaps in the hedge. "Now that you have completed the first course," he said over the wind, "please make your way over to second." after he said this he glanced at me making a ghostly smile appear on his face. He knew what I was thinking, he knew how I was revolted by him, and he knew I could do nothing about it.

His threat still burned in my brain. I could do nothing without him hurting me or the people I cared about. We were all just pawns in his petty game. The group walked slowly over to the next course. Lines were imprinted into the ground with white paint and I could even smell its fumes. The first group was pushed by the guards up to the starting line. The women were shaking, not liking the thought of these burly men pouncing onto their bodies and breaking them. Who would?

"Once I say go you are to run the 200m to the finish line. You will have a slow 5 second head start in front of the guards. If they get too close I would advise you to run faster." he said this all with a bright smile on his face making me feel any worse. It seemed like he did this everyday; tormenting people into becoming either one of him or into being with him. Disgusting... "Go!" and they were off running as fast as their bodies could carry them. They hadn't gotten far when the next 'go' was sounded. I could hear their cries of panic as they raced for the finish line. Unfortunately one of the girls got tackled close to 3/4 of the way there. Here scream travelled down the track faster than the wind showing that she had had a nasty fall. I didn't see who one from this distance but I could see the poor injured women being carried by the guard.

When that whole group was back they collapsed to the ground, puffing and panting like dogs. The injured woman had tears running down her face and a rather scratched up knee that was swelling up and turning black and blue quickly.

"Get her to the infirmary and heal that poor knee," the King ordered. "I will be with you after the agility trial is over." The girl was carried off through the maze back to the castle. "Let's get back to it." The next team lined up and so forth until it was my turn. Amy stood beside me at the line and I was relieved to see that Jayson had been assigned to tackle her. Hopefully he will be gentle on the small girl. As soon as I heard the go we were off. I pushed my legs to the limit not liking the sound of the approaching guard. Amy was a fast girl for her age and was in front of everybody. Jayson was running but obviously not pushing himself knowing that she was trying her best.

I mistakenly looked over my shoulder and saw one of the girls get tackled. She had been tagging along at the back for the whole time and I think she even had the feeling of failing. It didn't look like she had landed so badly but I wouldn't be surprised if these guards way a ton. My guard was getting close behind me and I sprinted faster coming up next to Amy. I heard another squeal as the other girl fell. Now it's only Amy and I. Should I let her win? Would it even make any difference? Amy glanced at me briefly, her face flushed from the exertion. I think her eyes were saying the same thing.

We crossed the white line at the same time.

There was clapping but I barely noticed over the loud breathing of Amy and I. The guards who had been standing at the end wrote down the positions we had and then we walked back slowly.

"You're a fast runner," I pointed out breathlessly. "That's a very good thing."

"Thanks, you too," she smiled whipping her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand. "Good luck on the pyramid."

"We're both going to need it," I replied back. This was going to hurt a lot more than that run and climb put together. This was going to break backs and arms. Once we joined the other groups we both collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. I have never like running any further than 100m.

"Okay, ladies. Now that you have completed both trials the last will be put into action. There will be five people at the bottom, three people on their backs then two on them and then one on top. I advise you to go strongest and heaviest on the bottom to lightest and smallest on top." he gave all the women a dashing smile and a wink. I guess we had to make do with eleven instead of twelve.

We all got off the grass and made our way over the pyramid area. The women quarrelled for over five minutes to see who was the lightest and strongest. All they cared about was their appearance. Amy and I looked at each other. "Hey!" I cried out, their heads spun to my direction. "I don't know about you but I don't want to get collapsed on so how about we think logically. This isn't about our weight because a matter of factor I don't care if you weigh as light as a thimble or as heavy as a four ton elephant." some of the girls glared at me. I don't think they understood the hypothetical sense of my speech. "I think Amy should be on top because logically she is the smallest and the lightest." no one seemed to object. "I will go on the bottom with you four," I said pointing to the women who actually had healthy fat on their body and muscles. They nodded and kneeled on the ground. "I think you guys can sort out the rest." I took a crouch beside them.

After a good half an hour we were able to get everyone on backs. But by then most of us had bruises and pains all over our body. The bottom layer had had the most trouble because of the weight and force on our backs. I had sweat pooling on my back and dripping down my face.

The whole time the King stood observing the scene with a very humour filled smile on his face. I actually wanted to slap it off. "Okay ladies, hold it for 30 seconds." he began to count very slowly making the second seemed to drag by like years. It seemed unbearable and the pain in my back seemed to increase. There were a few groans from above me and beside me as we all held our breaths for the moment to let go. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4" the moment was so close I could almost taste it. My arms began to wobble and the girl on my backs leg slipped. I cried out in pain as her hand went deeper into my back. "Zero."

We all groaned and toppled sideways so everyone could jump off without hurting anyone else. My body collapsed to the ground in a sweaty heap. A strong hand grabbed under my arm and hauled me up. "Thank you," I said thinking it was one of the guards...I was horribly wrong. I pulled my arm out of his hand and took a few steps back. “Don’t touch me.”

“Don’t worry, love, there is going to be a lot more touching from now on.” I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest. “Also, I do prefer you on your knees.”

“Fuck you!” I spat at him stepping further away. My outburst made heads turn and it made me blush. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that. I am not a toy that you can just play with. I don’t want to be here so let me and my mother go. Let the women who want to be here, be here because most of us don’t.”

The King didn’t like the unwanted attention but he reluctantly smiled. You are all dismissed to your room; your guards will escort you back. Claire...will stay behind with me.” My heart sank. Way to go, Claire, you just gave him another reason to kill you. Some women gave me glares but most just gave me sad glances. Amy’s was the worst; it was cross between crying and begging for him to let me go. Once they were gone a bad feeling set in my stomach. Here the tortures come. He’s going to break my arm...he’s going to bash my head in...Or worse, he’s going to marry me.

“That was embarrassing,” he said after a while. “Extremely embarrassing. I don’t look good in embarrassing situations, do you know why?” I bit my lip. I can think of a few reasons... “Because I am the king. I’m a figurehead, people look up to me, people worship me and you just made me look bad.” He grabbed my arm viciously and I cried out. He pulled me to him and I dug my nails into his arm as a reaction for him to let me go. It just seemed to make him angrier that I was fighting back.

The King shoved me back and I collapsed onto the ground. I cradled my sore arm, the same arm which he had hurt earlier. His face was red and his eyes screamed rage. He appeared like a bull to me, ready to charge at any moment. Unfortunately I had nothing red to through to distract him. I scrambled to my feet and ran through the hedges towards the castle. I didn’t exactly know how to get back but I didn’t care where I went just as long as I got away from him.

Sadly he was faster than me and I was tackled to the ground. My forehead bounced against the gravel and blood spurted out and down my nose. I screamed in agony at the knee in my back. And then there was burning, pure excruciating pain and burning in my hand. My head turned and I screamed even louder at the sight. Blood poured out form the wound in my hand where a knife protruded from. The hilt gleamed with small jewels and the blade was clean and new, except for my blood all over it.

My mouth opened again but nothing came out, nothing but air. It hurt too much to think, my head was filled with thoughts of pain and torture and red. The Kings cheek brushed against mine and he let out a lungful of air. “I told you to obey me or you were going to get caught. You ran, I caught you, you were punished.” His hand closed around the hilt and I gasped. My hand went over his, stopping him from lifting up. Mindless babble left my mouth, begging for him not to pull it out...but he did.

A blood curdling scream left my lips and more blood stained the gravel. Tears flowed freely down my face. The knee in my back seemed minimal compared to the sight in front of me. It felt like me hands were on fire and even though I saw no flames, I knew they were there.

“Disobey me again and the consequences will be a lot worse,” he hissed in my ear. I shied away from the noise, afraid that he would bite me or slit my throat. At the moment, nothing could be worse than the white hot pain I was feeling.




i know this might seem shorter than the others so i am sorry but i still hope you enjoyed.


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