Chapter 9

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Sorry guys for the extremely late upload I've just been extremly lazy and preoccupied with other books. Plus, writers block sucks!

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Chapter 9

My breath got caught in my throat. My heart was thumping in my ears, my body beginning to shake.

His chambers…

I opened my mouth to protest but I couldn’t. I was gobsmacked, shocked and completely freaking out. He smiled since I hadn’t objected to his offer and began to pull me inside the massive building. My feet dragged but I continued to not say anything. I wanted to say no, I really did but I was afraid of what he would say if I did. He would probably hurt me more.

But even though I thought up all the horrific possibilities of what he could do to me, I didn’t really believe any of them. After just a dinner with Delron he was already changing my view of him. I still feared him but I felt like I was able to be more open with him. I knew him…at least a little more than I did yesterday. As a matter of fact I saw him a lot differently than I did yesterday.

My stomach churned nervously. I still hadn’t said anything and we were getting scarily close to his room. His grip tightened as we approached the stairs that ascended to our room level. Did I have time to run away?

Delron pushed open the door with a distant smile. “This way my lovely lady.”

I took a hesitant step inside, my eyes wide and chin trembling. He stepped inside also and lit a few candles illuminating every shadow of the room. He crossed the rug and lit the fire with a sudden burst. Immediately I felt warmer but my insides were still frozen with fear.

“I always like to watch a warm fire before going to bed.”

“It is a beautiful sight,” I murmured trying to sound normal.

“You’re quite a beautiful sight as well,” he grinned, “with a gorgeous personality.”

“But I thought my personality…angered you.” My cheeks flushed, why did I have to say that? His kind attitude is going to fall apart.

He laughed humourlessly and looked into the orange fire. Dark shadows crossed his face, his pasty complexion turning a glowing shade of yellow. “Sometimes your outbursts are irritating but…I’m willing to put all that aside for the future.”

“What future?”

“Well, the future you’re going to have with me. Our future.” He looked up making my heart completely stop. “I’m relatively sure you knew who I was going to pick. From the first moment I laid eyes on you I knew…and you knew.”

“Delron…” I gasped.

“Please tell me you feel the same way,” he spoke approaching me. “We have special moments where I can’t breathe. I know I’m horrible, so horrible that I physically harm you. I can’t do that anymore, I won’t do that anymore—you mean too much to me for me to lose you. Please tell me you feel something for me…something more than hate.”

“I don’t hate you,” I said softly when he touched my cheek gingerly. “I…” his eyes spoke so much and it hurt to watch the colour fade. “But I don’t feel how you feel.”

Delron’s hand fell from my cheek and gently rested itself on my shoulder. His smile disappeared and I was left with a cold stare. “Oh…that’s perfectly fine. I-I…understand completely.”

A burn began in my chest, nothing that I had ever felt before. I genuinely felt sorry for what I had said. Was I feeling guilt? Did I want to love him? No…of course not…

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