Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“Lady Claire, I have come to collect you for our dinner.” The King’s sickly sweet voice sent shivers down my spine. My breathing hitched and I smothered a squeal. Panicking is not a good idea when the King is outside the door.

“I don’t think I can attend,” I squeaked. “I’m not feeling so good. I apologise your majesty.” Those words were hard to get out but if he was in a good mood when I rejected him, he wouldn’t be so mad after would. Annalisa shot me a dirty look and gestured viciously towards the door. She wanted me to go to cover her butt.

It was silent for a few seconds and I could feel the tension rising in the air. “Open the door, Claire, I will have my doctor look over you.”

It felt like a lump was forming in my throat. “I don’t think I’m that bad, just have a sore stomach. Have a lovely dinner, your Majesty, I shall see you tomorrow.”

There was a gentle knock on the door. “Open the door, Claire.” There was a malicious edge to his soft tone, which sent a ripple of fear through me. “Let me look at you.”

Annalisa sent me an urgent look and huffed. It was her life on the line too… If I messed up it was her head. But if I opened the door and he found out I was lying, we’d be in the same position. I needed to somehow convince him…

“Please, your Highness, it could be contagious,” I choked. It was probably a good thing that I was so fearful because it made me sound unwell. “I’m pretty sure I gave it to my maid Annalisa.”

I felt a slap on my shoulder. I shrugged selfishly and watched the door. There I go again, I opened my mouth and out came more lies. “What are you doing?” she whispered to me gruffly. “Don’t get me involved.”

“I’m sorry,” I mouthed at her.

“Claire,” he warned—could see through my lies? “Open the door before I break it down.”

“But your Maje”-

“OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!” he shouted at me. We both flinched but I was the one who reacted the worst. I’d doomed us. Surely he would punish me worst than stabbing my hand. He did say that if I ever disobeyed him again he would do more than I could imagine. Hesitantly I nodded to Annalisa who hurriedly bustled to the door and opened it wide.

The King stood with a tall and superior stature. Every time I saw him it was like a knife through the heart. How could something so beautiful be so dangerous? He straightened his short, red tunic that held tight to his strong body. His biceps flinched in unshed anger making me shiver in fear. The relaxed tights finished halfway down his shin and the rest was covered in black socks and silver shoes. I had to admit that any women would feel the effects of his attraction.

The King’s face was hard at first but when he clearly got a look at me his expression softened. It hurt too much to know that I was doomed to be with him for the rest of my life. “Claire,” he smiled. His body crashed against mine in a matter of moments and I was almost thrown off my feet. “I was so worried when you didn’t come to dinner. I almost sent out a search party.” My face went bright red when he pulled away to cup my cheek. “I thought someone had taken you…or you had run away…” I wasn’t sure what the last part meant. Did he know about the gate, how nearly every single day since he hurt me I have been going there? Did he think I would run? I would if I had a chance…

“Yes…” I replied looking down at the floor.

The King pulled up my head forcing me to look him in the eye. “You weren’t really ill were you?” I shook my head. “I thought so.” I expected him to strike me down but surprisingly he didn’t lift a finger. “Let’s go to dinner then, shall we.”

The King and His Men.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora