The Raven Cycle Boarding Scho...

By eatyourpea

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The is an Au of the wonderful Maggie Stiefvator's book series, the Raven cycle, which will include a full plo... More

Aglionby Academy
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Author's Note
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Nineteen

590 25 6
By eatyourpea

Blue quietly lifts the neatly stacked clothes out of her dresser and places them in her suitcase. Then just as quietly she tiptoes to her bathroom and grabs all the toiletries she had brought from school. When she gets back to her room she places them in her suitcase and zips it up. Now with that done she stands in the center of her room and looks around. There isn't really  much to see considering its still dark outside since the sun isn't due to rise for another hour. She sighs and heads to her closet to grab her shoes, then holding them in her hand she quietly opens her bedroom door and without so much as a creak of the old door hinges she closes it behind her. As she heads down the hallway to the stairs that will lead her to the living room where the boys are sleeping she wonders exactly what it is she is doing. 

When she gets down the stairs she looks into the living room to see the sleeping faces of Gansey and Noah on the blowup mattress. Noah is currently snuggled right up to Gansey's side with his head under the crook of his arm. Gansey seems not to mind though since he is snoring soundly. Blue shakes her head and goes to look at the couch where Adam and Ronan have been sleeping the past few days. A small gasp escapes her lips though as she sees the couch is empty. Quickly she looks over at Gansey and Noah again, but neither have stirred from their slumber. She sighs in relief and quickly tiptoes out of the room towards the kitchen. 

Another gasp manages to escape her lips though as she finds Ronan and Adam seated across from each other at the kitchen table. Both have bags under their eyes and are still in their clothes from yesterday, both look up at her in surprise as she enters in the kitchen.

"Have you guys been up all night?" She whispers feverishly.

Both blink at her and say nothing for a moment. "And where are you going so early in the morning?" Ronan finally asks her.

Blue suddenly feels like a teenager whose parents have caught her sneaking out. "What does it matter?" She says glaring at them.

"You gonna go see Orla?" Adam asks as he snuggles further into the blanket he has wrapped around him. 

Blue sighs and loses her cold demeanor and sits down at a chair at the table and slumps her head on the table. "I don't know. I want to see her, but I also want to hit her with a brick," She says tiredly.

"I mean you could do both," Ronan says with a shrug.

Blue looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "No, I cannot hit her with a brick,"

"No I suppose that would be a bit much," Adam mutters in agreement.

Blue sighs and looks up at her friends. "What the hell are you guys doing up?" She asks them again. The boys looks at one another for a moment, and then quickly look away. Blue raises her eyebrows again and says, "Did you guys have a fight?"

Adam rubs his eyes and mutters under his breath. Ronan slumps more into his chair and keeps his eyes on his boyfriend and thinks about if they had actually had a fight or not.

***********A couple hours ago**********

Everyone entered the house very tired, slightly confused, and slightly annoyed. After all it had been a long day and none of them are all to sure how to process what just happened. "Right well I'mma go shower and go to bed, so night guys," Blue says and heads towards the stairs.

"Goodnight Jane," Gansey calls after her.

Noah yawns loudly and says, "I'm actually tired to so I'm gonna go to bed now too."

"I guess I'll try as well," Gansey mutters and follows. Adam starts to follow them as well but stops when he feels Ronan's grip on his shoulder.

Once they're alone together in the kitchen Adam asks,"What is it?" Though he has a feeling he already knows whats bugging Ronan.

"What was that back there with that Clarence guy?" Ronan tries to asks casually.

In one side of Adam's mind he is kind of amused by the idea of Ronan being jealous, but his more sensible half knows that this isn't really the time for that considering he really doesn't want to talk about it. "What do you mean?" Adam asks in denial.

"Don't bullshit me Ad, we're both to observant for it. You and him we're sharing some odd looks back there, and you even said how he wasn't an asshole, but you wouldn't say that unless you personally new the guy, and yet Blue didn't say that you two already new each other, and you didn't say anything to him," Ronan says pointedly.

Adam looks away from Ronan and says, "Well you seem to have it all figured out so if you'd excuse me I'm going to bed now."

"Don't be like that Ad, all I want is a conversation. Is that to much to ask?" Ronan says.

Adam sighs and gives in. "I used to date him, he was my first boyfriend, but we used to keep it quiet, which is why Blue doesn't know."

"Was he good to you?" Ronan asks quietly.

Adam looks at him curiously. "We had a good relationship, he's a nice guy. It had just stopped working out so we ended it," He answers.

"Did you keep it quiet because of your dad?" Ronan asks softly.

"The fuck do you think." Adam spits out, suddenly angry.

Ronan keeps his face blank and says, "Come on lets go outside, we don't want to wake up the house."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," Adam hisses in frustration.

Ronan walks close to Adam and gently lifts his chin with his fingers so that Adam is looking him in the eyes. "You know I'm not mad at you right? I just want to know whats going on here, I want to know more about you Ad," He says.

"You already know more about me than just about anyone," Adam says while staring into Ronan's eyes, slowly some of his anger begins to melt away.

"Fine, just tell me when you're ready then, I can wait," Ronan announces.

Adam tries to frown at this considering he really doesn't think he'll ever feel the need to talk about it, but the way his boyfriend says such sweet words while staring into his eyes does not escape him. "Deal," Adam says before tilting his head down just the slightest to reach Ronan's lips with his. Ronan meets him halfway and catches his lips perfectly with his own. Their kiss is gentle and full of emotion, but yet neither one of them would call it sweet, instead they would call it passionate.

Ronan moves his hand away from Adam's chin and places it around the back of Adam's neck, his other arm wraps around Adam's back to pull them closer together. Adam begins walking the two of them back so that Ronan is pressed against the counter. Ronan smirks into the kiss and quickly flips their position so that Adam is pressed against the counter instead and slips one of his legs in between Adam's, this causes the smallest of moans to escape from Adam, but its still enough for Ronan to hear and cause an even larger smirk to grow on his face. In his confidence Ronan quickly breaks off the kiss so that he can pick Adam up by the waist to make him sit on the counter. Adam has no protest to the new position as he quickly uses his long legs to wrap them around his boyfriend's waist and pull him even closer. Ronan thinks for a second about how good it feels to be to entwined with Adam before he joins their lips once again and now they move even stranger than before.

Suddenly something crashing on the floor behind them, causing them to jump apart. "Oh God I'm so sorry," Gansey rushes out as he picks his phone up off the ground.

"Dude," Ronan says shaking his head at his friend. Adam stands still and tries to hide his red face. 

"I'msosorryIjustwantedwaterbutIguessIdon'treallyneeditanymore," Gansey says before fleeing the kitchen and heading back to the living room.

Adam lets out a large sigh and says, "Maybe we should go out back."

Ronan nods and follows his friend to the door and together they slip outside and sit on the ground by the large tree in the backyard.

"Poor Gansey," Adam mutters lifelessly. Ronan turns his head to look at his boyfriend and raises a dull eyebrow. Adam stares back at Ronan and tries to frown. Ronan tries to frown back. Adam's lips slowly stretch into an ashamed smile, he knows he shouldn't find all of this so amusing, but he can't help it. Ronan gives a big toothy grin as well.

"Did you see how red his face was?" Is all Ronan can manage to say before both of them completely lose it and can no longer contain their laughter. 

It's only later that they both manage to stop their infectious laughter and even attempt to calm down. The pair pants heavily and clutches their sides from the pain of laughter.

"We are by far, the worst friends," Adam wheezes.

"Oh I can live with that," Ronan says while still chuckling and leans his back against the tree.

Adam rolls his eyes and leans back onto the tree, pressed against Ronan's side. "What couldn't you live with?" He asks sarcastically.

"You. And the others," Ronan answers softly.

Adam turns his head to examine Ronan's face by the moonlight. God I love him, Adam thinks breathlessly. "I hope you don't mean that. I'd want you to go on even if something does happen to us," Adam explains quietly.

"When do I ever lie?" Ronan asks him as he looks up just the slightest, to examine his boyfriend with the same intensity as Adam is. 

Adam looks down at the grass."I hate it when your right."

"I'm always right," Ronan says with a pleasant smirk.

"Fuck you," Adam says right before leaning down to kiss him. Ronan catches his boyfriend's lips with ease and together they share a pleasant and warm kiss that contrast the sudden chill of the night air. When they pull apart again they stay pressed closer together than they had been before. Silently the two sit together and share their warmth, neither of them want to go back inside despite the chill coming from the air and creeping up from the hard ground.

Ronan watches his boyfriend for a while more as he calculates how cold the ground is and how independent his boyfriend his, finally though Ronan decides to screw it. In one swift motion he scoops Adam up in his arm and moves the taller boy onto his lap. Adam blinks as he adjust to his new position of sitting bridal style on his larger boyfriend's lap. It is to innocent a pose for Ronan to put him in if Ronan's goal was to be sexy, so he's confused. "Why?" Is all he asks.

"You looked cold, and the ground is colder than my lap is," Ronan answers casually.

Adam weighs his options. He can either react as his independent side wants and get off of Ronan's lap, or he can do as his quiet side wants and just snuggle into his boyfriend's chest, or he can do what the majority of his brain really wants to do. The decision is easy. Adam quickly readjust himself against Ronan, who doesn't dare do so much as even move. In another second Adam is positioned exactly as he wishes. He has a leg on either side of Ronan's waist with his knees pressed against the ground and his back propped up straight so he gains those few precious inches over his boyfriend. In other words Adam is effectively straddling Ronan.

***********A/N, more mature content coming up, just a warning**********

Adam smirks and casually lays his arms on Ronan's shoulders. "Isn't this more comfortable?" He asks Ronan, whose face is mere inches from his own.

"I mean I don't see how this gets you any warmer," Ronan answers casually, to casually for Adam's liking.

"Here I'll show you how it's warmer," Adam practically growls, and with that they're off. Adam makes sure that the kiss stays deep and fluid as he moves his hips around on Ronan, much to his pleasure. Ronan is just as eager so he rolls his own hips up to meet Adam's, who groans loudly in response. Ronan smirks and after a little while he detaches his lips from his boyfriend, who whimpers in response, and instead goes about attacking his neck. Adam stretches his neck to the side to give Ronan better access. Ronan decides to draw this out as much as possible just to further agitate his boyfriend. So he makes each suck on Adam's neck slow, deliberate, and anything but small. Adam breathes harder and continues to roll his hips down onto Ronan's for payback. Once Ronan believes Adam has had enough though he uses his lips to give Adam's neck one last final tug, licks over it all just to make Adam shiver, and leans back to examine his handiwork.

"Fucking brilliant," Ronan breathes.

"The hell was that for?" Adam asks with pleasure and hormones still coating his voice.

"For giving me one the other day, and for just being so fucking hot," Ronan answers before going back to Adam's lips again. 

"Oh fuck," Adam breathes into the kiss as he realizes that they're going to be like this for quite a while, and he is okay with that. Thank God for the high fence around Blue's yard, he thinks, and the fact that no one is awake right now.

And it turns out Adam was right, they did stay like that for quite a while, and then on and off like that for the rest of the night because both of them, seemingly at the same time realized that this was the last night they could be away from the school together until the next break, and neither of them wanted to waist any of that precious time sleeping.

************Back to the morning***********

"It wasn't really a fight, and we resolved it quick enough," Adam mutters to his friend tiredly.

Blue examines his sleepy form for a long moment before snorting and breaking out into a smile. "Yea I guess the hickey on your neck proves that much," She says.

Adam's eyes go wide for a moment and he drops his head down onto the table. "Shut up," He groans. Blue looks over at Ronan and gives him a thumbs up. Ronan smirks in Adam's direction and then gives her a wink. "I can physically feel you guys smirking, stop it," Adam complains. Ronan and Blue laugh quietly at his dismay.

Sighing Blue looks out the kitchen window and sees the sun's first streaks coming to light up their small town. "I better go," She decides quietly.

"You know you don't owe her anything," Ronan tells her.

"I'm aware," Blue says surely. "I'm doing this for myself."

"How?" Adam asks looking up at her. Ronan had decided last night, between make-out sessions, to tell him what the deal with Blue and Orla is.

Blue looks at him carefully, and quickly realizes that Adam knows what went down between herself and Orla. "She's just apart of me that I officially want to put in the past."

"You know it was pretty shitty what she did to you," Adam tells her.

"Yea, I know," Blue says dryly. "But it was my fault to. I never should have agreed to sneak into the school gym with a bunch of them to perform some dumb seance, especially when I new that half of them, and myself where either buzzed or completely smashed. I deserved being expelled."

"Yea but so did the others," Adam explains. "The blame for it all was immediately pinned on you since you lead the seance. It wasn't fair."

"Well I was also the one who technically broke us into the school," Blue explains shyly.

Adam glares at her lightly. "They still should have gotten a harsher punishment, they were all assholes anyway," He mutters darkly. Ronan watches Adam discreetly and quietly but says nothing.

"I just don't care anymore Adam. What happened happened and truth be told I like being at Aglionby with you guys a lot better than I liked being here, so I'm fine with it. Now if you'd both excuse me I'm gonna go throw rocks at Orla's window until she wakes up," Blue says as she stands up from the table and waltzes out the front door.

"I bet her and Orla use to date," Ronan declares randomly. "She's got that whole lesbian on a mission vibe."

Adam stares at his boyfriend in disbelief and mutters something about needing more coffee. Then he adds, "You're so wrong anyway, her and Gansey are gonna be together by the end of the month."

Ronan makes an face. "Care to place a bet on that?" He asks devilishly.

Adam examines his boyfriend closely and says, "Deal. What are the stakes?"

Ronan thinks for moment and then ceases all movement as an idea comes to him. "Loser has to allow themselves to be hickied by the other every day for an entire month," He declares smugly.

Adam bites the inside of his cheek and weighs the odds. "Where will the hickies be made?" He asks.

"Anywhere the winner wants," Ronan says with a click of his tongue.

"Deal, prepare for failure my friend," Adam declares smugly.

"May the winner fucking win," Ronan states poetically.

Meanwhile halfway across the town Blue stands outside a relatively old colonial style house that she had known inside and out just a few months ago. She looks around on the ground besides her and picks up a handle of small pebbles from the rocky driveway and then moves to the backyard. The sun has now risen and she can see clearly where to go. So she stands shyly below an old window that she had once been so accustomed to sneaking in and out of.

Blue sighs out her last doubt and chance of retreat, and tosses the pebble up at the window. She waits a minute, but there is no response, so she quickly throws three more pebbles one after the other. It's not until Blue only has one pebble left though and doubt has started to creep into her mind, that the window opens. Blue stares at the figure in the window who stares out in surprise. The figure is decked out in rich teen satin pink sexy sleep wear and has long brown hair that is curling gently in the breeze from the open window. The figure is the first to speak. "Clarence told me you would come," Orla calls down at Blue.

"Are you gonna let me in or what?" Is all Blue calls back with.

Orla steps back from the window so that Blue can't see her. Blue takes this as her cue to climb the fence that the vines grow on in the spring, to get to the window and then haul herself through it. Blue decides that it would be best not to look around the room and view all of the nostalgia, and so instead she only stares at he best friend Orla.

"So you're leaving today? That's why you had to come to so early right?" Orla asks her timidly.

"Yea. You still sick? Clarence said you had been," Blue tells her as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other.

"I'm feeling okay," Orla answers quietly. It appears that the conversation is about to drift into nothing when suddenly Orla blurts out, "You know I'm sorry right? And that I miss you? That I know I should have taken more of the blame? That I shouldn't have dragged you into doing all the stuff like that that you didn't actually want to do."

Blue stares at her in shock. "Uh," Blue isn't sure what to say, she didn't think Orla would apologize at all. She thought that she would tell her goodbye and leave. "I never said I didn't want to do all that stupid stuff," Is all Blue manages to say.

"Yea but you shouldn't have had to, I shouldn't have put you in that position in the first place and," Orla pauses to collect herself. "and I'm so sorry Blue. I guess that I never new what I had until she was gone."

Blue stares at the girl she thought she hated, the girl she thought she would be done with forever, the girl she thought she had seen as a sister, the girl she thought she had given up on, and hugges her.

"I forgive you Orla."


Wow okay so this was a REALLY gay chapter, not exactly sure what happened there.... I don't know it had just been a while since I've written for you guys so I tried to spice it up some for ya. So please let me know if you liked it or have a criticism for me, and as always please continue to vote, read, and comment! Thank you so much!


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