Secrets of The Dragon Riders...

By TheEarthMother

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This is Berk. Its gotten colder as the years have gone by, but we've all grown as a tribe. You see, three y... More

Secrets of the Dragon Riders (A HTTYD Fan-Fic)
Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Welcome to Berk
Chapter 2 - Friends or Foe?
Chapter 3 - His Sister's Keeper
Chapter 4 - The Haddock Family
Chapter 5 - Mission:Love
Chapter 6 - Seeing Double
Chapter 7 - The Lady of the Lake
Chapter 8 - Walk A Mile In My Shoes
Chapter 9 - The Jorgenson Fury
Chapter 10 - A Million Dreams
Chapter 11 - Seeing the Light
Chapter 12 - Fixer Upper
Chapter 13 - Faces From The Past
Chapter 14 - Vision of the Future
Chapter 15 - The Quest
Chapter 16 - WÓ•lisc
Chapter 17 - The Holy Grail
Chapter 18 - Excalibur
Chapter 19 - One Day, In Time
Chapter 20 - Meet the Family
Q&A (plus Sneak Peek)
Chapter 22 - Mother Like Mine
Chapter 23 - A Pirate's Life For Me
Chapter 24 - Rotten to the Core
Chapter 25 - Love Is A Complicated Thing
Trick or Treat (BONUS CHAPTER)
Chapter 26 - Valkyries of the North
Chapter 27 - Sherwood
Chapter 28 - The Walking Dead
Chapter 29 - Dance of the Druids
Chapter 30 - Briar and Rose
Chapter 31 - Mordred's Lullaby
Chapter 32 - At Your Command
Chapter 33 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Chapter 34 - Merlin
Chapter 35 - Stay Strong
Chapter 36 - A New Life
Chapter 37 - The Test
Chapter 38 - Journey to the Past
Chapter 39 - The Knights of the Round Table
Chapter 40 - War of the Archipelago
Chapter 41 - A Noble Sacrifice
Chapter 42 - A Noble Heart
Chapter 43 - The Once and Future King
Chapter 44 - Once There Were Dragons

Chapter 21 - No Matter Where You Are

234 7 84
By TheEarthMother




I know, I said this chapter will be coming in a few days, but I had completed it so why not? 

But...for information about the Q&A, you'll have to wait till the end. It's a compromise, but I hope you all don't mind!


Just a few things before I begin;

- A quick confirmation incase I have confused any of you. Heather was born and raised in Laholm, Gotaland which is in Sweden. Knut is the Chief of Laholm. Heather's family travelled a lot when she was younger and she spend a lot of time in Normandy and Saxony (i.e. Northern France and Eastern Germany). 

- There are some references here and there of Heather and Eret's adventures around the world, particularly near the end, when Eret asks Heather about 'Mesoamerica'. This is just Central America so think Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama etc. 

- There is a lot of jumping back and forth. I apologise if you get lost. 

- I've thrown a few Scottish insults that Geillis speaks. 'Scabby' means dirty and 'bassa' is bastard. 'Numpty' is idiot. Also, 'Sassenach' is a derogatory term the Scots use to refer to an English person. Although, Jaime Fraser in 'Outlander' uses it as a term of endearment to Claire... XD

- As this chapter is mainly about Heather and Eret, the dragons are scarcely mentioned, particuarly Toothless. Don't worry, they'll all be back in the next chapter! :) that this is all out of the way - on we go wih the chapter!!!!




Eret, Snotlout and the twins arrived in Ruthin, Chief Idris and his perky daughter greeting them.

"Dragon Riders of Berk!" Idris called as the riders landed on the terrain. "Surprised to see you all here!"

"Yes...well..." Eret climbed off of Skullcrusher and faced the Chief. "We've been through a lot."

"How did it go? Did you find your two missing groupies?" Idris questioned and Snotlout nodded.

"Yes...we did!" He stated. "And we were also betrayed by Mordred and his gang of bandits..." He snarled and Idris raised his eyebrows.

"What did he do?" Idris questioned as Eret sighed.

"We'd rather not talk about it..." He replied simply as Ruffnut stepped forward.

"We did find Astrid and Ada...although they weren't in the best shape..." She stated.

Idris nodded. He opened his mouth to speak, but he was stopped when his daughter put her hand to his mouth. "Interesting...where's your Chief?" She spoke abruptly and Eret raised his eyebrows.

"With his wife..." He replied simply and the princess pouted. "And his daughter back on Berk." He added, pouring more salt into the wound as Ruffnut elbowed him.

"We're not here to cause trouble..." She stated. "We're just here to keep a promise we made."

Idris frowned. "To who?"

"Geillis Rydderch..." Snotlout announced and everyone gasped.

"The psychic?" Idris asked and the riders nodded. "What kind of promise?"

"The kind of promise that has us taking her back home to Caledonia..." Tuffnut declared and the people of Ruthin began to whisper and chatter.

Alun stepped forward and shook his head. "Nope. You can't do that..."

"I think we can..." Eret remarked. "You can't keep her here against her will. She's not even from Wӕlisc!"

"We know that...but we can't let her go just yet!" Idris stated as Geillis revealed herself.

"What's going on?" Geillis questioned, her eyes falling on the dragon riders. "You came back?"

"Hiccup made a promise...did he not?" Snotlout stated and she nodded, peering around them.

"Where is he?"

"Back home...on Berk..." Eret stated and Geillis smiled, crossing her arms and nodding slowly.

"Does this mean you found his wife and sister?"

The riders nodded, thanking her for her help. "We also found out Mordred was a traitor..."

"You could've warned us about that, by the way?" Tuffnut snapped and Geillis frowned at him.

"I told you to be careful of the company you keep!" She replied sharply, before Idris cleared his throat.

"Is it true you told them that you wanted to leave Ruthin?" Idris asked her and all eyes fell on her.

She nodded, her hands going to her hips. "Caledonia is my home. I want to go there! Madog is dead! I am free to return."

"You killed my uncle!" Alun cried and the riders gasped, their mouths falling open in shock as Eret frowned. "You killed him and took all of his money!"

"You forgot to mention that part!" Eret spoke quickly as Geillis frowned.

"I thought you said you loved him?" Ruffnut asked as Geillis glared at her.

"I said I respected him. Madog wasn't abusive or mean to me and he knew my situation was a dire one and he never took advantage of that. We had an understanding..." She explained. "I didn't kill Madog. They're saying I did because he left all of his money and land to me."

"And why would he do that? I am his heir!" Alun snapped as Geillis turned to him her arms crossed.

"Maybe because you tried to assault me on more than one occasion, you scabby bassa!"

Eret looked at Alun who was glaring at Geillis. "You spiteful bitch! How can you accuse me of such derogatory things?"

"Maybe because their true, you numpty!" She cried. "I didn't kill your uncle and you know that. He left everything to me because he knew how you treated me and he didn't think you deserve a single coin for all of those horrible things you did and tried to do to me!" Tears had formed in her eyes as Idris groaned. "You are a vile man and he knew that. If I didn't know any better, I would say you actually had something to do with his death to get his money and land!"

Ruffnut leaned towards Eret. "This was supposed to be a simple rescue mission! Not a land dispute and murder trial!"

Eret stepped forward. "Look...I think we can work this out!"

"Or...we can arrest her?" Alun suggested and he looked at Idris who found himself on the spot.

"I can't arrest her..." He admitted and Alun frowned. "If she had killed Madog like you claim she has, why are you only coming out with this claim now?"

"I needed proof!" Alun snapped and Ruffnut groaned.

"Look!" She stepped forward. "We are here to take Geillis home, that is all!"

Alun glared at her. "And you cannot take her until she has paid for what she has done!"

"I haven't done anything!" Geillis protested. "Alun...I don't want the land or money! I don't even want to be here! If I have it, I can't leave! You can take it...all of it!"

"It's not as simple as that..." Idris remarked. "You need to formally sign a deed."

"Then I'll do it! I just want to go home..." She clutched her hands to her chest. "Caledonia is calling me." She looked at Idris, pleading with him and he sighed.

"I'll have the deed drawn up..." He gave Geillis a single nod and she smiled. "Riders of Berk, you are welcome to stay until then."

Eret thanked him as Idris and his council headed towards the Great Hall to draft and draw up the deed.

Alun looked at Geillis and walked over to her. "You will pay for what you have done..." He marched to his home and Geillis felt her blood go cold.

"Don't be alone around him..." Snotlout suggested. "One of us will be with you at all times while we are here. There's no telling what he will do..." Snotlout shuddered and Geillis thanked them.

"Thank you...for keeping your promise..." Geillis smiled with happiness as she let out a sigh of relief. "I can't believe it! I'm going home!"

The riders smiled.

They had been journeys and travels and knew there was no feeling like the feeling of returning to where their family and friends were.

Home was always where the heart was.



"You're engaged?" Astrid shrieked as Heather pouted, disappointed in herself as the riders stood in Hiccup's bedroom. "Did you not think about mentioning this?"

"I did!" Heather protested. "To Hiccup..." She pointed to the Chief who waved his hands, pleading with her to not involve her.

Astrid turned to her husband and swatted his arm. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't my place! I thought she told you!" Hiccup protested as Ada raised her hand.

"Does Eret know?"

Heather pulled a face and then shook her head. "No..."

They all gasped, Hiccup facepalmed, as Astrid crossed her arms. "Is this why you left home all those years ago?"

"Yes! I ran away on what was supposed to be our wedding day!" Heather admitted as the others looked at her. "I didn't realise that the betrothal would still stand after so long."

"Betrothals can last for years..." Astrid informed her. "Hiccup and I didn't get engaged until we were twenty-one, but we were betrothed since we were eighteen..."

"You didn't run away on your wedding day!" Heather stated and Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other.

"No...but I got exiled the day before..." Astrid smiled, winking at Hiccup who shook his head slightly.

"Actually..." Ada raised her hand. "I'm with Heather on this one..."

"Why?" Fishlegs asked.

Ada sighed. "Well...if you run away on your wedding that not evidence enough that possibly the runaway does not want to get married?"

"Exactly!" Heather cheered in agreement as Hiccup sighed.

"Heather..." He started. "You have to tell your parents. Look at everything that happened with you guys and Karolina!" Heather fidgeted. "You don't want that to happen again. Eret will be back soon and I don't think he will appreciate it if he finds out that the girl he gave up everything for, is betrothed to another!"

"I know...and I need your help! You guys have to help me stop this wedding from happening!" Heather pleaded, looking at Hiccup and Fishlegs.

"The only way we can stop this from happening is if you are a Berkian citizen. You remain the responsibility of your parents until then..." Fishlegs informed her and Heather nodded.

"So, make me a citizen! I will do anything!"

Hiccup sighed. "There is one of two ways you can become a Berkian citizen. You marry a Berkian or your pledge your allegiance to the Chief in a formal ceremony."

"The second option!" Heather said quickly and Fishlegs pulled a face.

"Every member of the Berkian council has to be present...which means, Eret, Snotlout and the twins needs to be here for that to happen..."

Heather nodded, as she tried to think of something else. "I'll marry Fishlegs!"

"What?" He cried. "I'm not marrying you!"

"I don't think Ruffnut is going to be very happy about that..." Ada remarked a Fishlegs looked at her, his eyes going wide.

"Forget Ruffnut! What about Eret? I don't want to face that guy's wrath!"

"We'll annul it! We get married in front of the villagers and then when my family leave with Knut, we annul it and go back to our normal lives! You with Ruffnut and me with Eret."

"No!" Hiccup said. "I am not performing a sham marriage."

Heather turned to him. "So, you're saying that the two ways I can stay on the island as a Berkian requires Eret, who is not even here and I am trying to hide the fact that I have to leave the island from him?"

"Then you need to tell your parents and Knut the truth! I will do everything I can to stop the wedding from happening but you need to tell them the truth!" Hiccup said and Heather nodded.

"I will...I promise..."

The riders left the room, agreeing that they would say nothing to Heather's parents and Knut until Heather had come clean to them, but as Hiccup reached the stairs and descended down, his eyes went wide at what was going on in the Great Hall.

"What in Odin's name are you doing?" Hiccup cried as he came running down, followed by the others.

Knut had removed the Chief portraits from the walls. "Silence skinny boy! Your opinion is not needed here..." Knut said, not even looking at Hiccup and instead staying focused on the walls.

"These are the portraits of the Chiefs of Berk! You cannot take them down!" Hiccup warned as Knut waved his hand dismissively.

" need to walk away and leave an expert at work!"

"Why do you keep on calling me 'boy'?" Hiccup remarked as Knut faced him, eyeing him up.

"You're not a man..." Knut chuckled.

"So...what am I? A duck?" Hiccup snapped back, crossing his arms.

"If that makes you feel comfortable..." Knut remarked as Astrid stepped forward.

"Look..." She started and Knut smiled at her. "You can't just come twirling in here and redecorate the Great Hall! It doesn't belong to you."

Knut nodded. "You are beautiful."

"I beg your pardon?" Astrid blurted out as Hiccup's mouth fell open. "Are you hitting on me while your betrothed is standing right over there?"

Heather shook her head. "I don't care about this. If he is hitting on you, he is showing no attention to me."

Astrid gasped as Knut smirked. "Ah...Heather. I'm glad we have an understanding."

"What understanding?" Astrid cried.

"The kind of understanding where I can have a wife..." He gestured to Heather and then to Astrid. "And a mistress."

"Do I look like a concubine?" Astrid snapped, crossing her arms.

"You're very beautiful...does that count?"

Hiccup shook his head as Astrid's mouth fell open in shock. "This is my wife..." He announced, his voice stern as Knut patted Hiccup's shoulder.

"Even better! I mean, who has a virgin mistress? Everyone knows the married ones are the wild ones..." Knut winked at Hiccup before he reached behind Astrid and pinched her, making her jump.

And Hiccup...lost his mind.

He grabbed Knut and slammed him into the table. Westerburg men pulled out their weapons as the dragons growled at the armed men.

"She is the Queen and I am the Chief..." Hiccup informed him. "If you touch her again, I will cut you! Do you understand?"

"You're the Chief?" Knut said with a strained voice – Hiccup's thin physique, deceptive of his strength – as he tried to push him away. "You're...."

"What?" Hiccup said angrily, pushing him further and harder into the table.

"Nothing!" Knut replied quickly as Hiccup threw him to the side.

"The only reason I haven't gotten rid of you yet, is because you have not given me a reason to and Berk has an open docks policy..."

"We really need to evaluate that policy..." Ada grumbled. "Especially is weirdos like him keep twirling in here..."

"Do not give me a reason to throw you and your men into the sea...understand? You do what you need to do and then you leave!" Hiccup threatened Knut and he threw his hands up in defence. "And you can putting every single one of these portraits back up on the walls in the correct places."

Knut and his men got to work as Hiccup turned to his friends. Ada applauded her brother. "Yes, Hiccup!" She cheered as he gave his sister a look.

"Are you okay?" Hiccup asked his wife and she smiled, nodding, her hands going to his shoulder as she caressed his back.

"I love it when you defend me. Not that I need defending...but it's so chivalrous..." She teased and he smirked.

"Well..." He replied, his arm quickly going around her waist and pulling her close. "My wife is so insanely hot that every man in the Viking world would want her, so I have to lay down my territory."

"And your wife finds it hot..." Astrid's seductive voice, led to Hiccup kissing her passionately as Heather, Ada and Fishlegs watched the couple.

"Looks like we know what they are doing tonight..." Ada teased as Heather sighed as she turned her head to Fishlegs.

He smiled at her. "I will look through every law book in the archives and library until I find an answer, I promise." Fishlegs stated, reading her mind and Heather returned a smile, hugging him.

"Thank you..."

"Besides..." Fishlegs stretched as they looked at Knut who was replacing the chief portraits to the walls, trying to hide the damage of a few and dropping another two that caused the wooden frames to break. His helplessness and his cocky attitude made Heather shudder as Fishlegs sighed.

"No-one should have to marry...that..."




We sat in the Great Hall with Idris and his council as Geillis remained close to us. Idris made us feel as welcome as possible, but it did feel like he was keeping us prisoner against our will.

"How long does it take to draw up a deed?" Tuffnut had asked when Idris had insisted we spend the night in the village for good fortune.

And as we ate with the Ruthin people, we realised we were not being let go as easily as we thought.

"I thought we would just go swooping into Ruthin, grab Geillis, blast down any protestors and return her to Caledonia...but nope!" Snotlout moaned from opposite me on the table. "Why do you have to be a good guy now? Why can't you be the demeaning pirate again?"

"And what would that solve?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Look...I'm trying to redeem myself for all of the bad things I have done over the years."

"Since when?" Tuffnut questioned as I sighed.

"Since you guys opened your village up to me..." I stated. "I don't want you guys suffering because of my mistakes. I can't go around making more enemies when I already have the longest list of people hating on me. It's not fair on you guys and definitely not on Heather."

"What's got you all sentimental?" Ruffnut asked as she nudged him gently. "Heather keeping you a secret got you down?"

"Kind of..." He said. "She remains the responsibility of her parents until she gets married. It's basic law anywhere you go in Scandinavia. They can take her away without anyone's permission. The only way I can keep her on Berk is by marrying her and even though that is not a bad thing...I don't want to marry her without her parent's blessings. I don't want to give them another reason to hate me."

"What, that you married their daughter behind their back?" Tuffnut asked and I nodded. 

"Exactly! I want to marry Heather but possibly with her parent's blessings..." I admitted and they all nodded before attention turned to the real situation at hand.

Geillis put her hand on my shoulder. " will be with Heather. No-body fights for a girl just to give up on her."

"I know that...but her parents don't!" I replied. "I don't want to do anything that will upset them..."

Ruffnut cleared her throat. "Hate to change the subject, but Alun has not stopped looking at us since we sat down."

We all directly and indirectly looked over to him at the other end of the Hall, eating his food and staring right at us. A man was sat next to him and the two of them were talking about something, looking over at us every now and again.

"Oh...I have such a bad feeling about this..." Tuffnut stated and I nodded.

"Why don't we just leave?" Ruffnut suggested and I shook my head.

"No! We don't want to provoke these guys even more..." I explained. "We wait till tomorrow and if they delay the deed anymore, we leave without hesitation, got it?"

"Sounds like a plan..." Snotlout nodded, impressed. "We're thinking alike!"

"That's worrying..." Ruffnut muttered as she turned to the dragons, sat behind us and eating fish or sleeping. "Is this you trying to get out of meeting Heather's parents who know nothing about the two of you?"

"Yes..." I admitted and sighed, leaning forward. "I have faced death in the eye many times, but I am terrified to meet Heather's parents."

"You think they won't approve?" Tuffnut questioned.

"Well..." I ran a hand through his hair. "She did tell me her parents hate pirates. I don't know how they'll take the news about us."

Snotlout patted my back as I almost spilt my drink. "What's the worst that can happen?"




It was late on the island and I strolled upstairs to my bedroom, yawning. My parents had been doting on Knut all day that I had had no chance to talk to them but they promised me that they would make time for me tomorrow.

Although, knowing their track record, that promise had failed the second it left their lips.

As I entered my bedroom, Rose and Ivy were sat on the bed and I sighed, leaning on the door, facing them.

"You told her, didn't you?" I questioned Rose, gesturing to my youngest sister and Rose nodded.

"I had to! I thought if she knew, she'd help us come up with a plan to get you out of this marriage..." Rose explained and I nodded, not really hearing her words as I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples.

And then her words hit me.

" want to help me?" I asked and both of my sisters nodded. "Why? What's the catch?"

"If you can marry who you want to, then so can we!" Rose announced and I nodded, smiling slightly.

"I'm touched to know that you are doing this for me..." My sarcastic voice made my sister give me a look. "Look...I haven't had a chance to talk to Mom or Dad and Knut is getting on my nerves. Why is he even here, anyway?"

"Mom and Dad did say that wherever they found you, they would marry you to him!" Ivy stated. "And here you are..."

"And no Eret..." I pouted.

"You haven't told him about this...have you? Ivy asked and I shook my head.

"No..." I sighed. "I didn't think my betrothal to Knut still stood even after I ditched him on our wedding day. If I'd known...I would've told him everything." I walked over to the window. "Eret and I...have a future together. We're supposed to be the ones that marry and have children..." I smiled at the thought as I hugged myself. "I don't know what I'll do without him. We have been through so much and I feel like it is all going to leave me because of this and I don't want that." I faced my sisters and saw the sympathy in their eyes.

"You have a dragon. Fly away from here! Leave Berk for a while and when Mom, Dad and Knut return home, we'll let you know and you can then come back and you'll never have to marry Knut!" Rose suggested and I shook my head.

"I'm not flying away again. That will be the last resort..." I informed them. "No...I need to face them and tell them truth."

"Then do it..." Ivy spoke. "Tell Mom and Dad the truth. Tell them you don't want to marry Knut and tell them why. If they don't listen, tell Knut. Tell him why you cannot marry him. Someone is going to listen."

"And what if they don't?" I asked. "What is they don't listen and I am expected to marry Knut here on Berk? What if my friends cannot find a way to stop me from marrying that vile man?"

"Then you can fly away!" Rose chimed in and I looked at her as she shrugged her shoulders. " is the last resort."

"I don't want it to come to that..." I took a deep breath as I noticed Eret's clothes over the back of a chair.

" to Mom and Dad and Knut and just pray to the Gods that someone listens!" Ivy came over to me and put her arms around me as Rose came to my otherside and hugged me too.

"And we'll defend you. We'll take your side..." Rose said as we hugged.

"Giggles and secrets..." Rose started as Ivy smiled.

"And sometimes tears..." She continued as I took a deep breath.

"Sisters and friends..."

"Through the years."

We giggled and hugged as we spent our first night together after so many years.

My parents were...different?

But my sisters were everything.





A home had been set up for the riders to rest for the night.

The dragons were forced to sleep on the outskirts of the village as Idris feared they would exhale fire in their sleep and burn the village to the ground.

Eret, Snotlout and Tuffnut took one room while Ruffnut and Geillis (who refused to stay at home with Alun) took the other room.

The entire village was quiet and peaceful.

But two people were awake.

They crept to the home, housing the riders and Geillis and tip-toed inside.

The men were asleep downstairs, all snoring in different tones as the intruders tip-toed up the stairs to the other bedroom where Ruffnut and Geillis were sleeping peacefully.

The intruders nodded at each other and walked over to the ladies, grabbing pillows and putting them down on their faces.

And the girls began to suffocate.

Barf and Belch became aware that something was not right and charged into the village, followed by the other dragons.

The men downstairs were oblivious to the it became apparent that the food they had eaten had been drugged.

Hookfang roared, hoping to get someone's attention, but everyone in the village was still.

Ruffnut and Geillis fought off the men the best they could as someone was alerted of the attack.

She came running to the house and flying through the door. She heard the straining and the muffled screams up the stairs and that she grabbed a pan from a side-board and ran up, smacking one man with it, before hitting the other one in the head.

Ruffnut and Geillis had fallen in unconscious and the princess of Ruthin checked they were alive.

They were...but for how long she wasn't sure.

Running down the stairs, she grabbed a bucket of water and threw it on the men who woke up instantly, but all groggy and their heads pounding.

"What is wrong with you?" Tuffnut cried as the princess let out a sigh of relief.

"I heard your dragons roaring and firing into the air to get the attention of someone so I knew something wasn't right..." The princess said quickly. "And I was right!" She nudged her head up the stairs and the men jumped up and ran.

The two men were on still on the floor, slowly waking up as Ruffnut and Geillis still lay unconscious on the bed.

"What happened?" Tuffnut grabbed his sister who was still asleep – but alive.

"They tried to smother them!" The princess said as Eret picked up one of the men. He wore a mask and was moaning and when removing his mask...Eret felt anger rage through him, before he threw the man back down.

"We need to!" He said.

"What about the deed?" Snotlout asked as Eret shook his head.

"Forget it! We need to get out of here!" He looked at the princess. "You have to stay silent!"

"Are you kidding me? My father is behind this murder plot! He wants the Rydderch land just as much Alun does!" She crossed her arms. "Go! I'll cover for you as much as I can, but never come back because there is no telling what will happen." The princess told them and they all agreed.

They grabbed the girls and their things and quietly, from the outskirts of the village, prepared their saddles and themselves.

"You have to take care of yourself. There is no telling what they will do to you if they find out you helped smuggle us out of here!" Eret told the princess and she scoffed.

"Do you know who I am? I'm the princess! Anything I want, I get! If I want the people to leave you all alone, they will!"

"Then why didn't you say this before we were drugged and our friends were smothered?" Snotlout asked as the princess glared at him.

"I'll be okay! But you need to!" She gestured for him to hurry and he climbed onto Skullcrusher's saddle.

Ruffnut sat with her brother as Geillis sat with Eret, the girls slowly coming back around before they headed for the skies and north...

To Caledonia.




After waking up, I washed up and told Rose and Ivy to let Mom and Dad know that I wanted to talk to them as soon as possible.

I looked at my bedroom, scratching my head because it needed a clean but I didn't know where to start.

Mom and Dad would be coming up here soon so it would be ideal to remove all evidence of Eret.

I opened the drawers and threw in some of his things, before making the bed and fluffing the pillows.

His clothes that were draped over the back of the chair in the corner were the next to be hidden as I picked up his fur jacket, something fell out of the pocket.

I frowned and picked up the small box, placing the clothes on top of the drawers, wondering what it was.

He always had little tid-bits from his pirating days.

I opened the box and my eyes went wide, my mouth falling open in shock at what was inside.

A ring.

It was a gold twisted band with a diamond at the centre and two smaller dark red stones on either side.

And I knew instantly that this was no ordinary ring.

My heart skipped several beats as the door opened behind me.

"Heather?" Mom's voice made me jump and I tossed the box and clothes into the top drawer, slamming it shut as I turned to face my parents.

"Mom! Dad! You're here!" I said, over excitedly and they frowned.

"You called for us?" Dad stated and I nodded, hitting my head with my hand.

"Right...yes...of course..." I said awkwardly. "Take a seat, please? We need to talk."

They sat down together on the loveseat and I sat opposite them in a chair.

"What is this about?" Mom asked and I smiled, playing with my hands as I tried to find the words.

I had to be upfront and honest.

No more dodging.

"I'm going to tell you something and you have to promise me you will listen to everything I have to say before you reply, okay?" I stated and my parents looked at each other and then nodded.

I took a deep breath.

And began.

"I left home because I didn't want to marry Knut. He's not a nice man and I didn't think it was fair for you to still expect me to go through with that marriage even after I had told you everything he had done! And even know, even after I left him on our supposed wedding day, you still expect me to marry him? Can you not take a hint?" My rhetorical question almost resulted in a reply from Dad, but Mom elbowed him and he refrained from saying anything. "When I left home, I travelled everywhere for a year and I never once thought back to marrying Knut. I thought I could return home and have nothing to worry about because you would understand and answer my plea for this marriage to not take place. I never got home..." I sighed. "I came to Berk and so much happened here and then I travelled the world for eighteen months with Eret...who's a pirate..." I spoke slowly at the final bit and I felt their bones tense. "He's reformed...Mom and Dad...I assure you. Anyway... as we travelled and learnt so much about so many different cultures and traditions...we fell in love..." I admitted and I saw their expressions. Now I knew I had to be careful.

There was much I couldn't say from Eret and I sleeping together more than once while he was with Karolina plus everything she did and Eret's vision of the future.

"We went through a lot – it wasn't easy at times but we never gave up. And when it seemed like all hope was lost, we found each other and that is how it's been since..." I looked at them. "I love him Mom and Dad and I can't marry Knut. Eret will be back soon and you'll see for yourselves how kind and caring he really is. I've looked past his pirating life and so have the Berkians...and I hope you can do the same..." I smiled. "He makes me that not what you want for me?"

Mom and Dad looked at each other. Their faces had flushed white and Dad had clenched his jaw.

He stood up and took a deep breath and neither of them said anything as they left the room.

And honestly...I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad.




Fife came into view, but the riders landed on the outskirts.

Geillis and Ruffnut had awoken and the men turned their backs to them as they pulled their clothes back on, after flying the whole journey north in their night wear.

"I didn't think Alun would try to kill us..." Geillis stated as she stepped out from behind a tree, fixing her corset.

"He killed your husband for money! How can you not think he wouldn't kill you?" Snotlout asked and Geillis looked at him.

"You don't know he killed Madog?" She suggested and Eret looked at her.

"Are you seriously going to defend Alun even after he tried to kill you?" He questioned as Ruffnut stepped out, fixing her armour.

"Why did he have to try and kill me? What did I do?" Ruffnut moaned as they all shrugged.

"Maybe because you were both in the same room? Destroy the evidence kind-of-thing?" Tuffnut said as Ruffnut pouted.

"Can we go back and kill him?" Ruffnut said and Eret sighed, his mouth open to talk but Geillis walked past him and towards the village.

Her eyes lit up as her childhood home stood all around her.

"Uh...Geillis?" Snotlout asked as she giggled and skipped into the village.

The riders followed her, as did their dragons, as they entered Fife.

A beautiful, traditionally Celtic village.

Stone buildings which made up homes as a larger home stood over a hill. There were stone walls surrounding the village with watch towers dotted around.

"Wow..." Ruffnut said as she admired the beauty of the village.

"Reminds me of Donan..." Tuffnut added as the riders nodded in agreement.

A lady suddenly screamed, pointing at the dragons as armed men came running out and pointed their swords and weapons at the riders, the dragons and Geillis.

"Maybe we should've told the dragons to wait outside the village?" Snotlout said and Eret rolled his eyes.

"Who are you?" One the guards cried as Eret stepped forward.

"The name is Eret. We're from the North..." He explained as the Fife men frowned.

"You have a Saxon accent?" One of them questioned as Eret crossed his arms.

"And? I grew up in Normandy!"

"He's a Norman!" The guards called suddenly and Eret pulled a face.

"Sassenach!" They cried as weapons circled Eret and he threw his hands up.

Skullcrusher growled and Snotlout placed a hand on his nose. "Maybe the wrong thing to say?" He said to Eret who glared at him.

"State your business, Sassenach!"

"Nothing dangerous..." Eret snapped. "Just...returning Geillis..." He turned his head to her.

"Carnegie..." She replied.

"Geillis Carnegie home...I swear!"

"Geillis Carnegie?" A man said simply and Geillis nodded as a man whispered to another, who ran away from the crowd.

"They are my friends..." She assured the guards. "They saved me from Wӕlisc..." She explained.

"But he's a Sassenach?" A Fife man pointed out, his sword directed at Eret who let out a sigh of frustration.

"Yes...but he's also a Viking..."

"Viking?" The people of Fife cried.

"Northern Invaders!"

Weapons now surrounded Ruff, Tuff and Snotlout, all of whom through their hands up.

"Wow...these guys are really paranoid!" Snotlout exclaimed as Geillis pulled a face.

"Sorry!" She apologised to the riders, before turning to her people. "They are not dangerous."

"They have flying reptiles!" A man called and Ruffnut scoffed.

"I believe the correct term is...dragon?" She sassed the Celts and they grumbled and groaned.

"I swear!" Geillis put a hand to her chest. "They're not going to hurt you!"

"We'll believe when we see it..." A man glared at Eret as Geillis leaned towards him.

"Do you have any ammunition that can be used so that these men leave you alone?" She asked and Eret cleared his throat, standing tall. He winked at her.

"We are the Dragons Riders of Berk..."

The people of Fife all looked at each other and then burst out laughing.

"Why is that funny?" Ruffnut asked.

"You expect us to believe that you...are the riders of Berk?" A man chuckled and the riders nodded.

"Well...we are!"

The laughter grew and Snotlout groaned. "Why is that so hard to believe?"

One man composed himself, but a grin remained on his lips. "Everyone knows the riders of Berk are like Celtic Gods and Goddesses. With their incredible strength and death-defying good looks..." The man eyed up Eret. "You do not fit into that category."

The insult hit Eret hard and he pulled a face as the twins and Snotlout tried their best to not burst out laughing.

"Yup...that'll do it..." Eret grumbled. "Look...the riders of Berk are a bunch of Viking misfits. The leader of the riders, Hiccup is a one-legged fishbone who loves the dragons more than he loves humans which is very disturbing at times. His wife, Astrid, communicates with violence and has more anger issues than Hel on a good day! The second-in-command, Snotlout, over there..." Eret nudged his head backwards. "He is short, cocky and a walking-talking disaster! Fishlegs is the brains but he is also very socially awkward and the twins have been kicked off more islands than Loki himself. Heather thinks with her fists and I have pillaged and plundered every tribe known." Eret explained. "We're not Gods...we're Vikings."

"And proud to be!" Tuffnut cheered.

"Although...Eret's citizenship as a Berkian is being reconsidered..." Snotlout snapped, glaring at the pirate who smirked.

"That's it..." The Fife men held their swords up again and prepared to attack the riders but Geillis jumped in front of Eret.

"You'll have to hurt one of your own first!" She cried and the men looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and prepared to attack.

But a horn stopped them mid-way as the crowd parted and a caped man marched through. He had blonde hair held back in a braid as his sharp blue eys pierced through everyone. His perfectly chiselled features gave him the look of a Norse God as his muscular arms bulged, wrist guards exposing his arms. A metal chain breastplate sat on his torso as a sword hung on his hips and black trousers and boots were on his legs.

"Geillis..." He said simply as he faced her and happiness filled Geillis as she saw him.

"Conall!" She ran to him and they hugged, embracing and sobbing, finally being reunited as the riders smiled.

"Oh my came back! I knew you would!" Conall spoke gently to her as they smiled. "I'm so sorry I didn't do more! I'm so sorry!"

She held his face and made him look at her. "My love...we are together now. Forget the past! We have a future!"

They shared a kiss and the crowd cheered as Eret's mind drifted to Heather.

Something...felt off.

Something felt wrong as he thought about her.

It was like...she needed him.

And his conscious needed her.



"Astrid!" Heather ran into the nursery where Astrid was playing with her daughter.

"Heather!" She called mockingly as Heather closed the door behind her. "What's up?"

"This is up!" She tossed the box to her friend and Astrid caught it, opening it up. Her mouth fell open.

"Oh, my gods!" She said slowly, before jumping up and down with excitement. "Oh, my Gods! Oh, my Gods!" Astrid and Heather squealed with joy...until Astrid stopped and frowned. "Why do you have this?"

"It fell out of Eret's pocket when I was putting his clothes away!" She defended herself and Astrid's mouth fell open. "He hasn't asked me...but this means that he will! Maybe when he gets back?"

Astrid squealed as the friends hugged quickly. "And your parents?"

"I spoke to them but they didn't say anything. They just got up and walked away so I don't know what to think or do..." Heather replied. "What if Eret comes back and they kill him?"

Astrid gave her a look. "I don't think your parents would take things that far."

"You don't know my folks!" Heather rubbed her temples. "I need to breathe and calm down!" She started freaking out, pacing up and down the room as Astrid walked with her to try and calm her down.

"We'll think about it when it happens!" She assured her and Heather stopped. "We will do everything we can to make..."

Someone ran through the nursery door.

"Heather!" Rose cried and her sister looked at her. "You have to come and see this!"

Heather and Astrid looked at each other. Grabbing Eira, Astrid followed Heather and Rose out and down to the Great Hall where Hiccup was arguing with Knut (again) and Heather's parents were going though trunks and crates of things.

"You can't do this!" Hiccup cried as Astrid approached her husband.

"What's going on?" Astrid asked, bouncing her daughter on her hip as Heather came over to them.

"Don't worry yourself about this, lovely! This is men's talk!" Knut's patronising comment made Astrid pout and frown.

"What is going on?" Astrid ignored him, looking at her husband as Heather glared at Knut.

"What are you doing?" She asked him and he smiled at her.

"Planning our wedding!" He announced and Heather's mouth fell open.

"What?" Heather cried. "Since when?"

"Since around a few hours ago when your parents told me that this wedding would be taking place today!"

Hiccup looked at Heather who had frozen. "Heather..." He said and she marched over to her parents.

"You can't do this!" She cried at them and her mother glared at her.

"Yes we can!" She snapped back. "If you think we're going to let you be with that pirate, you better think again! We gave you everything Heather! We let you do what you want, when you wanted! We never questioned anything and when we ask you to do one thing, you betray us like this!" Her mother was angry as the entire Great Hall froze. "The Berkians cannot help you. You will marry Knut tonight and then we're all returning home and you will never set foot on this island again."

Heather felt a chill as her bones ran cold as tears formed in her eyes.

This was over.




The people of Fife threw us a party as Geillis reunited with Conall. The dragons suddenly became Gods to these people and were praised and celebrated as I sighed. Ruffnut came up to me and nudged me, probably noticing that I was hanging out by myself with a drink.

"What's got you down? We kept our promise!" Ruffnut said and I looked at her. "Still offended that the Fifers insulted you?" She teased and I shook my head.

"I'm just thinking about Heather..."

"What about her? Is she okay?" She questioned and I sighed.

"I don't know...I feel like something is off..." I explained. "Maybe I'm overthinking things and just wondering what is going on with her and her parents."

"We'll be going you'll find out soon enough."

"Yeah...but what if they want to kill me?" I asked and Ruffnut pulled a face as she tilted her head.

"Fly away!" She teased and I laughed as Geillis called for us to come over to her.

Conall smiled at us. "I thank you...from the bottom of my heart for bringing my beloved home. You did something that I couldn't. I will live with that regret, but thank you for this." He smiled at Geillis as he kissed her head and the riders' hearts warmed at how much in love they were.

They all had someone who they felt the same way about too.

"It's no problem. We made a promise..." I assured Conall and Geillis raised her eyebrows.

"Something is bothering you?" She questioned and all eyes fell on me.

"It's nothing. I'm thinking of all the things I have to do when we leave...including going to Normandy..."

"And meeting Heather's parents?" Snotlout added and I nodded. The celebrations went on and everyone clapped, danced and cheered.

But the dragons became aware of something flying towards them. Snotlout followed their a small dragon came flying in their direction.

"Is that what I think it is?" Ruffnut questioned as Terrible Terror came and landed on Snotlout's shoulder.

"Terror Mail!" He removed the scroll. "From Berk!" He opened it and his eyes went wide, handing it to me. "It's for you."

"From who?" I questioned as I read the scroll.


You must come to Donan as soon as possible. We don't know where you are so we took a lucky shot. You have to hurry. Something has happened... Ada.

"Donan?" I read. "What's happened in Donan?"

"Well...we'll find out when we get there!" Tuffnut walked over to his dragon as he prepared to saddle up.

"Wait...I have to go to Normandy! I can't just leave my parents!" I cried as the others climbed on their dragons.

"But somethings happened! We can't leave them!" Ruffnut replied.


"Maybe I can help?" Conall stepped forward and I looked at him. "Normandy is not far from here. Why don't I take some men and go in your name to deal with the situation there and you go to Donan and deal with the situation there, until you are able to go to Normandy yourself..." Conall explained and I shook my head

"I can't ask you to do that..." I said, but Conall smiled.

"Think of it as gratitude. You returned my beloved home so I am repaying you for your good deed..."

I looked at the riders and then at Conall and then at the letter.

I was needed everywhere...but could only go to one place.

"I promise I will come to Normandy when I am done in Donan...okay?" I assured Conall and he nodded.

"I know you will..."

"My parents will be in Cherbourg. Find them. Eret and Liana Kaiser. Tell them I sent you..." I walked over to Skullcrusher and removed something from my saddle. "Give this to them..." I held out my wax seal, inscribed with my insignia as Captain Eret, then grabbed a scrap of paper and scribbled down a note. "And this. It informs them to tell you everything."

Conall took the paper and seal. "I will do everything I can to help them."

"Thank you..." I gave him a single nod and climbed onto Skullcrusher's back. "Thank you for your hospitaility. I wish you all good fortunes for the future and hope we all meet again.

"Good luck!" Geillis called. "And thank you for everything."

We set off for the sky.

My body slowly was consumed with guilt – was I choosing this situation in Donan over my own family?

What would they think of me?

"Wait..." Ruffnut finally said and I looked over at her. "Why is Ada in Donan in the first place?"

I concentrated ahead. "There's only one way to find out..."





Heather was in her room. A wedding dress in the corner, left by her mother as she sobbed into her knees.

"Heather...." Astrid's voice made Heather lift her head.

"I can't believe this is happening..." She sobbed as Astrid came over and comforted her. "Please tell me Fishlegs found something."

Astrid shook her head regretfully. "Hiccup is trying to stop this from happening. He's the Chief and no wedding can take place without his permission...but it's a different story when the people are not even Berkians."

"I can't marry Knut!" Heather sobbed, facing Astrid. "I won't..."

"I know..."

"I'll fly away!" Heather leaped up and ran to a chest of drawers. "I'll go to Normandy and wait for Eret there!"

"I'm okay with that but..." Astrid walked over to her. "No offence Heather but running away got you in this mess in the first place."

"Then what do I do?" Heather asked as Astrid prepared to speak.

But someone else spoke.

"You'll get dressed!" Agnetha ordered, her hands on her hips.

"Mom...please..." Heather pleaded with her and Agnetha ignored it, walking over to the dress and tossing it at her daughter.

"This wedding is taking place whether you like it or not. If you don't wear the dress and stay in this room, you'll get married in what you are wearing and in your bedroom." Agnetha marched out as Heather closed her eyes and shook her head, throwing the dress to the floor.

"Help me, Astrid!"

Astrid felt her heart break...seeing her friend in pain.

She had to find a way to fix this.


After running to the library, Fishlegs was already looking through books with Ada. "We need to stop this wedding!"

"Don't you just love how this is the only thing we do on Berk nowadays? Stopping weddings?" Ada replied as Astrid grabbed a book from the shelf and flicked through it.

"There has to be something!" She cried. "Heather can't go through with this."

"Astrid...we're trying..." Fishlegs replied. "The only thing that Hiccup can do is stop the wedding from happening on Berk, but it doesn't mean the wedding cannot take place elsewhere. The Hellqvists can take Heather back to Gotaland where she will have to marry Knut. Hiccup would rather keep the wedding here and hope that we find a way to stop this from happening." Fishlegs stated.

"Can we just send word to Eret?" Ada asked as she didn't look up from a book.

"We don't know where he is..." Fishlegs said. "He could be in Ængland, Wӕlisc, Caledonia or even Normandy..." Fishlegs explained. "We can't send a Terrible Terror to each of those places."

Ada raised her hand. "I think I found something!"

They came over to her as she stood up and placed the open book on the wooden table before them as they peered over the open pages.

"A citizen of Berk can fight in a duel to the death to marry a woman betrothed to another. The winner of the duel, whoever it may be, can and will marry the woman in question."

"Why does Viking law always involve death?" Astrid grumbled as Fishlegs picked up the book and nodded.

"Yes! This can work!"

"Fight till the death?" Astrid repeated. "There are two things wrong with that. Number one; Eret is not here and number two; it's a fight to the death!" Astrid cried. "What if Eret loses?"

"I have an idea..." Ada smiled and they gathered around her.

The plan could just about work.



Heather stood in her bedroom wearing the wedding dress. A floral wreath was placed on her head by Rose as Heather stared into the nether.

She had been convinced by Astrid and Ada to change into her bridal wear and Heather obeyed, after they told her half of the plan they had conjured up.

Heather's hair was braided and held back as the dress had frills on the neckline and sleeves.

"Are you sure about this?" Rose asked her sister.

"I trust Astrid and Ada..." Heather replied. "So, I hope they know they are doing."

Ivy handed Heather a bouquet of flowers and Heather smiled at the large blue cornflowers, crested dog's tail and white yarrow – the bouquet reminding her of Eret's first gift of flowers to her while they travelled the world.

He had made her angry...which was quite often when they travelled but they always moved forward.

And now...she needed him.

There was a knock on the door.

Heather looked up to see Astrid, still wearing her everyday dress and Heather frowned. "You're not coming? I don't want to be there so you can't turn your back on me!" Heather warned and Astrid laughed.

"No...I'm going...but this is part of the plan..." Astrid smiled at her. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks...but I should be looking this beautiful for Eret..."

"I know..." Astrid nodded. "And you will...I promise."

"What's the plan?" Heather asked and Astrid tapped her nose.

"You'll see..." She winked and left the room as Heather sighed.

After a while, her father came and he smiled at her, before they all left the room. Rose and Ivy fixed their sister's veil as they descended the stairs of the castle and made their way to the doors – the ceremony taking place in the plaza.

The doors were opened and Hiccup was sat on a throne, near to the front, the seat next to him empty.

He smiled at Heather as Knut stood before an officiator he had brought from Gotaland.
"Dad..." Heather gripped her father's arm and they stopped. "Please don't make me do this..."

"I'm sorry Heather..." He said simply and she felt her heart break as she walked down the aisle. Her sisters stood behind her, their hands clasped together in front of them as they walked down the aisle.

Everyone saw the sadness and upset in her eyes and as she reached the altar, Heather felt like she could pass out.

" may start!" Knut announced as the officiator cleared his throat.

"Actually..." Hiccup raised his hand and Heather looked at him. "You cannot start until the Queen is present."

"Are you serious?" Knut moaned and Hiccup nodded.

"She'll be coming soon..." Hiccup looked at Heather and winked at her and she smiled, realising what they were doing.


She then noticed that Fishlegs and Ada were not around and after glancing at Hiccup, he touched his nose discreetly and Heather knew what was happening.

And she loved her friends for it.



Ada, Astrid and Fishlegs waited patiently in the plaza of Donan Castle as Hamish waited with them.

"If you're trying to stop a wedding from happening on Berk...why are you here?" He questioned and Ada sighed.

"We sent a Terrible Terror to find Eret and the others and bring them Donan..." She gestured to the town. "From here...we'll go back to Berk and stop the wedding from taking place."

"I can't believe Heather's parents would do this to her!" Elinor sighed.

"Your parents did the same to you!" Hamish remarked and Elinor glared at him as Astrid frowned.

"Wait...what?" She turned to them, but a squawk from above, made her look up to see Eret, Snotlout and the twins arriving in Donan and landing.

"Eret!" Astrid cried as she and the others ran over to him.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he jumped off of Skullcrusher.

"Is everything alright?" Ruffnut questioned as Ada sighed.

"You have to listen to us and you have to listen to us carefully..."

Eret's muscles tensed and he then nodded.

Before everything came out.



A few hours had passed and the Queen had not yet arrived. Heather was relieved, playing games with Eira as Hiccup pretended to be checking on his wife every now and again.

But Knut...was not a patient man.

"That is it!" He cried and everyone jumped. Eira ran to her grandparents as Heather stood up. "Enough of this delay. We are getting married whether the Queen is present or not! Officiator, commence! Now!"

And the ceremony began.

Hiccup prayed that everyone would come back in time, as he kept his eyes out in the horizon.

Osvald handed his daughter over as Knut was presented with the sword.

And then...

"If there is anyone gathered here who believes that this union should not take place, speak now or forever hold your peace..."

And no-one spoke.

Heather pleaded silently, hoping someone would save her...

And then a roar and squawk.

Dragons arrived from above and landed right in the middle of the plaza.

Hiccup let out a sigh of relief as Eret climbed off of Skullcrusher, anger seething through him.

"I leave the island for a day and you marry someone else?" He cried as Knut frowned. "Who the fuck are you?" Eret cursed at the Laholm Chief and Knut stretched out his arms and smiled.

"I am Knut Westerberg. Chief of Laholm..." He announced. "And who are you?"

"Captain Eret Kaiser..." He declared. "And this wedding is not taking place."

Knut and his men laughed. "And what are you going to do about it?"

Eret nodded. "I'll fight you for her."

The laughter stopped as Heather looked at Eret. "I beg your pardon?" Knut asked.

"You heard me. A the death..."

Knut scoffed, crossing his arms. "And why would I agree to that?"

"You don't have to..." Astrid said as she stepped forward, her hands on her hips. "It's Viking law. Fishlegs?"

He stepped forward and cleared his throat. "A citizen of Berk can fight in a duel to the death to marry a woman betrothed to another. The winner of the duel, whoever it may be, can and will marry the woman in question." He iterated the legal code and Knut groaned as Heather's eyes went wide.

"You've been called out. If you say no, the wedding cannot take place because you have proven yourself to be a coward..." Astrid announced.

Knut glared at her. "Nobody calls Knut Westerberg a coward!" He stepped down from the altar and faced Eret.

"You're on, Captain Kaiser."


"Oh...this is bad! This is bad! This is very, very bad!" Heather paced up and down the Great Hall as the arena was set up for the duel. She had removed her veil and garland as she had mini panic attack.

"Heather...calm down!" Astrid descended the stairs, having changed out of her travel wear and into a regal red gown.

"You forgot to mention the part that they duel to the death!" Heather cried as Ada sighed. "What if Eret loses?"

"Is that how much faith you have in him?" Ada questioned as Heather groaned.

"I'm going to lose him!"

"'re not!" Astrid placed a hand on her shoulder. "Look...Eret is fighting for you. He will win this, Heather. You have to believe it."

Hiccup came through the double doors of the Great Hall, followed by Eret.

Heather ran to him as Hiccup came over to his wife. "We didn't think this through..." Astrid said gently. "There has got to be another way." They watched Heather and Eret embrace as she apologised to him for not being honest and he assured her that he was going to win this.

"Eret called the duel. He cannot call it off..." Hiccup's arm went around his wife and he kissed her head. "He will do this...we have to have faith in him."

"This is all so messed up!" Heather sobbed as Eret stroked her cheek.

"I will win this...okay. I will not lose you...not to that twiglet atleast..." He smiled and kissed her forehead. "When I win, I will marry you. I promise."

Heather beamed as they shared a kiss.

And a horn was blown to signal the beginning of the duel.

"You have to stay here, Heather..." Astrid said to her calmly. "Ada will keep you company."
Heather nodded as Eret left the Great Hall.

"He won't do it..." Heather said as Astrid and Hiccup prepared to leave. "He won't kill Knut. He's not that person anymore."

"We know..." Astrid replied gently.

"And I'll do what I can...I promise..." Hiccup kissed Heather's head and followed his wife outside towards the arena.

The crowds had gathered as Astrid and Hiccup took their seats on the thrones.

Eret and Knut had their backs to each other in the arena as Gobber went over the rules. Both men held a single sword as Eret closed his eyes and concentrated.

He had to win this.

Hiccup stood up and addressed the duellists and the crowd. "Gentlemen!" He called, directing his words at the two men in the arena. "Take ten paces and when the horn blows, the duel will begin."

The paces were counted out by the crowd.


Eret and Knut faced each other.

And silence fell the arena...until the horn was blown.

And the blades clashed.

Eret overpowered Knut, knocking him backwards as he spun his sword around. The swords clashed as they dodged and hit each attack, trying every now and again to take a jab at the opponent.

Astrid grabbed Hiccup's hand, squeezing it as they watched the duel take place.

At times, it seemed like Eret was winning. He managed to overpower Knut's blocks each and every time, but he hadn't made a jab for Knut, even though many opportunities had been made available.

Knut on the other hand, was cocky and it was shown in his sword work as he tried all too often to take a swipe at Eret, not even thinking of anything else.

In Knut's mind, he had to kill Eret to win.

In Eret's mind...he just had to weaken Knut.

Heather paced up and down the Great Hall, her heart-beat unbelievably fast as Ada noticed her anguish.

"I can't watch you like this..." Ada said, standing up. "Come on..." She waved her hand and Heather followed her. They slipped out of the back gatehouse and walked around the castle, behind the houses and into the dragon stables.

From there, they followed the tunnel towards an arena bunker, which gave a clear view of the duel taking place.

Heather was relieved – she could now see everything.

But then she felt agitated – she didn't want to see Eret die.

The duel continued, the dragons having been sent away to prevent getting involved as Eret and Knut continued to fight.

As their blades clashed over head and they tried to overpower each other...Knut snarled. "You...won't win this. I never lose..."

Eret smirked. "You're fighting for all of the wrong reasons..." Eret teased as he pushed Knut back and spun his sword around, before lunging for him again.

The duel went on for a while.

Knut knew he had to win and he was going to do everything to make sure that happened.

As their swords met overhead again, he grabbed the handle of Eret's and merely a distracted Eret, looked up, loosening his hold on his blade...which Knut used to his advantage.

With his own sword handle, he pulled it down and knocked it into Eret's face, causing him to stumble backwards.

The Berkians gasped as Astrid dug her fingernails into her husband's arm.

"Come on...Eret..." Heather pleaded quietly with him from her hiding place as Ada placed a hand on her shoulder to assure her.

Eret glared at Knut who circled him like a hawk.

He was not going to lose this.

Kicking his leg up, he kicked Knut's arm, causing him to drop his sword and Eret grabbed it himself.

Now he held two swords.

But instead of using them, he tossed the to the side.

"Let's do this, man-to-man..." Eret waved his hands for Knut to fight him – and he did.

Knut clenched his fists and tried to throw punches at Eret who dodged each pounce and grabbed Knut's fists with both hands, pushing him away before making Knut punch himself.

The Berkians cheered as Heather felt relief sweep through her.

Knut got up, tackled Eret to the floor and began punching him repeatedly as he had him pinned down. In retaliation, Eret head-butted Knut who fell backwards, before Eret kicked him in the groin, knocking him to the floor.

He picked him up from his neck, with one hand, and slammed him to the floor, ignoring Knut's struggles to breathe.

And Eret had the opportunity to, end Knut's life right then, but he let him go.

He grabbed Knut and pulled him up. "You're only alive because I'm not a killer anymore. If you knew what was good for you, you would walk away from this, because I will not hesitate to finish the job next time."

He threw Knut down again and the crowds cheered.

Eret had won – in some sense.

Heather felt relief sweep through her and Ada opened the bunker door to let them out.

Running to him, Eret and Heather embraced.

"Told you I could do it..." He teased and Heather sobbed tears of joy.

Ada watched them and her eyes fell on Knut...who slowly reached over for the swords.

"Eret watch out!" She called out but it was too late.

Eret was stabbed in the torso and he fell forward.

"No!" Heather screamed as Knut prepared to stab him again.

But instead, Heather reached up and punched Knut across the face with such force, he fell backwards.

"I should've done that the minute you set foot on this island, you bastard!" She cried as the riders came running into the arena. Snotlout and Tuffnut grabbed Knut as Heather dropped to her knees and held Eret.

"Eret? Eret..." She stroked his face as Astrid and Isolde scrambled to stop the bleeding before moving him.

He heard voices...people telling him not leave.

He heard crying and concern as people stood over him.

But he couldn't help it...

His eyes closed.


Water trickled next to him.

His eyes slowly flickered open and Eret groaned.

"Am I dead?"

Heather looked at him. "No...but you could've been..." She remarked and he smiled, slowly sitting up. "You should've just finished it."

"I'm not that person anymore..." He replied. "Although...I should've done it for you..." He sighed and took her hand. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise..." She kissed his hand. "You're alive and Knut has been sent home."

"Really?" Eret asked and Heather nodded as she got up, walking over to a jug at the far end and poured in some meade, before handing him the tankard.

"Along with my folks..." She confessed and Eret frowned slightly. "They all put up a fight...hence the clothes change..." She gestured to herself, no longer wearing the frilly white wedding dress, but rather her normal day clothes. "They told me I was no longer their daughter. I had lost the right to call myself a Hellqvist..."

Eret stroked her cheek. " mea...I am so sorry..."

"It's not your fault..." She assured him, putting her hand over his as she smiled. "It feels...liberating. I feel free. I am no longer bound by them and their rules and regulations. I'll miss them for sure...but they need to learn I'm no-one's bargaining chip..."

"What about Rose and Ivy?"

Heather sighed. "They're staying here for a while and then they're going to travel Caledonia for a bit. It's what they want to do and I guess...they can now. Mom and Dad also disowned them for standing up to them. Like me...they are no longer Hellqvist girls."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, contemplating the past few days as Eret sighed.

"You know...there was something I wanted to give to you when I returned..." He eventually admitted and Heather raised her eyebrows. "Something...that might be able to help with the whole 'no-family-name' thing?"

Heather smiled and removed something from her pocket. "You mean this?" Eret's mouth fell open as Heather giggled. "I'm sorry..." She apologised quickly. "It fell from the pocket of one of your clothes when I was tidying up."

Eret nodded and took the box from her. "And I know you..." He looked at her. "You looked inside, didn't you?" Heather blushed and looked away, making Eret laugh. "Amica's fine!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes..." Eret opened the small box and Heather smiled at the beautiful ring that sat inside. "Do you like it?" He asked and she nodded.

"It's very beautiful..."

"Good..." Eret shuffled off the bed, holding one of her hands as he pulled her up so they were standing. "I originally had this all planned out in my head. Taking you somewhere very romantic and asking you with like a fire show with dragons and flower petals falling all around..." Heather felt her emotions consume her because she knew what was coming. "But I know that's not you..."

He sighed and kissed her hand. "We went around the world for eighteen months and I fell deeply in love with you so much that I didn't think it was possible. You make me a better person, always defending me, even when I don't deserve it. I have no idea where my family are...where my real home is...but I know that right's wherever you are..." Heather felt tears fall from her eyes as Eret's sweet words touched her. "I will never let you fall, never let you cry. I will always defend you and love you and never make you forget. I will be loyal and be your best friend, because you deserve the world and I will give it to you..." He smiled and opened the ring box as Heather exhaled a shaky breath. "All I ask in return, is for you to give me yourself..." He dropped to one knee and held up the box as the gold and diamond ring shimmered in the candlelight of the room.

"Heather Asdis Hellqvist, will you marry me?"

And her answer was...



"I take you my heart...At the rising of the moon...And the setting of the stars...To love and to honour...Through all that may come...Through all our lives together...In all our lives...May we be reborn...That we may meet and know...And love again...And remember..." Heather slid the gold and silver ring onto Eret's finger after he had done the same for her only moments ago.

They held hands and faced Hiccup, as Chief of Berk, officiated the ceremony.

Eira sat with her mother as flowergirl as Rose and Ivy stood as bridesmaids and had the honour of giving their sister away.

Eret's family sat at the front, his mother pouring her eyes out in happiness as her dear boy married the love of his life.

Heather and Eret piled their joint hands atop of each other as Hiccup bound them with a handfasting cord, threaded in purple for Heather, green for Eret and white for fertility and innocence as well as threads of gold and silver to represent passion, commitment and love.

The couple then repeated the final words of the ceremony together.

"You are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone...I give you my Body, that we Two might be One...I give you my Spirit, 'til our Life shall be Done...We swear by peace and love to stand...Heart to heart and hand to hand...Mark, O Frigga, and hear us now...Confirming this our Sacred Vow..."

The Berkians had gathered on Thor's beach for the ceremony as they all felt overcome with emotion.

The swashbuckling pirate and the sassy vagabond – joined together in matrimony.

Hiccup smiled at his friends before him. "With the power vested in me" Everyone laughed. "I now pronounce you man and wife..." Heather and Eret looked at each other, beaming with happiness as their friends controlled their emotions. "You may kiss the bride..."

And lifting her veil, Eret kissed his wife as the entire congregation applauded and cheered.


As the Berkians celebrated the wedding in the plaza, Heather and Eret slowly danced together as an idea came to his mind.

"Remember when we were in Mesoamerica?" Eret asked suddenly and Heather nodded, their hands joined together as they danced.


"Remember our song?" He teased as they came together and the Berkains watched them, cheered them, ate or drank.

Heather giggled. "I'm afraid you're going to have to remind me..."

Eret laughed, before clearing his throat. "I will stand by you...even when we fall..."

"I will be the rock that hold you up and lifts you high so you stand tall..." Heather joined in as they sang their melody together.

"I won't let you can take your place..."

"Oh, a couple of fights and lonely nights, don't make it right to let it go to waste..."

They came close, their hands clasped together as their foreheads touched, the Berkians aware of their singing as they admired their beautiful love.

"I won't let you fall!" He spun her around, before they came together again and danced.

"I won't let you go!"

"No matter where you matter where you are...I'll be there!"

"No matter where you matter where you are...I'll be there!"

As they continued their ballad, everyone soon joined in with the dancing. Eira danced with her father, Astrid with her parents as Valka and Gobber twirled.

Fishlegs and Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Ada and Snotlout – everyone having fun and letting their hair down.

"We can be the generation...who learns how to love..." Heather's arms came around Eret's shoulders as they slowly danced together and she continued the song.

"Mistakes and empty promises...will never be tear apart these giant heats that beat inside us now. Let's conquer the percentages and rise above...the crowd!"

"I won't let you fall!" The riders, Rose and Ivy all joined hands with Heather and Eret as they danced in a circle as the ballad continued.

"I won't let you go!"

The riders repeated the words as Heather and Eret enjoyed their wedding dance.

"No matter where you matter where you are I'll be there!" They repeated as the riders sang along, before pushing Eret and Heather into the middle of their circle.

Hiccup's arm came around his wife as she lifted her head to him and he kissed her as Eret held Heather's face and spoke against her lips.

"My beautiful wife..."

"My handsome husband." 


Hi everyone!!!!




So, Viking wedding vows were all pretty much the same. They didn't have the whole 'write your own vows' thing. 


- The engagement ring (where it came from will be revealed in a few chapters time! It will be hilarious!)

- The Wedding bands. These were jut made by Hiccup and Gobber in the days leading up to the wedding. 

- Heather's first wedding dress. It was ruined by Eret's blood and dirt. 

- Heather's wedding dress to Eret. I FREAKING LOVE THIS DRESS! I don't know why I'm seeing Heather as this sort of bohemian, flower-child. 

- The bridesmaid dresses. Again, bridesmaids usually wore the same colour as the bride to distract evil spirits over who the real bride was. 

- Astrid's as Queen during the duel and at the wedding. THIS DRESS IS SO GORGEOUS!! It is embodiment of bad-ass and regal! 

- So...Eret is a pirate and every pirate needs a crest? I couldn't actually find one belonging to him from the franchise (if you guys see one, let me know!) But...this is the crest I found for him. Don't forget, he was violent and ruthess in his past so it is slightly macabre. I show you this now because it will be appearing again real soon!

So the next chapter is titled 'Mother Like Mine' and I will be looking at another folktale from Europe. 

Here's a synopsis; 

"With Heather and Eret away on their honeymoon, the riders prepare for Heather's initiation as an official citizen of Berk and a member of the Berkian council. But trouble arrives, when reports of a mysterious man with a pipe, enchanting children away from their homes reach the archipelago. As the riders search for him and try to uncover his motivation, they unknowingly put their own island's children in the Pied Piper of Hamelin arrives on Berk..."

Can't wait!!!

So, the song above is 'No Matter Where You Are' by Us the Duo and it features in my new favourite movie, 'The Book of Life'. It is the perfect ballad for Heather and Eret!!! 

And where the song came from...will be revealed in the spin-off!!!!!


I can't wait to begin writing it!

The final season of RTTE airs February 16th. I really hope they tie up all the loose ends. 

I am sad that we have to wait another year for the final season Game of Thrones, but it better be worth it. 

There is nothing else interesting going on in my life right now other than I bought a car and officially graduated from my undergrad a few weeks ago. 

But...I have some free time coming up soon so I hope to get the next chapter plus the Q&A out soon!!!

The Q&A and the preview of the spin-off will definitely be arriving this weekend, so be ready!!!

I hope you guys enjoy it!!

See you all then!!!


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