She Was Different

By _amssxx

81.8K 4.8K 501

Rank #1 in Spiritual 18/07/09 Aisha a girl who's unlike many, then there's Abdullah a guy who finds her di... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

1K 77 9
By _amssxx


● Please Comment I don't really care about Votes

Abdullah's POV 

Aisha oh my god

 how can Nora act like she's my wife 

I was running out of the psychologist's office now trying to get another cab 

I remember everything now I was about to take Aisha on a dinner and while we were driving to the restaurant I was hit by a car and that's when I blacked out 

What is Nora's plan with me and what's her reason for doing this to me and most importantly what has she done with Aisha

A cab  pulled up and I got in and went back to the apartment

All I can think right now is why she would do this. I need to get over my questions and find my baby 

Aisha' s POV 

I can't wait to leave this place 

I'm running low on patience, there will come a time I will straight up beat Nora's ass if she doesn't stop talking about Abdullah

 "I told Damon our plan his in" said Adam whispering to my ear 

I saw Damon walking towards us and sitting with me and Adam we all huddled 

"I can't wait till I can leave this bitc*'s prison man, I hate that fuc*ing bitc*" said Damon 

Adam looked over at him and gave him the eye for swearing so much in front of me 

I actually don't even care, I hate her too 

"Chill Damon" Said Adam

"Bro that bitc* just gets on my nerve the only reason I'm her fuc*ng slave is because she had her stupid brother play my little sister and she gave him nudes and she said the only way she would get rid of the photo's was if I worked for her but this isn't work I'm her fuc*ing slave man" Damon said tearing up

Adam seemed to have known this already this must be why he trusts Damon with our plan I trust Adam and I trust his judgment 

"Its going to be alright Damon we will get out of here and I'll make sure myself that you and your family stay safe and guarded from people like Nora" I said 

I felt bad for him, I don't know how I would feel if I was forced to sell my life away in order to save a siblings dignity but I know he has a heart of gold 

"Thanks Aisha" he said and got up and went back to the front door

It was just me and Adam again and I realized he was shaking and he looked really pale 

He gave me his sweater and Nora doesn't give us anything to sleep with, so he must be cold too, I feel so bad for him

we were sitting so I moved closer to him and put the sweater on us both and hugged him tight 

When I hugged him he shivered and was taken back but he didn't decline and instead hugged me back, I was even feeling warmer this way 

He wasn't shaking anymore, so that means he was getting warmer, I'm glad! 

We stayed hugging and eventually slept that way 

Damon's POV

I don't understand why Nora would do this to Aisha, she was so sweet 

I feel so bad for her because she reminds me of my sister and how she was 

I was now just sitting at the front door that Nora assigned me to guard 

I already came up with the plan of how me Adam and Aisha would escape, thankfully Nora trusts me so I'm allowed to do go out for errands which means I have the exit keys but I know she has snipers above the house and the only time their on break and aren't guarding is from 2:45 AM to 3:00 AM at the night so we have a 15 minute window to get the fu*k out of this bit*c's prison

it was 1:52 AM and I've been outside for 4 hours straight so I think Adam and Aisha had enough rest and I should wake them and inform them of the plan 

I walked back into the building and found Aisha and Adam embracing each other. Aisha's head was on Adams chest and Adam had his head on the wall. They actually look mad cute right now, Adam's gonna hate me for ending their moment 

I think he may be in love with Aisha

"wake up" I said normally

They didn't even budge

"Wake up lover's" I said louder

they just hugged closer 

"Wake up.. WERE TRYNA ESCAPE A CRAZY BIT*C'S PRISON," I said, the loudest I could, without making our presence known to the other guards

I knew Adam was a deep sleeper but Aisha too.. their really meant for each other.    

They didn't even open their eyes, I guess they're asking for it 

I went to the bathroom and filled a bucket with water and came towards them.. they asked for it

I spilled the water on both of them and they jumped apart as soon as I spilled it

which was a bad idea because Aisha will seriously hate me when she realize's her dress is see through now that it made contact with water. I didn't look after realizing this fact, I don't wanna embarrass her 

"WHAT THE HELL MAN" said Adam angerly 

Aisha's POV

I was in a deep sleep when all the sudden I felt water spilled on me

I jumped from Adam's embrace and stood up in shock only to find Damon looking away from me blushing holding a bucket 

What the fudge

  "WHAT THE HELL MAN" said Adam angerly also standing 

Adam looked around and check to see if I was okay and quickly turned from me while throwing me his also wet sweater

what's wrong. I looked at myself and was in utter shock and embarrassment when I saw that my bra was  very very visible under my now wet and tight dress

Adam ran off to the bathroom and found another one of his shirts and jogging pants and he threw it looking away from me and I caught it and ran to the bathroom with it

I can't believe this what the actual hell man, why does life always put me in these situations 

I first toke off my underwear and I dried my bra and put it back on I then put on Adams shirt and jogging pants which fit me perfectly .. I have to say they smelled so good. I also realized my hijab was still wet and I felt cold in it so I just wore my under piece

I walked back to them but I  was too embarrassed right now 

Adam was blushing and so was Damon, so damn childish 

"Whatever you saw forget it now and lets get back the way we were" I said 

They finally looked up at me and Adam looked kinda shocked to see me in pants a shirt and just an under piece

"You done staring Adam , cause I woke y'all for a reason" said Damon trying to break the ice

Adam looked away and I'm guessing his still blushing

"Yea lets begin" I said being the first to sit 







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Enjoy life :)

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