A Secret Hiding Place

By embrace_passion

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A Secret Hiding Place: After Ayanna Morgan finds herself pregnant by the boy who bullied since she was a lit... More

Chapter 1: Repeated Mistakes
Chapter 2: Falling A part
Chapter 3: Truth Come to Light
Chapter 4:New Life
Chapter 5: Making a Deal
Chapter 6: Promise of Moving On
Chapter 7: First Day Drama
Chapter 8: Re-Appear
Chapter 8: Re- Appear (Part 2)
Chapter 9:Expectations
Chapter 10: Done Hiding
Chapter 12:Crossing Lines
Chapter 13: Entrapment

Chapter 11: Dinner Disaster

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By embrace_passion

(Unedited, 1st draft) 

Chapter 11: Dinner Disaster

Connor sat on the couch with his hands in his lap like he was waiting to be punished for something. "You know it's not too late. I call simply call his room and tell him we can't make it."

"No," was all he said. I've only seen him like this a few times and it worried me with what could be going through his head right now. Connor always had a problem with keeping things to himself when he didn't want to speak about it. His face express would become hard and when asked what was wrong he simply shut me out.

I sat down next to him and grip his hand "I can tell having Ryan here is troubling you. Are you sure you don't want to try another night and sleep on it?"

"No Mom," he simply put has there was a knock on the door.

Either one of moved has we both looked over at the door. I knew the moment I open that door it there was no turning back, we would have to act like some loving family. I knew Connor wasn't ready for this, but deep down I knew I wasn't either.

"Ayanna," Ryan spoke on the other side of the door before knocking once again.

That's when Connor let go of my hand and stood up and walked over to the door. As he put his hand on the door handle he hesitated for a moment before unlocking the door, "Hello Ryan." It was quiet for a moment and with the door still partially close I wasn't able to see his face express. I knew hearing Connor call him by his name and not dad had to hurt.

Getting up I walked to the door and pulled it more open to seeing Ryan face in shock just sharing at the boy next to me, "Ryan are you ready?"

"I thought we just stay here and have dinner," he utter has Connor turn around and walked back into the suit. "This isn't going anywhere never has planned as I thought it would ."

"What did you expect?" I question still trying to figure out what it was our son was feeling. "You never told me about what you said on the phone the last time the two of you talked."

That's when it seem like everything clicked, "It's not what it seems, I think he took what I said out of context."

Hanging my head I knew this wasn't going to go well, "Let's just try to get past dinner and see what happens. Just don't try to push yourself on him or he'll just block you out for good."

"Sounds like someone else I know," he laughs, but I could still hear the uneasiness in his voice has he walked in. Turning around I saw that Connor was back to his regular spot, zoned out. "Is that his normal behavior."

"He's been like that since he saw you earlier," I reply going over to sit down next to me leaving Ryan standing there looking about the room. "Connor."

"Mom," he replies looking over at me with worried blue eyes. Looking closely I could tell he was on the brink of tears. "Do I have to be here? I want to go shoot some hoops with Samuel."

"Connor your father here to see you and get to know you," I reply as I watched Ryan sit down on the coffee table across from us looking over at the both of us.

"Go have fun with your friend. I don't want you to feel obligated to see me. I just want a chance to explain myself and get to you know." Ryan specified reaching for Connor's hand but hesitated and drops his hand back into his own lap. "I know I hurt you during our last conversation, but I'm here now and want to get to know you."

"No, you're here for a friend's wedding. Not to see me." Connor screamed now standing up. "Just go away. You're Not My Father." he ran off slamming the door to his room.

Ryan and I both stood up with shock on how everything was playing out. I never imagine this happening and always thought Connor would be happy to see his father, not the opposite. "I'm sorry, but this is too much for him right now."

Ryan's face turn hard has he took in everything before turning to look over at me, "Yes while I should have known it wasn't going to be easy. After all, he is my son also."

"What does that mean," I asked now becoming annoyed with him being here. I knew Ryan has some kind of dark past that he didn't want to share with me, but now it really made me question the man in front of me.

"Damn it," Ryan yelled now walking away to the patio pulling the door open and stepping out. I stood there shell shocked on how much those to strangers acted simpler to one another. I walked over to the door and saw Ryan's hands against the railing squishing his fist around it. I took a deep breath before opening the door. "I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" I question just has I heard a knock on at the door. "Hold that thought, I'm sure that's the dinner." I walked over to the door to see our room service standing with pizza trays and let out a little laugh knowing how much Connor loved the restaurant pizza. Smiling I let them in and told them to take it over to the table before they left.

I walked over the Connor door has I saw Ryan coming in from the patio, "Honey, foods here. It's your favorite, pizza." He opens the door and I could tell he had been crying, his eyes had become red the outside.

"Is he still here?" he question trying to look around me.

"Yes, I don't think he plans on leaving until you come out and try to get to know him," I announce pulling him into a hug has he laying his head against my chest and wrapping his arms around me. "I know this is hard, but let's try to get past dinner and see how it goes. You don't have to expect him has your father, but try to at least become friends. Remember this isn't all his fault."

"What do you mean?" Connor question looking up at me now.

Letting out a deep breath, "I left without telling Ryan where we went. He's been looking for us for a while, but was never able to find us."

Connor didn't say anything for a moment trying to process what I had said, "But you wouldn't leave me. You love me, he doesn't."

"He does love you in his own way. There's a lot that happens with your father once you were born, but I never once didn't think he didn't love you. Did you know he was the first one to hold you when you were born and there was assume amount of love in his eyes when he was looking down at you? He does love you, even if he hasn't been around for the past ten years." pulling away to turn us around to see Ryan standing there looking down at his feet.

"Here look at this," Ryan said handing over his phone over to have Connor look through. "It's an album on my social-media page for all my friends and family to see. Yes, I want to see you, but it was harder that I thought it was going to be finding you." Gazing down I saw picture after picture of Connor that I had sent to his parents some of just him, some with me, and a few with other people in it. "Even though I haven't been here, I've known about every little milestone you've made. You want to see my favorite?"

Connor stops going through the picture and gave the phone back has Ryan squat down and exit out of the album only to go to videos. From the screenshots, I could see small images until he got to almost at the beginning . He pressed play and handed back over and there it was Connor taking his first steps and falling after just a few steps. He was such a strong-willed baby he just crawled back over to where he started and tried to all over again. "Why are you showing me this?"

"Because even though I haven't been here I have seen you grow up to become the young man you are now, but now I'm hoping you will let me become a small part of it." Connor handed back the phone has Ryan stood back up to his regular height. "I just want to be friends, you can even call me Ryan if it makes you feel better."

"What kind of pizza did you get?" Connor asked still look spectacle of the situation he was being put in, but at the same time, it seemed he was almost willing to give him a chance.

"That's the thing I wasn't sure what kind of pizza you liked so I guessed and got pepperoni. I figured I couldn't go wrong with that, but I do have to warn you though half of it as mushrooms," he smiled now seeming a little less stress about anything.

"I love pepperoni and mushroom," Connor yelled running down the hall to the kitchen.

I let out a deep laugh with Ryan still standing there looking at the detection our son just ran, "I thought you hated that mixture."

"I do, but the chef one night messed up his order and put a few mushrooms and that's how it's been ever since.." I reply walking past him only for him to grip hold of my arm. "Ayanna we going to have to talk about how I'm going to be able to see Connor more now. I want my son to have a relationship with me and not think of me has a stranger. It's way past overdue."

"Yes, but please not tonight. There's been enough drama for one day I don't think I can handle anymore." looking up at his eyes I saw his mischief in them and knew whatever it was he was planning it couldn't be good. "Come on let's go, before that kid eats all your side of the pizza."

"Let him eat it, I don't mind the plan pepperoni," he laughs pulling me over to him wrapping his arms around me. "Please whatever happen don't shut me out, I've been waiting for this too long to let go now."

"Come one lets's go eat," I reply trying to get out of his hold has flashbacks from the elevator started coming to mind. "We'll talk about everything else later on."

Ryan let me go and we walked over to the table to see Connor had already eaten one piece and was now on his second. "Don't judge me," he said finishing it and picking up a third. "You know I love pepperoni and mushroom."

We just laugh as I took a seat next to Connor and Ryan sat from across us, "It's all your buddy." We both grab hold of the original pepperoni and Ryan gave me a small smile before taking a bit of his own pizza.


Has the night went Ryan and Connor went off to playing the video games screaming at one another on how to team up better. I just lend against the wall and try not to laugh at how the night had turned around. Looking over at the clock I saw it was getting close to bedtime and knew it was time to call it a night.

"Connor it's time to get ready for bed. You have school in the morning." I notify only to see a double pair of blue eyes looking over at me as if I lost my mind.

"Mom where almost to the national regulation, we can't stop now. We need to finish the game first." Connor argued just as Ryan put down his remote.

"Your mom's right. It's getting late. We can always pick up tomorrow when you get home from school." Ryan reassures him standing up. "Maybe we can go down to the basketball field and I can teach you a thing or two."

"Can Samuel come."

"You can invite your whole team if you want." Ryan smiled ruffling up his hair, "For now let's just call it a night."

Connor swipes his hand away trying to fix his hair back, "No I want everyone to be surprised with all the new moves I'll learn."

"If you say so buddy. I'll see you tomorrow after school." Ryan reply has Connor got up and left the room now leaving us alone. "So back to us."

Taking a step back has I watch him walk over to us, "What are you talking about Ryan? There is no, us."

"Then what was that in the elevator earlier. There still some kind of contract to one another. Maybe we can see where it goes. it might even help with building trust with Connor seeing his parents getting along and becoming closer." Ryan announces reaching for me once again, but this time, I was able to dodge him. "Come on Ayanna think about it, unless you already have someone else in your life you haven't told me about."

"It doesn't matter if there is or not, we can't be anything more than friends Ryan. I don't ever plan on going down that road with you or anyone for that matter," I explain not wanting to talk about my love life and for him to find out Erik. I knew it was wrong to keep it from Ryan, but there was something about the two of them that made them dislike one another so much I couldn't figure out.

"So you're saying after all this time you're telling me you've stayed single. You haven't gone out not even once and no Erik doesn't count. "Ryan spoke with anger in his voice saying his name. I want to know what it was about him that he hated so much but didn't want to end the night on a sour note. "So tell me Ayanna, have you not been with anyone since me?"

"What does it matter if I've been with someone else since Prom, it's not like you've haven't" I speak out not wanting him to bully me into feeling dirty about myself, even though I knew I hadn't been with anyone knowing how much I freaked out that night.

"I'm not seeing anyone at the moment and haven't for a while, so yes it does matter right now. I want to know if there some kind of competition that I need to worry about when it comes to winning for affected." Has he spoke he walked me into the wall before trapping me between his hands. "So answer me are you seeing anyone."

"No Ryan there is no one. I've told you my focus is on the company and our son not hooking up with random guys. I'm not the slut you made me out to be from that night." I broke down and yelled at him to see Connor come out and gaze at us.

"What's going on?" he questions coming out of his room now dressed in his pajamas.

"I'm trying to ask your mom out to dinner," Ryan reply not keeping his eyes off me. "So what do you say, would you like to go out on a date with me."

I felt trapped knowing there was no way I could turn him down in front of our son I hung my head, "You win," I whispered and then I felt a small kiss against my cheek before I felt Ryan present disappear.

"I'll see you tomorrow buddy," Ryan said before leaving the suit making me worried about what is motives really were now.

Copyright © 2016 Letty Scott/Embrace_Passion (All Rights Revered)   

Author Note:

Three chapters in one week, hope you all are enjoying this stories. I'm going to have to get back on a schedule and not just post whenever now. I'll try to post on Sundays every week to every 2 weeks. Hopefully, my work schedule stays the same and will allow me to do so.... On a different note most of you know I'm revising The Kept Secret and well I decided I won't be changing Lilly stubborn behavior that much, but I will be adding a little more sexual content. I know the story was missing something and once I read through it I keep thinking how it could use a little more adult contact and not childish wording. I hoping I can get all finalization done by February/March 2017 and get the story published and then after that this one (Yes I want this story to be done before publishing KS)   

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