Promises to Keep©(Sequel to T...

By bellebug23

434K 13.1K 1.7K

She hasn't seen him for nearly 5 years. Does he even remember her? Has he moved on? Will they ever see each o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Niall pov)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Niall pov)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Hey guys!!!
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Carrot story

Chapter 26

7.7K 251 26
By bellebug23

  "Why is daddy beeping?" I smiled lightly and looked down at the five-year-old sitting on my lap watching me with curious, blue green eyes. "Daddy's sick and that beeping helps us know he's okay." She nodded slowly and turned her attention back to Niall still lying on the hospital bed unconscious. He hasn't woken up in a couple of days and I'm starting to get worried. He can't leave me here like this. Not again. I raised one child by myself and I certainly don't want to endure it alone once more. I know the girls will help, but Niall is different. We may not be married not even dating at the moment, but we know where we stand. I do hope someday if he makes it out okay that we will get married and live happily ever after with the children regardless if this one isn't his. I still don't know who's it could be and most likely won't until the day it's born.

I squeezed Niall's hand for what felt like the billionth time in only two days still praying for a response out of him. This is the first time Analisa has seen him and I decided that it would be alright. Everyone else has come by and set something to be displayed in the room. Balloons, flowers, and stuffed animals littered the hospital room, but the only thing that I was interested in was the unconscious man that stole my heart.

The only time I left the room was to see Analisa twice since Niall was brought here. I haven't even left for food. The nurses or one of the boys will bring something by and force me to nibble at it so that I don't wind up next to Niall on another bed. There is a bathroom attached to the room and I'm thankful for that. I sometimes forget that we are in a mansion instead of a hospital because everything in the room and the staff belongs in a hospital, not a mansion.

I wrapped one arm around Analisa as she laid her head on my shoulder and kept a firm grip of Niall's hand with the other. She bounced up from her position and stared into my eyes with curiosity. "Mommy, why is your stomach getting bigger?" I giggled and ruffled some of her bouncy curls. "Mommy is going to have a baby." She smiled really wide and her eyes lit up like Christmas lights. "I'm going to have a little sister?!" She asked excitedly. "Or a little brother." I smiled and kissed her forehead. She clapped her hands together and did a little cheer in my lap. I laughed and held her tight so she wouldn't fall on to the hard floor. I calmed her down somewhat as I heard the door opening.

A head full of brown curls stepped into the room and closed the door softly behind him. "How's he doing?" He asked, taking a seat on the other side of the bed. "Same as when they first brought him here."

I looked down at Niall's peaceful looking face. I desperately wanted to see his blue eyes sparkle in the light while his lips curve into a heart warming smile. I wanted him to squeeze my hand back and intertwine his fingers with mine while caressing the back of my hand with the pad of his calloused thumb. My hopes seem to fade a little every day, but I refuse to lose them completely.

I didn't even realize that Harry was standing next to me from being so consumed with my thoughts. "He'll get better." He placed an assuring hand on my shoulder while displaying a small smile of encouragement. I half smiled the best I could and nodded my head hoping he was right. He quietly left the room and I returned my attention to Analisa. "You hungry?" She shook her head which took me by surprise as she was always hungry much like her father, but I brushed it off.

I felt a small pressure on my hand and looked down to see Niall's thumb twitching.


A lot of you have asked if this was over yet and I'm here to tell you that it's not!!!!! don't y'all worry your pretty little head cuz I'm here for quite a bit longer!!!!!

If you read any of my other stories comment which one and I'll follow you!

All comments are welcomed and appreciated because I enjoy reading them!!! Hate will be ignored with force👊 💪✌️

Love y'all and thanks for reading!!

25 votes and 7 comments?????






Peace out babes😘✌️

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