Erotic Affairs

By Trap-A-VellieMamis

413 19 18

|Two sisters with a hell of a past, led to the creation of a hell of a business| More

Chapter 2~ Pompous Jerk

Chapter 1- Bodily Persuasion

140 6 4
By Trap-A-VellieMamis

Omniscient P.O.V

Josiah and Isaiah looked around the finished version of their new casino, "Purple Reign", smirking and giving each other daps.

Their vision had finally come together after over a year of meeting with interior designers, contractors, architects, etc. Tonight was the night that the most highly anticipated casino in Vegas, was opening.

"'Bout time this thing finished." Isaiah chuckled, looking at his best friend of 6 years.

"After how long? 17 months? I would expect so." Josiah smiled.

"But you know- perfection takes time. Can't just be thrown together so I don't really care if it took 17 years. Our shit poppin' yo."

Josiah clapped his best friend's hand, agreeing with his view on things.

"We have one thing that's still wrong though." Josiah sighed, making a frown appear on Isaiah's face almost immediately.

"And what's that?"

"How are we going to be the hosts of the most lit thing in the city, and have no hostesses on our arms to show off? That shit doesn't fly at all"

Isaiah ran his hand down his face and rolled his eyes, realizing that may actually be a huge problem. Image was everything to them, being that both Josiah and Isaiah were former professional athletes on the NFL team, "San Diego Chargers".

Many people would be showing up, especially those that were in the sports world and had lifestyles that were more so on the high-end of the stick. Not only did the boys need to look good, they also had to be well-rounded.

"Don't stress it woe, I have an idea." Isaiah smirked and Josiah immediately groaned, being his best friend was bat-shit crazy and his ideas were usually way out there.


"What does that mean?"


"You haven't even heard me out yet."

Josiah sighed and gave him a look to indicate his idea should be expressed.

"So you know how Odell just started talking to that Kayla girl, right?"

"Kayla, Kayla, Kayla. That's girl is psychotic, but I guess she's cool peoples- she and Odell go well together, why though?" Josiah laughed.

"Remember how Odell met her at that escort service everyone talks about?"

"I still don't see where th- oh hell no."

"Man, why not? There ain't shit wrong with that!" Isaiah stressed.

"Just because 'Dell got lucky and cuffed up a good one, that don't got shit to do with us. I'm not about to go hire some two-dollar hoe to take to the casino we've worked forever on. Then they end up not knowing how to act in a professional setting and ruin everything we've worked for. That's not flying over here, woe."

"My nigga, lemme break sum'n down for you. This is one of, if not the, highest-rated escort services in not the city, not the state, the country. So what are the odds that we pick up a girl that doesn't know how to act or embarrasses us. That business is not getting all that bank for no reason. Be rational, not judgemental."

Josiah heard him, he wasn't really feeling him though. This was something he was way too excited about and worked way too hard for, just to be jeopardized. He didn't want to take any risks.

"Man listen, I'll look into it."

Isaiah scoffed. "That's on you, I'm a grown ass man and I'm going to do what I want regardless. At the end of the day, I'm courting a chick from there because keep in mind- we really have no one we want to take and we need a date in," He checked his watch, "4 & ½ hours."

Josiah threw his head back and realized his brother just may be right. However, he was still debating on if the chance was really worth taking.

"Fuck it"


"Hello, this is Erotic Affairs- where the men wear the pants, but our ladies control the zipper! How may we help tend to your needs?"

Isaiah laughed out loud as he sat next to Josiah who could not believe this was happening right now.

"This already doesn't sound good." J whispered, shaking his head.

"We're calling to court two of your ladies tonight. How does this whole thing work?"

"Oh first timers, no problem. One second while i transfer you to the owners to explain the requirements."

While on hold, Isaiah muted the call and looked at a frustrated Josiah.

"Loosen up, woe. Ain't shit gonna happen that we don't want to happen."

"My nigga, they answer the phone with slutty references. Ain't no telling what's to come. This shit is making me nervous already."

"Stop acting like a lil female and go drink some milk, damn." Isaiah mumbled as the call was taken off of hold he un-muted the phone.

"Kiana Cortez, partial-owner of Erotic Affairs, name and how may I help you?"

"Isaiah Perez, Josiah Johnson. We've never done this before and after implying that, we automatically got transferred to you. How does this work?"

On the other side of the phone, Kiana smiled loving the fact that describing this was something simple and nothing too complicated. She placed it on speaker as she sat next to her sister, so they both could hear and comment.

"It's nothing too extreme. We would need the both of you to come in at least 3 hours prior to the event, I.D in hand and picture ready. After checking you guys out, making sure everything's okay, we then would need you both to sign separate contracts which basically just assures the safety of whichever girl you choose and goes over the company's guidelines."

As Kiana explained that to them, Karter waved over the company's I.T guy and gave him the names of the men she had written down, that way he can run background checks and criminal records. That wasn't necessarily his job, but since he worked with computers, system hacking and other things, why not do that as well?

After she'd handled that, she decided to speak up. "And before you come in, we need to know what the occasion is, where it's located and when. Provide the time it begins as well, if you can."

Who they did not know was Josiah, cleared his throat, speaking up.

"It's the grand opening of an event I'm sure you've heard of if you don't live under a rock- the highly anticipated casino, Purple Reign. The event is tonight, approximately midnight it'll be starting."

Karter muted the phone looking at her sister. "Whichever that one is, he's obviously a cocky mofo. I pray for whichever one of our girls he chooses."

"Hmph." Kiana pressed the button, beginning to speak again. "Alright that's fine. Any specific types of girls you like?"

"Anything nice as long as she's mixed with Black sugar and spice." They responded, simultaneously earning laughs from both girls who hi-fived each other.

"Alright well make sure you're here by 8:00 ready to provide everything required and we should be good to go."

"Sounds good, thank you. Bye." Isaiah nodded, hanging up. "Minus the zipper shit, it wasn't bad at all."

"Yeah Zae, they're the owners I don't expect them to make their services come off as anything less than great.."

"Man whatever, it's 7:30, let's head out."

Josiah grabbed the keys looking at his best friend. "This better be all it's caked up to be or that's your ass, bruh."

"Shut your bean headed ass up and let's go."

Meanwhile ...

"All of my girls who are of African American descent, come to the secrecy chamber part of the building now. Again, all of my girls who are of African American descent, come to the secrecy chamber part of the building now. Thank you." Karter's voice boomed through the intercom, making sure the whole house heard what was needed to be done.

In less than 2 minutes, the desired set of girls strutted through the doors in single file order, stopping when they were in the middle of the room.

"Hey ladies!" Kiana and Karter both greeted, starting their ritual. "Its about that time!!"

"What time?"

"Now y'all know, it's that time."

"Oh you mean; Sha boo ya sha sha sha boo ya. Sha boo ya sha sha sha boo ya. Roll call time?"

"Mmhmm. Y'all in formation?"

"The type of formation to snatch edges and slay?! Awww, you know, we stay."

Some girls broke out into giggles loving their daily chant. No matter how many times it was done, they loved it. You can see why and they were only halfway through. The rest continues now...

"Well shit then. Tell us about yourselves."

"You see we the type that; We like to party. And when we shake it, the boys say "ai mami"."

"I wanna hear more. Sha boo ya sha sha sha boo ya. Roll call!" Kiana and Karter feigned excitement.

"You see we the type that; We give you three wishes, to see us shake it. We can roll out hips and we can rotate it."

"Again! Again! Sha boo ya sha sha sha boo ya. Roll call!"

"You see we the type that; We got so much class. Everything sits right, the hair, the face and yes, of course- the ass."

Karter and Kiana pretended to squeal, as if they never seen this before and the girls knew what came next.

"You see we the type that; We're mad lit, we mad poppin', we'll continue to slay- there's no stoppin'"

"What's that mean?"

"Long story short- we're cotton candy, we're sweet as Gold, oh! And we'll hit that tootsie roll."

The chant had finally ended and every girl in the room burst into a fit of laughs after doing a short version of "the tootsie roll". The "E.A" family was nothing to play with.

"Alright guys on a serious note," Kiana spoke up as the level of playfulness descended. "I'm sure you guys have all heard of the grand opening for "Purple Reign" and tonight, two of the men that will be attending will be picking up two of you beauties. Stay in what you have on, just get your name tags and make sure your hair and makeup is presentable."

The minute Kiana finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. Knowing it was one of the workers or the girls, because only they were aloud in this area of the building, Kiana gave permission for them to enter.

In walked Dallas, the I.T guy, with the background reports.

"No criminal records, both former NFL players, both 24 years old. Isaiah was born in Colombia, he moved to the states- New York - in particular, at age 10. Josiah was born in Philly, but moved across the u.s having a dad that also played football professionally. If these men are who they claim to be, they should look like this;

If not, then they tried to catfish you guys."

Karter and Kiana's mouths dropped as they saw the pictures of these men. Good looking guys came in all the time, however these ones in particular were absolutely beautiful to them.

"Wow. Okay. Thank you Dallas, boo. Anything else?" Karter collected her words.

"Their the owners of that new casino that's opening tonight. Which by the way.... I was wondering..."

"It just so happens two of our girls are going tonight. When they leave, you can leave right after. You've earned it." Karter smiled.

He beamed thanking her before walking out.

"Alright girls, you all know the drill. Come check your name off the list to mark that you're here and make sure you all have your pagers on you because we'll be buzzing you guys as soon as they get here... Which is in 10 minutes." Kiana spoke up.

"And keep in mind, y'all might wanna bring your A-game. Not only are they actually the owners of the club, they are the real life image of a walking sex gawd." Karter held up the pictures.

Immediately every girl rushed to mark their names and nearly ran out the door.

"Kar whoever gets these guys as a date tonight, I literally envy."

"Who are you telling? If I'm one of our girls, I'm trying to end the night with an orgasm too. Shit,  you have all of my consent." Karter expressed to her sister.

Both of them fell out laughing, and continued to talk and joke until the boys arrived. And when they did arrive, nearly everyone was at a loss for words.


"Josiah, make sure you play nice. At the end of all this, you bound to walk out with one of them." Isaiah reasoned as they approached the revolving glass doors of the building.

"Nigga I'm grown, I know how to handle myself. I got this woadie." He laughed.

Once they got to the door, two security guards immediately blocked their paths extending their hands to a point that nearly touched each man's chest.


"The hell yall part of? The secret service? We actually got an appointment. Move out of my way yo, and while y'all at it y'all can put your crusty ass hands down too." Josiah mugged each Caucasian guard.

"'Siah chill out. They just need our names."

"Really nigga? Who don't know our names? We icons outchea in these streets."

"No woe. We're icons out in the entertainment industry." Isaiah chuckled. "Names are Isaiah Perez and Josiah Johnson."

The guards repeated the names into their walkie talkies waiting for the approval.

"You gotta be fucking with my mental. They acting like we scheduled an appointment with Tupac after he has came out of hiding in Cuba. It's hot and they gonna sweat a nigga freshly done dreads out. They need to go eat a damn doughnut or some shit rather than waste my time."

Isaiah started cracking up as he shook his head at his disrespectful friend. Zae was the chill one who was down for whatever, whenever. He was what society classified as a savage. But 'Siah was difficult and always had to say or do something out of order, with his extra ass. At times both shared each other's qualities though.

This was one of those times.

"You can go in." One spoke up.

""You can go in", sounding like Wizard Kelly off of The Proud Family."

"The fact that you basically just told us you still watch that show when not only has it stopped airing years ago, but you're also a grown man, says a lot about your character. Go in or get off the property." One of the security spoke up, having enough of Josiah's comments.

"He tried your set, b." Isaiah laughed as they walked through the revolving doors.

"Shut the hell up."

"Hi, you guys can g-" The hostess at the front desk stopped talking immediately when she looked up and saw their faces. "Umm, you g-guys can go t-to the room w-with the double d-doors. K-knock before you e-enter."

Both guys chuckled and followed instructions as they walked down the long hallway and stopped where there were wooden doors with C shaped engravements on each side. Knocking firmly, they waited for the okay and when that was given they walked right in.

"Josiah and Isaiah?" Karter spoke up,her and Kiana both standing to greet the clients.

"In the flesh." Isaiah chuckled, kissing each girls hand resulting in blushing on Kar and Ki's end. Josiah just saluted them taking a seat. He didn't come to be friendly.

"Well let's get down to business. I.D's?" Kiana asked.

Both men handed the cards over and after they were swiped in the I.D scanner, proving they were legit, they were handed back to them.

While Kiana did that, Karter called the company's photographer up to their room and both made small talk with Isaiah and Josiah while waiting.

"Y'all are beautiful." Isaiah winked, staring at Kiana mainly causing her to put her head down to hide the redness of her cheeks.

"Bodies are good. They ain't all that in the face though. I've seen better." Josiah licked his lips and his intense stare on Karter made her feel like he was throwing subliminal messages.

"Is there a problem Mr. Johnson?"

"What makes you assume this?"

"Just checking because in case there is one, you can remove yourself from my presence. You think you're hot sh- stuff, you're just another client to me."

"Which is why when I first walked in here you immediately crossed your legs and had to contain yourself?" He smirked leaning forward.

"I'm sor-"

"Which is why you looked me over with pure lust in your eyes knowing you wouldn't mind if I dicked you down right here, right now."

"What are you-"

"If I were to feel you right now, I would feel nothing except your juices dripping on my fingers. Your body would be telling me what your mouth won't and that's the fact that you wouldn't mind having me for a night or two."

"You need to-"

"Nah, you need to quit this act before I take your lil ass on a date instead and give you what it is you know you want. Chill with the attitude, shawty, or next time I'll be making that happen.

Karter was at a loss for words for the simple fact that everything he said was true. She just didn't understand why her attitude was such a problem if he came at her first. He was a major asshole but his sexiness distracted her from telling his ass off. Instead she left it at,

"You have no idea what you're talking about. Now please, let's remain professional or the next time you'll be asked to leave."

He chuckled knowing that he'd affected her the way he wanted her too. He'd lied when he discredited her beauty. She was gorgeous, but he wouldn't be Josiah Johnson, if he didn't feed his ego. And getting beautiful woman mad but leaving such an impression that had them too fucked up to react, was something that fed his ego.

"I agree. Disrespect is not tolerated here. She's the nice one, had that been me you would've been out on your ass." Kiana said as calmly as possible, trying to remain professional.

"I got this baby girl. Calm down getting all Red and shit. I'll make sure we put some respek on y'all names." Isaiah licked his lips with a chuckle.

"Good so I shouldn't have to say it no mo'. And that goes for all two of y'all."

Isaiah laughed and she tried to hide her smile, but he was as charming as they come.

"You're beautiful ma. Wouldn't mind rocking you as a date tonight."

"Oh we don't go on the dates. We just provide a variety of options with our girls. The dating is their job."

"I'm sure you could make an exception for ya boy though right? Beauty like yours don't come around too often and neither does beauty like mine. Work sum'n out for me mami."

Kiana chuckled. "We'll see, I'll let you see my girls first and then it'll go from there."

"And the same applies for you?" Josiah asked nodding his head towards Karter.

"Hell no."

He scoffed. "We'll see."

The photographer walked through the door right on time, and in less than five minutes had both men's pictures. After getting a copy of their files she was on her way out.

"Now the fun part, time to pick your girls. Follow me." Kiana hopped up and Karter buzzed the girls as they walked to the room were "castings" were held.

By the time they got there, all girls were lined up, and ready to go. The boys smirked as they walked up to each one circling their bodies to purposely cause panic.

All were stunning eye candy, but none seemed to really blow Josiah and Isaiah away. Discussing this privately- they both agreed on something that they'd settle for.

"No disrespect, all of you girls are gorgeous, but y'all just aren't what we were looking for." Isaiah spoke up and there were shocked faces room-wide. Karter and Kiana's included.

"Pause then rewind in slow motion. What was that?" Kiana frowned

"Your lil' workers ain't wanted nowhere this way." Josiah shrugged.

"How? Our girls are beautiful, they come in all sizes, they have stunning features... They can literally be your personal models and there isn't one you want? That has never happened before!" Karter exclaimed getting frustrated.

"It's gon' happen today." Josiah smiled.

"Why though?!" Kiana nearly yelled.

"Because we want y'all!" Isaiah said in the same tone and volume.

The whole room got quiet and slowly all of the girls grew smirks on their faces and began with their "oohs" and other childish antics.

"Shut up or everyone in this room is working every day for the next month. No days off." Karter yelled.

Everyone went quiet.

"Look it doesn't work like that, we don't go on dates, we set them up. You can't just choose us as your-"

"How much do you guys charge regularly?" Isaiah fake yawned.

"500 dollar down payment, plus an additional 20 dollars an hour."

"Multiply that by eight" Isaiah shrugged.

"I'm sorry?"

"If we give y'all eight times the original amount, will you accept the offer?"

Kiana hestitated. That's at least 5,160 dollars to herself and she knows her sister felt the same way. Even though that's chump change to them, hell who wouldn't want an extra 5000 dollars just to sit and look pretty.

"Girls out. Thank you guys anyway." Karter said sincerely as they all winked or did something extra walking out. "Y'all love to play, let's see if y'all will be playing when for 30 days straight you have to come into work, date or not."

"We love you." They yelled as they rushed out resulting in an unseen eye roll.

"Karter you wanna do it?" Kiana asked.

"You can go ahead, I'm not going anywhere with Josiah though."

"Who said I was even the one that wanted you?" He stepped to her.

Karter paused thinking of an answer. "Well I just t-thought t-that since y-you-"

"Nah that's what you want to happen, and then you hope that innocent little date will end with some bomb dick that can change your life."

"Must you be so nasty?" She mumbled as she stood in front of him at kissing distance.

"I wouldn't be me if I didn't get a little nasty." His hand rested on her lower stomach, closest to her pelvic area

"Get your hands off of me now." She said weakly trying to fight the feeling of her walls clenching together, not letting any excess fluids out.

"I'll abide by your every wish, you come out with me tonight. And I do mean every. That on top of giving you those 5,000 dollars cash."

She looked at Ki who was pretending to sip tea and rolled her eyes. "I guess I'm down"

"Then so am I." Kiana looked at Isaiah who smirked as he pulled her into a hug making sure his hands brushed her butt when pulling away.

Her whole body shuttered.

"Perfect, be ready by eleven." He walked away.

"As for dress code, wear classy, but revealing. I'm paying a lot of money for a damn escort so give people something to stare at and gush over, other than your face. It makes it much more delightful when they seeing something they can't have." Josiah winked as he followed his best friend out the door.

"Ayy why you finessed shawty outta her right state of mind like that." Isaiah laughed as they walked out of the building.

Josiah joined in on his laughter as he shrugged. "She know her lil' fine ass wanted it, females love to front and play that hard to get shit and I ain't with it. We gonna get straight to the point."

"Nigga how you know they playing? Some females may really not want your ugly ass."

"Zae you know who's talking to? This lil' J.J, the finesse kid, boy who hot as me?"

Isaiah mugged him before they both continued their laughs and got into the White and Gold Range Rover they came in.

"Man one thing's for sure... Tonight gonna be interesting."

"Pssht, woe that's a given!" Josiah nodded.


Chapter 1 posted!!! 🤗🤗

Vote, comment, add to reading lists and libraries! 📔🔐🔐

I think this is gonna be my most exciting work so far!! 👅👅👅🙇🏾

And yes, in this one there will be sex scenes. 🙄😂😂😂

Guys, I Kayla Alsina Beckham, have an emoji problem 💀💀💀 I literally have an obsession with emojis. 🙃🙇🏾

How y'all feel about Isaiah? 💦🍌

Josiah? 💦🙄😂😂



Pictures of them throughout the chap.

How was that chant?  😁😁💀💀🙌🏾
We loved it lmaoo. 😂😂

Umm what else happened?

Oh! Peep who Odell is with. 😂😂👼💁🏾 We had to interpret daddy in there somehow. And then y'all see that gem he with? 😍😍👑 He brag different y'all. 👅👅

What's gonna go down next chapter? 👀👀🌚🐸☕️☕️

So excited to continue this book. Hope it goes far. 🤗🤗

Alright. Kayla is done talking. My ass is wide awake and I've been up all day, so idk why. 🤔🕕 It's literally 8:30 in the morning, we've been working on this chap since 2....  😭😭 I need to get my life. I'm telling y'all the insomnia is real.

Anywayyy, our loves 🎀💞....

Vote, comment, add, tell your friends, tell your friends to tell they friends, if you're mom is cool peoples tell her, and her friends too. 🔥👯👯👩🏽

I need sleep. 💀💀💀💀 Im taking my Black ass to bed. It's been real. 😘💯💯

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