Being Watched

By PowerofInnocence

9.1K 445 219

"Stop following me!" I screeched. "You think I like it?!" He was shouting now. "It's not my freaking fault th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

1.1K 60 29
By PowerofInnocence

I felt as if I could see heaven itself. So damn beautiful. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating but I couldn't see anywhere but him.

He looked so beautiful.

I unwillingly glanced at Lily as she closed her mouth to prevent drooling. Our eyes met as he started moving towards us.

Everything of him was so perfect. His deep blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, thin lips- all perfectly placed, screamed beauty.

"Miss Cooper?" . I nodded. He extended his hand in front of me.

"Zack. Your new bodyguard." He spoke in a very manly american accent.

Seriously? I'm sure this is a prank of some reality show. I mean, he looked so good! I would not be surprised if he says that his mother was awarded for giving birth to the hottest guy of the year.

I glanced here and there in case I would find some hidden cameras. Nothing. I guess that is why they are named 'hidden' cameras.

I straightend my posture and shook his hand. Ignoring the part that I was touching him, in order to distract myself, I dared to see his body, which was really a quite big mistake, I tell you. Underneath his shirt, his muscles were so prominent. Not in an abnormal way, but in the best way possible.

Oh lord, I'm just checking out my bodyguard!

"Allisa." I said. Obviously I didn't stutter like other girls would. (Although I spoke only one word but hopefully you get my point) Surely didn't want to make him know that I was checking him out.

I took back my hand and bumped my shoulder lightly to Lily's. I think she just snapped out from her day-dreamland by seeing her wide eyes. Lily gave him a mournful wave and I had to cover my laugh with a cough. He smiled back at her.

"You know what? I just think, I should go." She said hurriedly. "Bye Al."

"Wait, I'll drop you off!" I said, remembering that she came in my car.

"No! Not at all, I'll manage. I've to meet someone down the street. And I can always call my Bo.Dy.Guard."

Was she teasing me? What is she? Five? If she wanted a slap on the butt, all she had to do was to ask. She didn't like her bodyguard much. So every time she got a chance, she would leave him at home.

I rolled my eyes at her, not at all amused.

She gave me a super quick hug and secretly winked at me. She didn't even bother to wait for my reply as she went to the door, swaying her hips more than necessary. Yeah, she definitely want a slap there. Or what about a kick....

'Greek god' cleared his throat as I rested myself on the arm of the couch and crossed my legs, with one leg on another.

I really can't blame me that I suddenly felt claustrophobic, sweaty, my stomach heavy and so blank-minded that I couldn't even tell if there is even a term called 'heavy stomach'.

I'm going to kill Lily for this.These aren't the signs they write in those cliches, are they? I don't think so...

"Now, I just want you to follow a changed routine. I'll just tell you roughly about it." He started, with small smile, but then his tone became serious. "I'll be expecting everything to be happening as planned from tomorrow itself." His voice was so.... good! (Yeah, I quoted KFC) Just like velvet. "You have to wake up early than you usually do from now on. Not much, just like one or two hours." HIS VOICE IS SHIT.

Like seriously? He can't just expect me to do that! Normally, at school days, I wake up at seven. Which is very and I repeat, very early. For me. But I also know that arguing with him would be waste of oxygen. Because I'm 200% sure that dad has told him to do as he wish, and I quote- 'no need to ask me and not even listen to me when I argue.'
So I just nodded once, glaring at my manicured nails.

"And one more important thing. I'm going to be with you, anywhere you go. And I mean it. No more sneaking around. No more parties." He said. Motioning with his one finger.

Is it just me or really I can see my father behind his voice?

I shot him a thumbs up and a sarcastic smile. "I'm going to get changed." I stood up and started to go upstairs. I lost my mood for everything now.

I shut my bedroom door with more force than necessary. Thinking about that somebody would be there behind your back whatever you do is quite stressful. And it gets worse when at every moment it reminds you about your bitter past.

No! I'm again making that mistake. I don't have to remember that, atleast that was what those therapists told me. Be in present, and see how lucky you are, now.

A tear ran through my cheek and dropped to my palm. Not again. Why do I tear up over such small things? It's not that something hurt me so much.

As if the tears are just waiting for me to give a sign. And then Bam! They are free from the eyes. I think that day is not far when I'll tear up over such small things like...I got an ant bite! or I got detention!

I glanced at my mirror, my eyes and nose were red. Am I seriously, metally ill?

There was a soft knock at my door. Well, softer than the booming noise that came with it. "Are you done yet?" He almost shouted. "Yes... Yes she's here. No she didn't go anywhere. She just wanted to freshen up a bit...Yes. Don't you worry." If my assumption is correct and he was talking to my father, then he had hung up.

When I opened my room door, greek god was returning back downstairs. And turned around by the noise. "I'm sorry if I was distur-- Wait, are you crying?"

"No, I was just practicing for my role as  Rudolph" I dead- panned. (I don't know where all my sense of humour went so don't judge.)

He slightly narrowed his eyes. And then his eyes soften up a bit for showing...concern?

"See, if you are crying about all the restrictions I'd put you through, then I wanna tell you something. You don't have to do things that... strictly. Actually your father was on call when I was putting all those instructions. He wanted to hear it by himself and see if you are agreeing or not. Luckily you didn't argue or didn't even say anything. So he's fine about it now." He stated all in one breath.

"Ohkay." I was slightly dumbfounded. But somehow that was expected. "But then why are you telling me this?" I asked sounding like I just cried for hours.

"So that you'll stop crying." He replied softly.

"You obviously didn't think I was crying about this." I motioned my index finger between the both of us.

He paused for a moment and raised his head as if he understood.

"Boyfriend problems?"

"I'm single."

"Financial-- Oh, forget it!"

I smiled a little at him.

He thought for a moment. "Hairfall?"

I laughed lightly. "Shut up already!"

I felt a bit better. I was not used to people asking why I was crying.

"What happened to you, then?" He became serious.

"Why do you care?" I didn't want to sound it like that. Was I harsh?

"I have to protect you, physically and emotionally." He said, seeing particularly nowhere.

"I-I don't think bodyguards do that."

"Well, you can say that this is an exceptional case." He almost whispered, coming a bit closer.

"I don't want you to!" I screamed on his face, stepping back, suddenly angry.

He didn't even flinch as he came closer, not that close, but closer as compared to where we were standing before. He looked straight into my eyes and whispered slowly but clearly.
"You are not given a choice."


And there you go! I don't even want to go through my chapter as it's very badly written.

I have thought about some awesome things, but first I've to make Allisa and Zack comfortable around each other. So...pleaaasee wait!

Till then,

Bbye ((:

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