Of Mine Enemy

By antessamir

396 23 20

Some say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Saiorse Addinell could not agree more. Trapped i... More

Author's Note
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty

chapter fifteen

13 1 0
By antessamir

The waiting was the worst part. The months drew on and each day became just a little harder. She hadn't a clue how she would know - but it became rather apparent when the aches and pains became more than something bearable. There was screaming, blinding pain, even a beg or two for death, but all was silent the moment she held him in her arms. Saiorse had never felt so blissful. There would never be a moment quite like her son's first breath again; it almost made her sad. With trembling hands Saiorse had cupped the side of her baby's face, cradling his rosy cheek as he tumbled in her grasp, frightened of this new, scary world. The weary smile on Saiorse's lips only spread as he rumpled his face, a gurgled whimper filling every corner of the barn.

"Well done," a voice said softly - though tiredly. Khodai, with his mop of dark hair covered to his face and shadows tugging beneath his eyes, slumped next to the godforsaken haystack, blowing a heavy breath as he pushed his face in his hands. They'd lingered there for days - he was glad they'd moved when they had the chance.

"Madeus," Saiorse muttered. "Is that a nice name?"

Khodai smiled at his friend. "Lovely, my lady."

It seemed there moments of peace were falling between the very floorboards. Saiorse, pale-faced and trembling, looked to her companion. Beckham had done as he'd promised, calling upon Khodai for assistance. Both Saiorse and himself had suffered under many of his experiments - Saiorse had been terrified her son would emerge as a monster straight out of Beckham's fairy tales, but the very normal, very big, mind you, baby seemed just as average as any newborn could be. Madeus' normality was the least of their worries, however. Beckham would be soon to hunt them down; he was no fool. Saiorse knew their hours were limited.

"You can not ride now," Khodai muttered, turning his face to look at Saiorse. "It will take days for you to be able to walk, much less sit in a saddle."

Saiorse peered at her son, the lump in her throat growing thicker by the moment. "We can not stay here." She hung her head, running her fingers over Madeus' tiny knuckles. "I will rest tonight, but we must depart by dawn." Khodai's expression spelled his wish to argue, but he simply shook his head, running his hand over his face. Saiorse studied the scars put their by her husband. She looked to her palm, finding similar marks. She curved her fists. She had no idea where they would go, but anywhere would be better than there.

Sadly, the dawn was not quick enough - nor were they.

Rattling of chains crossed over the doors of the barn startled Saiorse from a light sleep, her head snapping upward as the ruckus continued. Eyes wide, she fumbled for Khodai, who rose beside her. Hands rolling in the hay, Saiorse fished for her son, where she'd wrapped him in the warmth of the yellow strands. She shoved Madeus into his arms, grabbing Khodai's front with desperation as the noise grew more prominent.

"Take him. Find a farm, a midwife, someone that can care for both of you," Saiorse pleaded.

"Saiorse," Khodai hissed, pressing his palms to her shoulders. "I will not-"

"His life may depend on it, dear Khodai," she whispered, pressing her hands on either side of his face. She drew him forward, placing a kiss to his forehead. Khodai studied Saiorse if only for a moment more, before he took Madeus with gentle care and raced to the back of the barn, sliding skillfully from a hole they'd prepared in this very case.

Saiorse held her hands, twined in her lap. The door kicked inward once, twice, one more time, before it flung forward, smacking against either wall. The torch Beckham held shed light over his wife's face, stony, indifferent, ready. Grinding his jaw, Beckham set his torch aside, hitching it in pegs meant for farming tools. One at a time, Beckham shut the doors, before turning around to face Saiorse Belvadare - his wife, his companion, his forever. Saiorse's hand slid beneath the hay, clasping the hilt of a dagger hidden below.

Beckham strolled to stand before her, peering at her with hunger in his amber eyes. Saiorse noted how impeccably different he held himself - with strength and confidence. His eyes swirled with a brighter color than usual- was that silver? Saiorse drew a quaking breath, teetering until she somehow pushed herself to stand. Her legs trembled, her back alight with insufferable pain, but even so, Saiorse lifted her chin and stood in total defiance before her husband, dagger in hand.

"Where is the child?" Beckham demanded.

"Gone," Saiorse replied stiffly. "You will not find him."

Beckham's eyes glinted, his lips pulling back in a sincerely happy grin. Saiorse's bravery fell in shatters at her feet. His teeth were pointed. She took a step away, her eyes widening. Her face gave a terrified shake. Her foot snagged on an uneven catch of wood. She started to catch herself, but the forearm that plowed into her chest knocked her free of her balance. Saiorse flew backward, collapsing among a collection of useless boards and wood. She sank first to her knees, then to her chest, body rattled and weak. Saiorse fell numb, her eyes popping to the size of the moon as Beckham had somehow come to stand before her with a smug, knowing expression.

"Madeus will be of no use to me as an infant," Beckham sighed. "His time will come - and his mother will not be there to jeopardize his future." He sank to one knee, holding Saiorse's chin between thumb and finger. "I had dreams for us, Saiorse. You almost don't deserve something so great."

Saiorse held her breath, too stunned to squeal as he kicked her ribs, flipping her over to her back. His weight was more than crushing - Saiorse swore the entire world rested on her chest. Her mouth gaped as she choked, her head craning backward with her struggle. Beckham only laughed. She made it far too easy. A single fang sank to bury in Saiorse's throat, dragging across her skin until there was a terrible gash. Blood pulsed from her neck freely. Beckham brought his wrist to his mouth, making a similar cut. He pressed his arm over her cut, watching as his wife made the journey from human to monster.

It may have seemed rather strange, but Saiorse had never quite liked hay since. Something about the greedy fingers clawing over her legs made her tense. Once she'd even shoved her way from a barn dance because the floor had been slathered with the yellow muck. But, Saiorse supposed a minor moment of suffering wouldn't be too much of a cost if it meant finding another ride.

It was well into the night, Alex remained in the tavern, most likely squeezing the pillow she'd left in place of herself. The town seemed sleepless, the trade markets still alive with angry faced men and gullible boys. Saiorse reached cautiously over her head, drawing her hood tight around her face. The last thing she needed was to be recognized as something abnormal. Saiorse walked among the crowd, looking in every direction in hopes she might find a stableman.

Shutting her eyes, Saiorse stepped over a topple of hay, yanking her foot away as she staggered over the mess. A young couple argued over how the stack had fallen to the ground, the man towering over his lady with angry veins rocketing over his temple. The woman seemed no less teetered as she stood, waiting for her chance to pounce. Leaving them to their mundane qualms, Saiorse drifted away from the heart of the road. A lumbering building waited atop a small hill, the faint traces of scuffling hooves and sleepy whinnies seeping through the crackling conversations she left behind.

The door of the stables were left ajar. Saiorse took her liberty of entering them, peering at the seemingly endless rows of waiting horses. Most of them wore reins and specific halters, signifying their owners. Though, near the end of the stalls, Saiorse found what she was looking for. Five horses, all with for purchase scrawled in coal over their doors poked their heads outward, their muzzles fumbling over Saiorse's shoulder as she passed them. Three of them bore chestnut coats, one with a mismatched stripe between his eyes. Beside the chestnuts a grey mare nibbled over her oats, her rear facing the door. Saiorse grinned. At least the horse was honest.

As she surveyed the grey horse, finding her attitude rather alluring, Saiorse was rather unaware of the teeth clamping around the back of her cloak. With a vicious tug, she found herself falling backward, smacking against the door of a stall behind her. Saiorse hissed, whirling around, only to be tangled in her own cloak. She pulled back, hands smacking to the culprit's muzzle. The horse snorted loudly, pulling his head backward with a violent yank that almost lifted Saiorse from the ground. Somehow, she managed to shoo the material away from her face to glare at the red and white stallion chewing on her cover.

Saiorse glared, hands falling to slap her sides. "Is that necessary?"

As if to answer her question, the horse gave another tug of his head, pulling Saiorse rather roughly into the gate of his stall. Grunting, Saiorse clutched the ledge, peering at the stallion with as much exasperation as one single being could muster. She gave a haphazard look behind her shoulder. Not a soul manned the stables.

Shrugging, Saiorse hiked her leg over the gate as best she could - being only 5'1, there were some obstacles even a vampire could not cross so easily. With the help of the painted horse, Saiorse tumbled face first into his stall, snarling into a patch of uneaten hay. The horse, finding a new interest, dropped her cloak, only to nibble at a strand of hair. Battling the pesky steed for her foothold, Saiorse finally sat upright, placing her hand over the horse's nose. His ears swiveled to perk forward, his mouth stopping to stare in Saiorse's eyes. One eye shimmered with the color of the sky, while the other was half amber and half blue. Curious, Saiorse leaned forward to get a better look. She'd never seen a horse with such odd coloration. She ran her fingers over his muzzle.

"Quite the special one," Saiorse said to him. "Are we?"

The horse began to chew once more, bobbing his head up to force Saiorse's hand over his nose. When she held it still, the horse stomped his foot with a grunt. Getting the message, Saiorse ran her nails over his snout, scratching him haughtily. The horse, rather happy with his situation, stepped forward and knocked his head against Saiorse's chest. An oof! and a gasp later, Saiorse lay back first against his stall door, her cloak over her face and her hair still in his mouth. It was in that moment Saiorse knew she would not be walking out of those stables without him.

The war she waged with the bi-colored stallion was quite one-sided, as every time she did her best to stand, the horse would knock her back. She used a bit of trickery, however, as she'd been prepared for such an instance. From the pocket of her cloak she drew a sugar cube, tossing it into the bucket on the other side of the stall. The horse, intent to find his treat, whirled in search of the missing sugar. Saiorse pulled herself to her feet, squeaking when she was tugged sideways - the horse had grabbed her cloak once more and he still had it in his grasp. She fell against his flank, clinging with wide eyes to the nape of his neck so as to prevent her falling.

"You do not have much experience with horses, do you?"

A cheery, rather amused voice echoed to her ears. Turning around, her lips drawn in a grimace, Saiorse cleared her throat, ripping the cloak out of the horse's mouth with deliverance. Standing straight, Saiorse faced the blonde young man before her, who chewed on the end of a hay stem. His dark eyes glinted with mischief, his head stopped low beneath his shoulders as he surveyed the humorous chaos unfolding. Saiorse narrowed her eyes, but was thrust forward as the horse turned abruptly, collapsing against the gate with a rolling sigh. The boy did not move, only gave her a rather crooked smile.

"Actually," Saiorse corrected. "I have been around horses all my life."

"Hm," the boy said, ambling backward on his heels. "It shows." Saiorse frowned aggravatedly, the edge of one of her eyes giving a subtle twitch. The man chuckled, his apple's adam bobbing in his throat. Saiorse blinked - she liked his laugh. "So, is it necessarily polite to give a lady some advice?"

Saiorse crossed her arms over her chest. "It depends on what the advice is."

He cracked another bullet-proof grin, holding his hands out to his sides. "The owner of this stable will cheat you and is probably already drunk. You will leave and find your satchel completely empty of gold. However, if you take Fievel now," he winked. "Success will be yours."

Saiorse tilted her head with a small, close-lipped grin. "But would that not be stealing? I am not one for thievery, kind stranger."

The boy gasped, his hand falling over his chest. "Oh, now I mentioned nothing of stealing, my lady! Do not pin your sins on an innocent man." He turned around, digging through a trough to their right. When he turned around, he held a halter and set of reins in his hands. "Though, trust me, if you do stay here much longer you will not like the outcome, Ms. Addinell." He grew rather serious as immediate caution rose over her face. "My name is Aridyn. I've wondered when you would ride through."

Saiorse's eyes bounced over the young man in search of any explanation she could make herself. When her eyes drifted over his wrists, she found herself relaxing, her heart lifting with honest curiosity. Over both of his wrists golden patterns were stitched. If she looked hard - or he moved a certain way, she could find more, rolling all over him until they vanished beneath the sleeve of his tunic. Intrigued, Saiorse walked forward, not caring to hide her enthrallment.

"I have never met a Pathfinder," she told him. "You saw me coming?"

Aridyn grinned, his eyes alight with his excitement. "Indeed I did. I have seen your entire journey. Some things were of course barred by an outstanding decision, but I knew you would be here. My father has told me all sorts of stories and legends about you."

Saiorse almost giggled - almost. "All good, I should hope?" Aridyn scrunched his face, wiggling his hand. Shrugging, Saiorse made her way over the gates, much to the horse's dislike, taking the reins from Aridyn's hands. She turned to place them over the horse's muzzle, who seemed even more excited than prior to leave his corridors.

"I am thankful for your warning," Saiorse told him. "We have crossed nothing but grief it seems. If I can avoid any more, it would certainly be a blessing." Aridyn hovered behind her, teetering on the tips of his toes. When finished with readying Fievel for departure, Saiorse turned around to thank him, her hands falling still where they rested over the horse's muzzle. "What is it, Aridyn?"

The boy bowed his head, pointing his toes inward. "I would like to accompany you and Alexander. It might make for a beneficial addition, would you not say?" He waved his hands as the disagreement clearly surfaced over Saiorse's face. "I have no where else to be, miss. I have seen great things. But they will not happen unless I come with you."

Saiorse recalled a conversation she'd held with Peter long ago, foretelling just how terrible a Pathfinder's predicament could be. Saiorse knew she faced eternity, but her days were still a mystery. She didn't want to imagine a life where nothing was secret anymore. She looked at her shoes, pursing her lips. What would it say of her if she threw a young man in danger?

Then again, who was she to question someone who already knew the truth?

"Alright," Saiorse said softly. Surprise shot Aridyn's brows to his forehead. She held her finger. "But only if you promise to do as I say. Having you with us might certainly help."

The boy almost squealed with joy, telling Saiorse that he would gather his things and meet them by the stables at dawn. Saiorse watched him go, a small smile touching her face. She wondered if Madeus would've shared his excitement. Her face fell. Or, if he was even alive to do so. Saiorse, clearing her throat, yanked the door of the stall free and guided Fievel from his prison. She plucked one of the saddles hanging on the wall nearby, situating it over his back. As she made a final adjustment, Saiorse climbed over her new friend's back, holding her reins with a tight grasp. The horse leaned forward, eager to go.

"You and I have a lot of work to do," Saiorse told him. She clicked, tapping his sides and nearly fell backward as the horse raced outside. As they passed the gates, Saiorse took a small leather bag from her cloak and tossed it into a lingering bucket. The stablehand would find his payment - if he was observant enough, anyhow.

Returning to the inn, Saiorse swept with quiet steps past the dwindling few members of Isabella's clan. They regarded her with wary caution, but she couldn't say she blamed them. Feeling suddenly terribly tired, Saiorse ascended the steps, untying her cloak as she walked. She draped it over her arm, pushing the door of their room aside as quietly as she could. As she stepped inside, Saiorse shut it with a brush of her hand, laying her cloak over the back of a chair. She walked to the edge of Alexander's bed, peering at the slack-faced man that lay under a heap of fur.

How had they come this far? It was only a matter of time before Saiorse would drag Alexander into the jaws of terrible men. She tried to imagine Alexander beside his father, standing there with sword in hand. She would have to defend herself against the man she-

Oh god.

Saiorse turned her head away from Alex's sleeping form, curling her nails through the thick blankets. She drew her lip between her teeth, ripping the skin free until she tasted her own blood. This was not okay. Viles' comments rang in her head: wait until the Council finds out you've fallen for a human. Her eyes drifted back while Alex shifted in his sleep. She spent a solid hour trying to convince herself that Viles was wrong - but unfortunately for the both of them, he was right.

How could Saiorse tear Alexander's family apart when they meant so much to him? James had committed a terrible deed - but what would that say of her if she shook the very ground on which Alex stood? Something wet dripped to her chest. Frowning, Saiorse touched her cheek. She was crying.

"Saiorse?" A sleepy growl rumbled over her shoulder. Saiorse snapped about, halting as she found Alex's face dangerously close to hers. Alex, suddenly awake as he watched another tear roll down her face, snaked an arm around her waist. She slumped against his chest. "Are you alright?"

"No," Saiorse whispered. "I don't think so."

"What is wrong?" Alex asked, voice thick with worry.

Alex pressed his hand to her cheek, drawing her eyes to his. The general concern that flickered in those candlelit eyes stirred a once familiar, now foreign warmth in her chest. Saiorse's chest rose with a breath that didn't leave, her fingers mulling over his collarbone. Alex remained still, watching with sleepy eyes.

His free hand drifted beneath her face, pulling her chin up so she was forced to look at his eyes. Saiorse's body grew completely limp, the warmth she felt for Alexander annihilating the lingering ice. Her eyes fluttered shut while she sank forward, pressing her lips to his in a much different manner than their previous experiences. Alex, frozen, did not kiss her back. When Saiorse pulled away to look at him, he watched fear wash over her like the tide at the shore.

He decided he wanted to kiss it away.

Both hands over her face now, Alex brought his lips to hers once more. He would never know, but the same warmth drowning the coldness in Saiorse's chest traveled from her breath right into his lungs. Alex pulled Saiorse into his lap, leaning back against the bedframe. Saiorse straddled him, wrapping her arms around his neck to bury her fingers through his hair. Alex took his lips from hers to brush away the last remaining tear.

"I think I love you," Saiorse blurted suddenly.

Alex paused, pulling away to look her in the eyes. So many women had spoke those same words. Numbly he'd take his pleasure and listen to them howl it to the ceiling. In the morning he'd leave their delusion shattered and their hearts momentarily shattered. Alex twined a fist with Saiorse's hair, moving his fingers through the brunette river until he could grasp the back of her head. He pushed her face to his, shutting his eyes as her breath shuddered, spilling over his face.

"I think I love you too," he muttered.

"When we go to Cecila promise me you will stand at my side," Saiorse breathed. He'd never seen her look so desperate.

Alex wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning them backward into the bed. He cupped her face. "As you wish, Lady Addinell."

Alex fell over her, rolling himself between her until he knocked her knees apart, hovering over the vampire. Saiorse raised her hand quickly, slapping her palm over his face before he could press his lips to hers. Alex sighed between her fingers, his shoulders slumping as she glared at him.

"Do not ruin this dress or I will ruin you," she threatened. "I am running out of clothing I am not marching before your father nude."

Alex's lips pulled under her hand. "What a sight that would be."

Saiorse tilted her head, a smug, close-lipped smirk rolling over her mouth. "Of course, I would do it, if it would make you jealous."

Alex shook his head, smacking her hand away. He grabbed her wrists, pinning them over her head. He held them there, pressing them roughly into the furs beneath them. He pressed his face to the side of her neck, taking her throat between his teeth. Saiorse sucked in a breath, squeezing her knees into his hips. He let go of her hands to clasp her hips, digging her fingers through the thick fabric of her gown. He rolled it over her, leaving it there to carefully untie the corset hidden beneath the many strings lacing her together. Though it took great patience, Alex carefully took Saiorse apart piece by piece, until she was clothed in nothing but candlelit and the moon hiding shyly beneath the cover of clouds. He kissed her gently, rising to take off his shirt. Saiorse watched from where she lay as he tore it free, running her tongue over her lips.

The temptation to sink her fangs into the side of his neck was unbearable, but Saiorse held strong. She would need to feed soon - but not on Alexander. It was hard telling if she would have the self-control to sto-

Alex ran his hands along the inside of her thighs, parting her legs as he swept down. Saiorse dug her nails through the covers, straining to remain to still. Alex's teeth grazed her trembling skin, biting down, kissing over the affliction, repeat. He buried his head between her thighs. Saiorse held her breath. She floated on a cloudy haze, her hand reaching to curl through his hair rougher than she'd meant. Alex left her for a kiss to her lips, pulling closer as he moved in a wave. Saiorse let go of the breath she'd been holding when he pulled forward, beginning to shake himself.

Saiorse pressed herself against his chest, tugging on the loose skin over his shoulder with her teeth. Alex growled in her ear, reaching outward to brace himself against the rickety bedpost. His muscles clenched, his hands tightening until his knuckles grew white as Saiorse's bites grew sharper with each nip. He clamped his jaw tight, pulling away from her as she sank her teeth into his neck again.

"I want you to promise me something," Alex said, drawing as close to Saiorse as he could get. Saiorse shut her eyes, leaning her head back so far it clapped against the bedpost. "If I am ever dying - I do not care how, change me."

Saiorse's eyes fluttered open, falling to stare at him with ample confusion. "Why would you want to walk the Earth as I do?"

"Because I do not want this to end," Alex confessed.

"Everything has to end, Alexander," Saiorse whispered, her hair falling over the side of her face. "One day, I will die. Just as you will."

Alex drove forward, pushing his hands into Saiorse's shoulders. She stifled the noise meaning to leave her lips by clicking her teeth together. Her toes curled. Alex waited for her to open her eyes to speak.

"Not as soon as human," Alex muttered. "My life is not my own as a human. I follow my father's orders, drink, walk into the life of a woman for an hour past midnight, and do it all over again the next day. Now I know there is more - and I want it." He dropped his head to kiss her throat, running his tongue over where his teeth had previously been. "And I want you."

Saiorse curled her legs around his waist, turning him until she sat upon him, peering down at him with all the fierceness of a dragon. Alex's heart pounded in his chest. Slowly, Saiorse leaned over him, the intensity in her eyes capable of making his breath stop without a single touch.

"You have no idea what it means to walk the Earth without the comfort of death," Saiorse hissed. "You do not know what it means to take blood from others - and have no choice."

"Then show me," Alex begged.

Saiorse leaned back, her lips parting as she fought with the words to argue. None of them found their way from her mouth, as she looked over her shoulder to the door, then back to Alexander. He laid his hands over her front, running them upward until he grasped her shoulders. Saiorse held his gaze. She didn't want to harm him - if she couldn't stop, he would die.

But, he did deserve to know, did he not?

Shaking her head, Saiorse bared her fangs with a rolling snarl. Alex swallowed back the rising lump of anticipation lodged in his throat. Gently, Saiorse brushed his hair from his neck and leaned forward, placing her fangs over his throat. Alex's grip fell over Saiorse's hips, squeezing them so hard it actually hurt. Saiorse waited until they relaxed only a little, before she bit down.

Alex's outcry was stifled by Saiorse's hand as it slapped over his mouth. Blinding pain raced over his entire body, until Alex could feel the pull of emptiness. Saiorse began to drink, taking quite a few greedy swallows. Slowly, Alex relaxed, finding the pain fading to an obliterating numbness. His grasp began to slacken, the hair over his face becoming a dizzying blur - but just as it had begun, it stopped.

And Saiorse was no longer on the bed.

Frowning, Alex righted himself, peering through the dancing spots over his eyes. In the corner of the room, sitting on the floor with her knees drawn to her chest, Saiorse sat, her teeth buried deep in her knee. Alex slipped from the bed, struggling to walk with conscious steps, but somehow made it to drop in front of Saiorse. He pulled her into his arms, holding her close.

"You do not want this," Saiorse spat. "You do not want to kill."

"A small price," Alex muttered. "To watch every sunset there will ever be with you at my side."

Saiorse pulled back to look in his eyes. She shook her head, her pupils becoming as broad as day. She pulled away from him, marching to collect her gown, but Alex met her stride, holding her still - much to his surprise.

"You should be scared of me," Saiorse snarled. "Instead you have your head between my legs."

"Danger excites me," Alex laughed. "What can I say?"

A heavy hiss left her nose. That was apparently the wrong thing to say. Alex scowled, twisting around as Saiorse wrapped herself in a loose blouse and rather ragged looking skirt. He started after her, but Saiorse was already out of the doors, slamming it shut with a thunderous crack. Alex was certain the rivet in the ceiling hadn't been there moments before. Sighing, Alex shoved his head into his hands, falling back to sink into the bed. Human women were confusing enough - but vampires? Gah.

Saiorse, meanwhile, marching down the stairs, mulled past the gathering members of Isabella's clan. Tiberius sat at the bar, shooting from his seat as he watched her storm through, he opened his mouth, but his words were silenced as Saiorse rumpled her lips with a chaotic snarl. Growling himself, Tiberius narrowed his eyes, letting the woman pass through the inn doors.

"Should we not stop her?" One of his comrades asked, rising to their feet.

Tiberius snorted, taking a drink of his rum. "Wench deserves whatever they have for her."

Though unsure, the other vampire sighed heavily, sinking back to his seat.

As Saiorse flung through the doors, wrapping her arms around herself, she kept her eyes locked on her feet. She only stopped when a clatter of rocks caught her attention. Scowling, Saiorse looked around, finding no one except a familiar figure ahead of her, waving his hands as he raced toward her with waving hands, shrieking at the top of his lungs. Saiorse took a step forward - but she didn't go far.

Something fell over her head, tightening so roughly she couldn't breathe. Saiorse snarled, frightened, but it was cut off almost immediately as something blunt cracked against hte back of her skull. Saiorse felt herself fall to her knees.

And then Saiorse felt nothing.

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