Of Mine Enemy

By antessamir

396 23 20

Some say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Saiorse Addinell could not agree more. Trapped i... More

Author's Note
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty

chapter nine

18 2 2
By antessamir

There seemed to be a developing pattern of things going wrong - then Alex wouldn't know what to do. He saw the thing leap from the trees, watched as it toppled both itself and Saiorse to the ground, and he heard the deafening scream that couldn't have possibly come from the brunette's lips - but it did. It did. He wasn't certain where the creature started and Saiorse ended. Over each other they flipped, biting, snarling, tearing at one another, until the thing leapt away on its own free will, moving back to circle the both of them with a splotchy tongue hanging from its bloodied mouth. The wheeze of its breath made Alex's lungs constrict.

It was a wolf, but a giant, misshapen one at that. His fur was splotchy and his eyes the color of rotten squash, his teeth protruding long past his drool-soaked muzzle. He eyed Saiorse as she turned in the dirt, clutching her shoulder where he'd sunk his teeth. Her entire body trembled, her teeth bared and her face taut. A scream that echoed the first left her lips as she tried to stand, her head dizzied and her stomach sick.

Alex remained where he stood. If this creature could afflict Saiorse so horribly he didn't want to know what it could do to him. From their right two more of the canines spilled, one black, the other timbered like a wolf he might've seen in the wild. Alex backed Elia away, clutching his dagger tight. Now would be a perfect time to run, to escape her clutches. All he had to do was turn his horse around and go. With any luck this things would tear the vampire monarch to shreds and he'd be free of all his problems.

But he couldn't. He bloody. Just. Couldn't.

As Saiorse seemed to settle herself as much as possible, she clambered to her feet, surprising all three of the candids. The first one that had shot from the cover of brush lopped quicker around her, snapping at her heels as he passed, Saiorse hissed at him, her hand striking out with curved claws, but the animal was far too quick, evading her nails with a snapping growl of his own.

"Vampires," the black one drolled. Alex's jaw dropped. So animals could talk now? He suddenly felt just as dizzy as Saiorse looked. "All of you hold such little respect for borders. You know what happens when you cross a territory marker."

"I need passage through to Basama," Saiorse hissed, her words shaky and her breath vacant. "The rivers are flooded - we could not cross above your territory." The wolf tilted her head. Alex had thought Saiorse's chuckles were dark. He was proved wrong for sure. The timbered beast drew unnervingly close. Alex bared his teeth at it. The dog laughed at him.

"Oi, Ravena," it barked. The black wolf rolled her ears forward to give him her attention. "This'n is a human! Showin' me 'is fangs like an little bloodsucker."

"Your kind stretching your wings out, ey?" Ravena questioned, stepping forward to Saiorse, their faces level. Sweat coated saiorse's face, her cheeks growing a ghastly shade of green. "Venom hurts, doesn't it?" Ravena swooned, flicking her tongue out to touch Saiorse's cheek. A whimper escaped her. "Good thing ours is more potent, hm? Otherwise this would be going in a far different direction."

"I say we kill 'em," the timbered wolf stated.

"Ay, Korin, so long as I get her cold, crunchy heart."

"Nonsense, Destrel," Ravena cooed. "We will share it."

"Listen," Saiorse pleaded, falling to her hands and knees as she began to shake. She gritted her teeth, her breathing rapid and shaky. She gained enough control only to speak between clenched teeth. "My name is Saiorse Addinell, I must take this man to Basama. I mean no harm to your den."

"Hah," Ravena snorted, lifting her paw to smack it harshly against Saiorse's cheek. With a grunt, Saiorse smacked into the Earth, her vision blurring and her head swirling. Ravena moved to stand atop her, pressing the pads of her feet into her spine. Alexander thought he could hear it begin to crunch. Saiorse's face grew paler than fresh snow. "Saiorse is long dead and so are her triumphs."

"I heard she was roasted by a tiny human," Korin snickered, the other wolves circling around Ravena and her prize. "Besides, someone took 'er place already."

Saiorse, though woozy with her agony, turned her head to peer at Korin. "Is that so, fleabag? Tell me his name, then, hm?"

Korin wrinkled his lips to reveal his yellowed teeth. "Beckham Beldare, ya stupid wench."

Alexander did not like the absolute panic that took over Saiorse's face and afflicted her trembling hands. Korin opened his jaws then, sinking another bite into Saiorse's arm. Another howl prompted laughter - until Alexander's dagger silenced Korin's ugly guffawing. Ravena and Destrel scurried away from Saiorse, regrouping together around the ledge of the bushes as they stared at their fallen packmate. From the ground, Saiorse stared in utter disbelief at Alexander, her lips parted and her eyes full of panic.

"What have you done?" she whispered.

Saiorse was used to pain, but none like what she experienced as she shot from the soil, catching Ravena's neck as she'd launched herself at Alex. The both of them snarling - Saiorse due to the utter agony, Ravena, her rage - Saiorse clumsily swung the canine, using Ravena's momentum. She let her go as she pivoted, sending the mutt twisting through the air as she went. Staggering and unbalanced, Saiorse wasn't quick enough to catch Destrel's jaw as she'd planned, falling face first into the dirt as he dug his teeth into her leg. She hadn't the energy to scream. He left her leg in favor of her neck, wrapping his fangs around her tender throat. Saiorse sucked in what she thought would be her final breath, but Destrel did not bite.

As someone had jumped onto his back as if he were a horse.

Saiorse watched, exasperation creating an anchor in her chest. Destrel twisted around and around, biting and snapping this way and that. Alexander had his face buried in Destrel's nape, screaming at the top of his lungs. He only stopped long enough to gain more air. Destrel finally dislodged Alexander, sending him rolling head over heels in Saiorse's direction.

Unable to stand, Saiorse crawled to Alex's side, flinging herself over his body as Destrel bared down upon them. Alex's hands shot to wrap around her waist, one hand on the back of her head as he pressed her as close to him as he could. Saiorse tangled her fingers in his shoulders, burying her face in the crook of his throat.

A howl that rang in the ears of all three figures forced pause among them all. Destrel snapped his jaw shut only moments away from the back of Saiorse's neck, where he would sink his teeth and rip out the flesh that protected her spine. Ears flattening, Destrel stepped away, looking down at his prey, over his shoulder to the forest, then to Saiorse and Alex once more. Alex peered at him with brave calmness, daring the creature to come closer - to harm the woman he held.

A frustrated growl left Destrel's maw. Though he paced backward, lowering his gaze to the ground as if he was afraid to meet their stare. Narrowing his eyes, Alex shouted at the wolf, jabbing his fist outward, but Saiorse reached with tremoring fingers to wrap his hand in hers, silencing him as he peered at her greying cheeks. From the trees, a massive beast twice the size of any of them they faced melted forward. Alex held his breath, trying to use his heels to scoot backward. He only paused when Saiorse pressed her hand to his chest as if to calm his fears.

"Saiorse Addinell," the beast rumbled.

"Peter," Saiorse slurred breathlessly.

"Am I missing something?" Alex hissed in her air.

"Repres-" Saiorse seemed to lose consciousness for a moment. "Leader of. Th-the shape shif-...ers."

Alex didn't quite understand what Saiorse was saying, but as the canine lumbered forth and towered over them both, spittle drifting from his lips, Alex found himself rolling Saiorse to his side, sitting up so that he could shield her as she skidded down his back until she fell sideways in the sand. A puff of dust jumped into the air as she landed. Peter looked at them with indifference, lowering his head to sniff at Alexander. The breath that carried his snort slapped him in the cheek.

"A human," he mused. "Whatever is she doing?" He seemed to be talking to himself. Over his shoulder he looked to the fallen Korin, following the minimal trail of blood spilling over the ground. A subtle growl rumbled his chest. "I assume my packmates attacked Saiorse. Is this the truth?"

Alex flung his hand upward. "He jumped out of nowhere and knocked her right off of her horse! What have they done to her? Why is she acting so strange?"

Peter's eyes narrowed. "Our venoms contradict. It ails her. She will be fine, but she will be in pain and sickened for twelve hours or more. Leave my territory. You may cross the rivers - but I will not expect to see your return."

Alex's jaw clenched. "How do you expect her to ride a horse if she is out cold?"

Peter turned away. "That is not my problem. However, it is yours. And if you do not carry onward and leave swiftly, that will be the least of your troubles." Alex watched, jaw agape as Peter vanished, taking Destrel with him, leaving the deceased shapeshifter where he lay. Shaking his head to clear his mind of the chaos that had just occurred, Alex turned his attention to Saiorse. He pressed his fingers to her neck.

It almost made him sick that he knew he'd be rather upset if he didn't find a beat.

It was there, much to his relief, though he wasn't sure if her heartrate was normally as quickened and rough as it felt. Was that a normal pulse for a vampire? Was Saiorse in ore danger than Peter had stated? Frantic, Alex gathered Saiorse's limp form in his arms, drawing her to his lap. Her head rolled almost lifelessly to rest on his chest. He peered at her, his mouth becoming rather dry. The soldiers in the meadow had not deserved such a gruesome death - but she did not deserve such an unnecessary encounter. Alex, unaware of where his hands were heading, tucked a stray piece of hair behind Saiorse's ear, then stood, with her in hand.

He carried her easily to the frightened horses. Vampire or not, she was still a small woman. He slung her over Elia's back, hanging her like a deer he'd hunted, until he could climb into his seat. He took her by the waist, careful to draw her upward at a slow pace, in case he harmed the puncture wounds left on her sk-

Wait. Where were the bite marks?

Hands slipping over the back of her neck, Alex slid the cloak away from her shoulders. Blood still stained the cloak - oh, she would be rather angry. She'd just washed it! Alex found the puckered marks where the brute had sank his teeth, but the wounds were already not wounds at all. Fascinated, Alex watched as right there, right there! Right in front of him! The skin stitched together, healing from the inside out. Alex shook his head, wondering where the surprises would end.

He figured, as he positioned Saiorse to slump against his chest, that they most definitely wouldn't if he had the brunette at his side.


"Oh, don't be so silly," he was saying, his voice hitched with laughter. "It is not that cold, Sai! Come on, in the water you go."

On and on it had continued. Saiorse would draw close to the river then leap away as cold water sloshed her toes. A time or two Beckham tried to drag her inward, but as quick and nimble footed as she was, his attempts fell through. Beckham still waited, shivering in the placid deep, a thousand stars shimmering in his captivating eyes as he fought for Saiorse to join him in a midnight swim. On many occasions he'd coaxed her to the banks - even (almost) removed her of her gowns - but he'd never gotten in the bloody river before.

"No," Saiorse whined, curving her fingers tight around her shoulders. "I will freeze! And poppa will wonder why my clothes are wet! They are probably already looking for me. I promised I would be home before nightfall and it is well past the high of the moon. Get out of there so we can go home. This is ridiculous." She prattled on, growing far more frustrated as Beckham's smile only became crookeder. "Beckham Beldare," Saiorse finally snapped. "Get out of there."

"Nah, my love," Beckham giggled, flopping backward. Plumes of water sprouted from his entrance on either side. He rested his hands behind his head, kicking his feet obnoxiously so as to spray Saiorse with the cold water. Huffing, Saiorse crossed her arms over her chest. "I always knew you were not as valiant as you said."

Saiorse's hands flew to her hips. "Oh, is that so? Pardon me for not wanting to catch my death via a river in the middle of November."

Beckham turned around so he could look at her, still on his back. He winked. "If you're going to catch your death, might as well do it in a fun way."

Saiorse shut her eyes, the sound of her teeth clicking shut signifying his victory. Beckham waited only a few seconds longer, before Saiorse caved and marched down the banks, plunging her feet into the river with a very loud shriek that made Beckham laugh. As if to get it over with quickly, Saiorse leapt from the bank and dove into the waters at an awkward angle, spraying Beckham with a violent wave that crossed his face. Laughing as she surfaced, hyperventilating and flailing, Beckham launched a flurry of river at her face. She retaliated with another splash. They drew closer, until Beckham had his arms wrapped around her and Saiorse laced her arms around his neck, clasping her fingers together lazily. He pressed his forehead to hers, his breath floating in a white puff between them. Saiorse was already shivering as hard as he was.

"This was a terrible idea," Saiorse gasped, but couldn't banish the smile on her lips. Beckham laughed, pressing his lips to her nose.

He muttered over her skin. "Nothing will ever be a terrible idea if you are by my side."

Silver eyes shimmering with the blue of the river, Saiorse lifted her gaze to his. Her fingers slid over his neck, pressing her palms to either side of his face. Beckham drew forward, pressing his lips to hers feverishly. Saiorse took his lower lip between her teeth as she kissed him, pressing her tongue forward. Beckham's hands lowered, trailing down her slender sides until they sank beneath the water. Saiorse's eyes fluttered closedm her toes curling while fingers wandered up her thighs.

"I love you," Beckham whispered.

Saiorse's lips parted, her head tilting back. Beckham stooped downward pressed his lips to her neck in a tender kiss. Saiorse curled her nails in his shoulders when his hand disappeared beneath the hem of her gown.

"Marry me," Beckham whispered.

Bottles and bowls flew to the floor, scattering this way and that as Saiorse bolted upright. Panting, she flailed, leaping upward from a bed she hadn't remembered lying in. As her feet touched the floor however, she found it impossible to support her weight. Snarling as she twisted, Saiorse fell hard on a wood floor, her back knocking against a table. A candle spewed from the wobbly furniture. Saiorse was only able to stop it before it rolled to a fur she'd knocked from the bed.

The hand that fell to her shoulder was caught in an iron vice, baring her fangs at the stranger who approached long before she saw his face. Though as Alex's familiar snarl of obscenities reached her ear, Saiorse let go, rolling so that she could look at him as he knelt beside her, eyes pinched with his agitation. Saiorse groaned, letting her head fall back to smack against the hardwood floor.

"You really ought to stop hitting things before you know what they are," Alex grunted. He swung her arm over his shoulder, lifting her far too quickly from the floor. He found this out as she gagged, trying to keep from vomiting. Alex stood still, his face scrunching for fear of her retching. Alexander could slice a man with a sword, but if you puked on him? Well, let's just say he would join your forces. Easy now, Alex placed Saiorse back to the bed, his eyes falling on the bowls of rice he'd left for her to find when she woke. Now, he figured, she wouldn't be eating them - they were sprawled all over the floor. Sighing, Alex stooped to usher the spoiled bits into the bowl.

Saiorse watched with confusion. She'd fallen unconscious - such was the power of a shapeshifter's bite. Any creature with venom stronger than a vampire's would overwhelm her body. Thus, resulting in a protecting shut down. It was a reflex; a stupid one at that, she thought. It was hard telling how long Saiorse had been out - they'd bitten her more than once. Lips pressing together, Saiorse waited for Alex to finish. As he looked to her, he raised a brow.

"Why did you not run?" Saiorse asked him, voice stiff and wary. She looked around carefully. Had he taken her somewhere? Was this a trick? "You had the perfect opportunity to get away and you take me to a house instead?"

Alexander only shrugged. "Don't make me question it. I don't think you want me to regret my decision any time soon."

Silent, Saiorse observed Alexander as he gathered the things he'd made for her. Eyes falling over a bowl she hadn't spilled, Saiorse reached to clasp his hand - a gentle touch, unlike most of her others. Alex paused, brows coming together as Saiorse took the bowl - and the spoon in his hand - and took a rather large bite. Alex had opened his mouth to warn her that it was still quite hot, but Saiorse didn't seem to care. Swallowing it with a content sigh, Saiorse dove the spoon back into the bowl, shoveling quite a few bites into her mouth. Pleased with himself, though he'd never admit it, Alex reached behind him and took a glass of water from the table, holding it out to her. Saiorse took it gratefully, taking a few greedy gulps, then handed it back to him. When the bowl was empty, Saiorse leaned back in the bed, looking around.

It was a tiny cabin, meant for only one resident. The walls were void of any decorations and the only furniture dotting the place was the cot she laid on and the table Alex had set his things upon. A small fire raged in the overcrowded fireplace. Someone had lived here long ago, but there hadn't been a soul for ages. Saiorse could smell the lingering scents of a man still clinging to the bed. They were over five years old.

"So," Alex said, falling back to plop on his rear. "You know that fuzzy lump, I take it?"

Saiorse nodded, one side of her mouth pulling upward. "There are representatives for every species, just like me. Peter Calday speaks for the shapeshifters."

"So those are werewolves, then," Alex grunted.

Saiorse scoffed. "Werewolves are kind, simple-minded creatures. Shapeshifters are territorial, brutal beings. They do not like other species - vampires specifically."

"Why?" Alex asked, leaning forward.

Saiorse smirked. "Because we're prettier."

Alex chuckled. "I will not argue."

Saiorse drew forward, meaning to slide from the bed, but a pained breath popped from her lips. Sagging, Saiorse sank backward, meaning to slap against the pillows, but instead, she found her head supported by Alex's forearm, his worried expression suddenly overtaking the ceiling overhead. Saiorse blinked a few times, clearing her throat as he looked down at her. She reached up with a single finger, pressing her nail into his nose, mumbling with a groggy tone.

"You do not have to watch over me like a bat on a rafter," Saiorse told him. Alex slithered his hand away, letting her head flop to the pillows with a blank look. Saiorse hissed under her breath, narrowing her eyes as her fingers searched over her scar. Alex watched her, tilting his head.

"I watched your wounds heal. Why does that one not?" He asked her.

Saiorse paused, rolling her eyes to look at him. The truth hovered on her tongue - she wasn't sure if he knew vampires were allergic to lavender, though, as he seemed rather oblivious to anything else, Saiorse decided to keep it quiet. After all, his naive assumptions may all be part of his act- she would not think of that now. In the end it wouldn't matter anyway. She would find James. Alexander would go. Or so, she hoped.

Pity the fool that betrayed Saiorse Addinell again.

"It is a deep wound," Saiorse said, not lying, but neither telling him the full truth. "If it is deep enough, the wound will not heal well." She sighed, rolling her head to the side, staring at the wall. "It will nevr go away. I am damned to wear it forever."

Alex reached out, placing his hand on hers. "I think it looks brave."

Saiorse looked back, her eyes searching his, seeking a lie, sarcasm, anything - but all she found was sincerity. She turned her eyes away, shutting them while she sighed. Taking his hand away, Alex turned to clasp her satchel, taking forth the muck she put on her scars. He wasn't certain that is what it was for, but the moment she caught a wiff of the stuff, she turned her head with confusion. Alex dabbed his fingers in the drying crud - she would need to make more soon - reaching forward to her chest.

Saiorse's hand shot outward, halting his fingers over the marks, her face growing pale as she sucked in a raspy breath. Alex met her gaze, narrowing his eyes.

"Let me help you," he growled.

"Why are you doing this?" Saiorse demanded. "Hours ago you could care less."

"Hours ago you jumped over me to save my life," Alex retorted stiffly. "I am not stupid. You knew the shapechang- shifter whatever was headed for me and you stopped them. It is not out of the goodness of my heart," Alex spat, yanking his hand free of hers. Saiorse's arm fell limply to the bed. Was that a flicker of hurt in her eyes. She looked away. Alex sighed. "My father raised me to honor good. To give credit where is due."

"I can see that," Saiorse muttered.

"Do not be ignorant," Alex continued, sighing under his breath. "If you are in pain, let me help. It is only fair."

Saiorse's face grew shrouded with shadow. "Nothing is fair in this place, Alexander."

Alex caught her gaze. "That does not mean I have to be as cruel as the rest of the world." He waited until Saiorse looked away again to move the arm of her gown blocking his way, sliding the fabric free of her shoulder until he could see the entire web that had propelled her on her journey to seek revenge. Alex tried to imagine his father's men cornering the woman that had hovered over him in attempts to procrastinate his death. Whether it was for her own reasons, or she did not wish to see him harmed (which was almost too hard to believe) it didn't matter. It only mattered that she was in pain and he could help, so he would.

Gentle as he could be, Alex pressed his fingers to the top of the scar, watching her face as it scrunched only in the slightest. Though, her hand clenched, her nails digging into her palm roughly enough it could draw blood. As if caressing someone's cheek, Alex fanned the poultice over her skin, tracing every vein of posion that still lay beneath his touch without even knowing what it was he traced. Saiorse sat very still as he drew near the spot where the arrow had sank, his hand lingering over the dark circle. He frowned deeply, turning his head.

"You did not deserve this," Alex told her.

Saiorse tilted her head dryly. "You don't say?"

Alex sighed loudly. There was no way around her sarcasm. When he'd used what was left of the smelly goop, Alex tossed her bowl to the table, blew out the few remaining candles Saiorse hadn't knocked off, and wiped his hand on a useless rag he found lounging beneath the bed. Huffing, Alex clambered over her, crawling until he could flop on the other side. Saiorse grunted in distaste, twisting away from him so much that she hissed with a bolt of pain. Alex scooted close, hiking his leg over her middle and laying his arm over her face.

"There are not enough furs. We must snuggle."

"Get your bloody crotch off of my back before I rip it from your body and feed to the rats infesting the beams over our heads."

Slowly, Alex rolled away from her, eyes wide and hands drawn to his chest. Though, he didn't see the smile crossing her lips. He shut his eyes then, drawing a deep sigh. He situated himself, knocking her this way and that, grumbling under his breath as he fought for comfort. Finally, as he lay still, he listened to the rise and fall of her breath. He wondered if it felt just as strange to her as it did him to have someone pressed so close.

"Saiorse?" Alex whispered, as if not to disturb the sleepy stars.

"Hm?" She mumbled.

"Promise me something, please?"

"Promises are dangerous weapons, Alexander," Saiorse muttered, but she rolled over to face him, peering through the dark to stare at the back of his head. He hesitated, but rolled to face her, their noses brushing. Alex felt his skin grow hot at her touch.

"Do not kill anyone who does not deserve it. Justify it first. It is only my father that hurt you - not my mother, my brothers or sister." His voice was low, but Saiorse was not deaf to his pleads. He was not incorrect. Saiorse hadn't a clue if his other sons were involved with his Circle, but if Alexander, the prodigal son, was not, certainly neither were they. She shut her eyes, feeling his baited breath on her lips.

"Okay," she whispered. "Alright."

"Thank you," Alex muttered.

Saiorse smiled tiredly. "Do not thank me. I am going to confront your father - violently, if I have to. The moment I walk through his doors, or into his presence, I am not just a stranger. I am your enemy."

"My mother told me something interesting once," Alex muttered, dipping his head so his head spewed over her forehead. "She said 'the company of mine enemy is better than that of mine friend'. She of course meant for me to watch my dueling opponents practices so I could learn his weakness, but, nonetheless, I'd say it still applies here."

"You are a strange man," Saiorse murmured, eyes growing heavy, voice laced with the coming of sleep.

Alex grinned, finding it hard to fight sleep himself. "As you are a strange vampire."

Saiorse snorted. "Wait until you meet sprite. Then you will think I am of a normality."

Alex groaned, shoving his face in the pillow they shared. Saiorse's breathy, quiet laugh filled his ears - a real life, not one of her dark, amused chuckles. As she snuggled into the pillow and tossed the furs over them both, Alex was confused at to why he thought something so absolutely ridiculous about Saiorse Addinell; vampire, kidnapper, figment of a fairytale's imagination.

Her laugh was absolutely gorgeous. It floated - like the bells of a chapel.

He loved it and it lulled him to sleep.

His mother had carried on with her statement, teasing him further about a girl he'd found at the marketplace. She'd pointing her finger at his nose, narrowing her eyes with a beaming grin that made Alex smile himself.

But never will I fall in the arms of mine enemy and neither should you, Alexander.

Too late.  

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