Pinky Promise

By xxelmocupcakes

41.3K 1K 69

Brinley, the average teenager is forced by her mother to do a favor - deliver a box to the local teen homeles... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 13

1.2K 35 1
By xxelmocupcakes


Niall tugs at his hair.

"You don't get it do you? You could've died. As in, no more breathing or blinking. You could be in the hospital right now in a hospital bed. Not to see Wesley but to be put on life support."

"You're taking this way too far!" I yell.

"I'm fine! If you're gonna get that pissed than maybe you should just chill out or something."

"If you were a guy I probably would've punched you square in the face." He mutters. For some reason that doesn't scare me, it makes me more bold.

"What's wrong?" I taunt.

"Why don't you just do it anyway." In a brave move I step towards him and tap my cheek with my index finger.

"Right here. Come on, I dare you." I whisper. I can feel him shaking with anger and I smirk at what I can do to him.

He moves his arms towards me and for a split second I think he's going to take me up on my offer. Instead, he pushes me against the door of his range rover, grabbing my wrists in one hand in a death grip.

"Ouch. Niall that hurts." I whine.

"That's good. That means that you're alive. That you can feel pain." His lips inch towards mine slowly and my heart hammers in my chest. He smirks against my lips.

"That's good too. That means that you're living. That you can get excited." He peppers his lips on my jaw and right under my ear. Niall sharply sucks on the skin there, then flicks his tongue out, smoothing the throbbing skin. He dips his lips below the hollow of my collarbone, right over my heart. My breath catches in my throat. He retracts his lips.

"Now that's not that good. Breathing is essential for life." He steps back and his leave of presence takes me out of my daze, allowing breath back into my lungs. He smirks.

"You know what's also good that you didn't die back there?"

I don't say anything, not trusting my voice. I can still feel the fiery trail that his lips left on my skin. He quickly puts his lips on mine and his hands slide into my hair. His lips turn up into a smile and all too soon, his lips detach from mine. I can't help letting my face slide into a frown.

"If you had died, I wouldn't have been able to do that." He whispers into my ear. I shove him off and start walking to the hospital.

"Or this!" He yells, running up behind me and slapping my ass. I scream and he claps his hand over my mouth. How can his mood change from ... whatever that was to this cheeky in like two seconds? I bite my lip and follow him into the hospital. Hours later, we both walk out the same doors and I spot one of my mom's friends in the parking lot. I curse and tug Niall with me behind a parked car.

"What?" He questions. I shush him and pray that she doesn't find us. I'm a very unlucky person evidently. Mrs. Smith peers around the car.

" Brinley?" She questions.

Her eyes fall on Niall.

"Who is this?" She asks, her voice tainted with distain.


"Oh." She stares at both of us a few more seconds then nods, making her way back to the hospital. "

"Fuck." I tug at my hair.

"My mom is really going to kill me this time." I groan.

I immediately receive two texts. One from my mom and the other from my ... boyfriend. For the past few days he's been in Florida for this golf championship. How could I kiss Niall and do all this? I'm sick with guilt. I take one look at Niall and remember my mother's words : Nothing good can come from him ... He was your father. I push him away and hop into my car, tears streaming down my face.

How could I be selfish? While Justin was away I go and cheat on him? I start bawling, how could I let it get that far? From now on, I wouldn't - couldn't be near Niall. He was bad for me. How was I going to tell Justin this? Shit. I read the two texts.

The one from my mom says : Mrs. Smith just gave me some interesting news. Come home now. I sigh and don't reply, opening the one from Justin. It reads : Happy two years babe! I'll meet you at the spot at 5. I glance at my clock, it's 4:50 and I'm a half hour away from ' the spot'. I accelerate even faster, pushing the speed limit, trying to shave a few minutes off of my commute. I try and push Niall as far away from my mind as I can.


I skid into the parking lot, hopping out of the car and dashing to the big willow tree next to the tennis courts. As usual, Justin is sat under there. This time though, he doesn't have any flowers or food or anything. Kinda weird.

"Everything alright Justin?" I ask. "

"I don't know Brinley is it? Did anything happen while I was gone in Florida?" He says, his head still bowed. I sit next to him and try to hold his hand but he refuses.

"I'm sorry Justin. I um, cheated on you." I choke out a whisper.

"That's what I thought." He finally looks me into my eyes and his are rimmed red with tears.

"How'd you know?" I ask.

"I went to your house first to see if I could surprise you. You weren't there but your mom was. She said she was worried about you and some guy. From word of mouth I figured out that you two were caught kissing at some hospital." I bite my lip not even bothering to argue because everything was right.

"I'm so sorry Justin. Can you find it in your heart to ever forgive me?"

"What was his name?" He asked, ignoring my question.

"Niall. He lives in the teen shelter kinda near my house." He laughs.

"How in the hell would you think that a delinquent like that is attractive? He probably has issues and is fucked up."

I don't deny his words because they hold some truth. I just don't want to make it worse between Justin and I. " Can I call you tomorrow?" I ask timidly.

"Whatever." He stands up, brushing his pants off and walking back to the parking lot.

I break down and cry. Justin and I have been dating forever, I can't believe one weekend ruined all we had. I just wanted to punch Niall. I wanted him to know how much pain he's caused me. So with tears streaming down my face, I went to do exactly that. I plug in my phone and turn the music up all the way so I won't be able to think about what I was doing.

I try to wipe the ever flowing stream of tears on my face that re blurring my vision. I probably shouldn't be driving right now, but fuck it. The tears won't stop flowing and I try and find a tissue in the glove box, taking my eyes off the road for just a few seconds. I look up from a loud honk and scream. An oncoming semi truck nearly crashes into me.

I swerve off the road and onto the shoulder of the highway. I start shaking and my fingers fumble for my phone. I dial Niall's number since Justin refuses to talk to me for the time being. He answers on the second ring.


"Can you pick me up?"

"Brinley what's wrong?"

"Um can you just get here?"

'Of course." I hear a thump and the sound of an engine starting up.

"Where are you?" I look around, squinting for any signs in the dark.

"I uh - just passed exit 98 on the way home. Like right next to that old amusement park."

'I'll be there in fifteen minutes, don't move." I nod, even though he can't see me and I hang up the phone waiting for him to come.

"Please hurry." I whisper. I soon fall asleep in the car, exhausted from todays events.

Oh and if you could check out my new series, 'Imagines' - they're just imagines of all the boys - that'd be awesome! Thank you!

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