Back Then And Now

By Kuroshitsuji_brat

804 16 3

"Don't forget me" "I will never..." Minato and Nami were really best friends when they were younger. They al... More

Ch 1; Where it all began...
Ch 2; Meeting each other
Ch 3; New Names
Ch 4; The News
Ch 5: Hearing the news...
Ch 6: Goodbye
Ch 7: 10 years later...
Ch 8: Mysterious
Ch 9: New Guys
Ch 10: Bowling...
Ch 11: Minato Kizami
Ch 12: Trouble
Ch 13: Sorry...
Ch 14: Friends
Ch 15: Performance
Ch 16: Truth or Dare?
Ch 17: Gray?
Ch 18: Ayato-Bro
Ch 19: Sick...
Ch 21: Nora...Kizami?

Ch 20: Heartbroken

26 0 1
By Kuroshitsuji_brat


Nami's POV:

I finally recovered from my cold! Although, I'm back to school...WHY?! I don't want to go to school, I can't be bothered to learn (Well I can't be bothered to do anything you know).
I was walking along the hallway, being the loner I am, and trying to find Kaori and the rest. It was a hard time finding them (considering that Kaori is a loud, optimistic person) and I didn't like being alone in school. I like being alone, but not in school. You were most likely get bullied in school if you were a loner sooo yeah....

"Kaori..." I whispered to myself "Where are you?"

My pace sped up as I skimmed through the other students. I knew she had other friends, like Tsubaki and Watari, but...I REALLY NEED HER NOW!!! I turned around to see them two...

"Tsubaki! Watari!" I called them out as they turned to see me

"Hey Nami!"

"What's up Sodaku?"

I ran to them as fast as I can "Hi guys, have you seen Kaori?"

"No..." Tsubaki placed her finger on her chin "I haven't see her yet. I swear to God, if I find her, I will seriously kick her since she hasn't payed me $15 in a week!"

"Same here..." I agreed with her "Still hasn't payed me $26 yet. I'm in with the plan!"

We both high-fived each other as Watari face palmed himself. I was relieved that Kaori had good friends (especially funny ones).

"Well..." I cooed at them "Better find Kaori, thanks for the help..."

"Bye!" They both waved at me as I walked away from them. Okay...TIME TO FIND KAORI!!!

20 minutes later

"KAORI!!" I ran to her

"Oh, Hi Nami-"

I pounced at her "I miss you so much! Don't you dare leave me alone again!!!"

"Uh..." Kaori tried to get my point "Yeah...I won't, ever again!"

"Wait..." I let go of her " Where are the rest?"

"I don't actually know..." Kaori stared around "Oh yeah, Gray said to meet him on the rooftops like...right now..."

"What, just me?" I pointed to myself

She nodded slowly "I, myself, don't actually know about it. Gray hasn't been talking to us for a while, and doesn't want to talk about you."

"Then why does he want to meet me?" My mind was confused

"As I said..." She spoke "I don't know..."

Wait...huh? So he doesn't wants to talk about me, moreover talk to me, but he want me to meet him now...WHAT?!

"Um..." I'm still confused "Okay...I'll meet him now...See ya!"

"Bye!" She waved at me

I ran to the rooftop and made it up there. I wasn't fast at running, so I ran out of breath easily. I frantically opened the door furiously as I saw a tall figure standing in the sun like a spotlight. He then turned around to make eye contact with me.

"Hey..." I muttered as I walked up to him

No response

"You said you wanted to talk to me..." I spoke again

No response

"Gray talk to me..." I was about to hold his hand until he stealthily moved his hand away from me...

"Gray..." I looked at him "Speak to me..."

Still no response...I had enough of him...

"What do you want?" I raised my voice


"You said you wanted to meet me here!" I shouted "Them why are you like this all of a sudden?!"

"Nami I'm-"

"That's it..." I turned around "I'm leavin-"

"Nami wait..." Gray held my hand

I glared at him "What?"

"I have something to tell you..." He looked at the ground

"What is i-?" 

With no pauses, he quickly pulled my body close to him. The next thing I knew...

Gray Fullbuster was kissing me...

I quickly released the kiss and pushed him, with my hands leaning on his chest...

"Nami..." He moved my hands into his hands "I love-..."

My eyes widened as I looked at the floor.

"I'm..." I hesitated to talk "Sorry..."


"I can't..." Tears suddenly released from my eyes "I can't be with you..."

"W-Why...?" His voice cracked

"I just..." I sobbed "I can't..."

I pulled my hands to my side as I looked down in regret. I'm so sorry Gray...

"I'm leaving..." I finished my sentence before I left him...alone...

"Nami!" He called out as he wrapped his arms around my waist, trying to hold me back "Please...You don't need me, I know...But please...Don't leave me..."

"Gray..." I turned around to see his desperate face "I do want you and I will never leave you...But not in that way..."

"..." I saw an expression on his face that I couldn't describe...

"I know I've broken your heart..." I placed my hands on his face so he look at me "But I don't our friendship to fade away because of this. I do love you, but not in that way...Please, don't be sad...It, doesn't suit you..."

He chuckled as I wiped his tears away "I got friend zoned..."

"Be quiet..." I lightly smacked his shoulder 

"It's okay..." Gray smiled "I know you have reasons..."

"Like what?" My tone changed into a sassy voice 

He suddenly bent down to my level, placed his hand to cover my ear and quietly whispered 5 words to me...Which my face turned into a tomato

"T-THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" I punched him in the stomach "Oh! Sorry!"

He coughed, trying to recover from my punch "I was only joking...Man, you punch so hard..."

I giggles as I smiled at him "Come on..." I elbowed him "Let's go..."

"Hmm..." He hummed as we left the rooftop

I know I did something wrong (AS WELL AS GRAY!!!) but I don't want him to be alone. He such a weird person, and I will miss him if I let him go...I'm so sorry Gray, I hope you forgive me...And to be honest with you, the 5 words he whispered...

It may be true...

A/N: Had no idea to end it. ANYWAYS! Another section done. Get ready for the next section...God, The next one is gonna annoy me while I write it...

Next chapter-Next week (Dat's right! I FINISHED SCHOOL!!!) 

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