
By JackieSilva77

56.5K 993 169

Very slow and random updates - sorry. What happens when everything you know about yourself and your life is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 11

1.5K 27 6
By JackieSilva77

As we walk towards the living room, I can hear male voices, some young and squeaky some deep and masculine.  I stop to tug on Mateo's hand, pulling him to a stop as well.  He looks back at me with a cocked eyebrow as if asking what was wrong.

"What if they don't like me?" I whisper.

Mateo laughs, pecks me on the cheek and says, "They are going to love you as much as Joel and I do.  Come one, love.  Everything will be fine.  I will be right by your side."

I nod, take a deep breathe and start forward behind Mateo.  We walk into the room and all voices stop.  I peak around Mateo's shoulder to look around the room.  There are a total of 13 people in the room, including my brother, Mateo and I.  All of the guys are either standing or sitting around the room.  Everyone is looking at Mateo as if waiting for him to start giving a speech, with the exception of three.  Joel is on the couch grinning stupidly at me.  Next to him is a very young boy about 6 or 7 who is bouncing in a sitting position on the couch.  He is also smiling at me.  Next to the boy is a man about Mateo's age who is staring at me with a blank expression.

Mateo puts his arm around my back, pulling me to his side.  I look up at his face but can’t read his expression.  I look around the room once more, my eyes resting on the young boy next to Joel.  He has a grin that stretches from ear to ear and is still looking right at me.

Mateo clears his throat, looking at each person individually, "You all know that I have found my mate and she has accepted me.  This, my friends, is Cintia, or Cici as she prefers.  There are a few things you may not know.  First being, Cici is Joel's older sister.  Secondly, as she was raised in the human world, without any knowledge of our kind’s existence, we will all need to teach her.  She had her first shift last night.  While Joel and I were running to catch up to her, she took down her first kill, the 14 point buck we have all been trying for years to get.  Well, I am happy to say that he was as delicious as we all expected."

"Yeah, but she does not like to share with anyone other than Mateo.  She actually growled at me, her brother.  So don't get between her and her food." Joel laughs and winks at me again.

Everyone laughs and I think I hear someone mumble something about like brother like sister.  I just smile and shrug.  "It was really easy and I like to run but these two are really slow." I say, trying to get more laughter out of them.  Every one of them gasps and looks to Mateo or Joel to see if it’s true.

"Yes, it is true.  She is faster than either Joel or myself.  Also, just so no-one is surprised, she is pure white, not a single strand of color to be found on her fur and she is almost the same size as I am." he pauses to allow everyone to get over their shock.  With everyone talking at once I have to cover my ears as the noise is deafening.

"QUIET!" Mateo booms from beside me.  As he speaks, I feel a surge of energy pass through me and look around the room to see if anyone else feels it to.  Everyone, including the ones standing furthest from us, is quiet instantly, their eyes flying to Mateo.

"Now, one at a time, are their any questions or concerns?" Mateo says, sitting in the recliner, pulling me onto his lap.

"I have one, I have one.  Can I be her guard?  I will take care of her and make sure to teach her everything you have taught me.  Please, Mateo, please?" the young boy asks while continuing to bounce in his seat.

"I think that is a great idea.  Cici, the young pup's name is Roberto.  Do you think you would like to have him guard you" he says, smiling into my eyes.  Even though I am sitting in his lap, our heads are even with each others.  'Really, that's my protection?  A little kid?' I think at Mateo only.

'He is older than you think.  I will explain later, ok?  Just hang out with him and learn from him.  He is smart and really fun.' Mateo says back in my mind.

"Um, yeah, I think it will be fun to hang out with you, Roberto.  Thank you." I say in a quiet voice.

"So since she is the white wolf, do you know what this means for her?" a voice says from behind me.

"I know the myths, Blake, and will be looking into it further.  Maybe you could help me with that.  Cici, this is Blake, our Omega.  Blake this is Cici, my mate." Mateo says pointedly.

Blake kneels next to me, takes my hand in his and dramatically kisses my knuckles, lingering a little too long for comfort.  I pull my hand away, barely resisting the urge to wipe it on my pants leg.  I smile politely at him and look away, trying to move along the introductions.

Joel and a few of others bark with laughter but Mateo just growls quietly.  I don't think anyone else hears it above the laughter.

"I don't think she is going to fall victim to your charm, Blake.  Finally, a female who can resist you." Joel laughs again, harder this time.

"That's alright, she just needs time.  My lady, your wish is my command.  If ever there is anything you need, please feel free to just ask." Blake says, moving to stand behind me again.

Mateo decides enough time has been focused on Blake and introduces me to everyone else.  As he says each of their names, they duck their head and smile.  "Next to Blake are Geraldo and Gerardo, the twins.  I will let you figure out on your own how to tell them apart, as I never have been able to.  In the corner beside them is Alejo, or Alejandro.  He is quite shy, so do not worry if it takes awhile for him to speak to you.  Antonio is standing behind Alejo and is the mechanic of our pack.  If anything needs fixed, he is your man.  Next to the couch is Oscar.  Oscar can't hear very well so it is best to speak to him through the mind link.  Nicolas is standing behind him and is also our pack doctor.  Sitting on the coffee table is Ricardo, or Ritchie.  He is the clown of the pack.  Sitting on the sofa with Roberto and Joel is Roger.  He is our unofficial cook and can make magic in the kitchen.  Now boys, I know you have tons of questions, but we are all hungry so please let's go fix breakfast and we can all get to know each other while we eat." Mateo stands, walking us hand in hand into the kitchen, the guys following closely behind.  A few stay standing while others sit.  Mateo takes the seat at the head of the table and pulls me back onto his lap.

'I can sit on a chair, you know.' I say mentally to him.  The only response I get is a slight tug of my hair at my back.  I smile and snuggle closer.

"Sis, what do you want to eat?" Joel asks heading into the kitchen followed closely by Roger.

"I would really like some more of that coffee, Joel.  That's all I need for now, thanks." I smile at him.  I am too nervous to eat.

"Hmm, I don't think so.  You can't have coffee if you don't eat some food so how about some bacon and eggs?"

"Sure, if that is the only way I get my coffee."

Mateo rubs a hand up and down my arm and speaks into my ear.  "You need to eat, today is going to be a long day.  Since the pack has returned we are going to have a lot of visitors."

"Alright, I'll eat what I can.  Don't worry."

"So, can someone tell me what happened to the rogues?" Mateo asks looking around the room, his eye settling on Blake.

"We killed a few of them when they turned and attacked but we caught one yesterday morning.  He was dieing and wanted to be forgiven his sins.  It was pathetic.  He spilled everything.  They were hired to capture Cici and take her south to the Oregon border.  When we asked him who hired him, he said he didn't know.  Their leader was killed that night and he was the only one to have talked to the guy.  He said they were an unorganized pack and the only reason they were given to capture Cici was that she was a run away from some other pack and they were to return her for punishment.  He was the only one we buried.  We left the others for the animals to get rid of for us." Blake says, glancing between Mateo and myself.

"It was obviously a lie told to obtain the services of the rogues.  It was good to bury him.  What else?  How far did you chase them?" Mateo asks, again looking at Blake.

"We split up into three groups.  Some went into Canada, some went south into Oregon and my group chased our lot all the way to Wyoming.  My group killed all but two of the twelve we started chasing.  Alejo said his group killed all of theirs into Canada while Oscar said they killed all but a few into Oregon, right boys?" Blake says, looking around.

"Roberto, were you able to keep up?" Mateo asks.

"Yeah, Mat, I followed Roger for a long time but then I lost his scent so I started following Blake's.  I was right behind them the whole time.  I was super fast, Mat.  Ask Blake, I did good, huh Blake?" Roberto looks at Mateo with sparkling eyes.  He is really proud of himself.

"He was able to keep up, Mateo.  He did good." Blake says and ruffles Roberto's hair.

"So, Mateo, is it true?  Is her wolf really white?" Ritchie asks from next to Blake.

"Yeah, she really is, why?" Mateo asks pulling me closer.

"My mom used to tell me bedtime stories about the white wolf.  I never thought they were true.  How accurate do you think they are?"

"Don't know, I would guess not much.  Most is probably subject to interpretation.  Later I would like to hear the stories if you can remember them, ok?"

"Yeah, sure." Ritchie says looking back at me.  "So, when do we get to see your wolf, Cici?"

"Um, well, I don't know.  Later maybe." I answer looking to Mateo.  I don't know if I can shift at will like Joel and Mateo seem be able to.  Guess I will have to try it out.

"We should be able to go running tonight if you want, love." Mateo answers quietly.

Joel walks back into the room followed again by Roger, both are holding covered dishes.  They place them in the center of the table and go back into the kitchen.

"Roberto, set the table." Mateo orders.  I give him a look I took right out of my mom's book of scolding looks.  Mateo sighs and mutters, "Please."

Roberto has already started into the kitchen but upon hearing Mateo's final word, he freezes and turns to look at me with a huge grin.  "Thanks, Cici." he says and runs into the kitchen.  Chuckles turn to coughs all around the table as Mateo shoots them all a look.

Roberto runs back into the room with an armful of plates and silverware.  Joel comes in with another covered pot in one hand and loaded plate in the other.  Roger comes in holding two cups of coffee dropping one on the table in front of the empty chair to the right of Mateo.  I slide off of Mateo's lap and look at him to see which empty seat is mine.  Mateo glances at Roger, frowns for a second, rises and stands behind the empty seat to the left of him.  I walk in front of it and sit down, while Mateo pushes my chair in for me and stands in front of his chair.

"For you, my lady, just the way you like it." Joel says and sets a cup of steaming coffee and the loaded plate in front of me.

"Thank you, kind sir.  You are my knight in shining armor." I laugh at him.

Joel goes around and sits across from me, to the right of Mateo.  Mateo clears his throat and says, "Let's eat."

Nothing more is said until all the food is gone and everyone is sitting rubbing their extended stomachs.  I pick up my mug and down the last of the coffee.  Before I can swallow it, a young girl bursts through the door and runs straight to Mateo, putting her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek.  He freezes and looks at me with apologetic eyes.

"Matty, are you ok?  Dad just got home and told Mum about the attack.  Did you get hurt?  Do you need me to kiss anything to make it feel better?" she says while running her eyes and hands all over him.  I choke and reluctantly put my coffee cup back down on the table.  I want to slam it into her petite, heart shaped face.  The way she is leaning over kissing Mateo, I have a clear view down her very low-cut shirt.  She is also wearing booty shorts that leave nothing to the imagination.

"Becky, I am fine, please stop." Mateo attempts to remove her hands from his hair and from under his shirt.

'Who's the slut?' I ask Joel through the mind link but forget to put the steel walls up in my mental room so everyone hears it, including the slut with her hands on my man.

"Slut, who are you?  Matty, are you gonna let this bimbo talk to me like that?  Who is she anyways?  Is she the new maid?" Bimbo pouts at Mateo while batting her eye lashes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, let me introduce myself, I am Mateo's mate, soon to be the new Alpha Bitch, YOUR new Alpha Bitch and if you don't remove your hands and every other body part from my mate I will kindly rip them off of you." I say quietly while standing to my feet, glaring at her and fisting my hands to my side.

"Mate?  Matty is this true?  Have you replaced me in your bed already?" the slut asks and sits on Mateo's lap.

"That's it bitch you are going down." I say as I reach out and grab a handful of her blonde hair that is falling across the table.  I pull her to her feet and get into her face, growling.  'OH MY GOD I’M GROWLING!' I think before I feel arms go around my shoulders.  I shrug them off easily enough and lock eyes with the bimbo.  "I am only going to say this one time and one time only.  You.  Will.  Not.  Touch.  Mateo.  Again.  Do you understand or has the hair dye fried your brain?"

"Ye-ye-yeah, I un-un-understand." she stutters.  I let go of her hair, letting her drop to the floor.  I look around the room and see everyone watching me with wide eyes, except Roberto.  He has a huge grin on his face.

"Come on, Roberto.  Let's go for a walk." I mumble and head into the kitchen so I can go through the back door, Roberto running to catch up.


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