By Nicole_E700

193K 5.5K 418

I love Jax Pierce, I was kidnapped by Maxwell Powell, I was raped by Cayden Jackson, I killed Benjamin Klein... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

15.3K 333 29
By Nicole_E700


Never in my life did I ever think that my own father was capable of giving me up... better yet gamble me like an object. Tears running down my face like the Nile river and my brother, Dean, banging on the door non-stop.

"Come on, Soph, let me in please?" He stopped banging on the door.

"Just hear me out okay?"

"How could you?" I asked him, I walked over to the door and slid down, the tears wouldn't stop.

"I-I, I'm sorry, It was the only way for you to be safe from them, I wouldn't have agreed with dad if it were easier."  He sighed.

"He threatened us, he has more power...more people than us, Sofia, Please understand."

I'm their family, Now I'm marrying a man I don't love nor know. 

Just a little recap of my never-ending tragic story, I'm a twenty-year-old woman, just back from school and traveling, a horrifying event happening behind my back, but it was always there my family is involved with some bad things, but they're not all bad. long story short I was given in a trade to a strange man. 

"How does it protect me if you're putting me in the hands of the man you're supposedly protecting me from?" I swallowed my pain and got up and opened the door.

"Tell me how that makes sense De'?"  I looked at him, I couldn't look at him without crying.

I walked downstairs and my dad was sitting in the kitchen, drinking a glass of vodka.

"Soph, are you okay" I looked at him, How? How could he? I'm his only daughter? I grabbed a juice box and sat in the living room and watched Chrisley knows best. Right now that's the only thing that will not betray me. I mean come on, I leave to go find a life, better than what I had before, to really let go and try to find out what I want to do with my life,  for three years and now all the sudden someone else is in charge of my life, I don't think so.

"Soph, don't ignore me, I had no choice" I looked up at him.

"There's always a choice dad, I'm twenty years old, I'm grown you had no right!" Dean came downstairs he looking pale.

"They're coming...I just got a call from one of his men" I stood up.

"Who's coming?" I looked at my dad, his face expressions nowhere to be found, this was the gang leader now. 

"Jax" Just the name shot this unsettling feeling down my spine. I already didn't like the guy, what kind of man things to bring family into his affairs. He is disgusting. 

"How far are they?" My dad asked.

"Maybe like twenty minutes"

"They said I had time"

I ran upstairs and looked around my room, everything was still in their boxes and in my suitcases. I grabbed my black leather book bag, put money in there, I grabbed my pocket knife (for safety right?). I hopped out of my window and walked down the path.

What am I doing??? This is my fucking house, my fucking life, I'm not running form the son of the bitch.

I walked back and opened the gate, I climbed up the side of my house and plopped on my bed, I immediately locked myself in my room. I took off my shoes and tried to relax on my bed, but how could I, this man is coming now, for me. 


I let out my screams. 

"Sophia come downstairs? please" I heard Dean yell from the bottom of the staircase.

- Dean

I swear to god if she's giving me the silent treatment right now. I'm going to kill her. I don't have time for her shit, she can be mad all she wants but when she realizes we have to, she will apologize. 

"Where is your sister, Dean?" asked my dad sipping on a glass of bourbon. 

"I'll check on her"  

I walked up the stairs, I walked past a couple of rooms before going to her door, I lightly twisted the knob, pushing on it. 

Damn it.

"Dean get down here"

I went down to see my dad, Jax, and his men. The aroma in the room was tense, Jax seemed to be pleased. He was a bit broader than me but I was almost his height. 

"Where's the girl?" 

" Sophia-" I emphasized her name, have a little respect "-has locked herself in her room"

"Amateur, can't even keep your sister in line" he scoffed and blew past me. who the hell is this guy? 


I heard every door open and low angry grunts, footsteps stopped in front of my room, the doorknob wiggled vigorously, the man slammed into the door, other rushed footsteps behind him.

My heart dropped to my stomach, I scrambled off my bed and hid in the corner of my room behind my desk.



"That's the fucking point" Growled a deep voice.

And it did, the door broke, the man stood at 6'4 a sleeve of tattoos, broad shoulders, muscles dying to be free from his tight white dress shirt. My heart was racing, I could hear it, I couldn't slow down my breathing and I'm sure he heard me.

I reached his eyes as he searched for mine, we made contact and I loved his stare. His expression changed walking towards me he grabbed like I was weightless he swung me over his shoulder. 

"That was not necessary" I grunted "Put me down" 

He is ignoring me!! Oh my god, this bastard is doing the most. In my line of sight, I saw the stairs. He was stiff but warm. 


Damn, he slammed me into a chair, I believe he bruised my butt and ego. Fucking prick.

"OW!!!" I exclaimed. The more air I breathe with this buffoon the less I start to like him. 

I saw my dad and brother, who was standing by the counter. There backs to me. I walked over and saw five other men standing there.

The one who carried my ass down her was tall with Jet black hair with grey-blue eyes, looked ice cold, his arm was full of tattoos and his Goons all had their 'brand' tattoo on their necks to be known. They all had blue crescent moons but only Jax had a crescent moon on his left wrist with a crown in the center of it, My dad and his gang had roses and my father only had one single one, one my brother is getting one the day he become gang leader, I had a tattoo too but not my father's gang symbol it was a Queen's crown behind my left ear.  

Ironic. I rolled my eyes. 

Let's have a quick recap of my childhood life, for a long time I grew up surrounded by family and love but we didn't have what we have today, my dad always said.

"From the ashes we will rise, in the night we will be the stars" I grew up knowing about the gang after my mom died my father thought it was better than keeping secrets, I was never fully initiated but I felt like I was part of them, a while ago I decided that I wanted to explore, find out who I was, I came back after three years, that's a long time but I always kept in contact with my family.

"Is she the one I'm taking?" he looked at me up and down making me uncomfortable. I looked closely at the unnamed man, other than his sleeve tattoo and his gangs' mark, he had a nice ass, The white shirt let me see his muscular body. He like the others had a gun in his waistband. 

"Yes"  nodded my father, not even looking at me. My dad was actually letting them take me. He grunted and gave me a look, I did not like it.

"Is there a problem?"


"You care to share?" I crossed my arms.

"No, now if you do me the pleasure and shut up, get your stuff and  let's go"

"I don't take orders from you-you asshole" I held my crossed arms and planted myself in a seat.

"Sophia, stop being childish" I looked over at my dad, he still refused to look at me. He kept his head up and strong not letting his tears get the best of him.

The man began to order the others to get my things from my room and he simply stood there waiting. One by one they went to my room grabbing my things and bringing them down.

"Excuse me!! what makes you think you can take me from my family, you made a deal with my dad, not with me" He turned towards me and stalked towards me, I stepped back and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Clear this room" His goons stood at the kitchen entrance as my father and brother left the room.  

"You belong to me now, I can do whatever I want to you, your father made a deal the only thing keeping you alive, so I suggest you keep that big mouth of yours under control " I raised my hand and slapped him. It didn't even faze him, he rubbed the spot where I had hit him. It only angered the bear even more. He grabbed me by my hair.

"Don't you ever think to disrespect me like that, there are consequences to your actions" His eyes only showed anger. His stare sent shivers down my back. But I quickly hid my fear. I could smell his intoxicating scent, god he smelled so good. But he was such a dick. 

"What makes you think you can tell me what to do" I grabbed his face still in his grasp, I looked at him straight in the eyes. He raised his hands and slapped me, I fell to the ground, with the look of shock, he grabbed me by the hair and picked me up once again. 

"You're lucky I don't kill you" I spat in his face, he then began to choke me, I scratched at his hands trying to loosen them.

"Sophia!!" I heard Dean shout my name, I saw my dad and brother struggling to get loose from the Goons grasp.

"Jax! stop it, let her go!"  one of the men pulled Jax off of me, I fell to the floor and gasped for air.

I grabbed a  gun from one of the goons, still trying to catch my breath, I shakily got up of the floor and I aimed for the leader.

"I will kill you " their eyes were on me "Don't think I won't do it, I want you to know something, you will not ever lay a hand on me, you had a deal with my father to keep us safe, that includes me, and if you are the one to hurt us, then your breaking your deal aren't we?" I had the gun at his head. 

"You two let my dad go" They did as they were told and my dad came to me and got his own gun out. The other two just stood there with there hands in the air.

 "You won't shoot, you don't have the balls, besides you don't know the extent of our deal, your to be my wife, so unless you want to render your family week to my will, then go ahead it's your decision." He smirked, showing no fear. 

"Jax, you really know how to treat a girl" One of his men mumbled. "Hey, girl-"

"-her name is Sophia" Dean exclaimed to the man. 

"-Sophia, Jax, my leader is going to keep you safe as long as you go quietly, there's no need for all of this"

"From what I hear little one, you've been gone for years, so you aren't in the loop anymore" Jax grinned. 

He was right, I didn't know everything about there life yet, I only just got here, I don't know what is out there but if my dad is scared that's warning enough for me, but I swallowed and took the safety off the gun.

"How much you wanna bet?" I bit back. 

"Sophia stop this" Dean put his gun away hold my forearm. 

"Sophia, don't if you don't want us to get hurt, put the gun down " I looked at my brother his eyes pleading with mine.

"You should listen to your brother, he unlike you, think's for the better of his people"  I looked at Jax and began to move closer to me, taking the gun from my hands.

"Fine, I will go with you, only if you leave my family alone no threats nothing, and keep them safe, make good on your word" Jax nodded.

Jax walked out of the house "Let's go little one!" 

 Dean stood up and my dad walked towards us, this was goodbye. 

Another man walked in and looked at me "It's time to go" I nodded and I hugged my brother and my dad.

"I'm so sorry Sophia" my dad hugged me tighter. I let my tears fall

"It's okay I'm only doing this to keep you safe, just like you always kept me safe"

I wiped my tears and stepped away from the " I love you guys" They nodded and I grabbed my bag and turned towards the door.

"Soph, Be careful if he hurts you just call and we will call this deal off" I nodded and waved at them. I went outside and one of the men walked over to

"Boss says we'll be back for the rest" he directed this to my dad. 

"Miss you will be riding with me" I nodded at the man and followed him to one of his cars. I sat in the back and stared out the window and watched as my house got further and further away. My life made a Jurassic change in a matter of moments. I will get out of this, one way or another, I want my life go to hell. 

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